"Mama, I'm bored" Killua grumbled. A few more days had passed, and he was always so bored. There was nothing to do really, and his only mission was to protect Anya so as long as he stuck with her he was doing his job. However, usually that meant he had to sit with her for hours staring at a boring T.V program. Yor glanced away from the laundry she was folding to look at him. "huh?" Killua sighed. "school's boring!" he whined. Yor sighed, kneeling down. "well sweetie you have to study and get good grades and-" Killua held up his report card. "mama I have 90's in all my classes!"
Yor's eyes widened. "really? I didn't realize- I think you should get a reward for doing so good in your studies!" she said with a proud smile, scooping him up. Killua flushed a bit in embarrassment, he didn't like to be carried. "mamaaa" he grumbled. "put me down" Yor blinked, then set him down. "sorry sweetie, I forget" Killua looked at her. "I don't want a reward I want to be less bored at school!" Yor blinked. "really? No reward at all? Not even a trip to the candy shop a few blocks down? Killua huffed. "Nuh uh!" Yor thought for a moment. "well alright then. There are clubs, do you like sports?" The only thing killua could imagine is accidently losing control of his strength and either breaking something, or hurting someone.
"No" he said. Yor thought some more. "I can find a list of the clubs, give me a moment-" Yor grabbed her phone. Killua just waited for a bit, bored. "here" she said, leaning down and showing him a vast list of activities. "here, pick one!" Loid walked in. "what's going on here?" Killua took the phone and started scrolling, humming. Fencing, basketball, writing, arts and crafts- "Killua wants to join a club, is all. He's looking through his options" Killua didn't find anything interesting, until his eyes landed on one. "I want this one!" he said, clicking on it. Something I might actually struggle in too.
Loid hummed, taking it from him. "let's see" Yor peeked over his shoulder. "hm?" they both looked...very confused. Loid took his eyes off the phone, and they landed on killua's eager expression. "I think you clicked on the wrong one" Killua huffed. "no I didn't, I want to take that one!" Yor tilted her head a little. "really? Ballet?" Killua smiled. "Mhm!" Loid sighed. "Killua...Ballet is...usually for girls" he explained. Killua huffed. "so? I wear mama's make up and nobody scolded me" Yor's eyes widened. "H-Huh!? Wait- really? When!?" Loid looked a bit perplexed.
Killua let out a catlike smirk. "Mhm! I sneak into mama's purse and steal her eyeliner" he hesitated. "but- I put it back after!" Yor leaned closer. "now that you mention it- you are wearing eyeliner aren't you" she said. She giggled. "maybe that's why you get so many girls" killua huffed. He'd complained to Yor before about getting chased by Becky and a few other girls in his class. Becky wasn't the only one crushing on him, but she was the most annoying one. She also happened to be the hardest one to avoid because she always hung around Anya.
"I still don't think they'll allow you in the ballet club because of your gender" Loid said. Killua frowned. "if I can do it then why can't I?" Yor smiled. "I say let him try, I can get you anything you need. Let's see" she grabbed her phone again, looking through the requirements. Killua waited patiently, looking out the window. "So have you ever tried ballet?" Loid questioned. Killua glanced at him. "well- no, but I wanna try!" Loid sighed. "Ballet is more difficult than it seems Killua, not to mention that you'll have a disadvantage due to being a boy in a club designed for girls"
Killua thought for a moment. "well I can do this!" he said, bending backwards with his hands outstretched until they touched the ground. As his palms rested on the ground he kicked over and landed on his toes, looking at Loid eagerly. Loid looked slightly shocked. "that's...impressive, for your age" he muttered. Yor smiled. "you'll need a specific uniform and ballet shoes, but that's it! We'll need to see if there's any male options for uniforms" Killua flushed. "W-Wait- do I need those to go to the tryouts?" Yor blinked. "probably-", "M-Mama I don't want to wear a skirt" he mumbled. "it's called a tutu-", "I know! But it's still a skirt that'll be so embarrassing!"
Yor laughed. "I'm sure if you just bring a leotard and tights they'll understand Kil" Killua froze. "H-Huh?" Yor started to repeat herself, but Loid frowned. "are you alright Killua?" why are my emotions being so weird? Yor's eyes widened. "A-Are you ok sweetie!?" she hugged him. Killua snuggled into her. "I'm sorry...I don't like that nickname..." he mumbled. Yor teared up a little. "I'm so sorry sweetie! How about this, I can get you some chocolate bars at the store today" Killua smiled. "Okay" He didn't understand why his brain kept making him act like that. It was like...he was less tolerant to trauma. That's not good, it might impair my mission-
Yor stroked his hair and he felt himself relax into her. He felt....really tired. "there there" she murmured. "Sleepy.." he was gently carried into his room and laid down, then softly tucked into bed. Killua snuggled into the plush of a frog that Loid had given him as a gift the day they adopted him. He'd seen Killua staring at it in a store window and surprised him with it later. Killua slowly closed his eyes, the murmuring barely reaching his ears. "I'm sorry...", "it's not your fault Yor", "someone in his old family must've called him that...maybe his parents? That's probably why it made him sad", "I still wond..."
The chattering faded as killua's consciousness slipped from him, and he slowly drifted into a soft, dreamless sleep.
1003 words
To be continued...
so, warning for the next chapter.
i know NOTHING about ballet, and i wrote the next chapter all in one sitting from 9:30 to 10 pm so dont expect a masterpiece shippers XD its 10:30 now, i think I'm gonna head off to bed. although when you read this it'll be more like 6 am in my time. man im rambling, anygays im still open to suggestions!
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