chapter 9 | Playful
< why the fuck did you ask her to send you one? ]
[ are you serious rn? >
< she told me you sent her some videos of you jerking off and asked her to send you nudes or else you'd give fake evidence of her cheating ]
[ bro. Ask our best friends I'd never do that I can show you our conversations if you want, I don't give a fuck about her, I hate your girl, and you know it. So dont fucking tell me you believe her over me >
< she showed me a video that was in your chat and how disgusting you were. That was your name, how am I supposed to trust you? ]
[ i swear if you think that of me and don't believe me, our friendship is over Minhyuk. I'm not kidding. You know more than anyone that I'd never do such a thing. Shes the one who sent me her nudes when I didn't even talk to her, and she came up to me this afternoon begging me to not open it because it was "an accident"! She's a bitch! What do we have to do to make you realize it?! >
At the sight of 'Nounours' message, I leave this chat that only gets me mad, and I hurry to open it and cross my fingers to not see anything disappointing.
< hey, are you not coming? ]
I look around me, wondering why she is sending me this.
[ I am, I'm waiting for you at a table. Are you here? >
< oh, I checked in a room but didn't see you so I've been waiting in front of the door for you ]
[ really? I didn't even see you and I got here just a few seconds ago >
< I'm coming lmao it's fine ]
I do not answer her anymore but set my eyes on the doors to wait for her to step inside, but nothing happens.
"Hey," she startles me, and I turn towards her at the sound of her soft voice. "Hey," I move the food to the side to let her have some space, and she sits down next to me. "I think we weren't talking about the same doors," she laughs, both realizing we did not come from the same entrance. "Oh, I guess so. That's why," I smile and look at the drinks I brought while she is taking her stuff out.
"I got you this," I slide one of the two cups to her, with the bag inside which the cookies are. "You can eat both if you want."
"Oh, thank you so much, you didn't have to," she grabs the drink and reads the note to know what flavor it is. "A cookie and cream?" her mouth opens, and she glances at me. "This one is so good, thank you."
"No problem, I'm glad to know you like it," I grab mine but lean it towards her. "Do you want to try this one?"
She sips on her drink as her hands are opening the bag, and I lick my lips. "This one is vanilla and chocolate chip ice cream Frappuccino," I tell her in case she might ask, and she nods, so I move the straw up to her lips and let her take a sip.
Her adorable reaction makes me understand she loves it. "This one's good too," she smiles and gazes inside the bag. "Gosh. They're still warm," she bites her lips and gets one out, but she hands me the other. "It's for you."
"Sure?" I do not take it right away, willing to leave it for her. "Yeah, one is enough," she agrees, so I grab it and eat with her. "Thank you."
"No, thanks to you. You're the one who bought them," she bites into it and makes sure she does not leave too many crumbs on the table. Since I noticed it, I flatten the bag and put it under her hands to let her eat in a comfortable manner, and she thanks me.
Not wanting to make a mess either, I move back and use one hand under my mouth when I take a bite.
"When did you get them?" she asks me, and I lay my eyes back on her. "Just before coming here. It took me a few seconds."
"Oh okay," she sips on the drink and opens her book in front of her while I am chilling and eating my snack.
"How was your day?" I swallow what is in my mouth, and she removes her lips from the straw. "It was great, I did not have too much difficulty with the lessons. What about you?" she looks at me. "I had a good day. Just unnecessary drama that pissed me off."
"Really? What happened?" she does not show any bother but cares to know more about this, so I explain, loving the fact she is interested in listening to me. "You know Gayoon, right?" I mention this disgusting girl, and she confirms that she does. "Well, she made up some stuff and got her boyfriend, who is my best friend, or was, I don't even know, and now he hates me because he thinks I tried to flirt with her and all when she is the one always flirting and being inappropriate."
"I noticed that Hojun and Kimoon don't seem to like her," she chuckles, surely remembering what happened with the chocolate milk. "Yeah. They hate her too."
"I do too, to be honest. She's the type of girl I cannot stand," she shares the same feelings, relieving me. "I'm glad to know you think so," I finish my cookie and take a gulp of my drink. "Why does she act like that with you when she has a boyfriend though?"
I shrug. "I don't know. She finds me attractive? Or she knows I'm a bit popular with my Insta posts? I have no idea why she clings to me so much when she could do it to Kimoon."
"But Kimoon doesn't post the same content as you do," she points out. "So, she probably wants you because you're popular..."
"But why would she date one of my best friends then?" I wonder, not sure about this idea. "Maybe so that she could get closer to you. I don't know. It's hard to understand girls like that. Their logic is different from normal people's one."
I laugh at this remark that seemed to have left her chest. "You're right," I consume some more of my drink but suddenly remember something. "Hey. Wait a minute," I fix my eyes on her, keeping my lips close to my straw. "I almost forgot about that fight that has to happen. Did you try to erase it from my mind?"
She continues to gulp her cold Frappuccino down to ignore me, but the corners of her lips betray her and reveal the smile she is trying to not let me see. "I'm ready to fight, I'm telling you. Get this mouth away from the straw," I lean closer to her, playfully, but she giggles and grabs the cup to move back against the chair. "I was just joking because you're always mean to me."
"Mean? Me? That's not true," I shake my head, not accepting this statement. "Yes, it is. Liar."
"I'm a kind and soft man. What are you talking about? You're the mean one who hoped for me to spill coffee over my book, you brat," I do not spit fake evidence, but she giggles at my face in an adorable manner, shyly denying it now that she is facing me. "See. You don't even own up to it. Damn," I get back in a proper position to get my stuff on the table and get my laptop out.
"All right, you're a kind man because you bought me this drink and warm cookie that made me happy," she pleases me with better words, and the satisfaction draws its effect on my face. "I like to hear this better."
"But who erased the ink from your white sweater with her better pen? Uh?" she comes back with this argument she must have looked for in her head, and I look at her but drop my eyes on her rosy lips. "I don't know. Hojun is the only one who helped."
She gapes to express some shock and puts her drink down. "He made fun of you, but okay. I'm fine with it. I won't help you next time."
I chuckle since I know we are both playing with each other, and I stop being a moron to flirt with her.
I grab my phone again and check the text I received from Minhyuk but did not look at.
< im gonna ask to look into her phone ]
I do not respond but let him do what he wants.
7 pm.
"Hmm..." I stretch and keep as quiet as I can, feeling way better each time I release the tension in my muscles. "What do you think about this summary?" y/n makes me go back to the work I left more than ten minutes ago. I lean towards her and put my arm over the back of her chair to take a closer look at her book.
I read what she wrote, with my sleepy eyes, but revel in this moment, loving the scent of her fragrance and how pleasant it is to my senses. "It's good," I give her my opinion and look at her, wondering if I might make her nervous with this closeness.
"Sure?" she peeks at me without making eye contact. "What did you write on yours?" she reaches out for my book and turns it in her direction but leans towards it, getting our skins even closer to each other. I smile at this sudden action from her that I did not expect, and my eyes cannot hold back from landing on her neck, her face being too close for me to not love this.
I check the small pendant chain she is wearing, this one resting near her collarbones. "Don't judge my work, okay? I'm half awake right now," I lower my voice even more to whisper in her ear.
"Mine is better," she does the opposite of what I told her to do, smirking without even looking at me but touching the paper with the top of her pen. My tongue passes over my lip, knowing she is provoking me. "You really wanna fight, uh?" I poke her waist, but she twitches and goes back in her previous position to face her work. "We should go, the library's gonna close, so we cannot stay, too late for a fight," she tidies up, putting her stuff back in her bag, and I do so. "We can fight in the garden though. We'll be alone, we won't bother anyone."
She smiles but stands up and grabs her cup of coffee, so I follow her and take the trash we left to make sure to clear the table. "Are you trying to escape?" I walk with her towards the exit and throw the trash out, but she sips on her coffee and shakes her head.
I chuckle but get out of the room with her, and she throws her empty cup out but turns her head towards me, putting her hands inside the pockets of her teddy bear jacket. "Probably, then I'll work again. What about you?" I copy her actions without even realizing it, and once a smile brightens her features up even more, the same expression forms on my face. "I'll eat then work, but I'll sleep tonight," she does not plan it the same way as I do. "And I'll text you before sleeping this time," she adds as she must not have forgotten what I said this morning, and I laugh. "You better do."
"Or else what?" she raises her eyebrows at me. "Or else I come and haunt you in your dreams, got it?" I do not fear to lean in and approach my face from hers, but she does not flinch or move back. "I'll haunt yours then."
This reply does not make me react like I would want it to. If I was honest and bold enough to let my thoughts out, I would tell her that it is not a problem since that means I will dream of her, but that is creepy, way too soon to say such a thing, even if it is to joke. Knowing what is right at this moment, I give her a mere smile. "That won't be a dream but a nightmare then."
Her lips part out of shock, and she hits my arm. "That's mean as hell."
"Hey," I show some fake earnestness. "Are you picking up a fight right now?" I push her away but do it in a kind manner to not hurt her, but she comes back and gives me another punch, that is as soft as the first one was. "Yes, I am," she puts the other strap of her bag around her shoulder as if she was getting ready, so I send one small slap in her head while she is walking backwards to stand before me. "You know you don't stand a chance, right?"
"Who said I don't?" she slaps my cheek. "I'm maybe stronger than you," she tries to repeat this action on the other side of my face, but I catch her arm and poke her waist that seemed very sensitive earlier. Her body instantly twitches, and she giggles. "Not there, please. We said fighting."
"But I never said punching or slapping," I jab the same spot with my finger again, but she tries to avoid it and pitch my hand away. "Fine! You won," she throws her body against mine and grabs my hand while the other one is still holding her arm, preventing me from annoying her again. Feeling her curves against my body, her breasts pressing onto my torso, her warmth, those make me feel so weak. "I lost. Let's end it here."
"But I want to keep going," I lower my hand to make her believe I am going to do this again, but she jerks her body to the side and laughs, tightening her cute hold on me. "Don't, please. I'm really sensitive there."
I look into her eyes without saying anything about this sentence, and I let go of her. "I leave you alone this time, but don't test me again."
"I won't," she steps back and runs her fingers through her soft hair. "You gotta sleep now, so see you tomorrow if you go to the library," she already tells me goodbye, and I deal with it. "Yeah. I'll be there. I'm not gonna leave you alo—"
"Kook! Do you wanna join us?" a familiar voice echos through the garden, and we both look in that direction. "We're both going to hang out for a little longer," Hojun asks me as Kimoon gazed at y/n. "I...No, I gotta study and—" a slap in my face catches me off guard, and in one single second, I see this little, bratty girl run away. I chase her without thinking twice and try to catch her, but she rushes into the building I do not have the right to enter, and she whirls around right when I bump into the glass doors. She taunts me behind this protection and goes away, so I take my phone out but turn towards my friends. "I need to study, guys, I can't go out tonight, I'm sorry."
"Did you just get humiliated by this girl?" he points his fingers where she was, and I hide the pain inside. "Shut up," I walk away, and I text this brat.
[ YOU- you don't know what you just did. I won't stop tomorrow! I'll keep on going until you can't take it anymore and beg me! >:C >
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