(Marks POV)
"Can you pass me some more Correl Roots?" asked Esmeralda. "Sure thing" I replied and grabbed her the jar filled with the root. "Do you have more orders coming in?" I asked her, Esmeralda is a potion supplier to a couple major witch doctors. "Yes and Dr.Tibbly is asking for more cast-away potions then usual, same order from Dr.ShadowCrest." "But didn't you supply them a few weeks ago? You gave them enough to last a couple months." "Yes I did, but their in need of more." "Did they explain why?" "Well Tibbly told me that somebody stole his shipment, and ShadowCrest said she had too many patients. She ended up using all of the potions. It'll keep me busy for awhile, your done for now." She told me. I told her I take a stroll in the words, it's what I mainly did here.
Esmeralda was the one experimented on me, yes I shouldn't be living with her. But she did save my life 10 years ago.
I was walking though the forest seeing if I could find anything to kill for food. My dad said I would have to hunt alone this time, so I can get the rhythm of hunting for food myself because I will have to one day. I came across a stream that lead to our cabin, I was looking for tracks until something caught my eye. I found tracks alright, but they were far too big for an animal. I then realized that they were shoe prints, and there different ones as well. I knew it wasn't my parents because my dad was busy fixing the cabin roof and my mom was doing a deep clean inside the cabin. "Shit" I said aloud and followed the tracks as quickly as I could. As I was getting closer to the cabin, I heard multiple gunshots being fired. "SHIT!"
I ran to the cabin as fast as I could run. When I got to the cabin all the windows were busted and the door was broken down. I barged in and saw a limp figure on the ground, I walked closer to it. I examined the body and saw that it was my mom, on the ground, covered in blood with a bullet. Then I heard another gunshot from up stairs. My instincts said run, but my reasoning said "go look", I was about to head up stairs till I heard footsteps coming down the steps slowly. I was frozen in fear. "Look there's another one boys, shoot 'em!" Said a gruffly voice. I ran out of there as fast as I could, I had no idea to were I was running to though. I stopped for a bit so I could catch my breath. I lost them sort of but I can hear their voices getting closer. I was ready to make a break for it again, until a old lady appeared before me. I was so confused, I just stood there in disbelief. My parents told me that witches/witch doctors were true but I didn't expect to ever see one. She grabbed my arm and snapped her fingers and we vanished out of thin air.
(End of flashback)
I continued walking in the forest and I noticed a doe not that far away from me. I stalked up behind and jumped at the animal. I landed on it awkwardly and it looked like I was humping the thing. But I wasn't, I whipped out my knife and killed it. Ya you could call me a whimp for not turning into a wolf and fucking devour the thing, but I had a problem with turning into my wolf. It clashes with my vampire side and it hurts like hell with me trying to transform into it. Same thing goes for my vampire side, they just clash constantly and it takes a toll on me.
I carried it back to the 'small cabin in the big woods'. "I'm back and I brought a doe!" I said laying it down on the skinning table. "Hey Mark there is someone I would like you to meet." Esmeralda called from the living room. I walked in the room and there was a stranger sitting across the coffee table. This man had blondish-brown hair with kind brown eyes, he had a strange scent to him to. I didn't want to be weird, rude, or suspicious so I just left a mystery. "Mark this is Aaron, he is a close friend and client of mine." Esmeralda said. He stood up "Nice to meet you-" he said holding his hand out for a hand shake "-I'm Aaron as Esmeralda has said." He said smiling. I shook his hand in return to, once again, be polite. He also had a foreign accent I had assumed was British. "Mark I probably should've told you this sooner, but your going to have to live with Aaron for a few weeks."
"W-Wh-" "Now before you protest let me tell you the situation. A few clients of mine are going to be coming in and being here for some weeks. They have no idea that you exist, and that is a good thing because if they do found out... Shit is going to go down." Wow I never heard her say an actual cuss word before, she must mean business. "The only other living creature who knows about your existence is Aaron. I've known him for about 200+ years, he is a loyal, kind, trustworthy friend. So that's why I chose him to take care of you." She said sternly. "But how do you know, I mean you say that but I do I believe you?" I questioned her, I knew she wasn't lying but I wanted to double check. "Just let you know that we were dating ages ago." My mouth dropped wide open, how can somebody get down with a bucket of wrinkles and bad bronchitis and arthritis. "We did, I still have a photo." He gave me a picture, I was wrong about what I said earlier. She was a very pretty woman back then, she make-up on and was rocking the Victorian style. I gave him the picture back. But I was confused on what she said, how can this guy be so young if he was dating her back in the early 1800's? "Oh by the way if your wondering, I am a vampire. That's how I knew her for so long." He replied. "And I know what your actually are, and your not the first one I've came across either." I was shocked when he said this "So there was another one like me?" I asked. "Ya it was a rumor though, but it did eventually turned out to be true. They hunted him down and killed him right away once they found him." "Did you know him personally?" "Ya because that person was my brother..." He went silent after that. "Oh, I'm sorry that I asked" I apologized "that's ok." I decided not to asks anymore questions. "Mark now go pack up and make it look like no one else lived here." Esmeralda told me. "Yes ma'am."
I wen to my room and grabbed all my clothes and my valuables that just being 2 books and a picture me and Esmeralda. She used to live in the city till she couldn't really do anything witchy. There was to many people to witness and they might get The Hunters to kill her so we just moved into the woods. I walked back to the main room, "Alright I have everything." I gave Esmeralda a hug. This was the first time in 10 years that I ever been away from her. "You be good now." She told me, "Alright Mark lets go." Aaron said.
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