Chapter 4
Joseph's POV
It's been 5 days since Zelda and the others brought E01 back. I stick a needle into the umbreon's scruff. I finally have the chance to fix my daughter, but the tests were unsuccessful. I had my Bronzor use hypnosis on the umbreon so I could take some of his blood. What I found in the other tests was numerus of things. None of it will be worth making into a serum. I'll keep up the testing till I find what I am looking for. I pull the needle out of the scruff of the umbreon's neck and walk over to microscope.
As I look into the microscope at the strands of DNA and cells, I hear that sickening sound of breaking bones behind me. "Father, what are you doing?" I hear Cake ask. I turn to face her only to see that her feet stayed as a Leafeon's. "What is happening....." I spoke to myself as I examined her feet. She wore a pink T-shirt and purple sweatpants since she can sometimes control her transformations. I soon learn the her DNA and E01's are fusing further beyond my knowledge. If I don't cure her soon, she'll be a fusion of all eight eeveeultions. "Sweetheart, tell your brother and sister that I'll be back in a few days. I need to do something." Yes, something indeed. I return Bronzor to its pokeball and put on a trench coat to conceal my gun. I walk out of the mansion and head to town.
Cake's POV
I watched father disappear into the woods from the laboratory window. I never really understood why these woods kept us safe for so long but that doesn't matter right now. I look around my father's workplace to find something to play with. I see the umbreon from before in the chromium cage that father uses for when Shade is on an outrage. The umbreon was snoring pretty loud, probably loud enough to scare a flock of spearows. I tap the bars lightly with a metal pen I found nearby. A soft ding rung in the laboratory as the umbreon groaned and sat up. "Jewel how many times do I have to tell you, no playing your triangle while I'm sleeping....oh thats right...I am still in this cage." The umbreon said with annoyance. I was about to say hello when I felt my bones crack and reform. It's painful and not painful at the same time. After I transformed, I looked at my paws and saw that I am now a Glaceon. The umbreon turned and looked at me. "Uh, hi?" He seems unsure where I came from and what the noise was. That is good. "I'm Cake. I am friends with Zelda, Umbra, Shade, and Dim. Other known as your siblings." He just stares taking it in. "So they are clones after all..." I nod and open the cage door. "Let's play! Father won't be home for a few days." The umbreon casually stepped out and asked "Can we go outside?" I shook my head. Father gets worried that if I go outside because he thinks I'll be kidnapped. The umbreon sighs and follows me to the play room.
Joseph's POV
These dense woods, they always had a certain feeling to them. A feeling that gives outsiders that unsettling sense of being watched. I'm still a few hours away from town. It'll probably take till nightfall to reach it. As I walked, I went through theories to explain why my daughter's feet didn't change back. "It could be the rich quality of E01's DNA that is causing her's to mutate, but the still doesn't explain why it was a leafeon's feet. Maybe it the old eevee Dna that is causing it. That would explain why she can change to all of the evolutions, and the fact that she has leafeon feet too. If I can find some original eevee DNA in E01, I will be able to test this theory." I stopped in my step when I heard a bush rustle nearby. I clench my gun but still kept it hidden. I shift my eyes back and forth looking for the source of the sound. "Esp?" I here a quiet voice behind me. I turned around to see a espeon eyeing me. "Oh...it's just a wild pokemon." I loosen my grip on the gun and pull my hand out from the trench coat. I was about to leave when I heard a voice in my head. "I'm not a wild pokemon." I look back at the espeon. "Names Lela from the pokemon leauge. We received a distress signal from one of our member's house a few days ago. A Umbreon was kidnapped and a Popplio was traumatized. She said that something that resembled a living nightmare broke in and took the umbreon."
I silently swore and shook my head. "That Shade..." I whispered to myself. The Espeon heard and got into an attack stance. "So you're the culprit?!" If I was to battle her with bronzor, she'll win. I only have one option. "Bronzor use hypnosis." I released it from the pokeball and saw the espeon fall to her side. The hypnosis hit its mark. I picked the eeveelution up and slung her over my shoulder. "I'll put you with E01 then." I turned and started back to the manson.
To be continued~
Author Note:
What is Joseph up too? Why is Cake permanently changing into the eeveeultions?
Theorize in the comments
This was more about Joseph and the cure. Next chapter would most likely be about the siblings and the clones. Who knows, maybe we can take a peek at one of these companies that are after Joseph's research and daughter.
Anyway... Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one will be out sometime next week.
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