Chapter 12
Victoria's POV
"Well at the end of the month, Wagner is hosting a fundraiser at his home. It is a way of throwing people of his scent. The fundraiser is there to help people think that he is a good hearted businessman, and it had worked so far. It is a masquerade ball, his daughter loves those," Ryan explained.
"So the ball is our cover. There will be a lot of people and he won't be able to keep track of everybody. But how do we get in the doors?" Jaydan asked.
"Well the doors are heavily guarded and the lock is unbreakable. The only way in is if Wagner invites you inside or you can get the key," Toby explained.
"How do I get him to invite me inside?" I asked.
"That we don't know," Toby said with a sigh.
"What do you know about this man? Hobbies? What he likes?" Jaydan asked.
"My spy inside said that she saw them carrying crates into the basement room, it could be guns but I doubt he would bring work to his home," Ryan said.
"And I saw him at a lot of art auctions," Toby said.
"Your spy inside, did she see a lot of art in the house?" I ask.
"Yes, but she was an art major and said that although the art seemed real, it was fakes. It looked expensive, but it was fake," Ryan said.
"That's strange because the art he bought at the auctions were real valuable pieces," Toby said with a frown.
"I guess we now know what he keeps in that room," Jaydan said as he gave me a grin.
"I think I have an idea on how to get inside, but for it to work, I need some information," I said as a plan formed in my head.
"Tell me what you need and I can get it," Toby said with a smirk, very confident in his abilities.
"I need you to find a well known armsdealer, someone with a wife, preferably. Someone Wagner has heard about, but has never seen before. Someone he would like to do business with," I said.
"I'm on it," Toby said before he left the room.
"What are you thinking?" Jaydan asked as he gave me a contemplative look.
"I have an idea, but it depends on what Toby can find out," I said.
"Mind sharing it with us?" Ryan asked as he leaned closer in his chair.
"You said he is an art enthusiast, and if we can find a well known armsdealer with a wife I can pretend to be the armsdealer's wife who loves art. If he knows who I am he would maybe allow me to see the art with the promise that I talk to my husband about entering into business with him. He might take me down there to look at the art while we discuss business," I explained.
"But he won't leave you down there on your own with his art," Jaydan said.
"He might not, but he will if there is a situation that draws his attention away," I said.
"A good distraction. Toby can be the distraction," Jaydan said.
"Exactly. I can then copy all the information on my memory stick and then you can come get the memory stick and tie me up, so that I can play the part of the innocent bystander." I said.
"This is a crazy plan, but I like it," Ryan said.
"We will have to work out all the details, but I guess we have a month to focus on the finer details," Jaydan said and we all agreed. The plan I had still needed a lot of planning but it was worth the shot.
"Then I guess we only have to wait and see what information Toby could get," Ryan said. Our whole plan was based on the information that Toby found and I hope that he could find what we were looking for.
While we waited for Toby to get the information we were looking for, Jaydan and I took a walk outside to clear our thoughts.
"Vic, if the plan works and we get to go home, are you still going to marry me?" Jay asked out of blue.
"Of course," I said as I turned to face him,"Jay, if I didn't want to marry you or be with you I would've stayed at home and I wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to find you. And besides, I'm wearing this," I said as I showed him my left hand.
"Good, because I still want to marry you when this is all over," he said.
"But if the plan fails?" I ask. I didn't really want to know the answer to that question, but failing in this mission was a possibility and we had to have a back up plan in case things didn't turn out like we planned it.
"Then we change our names and we run. We can find a small town to settle down at where people won't think twice about us. But whatever happens, I know that we will get through it if we stick together," he said as he pulled me close.
"But what about our parents? Mine will forever believe I'm dead and yours will never know where you are," I said.
"We'll figure something out. But for now lets focus on what we have to do to get out of this mess and if it fails then we will think of another plan," Jaydan said and I agreed.
Jay and I've been through a lot, but we got through things together, so as long as we are together, we can face anything.
By the time dinner was ready, Toby was still not back and Ryan, Jaydan and I ate our dinner while making small talk. It seemed like Jaydan trusted Ryan a bit more, but I knew it was going to take some time before he would trust him completely.
After dinner Jaydan and I retired to his room where we watched a few movies. We wanted something to distract ourselves from everything that was going on and a movies was just the solution.
For a few hours everything felt normal. We could forget about everything and only focus on the present.
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