Chapter 11
Max's POV
Matt's ghost first appeared a few days after his death, when my parents were out to a department in the magic world to finish some administrative stuff regarding his death. I was alone at home in that time, and we were so worried that they'd come after us actually, to a point which we secretly cast a spell on our house to make the whole house invisible, along with those in it. My father did that, he's a powerful sorcerer. And me, I don't know a lot of spells like Harry Potter, but I guess I know enough to keep me alive. Whatever. That night, my parents were still out and I was alone at home, sitting in Matt's room. I started tearing up as I see his belongings- his glasses, his books, his room- his room was so organised, neat and tidy. The only thing missing was him. His eyes were open when he died... he must had suffered great pain... ugh...
The pain was eating me from the inside, I was hurting. Like hell. The loss of a close and loved family member... so unexpectedly...
All of a sudden, I felt a gust of wind blow in from the living room. But the windows were shut tight.
"What on earth is going on?" I thought to myself tiredly. I dragged myself up to the living room to check what was the cause of the wind.
I blinked several times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Floating in the living room was Matt... and he's in black and white. Just like in the old photos, and his legs um... kind of shrank into a tail...? You get what I mean.
"Matt, is that you?" I cried out.
"Max. I can't stay for long and I need to tell you something now before it gets too late," he floated to me and said in his normal voice. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say- and I was hearing his voice again! Just when I thought I could never...
"Matt, don't go. Don't leave," I pleaded.
"It's the rules. I have to go soon, and I'm here to tell you something really important about the SEO," he ignored me and started talking.
I looked at him, tilting my head. My mind was blank and I didn't even know what to think. Tears streamed down my cheek like crazy.
"Prove that you're Matt!" I stepped back and yelled, crying, and pointing my wand at him, as if I were defending myself from an ogre. I was frowning so hard and nearly going delirious.
"You peed your pants at Lunerra, okay?!" He sighed. "Look, Max, I know you're upset that I'm gone, but we really don't have much time left! After I died, an angel came up to me and asked if I had anything really important that I wanted to do before I go to heaven. I told it that I wanted to do something to help my family and friends one last time. It approved of my request and gave me 3 days and a half to do my business."
"Then? What was it?!" I cried weakly and put down my wand. It was all too much for me to take in. "Why are you coming now? Why didn't you come when mum and dad were here?"
"Listen to me!" He scowled. "I could only choose one person to see, and I chose you! So will you listen to me now?"
"Fine," I sighed deeply. I didn't have any energy left to shout.
"I know we all hate the stupid SEO," he started talking seriously.
"And what can we do about it?" I was confused, and asked with my palms folded outwards.
"The SEO in Hong Kong is actually not that powerful... at least from what I saw," he replied and looked at me in the eyes.
"From what you saw? What did you see? What do you mean?" I started questioning him non-stop again.
"I went to the SEO after I died and explored every part of it."
"Why did you do that?" I still couldn't believe it. It just didn't make any sense to me.
"To help us all have revenge! And get what we deserve!" He barked. "We are powerful sorcerers, and we're being ruled by incompetent humans? We are the stronger ones here! Not to mention werewolves... ghouls... they're even more powerful. But what are we all doing here? To live under the shadow of these filthy humans? It's got to be changed!"
I couldn't believe what I had heard. I understand that Matt was angry and all that he got killed, but...
"You're talking like Voldemort!" I yelped.
"And what's wrong with that? What's wrong with my concept?" He snapped. "This world hasn't been fair to us!"
"What are you trying to say?" I asked weakly, not knowing what to think or say.
"I've learnt the weakness of the SEO. Their headquarters are on an outlying island as everyone knows, and it's a 10-storey building in the shape of a square," he started explaining. "There are north, east, south and west wings, and the construction is surrounded by a metal net with electricity of 500k megawatts running through it every second, to prevent the locked up ones from running away."
"Wow. What about their weakness?" I enlarged my eyes, what he said was nearly unbelievable to me.
"You see, they're humans, and all their stuff works based on the law of physics."
"And how does that contribute their weakness?" I questioned sceptically. It's not like I didn't trust my own brother, but the thing is that, I don't think the SEO can have such a fatal weakness. That way, they'd be fulminated by the society. At least, that was what I thought. Turns out I was completely wrong.
"Their stuff work on science. They need electricity for their entire building to run," he started talking excitedly. "And their elec box is on the fifth floor of their building."
"You sound like a spy," I chuckled. It was the first time I laughed in days.
"Well, what I'm trying to say is that you should just find some of your wizard friends, and find a way inside the headquarters, maybe turn into one of them or whatever. Switch off the electricity or even destroy the whole box, then the lasers and all those electronic locks will be completely futile."
"That sounds sick in the head, Matt!" I couldn't believe what I just heard and I frowned.
"You're not shot in the head yet, so you wouldn't get it!" He barked. "Don't let mom and dad know that I'd been here. And don't say a single word about what I just told you. They're peace advocates, a.k.a. cowards!"
I took a deep breath. I seriously couldn't take this.
"Max, time is running out and I'll have to go soon. Avenge me, please," he said softly.
"Don't forget what I told you. And don't forget me."
"I'd never forget you!" I cried.
"Good. You've always been a nice brother, goodbye, Max," he waved me goodbye as he started fading.
"No! Don't go! Please, stay! Even if it's just a while, please!" Tears rolled down my face again as I saw him fade away.
"You should learn to accept it, baby brother," he smiled sadly. At that point I could only see his collarbones and his head. The rest of his body had faded away.
I tried to catch him, but of course that didn't work.
"Matt!" I yelled in frustration as I fell to the floor and cried hysterically.
What happened afterwards, I can't remember. All that I know is that Matt's final wish was for me to avenge him.
That was 3 years ago. Throughout these 3 years, I'd always borne in mind what Matt told me. I begged for my parents to send me to Pogia or Nokwerth, but they insisted that I finish my "studies" first. So I chose engineering in university. To learn more about how electricity and related stuff work. That would definitely help me when I sneak into the SEO one day.
And that day will come soon, I say to myself as I look up to the blue sky.
20/9/2018. SEO cells.
Scarlet's POV
I don't know what to think.
They got me a few days ago, I suppose. It's hard to keep track of time in here.
They injected tranquilliser into my body after they dragged me onto their van and I passed out. They slapped me and poured me with ice cold water until I regained consciousness when we arrived where I am now. They took me to a blue room which was radiated with strong sunlight, which instantly corroded my skin very badly. They burnt a serial code into my wrist. My number is 180202321.
It was excruciating. But what hurts more, is what happened when I arrived the cells.
I saw Violet.
A/N : did you enjoy this chapter? I really hope you did :) please vote for it and comment if you've enjoyed it! It motivates me to update more often XD
Stay tuned for the next chapter!
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