Chapter One
My alarm had gone off about the same time I had woken up. I've been sleep deprived for three days now. All because of the same nightmare. My wish to rid every paranormal, till I die. Now being immortal that is rather difficult now. How annoying.
I sat up from my twin sized bed. Which is covered by black cased pillows. Black sheets, and a throw. A white crescent moon, circling a yellow sun. My mattress laid on a pale oak bed frame.The carpet a wine red. Bookshelfs on the wall in front of the mattress, that stacked over the half circle window. The walls painted a dark violet. A large table with a built in mirror to the right. My walk in closet right beside the mirror.
I sat up and stretched, my black hoodie covered my toned abs, the basketball shorts were a white. A hammy down from VanGuard.
I slid out of bed and walked right over to the mirror. Picking up a hairbrush and calmly stroking the black knee length locks. After I was done, I then calmly braid it. Nothing too fancy, not that I really cared. I then dip a facial paint brush into liquid black eyeliner. Before stroking I look into the mirror and stare at the crescent moon, that wrapped my right brow. My mark of power. Given to me by VanGuard, "Hell's Gate." I mutter. I then stroke, a small wing extending past the ends of my eyes. Then black eyeshadow followed. As I looked into the mirror again, I nearly scared myself. Without the make up my eyes were piercing enough, but with some shading. It seemed well lit and more deadly. A blood piercing red.
I then stood from the mirrored desk and walk over to my walk in closet. I slid of my pajamas and throw them into the hamper. I then pick out black slit up skinny jeans. A black skin tight undershirt. Then I slid on my knife holsters and my worn down leather jacket. Still speckled with dried blood. Then my biker gloves with silver spiked studs on the knuckles.. And finally my black knee high converse. I grab my brown leather messenger bag from England back in 1804 and descend out of my room to the real world.
My room is linked by a key I with hold to help me home. At any door I choose. It was called the Infinity Key. I can slide it into the lock, unlock it and then walk into my room.
Todays door of choice, well more like forced was San Antonio High. As I relock my locker door I see the Rattler CourtYard.
"I see you late again Miss. Wall." Said a voice.
I turn and see the Principal in charge of this cursed obsessed school. He was a short man, five seven. Dirty blonde hair and brown mud colored eyes. He wore khakis and a blue navy wool vest. Red tie and a white tee.
"It won't happen again Mr. Malvorn." I growl out. Although he's a chicken dancing in front of dogs, he's the only one who doesn't call me a witch. He sighed and shooed me off. I didn't need any encouragement. I hated the man.
I continued my way to first hearing things such as, "Witch," or "She'll curse you." I keep on walking however I kept on walking. I felt no sympathy for the arrogant and foolish morons, called humans. All because the most popular girl was murdered. When she's no longer in their conversation I'll disappear to them.
Looking ahead to my route I notice a male who bumped right into me. I felt a sudden wave of magic coming from him. Almost slithering across my skin. He was an inch or so taller than me six three at least. His hair was a very pale blonde, almost a white. His eyes however told a more darker story. Baby blue almost white, with a dark blue ring surrounding the pupil. "Oh pardon me." He said voice rugged and yet so calming. It disgusted me to my very core.
"Watch out human!" I snap walking right by him. His tee shirt and blue jean pants not near the more important. I continued on through the halls. Not caring if people spread rumors, not caring if the humans dare attack me. Humanity nothing but ill willed and cowardly.
"Earth down by stud foals." Said Sebastian as he 'woke' from his sleep. Even though they never can. It was always entertaining. He would say the most random things. However my focus was thinking of the possible location or locations of the abnormal ghoul. Ghouls are ranked from one to three.
Ones. Are moving, rotting corpses.
Twos. Ghouls controlled by the paranormal creature called a vampire.
Threes. Are there own soul, there on body. They have the capability to hide their true nature, and they can survive months at a time after killing and eating a human.
I was hoping for a two, or maybe a three. Something entertaining.
My phone then vibrated in my back jean pocket. I answer. "To what creature calls me?" I ask annoyed.
"I have a feeling you know exactly who." He replied. I stopped and nearly responded. Then I take the nearest exit outside. It was VanGuard, my brother. The angel who had saved me back in the 18th century.
"It's about time you called. I was getting rather bored just sitting and only hunting off one ranked ghouls." I reply, people staring. He chuckled. It still sounded so joyful, even if the joy was yanked out of his soul. As mine was years ago.
"We have a few vampires, two or three ghosts and your absolute favorite," He paused sarcasm dripping from his perfect lips I imagined from memory. "HellHounds. Pick your poison."
My fingers twitched on my side. It's been a week since a good hunt.
"Sina?" He asked.
"I'll take the mission, don't wait up." I hang up the phone and inhale deeply feeling my eyes dilate as I opened them. "Game, Set and Match."
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