chapter 7 | Argument
This is from her.
< hello, yes I am. I just left my room. Did you sleep well? ]
[ Ah, good morning then. I did, what about you? >
< I did too. I'm sorry for not texting you before going to bed, I fell asleep a bit earlier than expected... ]
[ it's fine. I knew you'd forget me;-; >
< no don't say that😭 I thought about texting you the whole time but then I was 'okay let's wait to not bother him already' and I ended up falling asleep I swear ]
[ I believe you, I believe you:) >
< it sounds fake ]
[ because it is >
< I'll text you nonstop tonight then so that you won't make me feel bad ]
[ I'm joking lmaoo I know you're telling the truth. I just like to tease you >
< I noticed since the beginning. I hope you didn't spill coffee on your book last night again though, no matter how happy that would make me to know that karma did its work ]
[ 😦 >
[ wow. Now you're mean >
[ okay, let's see that in the library >
< what about drawing class? ]
[ true, I don't even have to wait to fight you. See you in a few min:) >
< 😂 ]
"She seems to make you smile a lot," Kimoon mentions what must have been seen on my face the whole time while texting her. I glance up but nibble on my straw and drink. "She's even cuter in person, I swear."
"Hey, guys!" Hojun joins us a bit later than usual, entering the conversation. "Hey, did you forget to wake up?" Kimoon tucks his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, and this smaller guy does not even lie. "I did. The asshole I have as a roommate came back at three a.m., and I couldn't fall asleep again before six because of him."
"Three in the morning? What the fuck was he doing?" he widens his eyes, and Hojun shrugs. "I don't know, bro. He's a piece of shit, but anyway, did you have a good time with y/n?" he nudges my arm, and I nod. "I did."
"Did you go to her room after studying?" he already takes things too far, and I give him a frown. "No, I didn't. We barely know each other."
"Yeah, but we never know...with a can be lucky..." he forgets that it is not something I want from a girl, so I remind this dumbass. "I don't want to just fuck her."
"But you want to do it. If you tell me otherwise, I won't believe y—"
"Don't say that," Kimoon speaks before I could, combing his hair back. "I'm not saying anything bad, but we're all like that. She probably wants to have sex too because that's how we feel when we're attracted to someone," he explains himself, being right, even though he kind of bothered me. "Yes, but I just didn't like the way you said it," Kimoon shrugs and looks down at his phone. "Well...I won't say that again..."
The end of my drink being swallowed, I move away from my friends to head to a trashcan, but I look at my surroundings while doing so to get to see if y/n is here. My eyes make fast to find her, so I throw my empty drink out but go back to where I was.
"Do you have an Onlyfans account?" Hojun asks him, their conversation drifting to something completely different. "No. I don't like that platform."
"Oh, and what about you?" he directs his eyes towards me, and I shake my head. "No, but I've been thinking about making one, to be honest."
"I heard from a lot of people that it's really great to make a lot of money, and with the type of content you have on Instagram, you'd definitely earn a lot quickly," he thinks like I do, aware of the likes and attention I have there because of my pictures. I know that a lot of girls or guys would pay for more than a simple picture of my body.
"It's still shitty to me," Kimoon gives his opinion on this as he seems to despise it. "It's just some online prostitution, and you're never sure that the people on it are not minors who lie about their age."
"That's the same with porn, you're never sure that it's consensual, or that the girl is not a minor, you know," he does not say something dumb for once, and I do believe the same. "Yeah, but it's different. You don't interact with the people who do porn. Here, you need to pay to see, you can ask for a certain type of content, which means there is proof. I just hate how sexualization is so normalized nowadays."
"I don't know, I don't hate it, but yeah, it depends...It can be a great way for people to make money easily," he does not know how to answer to this, hearing in Kimoon's voice that he does not like the content we can find there. "As long as it's not explicit like pornographic, I'm a bit okay with it, but I'm sorry, I'd never want to date a girl who sucks dicks, fingers herself, has sex in front of a camera, and exposes that to every guy who wants to jerk off to her."
"Seriously?" he cannot hide his astonishment. "Yeah. I hate it. I'd lose all my feelings for a girl if I ever come across that type of content with her. Some guys don't mind it, but I do."
"But what if that's something she recorded for a guy but that ended there?" he changes the whole topic. "That's totally different. In this case, this is for a guy in particular, and that asshole used it, it's not like selling some explicit content of you touching yourself like 'here's my body, satisfy your sexual needs with it' for everyone."
"You're lucky we're your bros, 'cause if we were girls, you'd be hated like ever right now," he says without keeping quiet about this matter while I am not talking anymore to not share my point of view on this. "I don't care. I'm just giving my opinion, I'm not judging girls who do that, I just say that I'd never date one like them because I hate it and don't want someone like that. If they get mad over someone's opinion because they feel attacked, that's not my problem."
"I feel like you need to be lucky to find a girl who doesn't do that these days, just saying. So that's dumb to not want someone because of that, but that's your opinion as you say," he does not go against it or criticizes him. "Come on...Jungkook, would you date this type of girl?" he pulls me into this argument when I wanted to avoid it.
"Hmmm...I don't know," I cannot figure out what I would feel or do in that situation. "I don't think I'd like to see my girl doing porn or pleasing guys by giving them what they want for money, but yeah...she can do what she wants...but I'll be clear about how that makes me feel, so if she doesn't stop or delete the stuff, I won't date her anymore because I won't be comfortable at all. I'm too possessive and jealous to date a girl like that."
"Exactly," he makes my opinion similar to his. "But you want to have an Onlyfans account, dude. What are you even saying?" Hojun misunderstands what I mean, so I hurry to defend my stance. "Yes, but I won't publish porn as you both call it. I won't jerk off or eat a girl out just because someone pays me to do it."
"So you don't want a girl who does what you do? Is that what you're saying?" he twists my words, not willing to listen. "You don't understand. I didn't say that I wouldn't wanna date a girl who publishes some simple pics on Onlyfans, I just do not like it if this is done in order to please a guy, if she is sucking a guy, if she is having sex and showing her face to everyone. If this is just some stuff like, she does not let anyone see her face with soft and teasing pictures, or if she just makes some not safe for work audios, I'm fine with it, but if this goes too far, I just don't like it. And I don't show my face on my pics."
"So what if y/n ever tells you that she doesn't like the stuff you post on Instagram?" he uses her as a way to get the answer he wants to hear, and I sigh. "I'd stop and delete everything because if she explains to me that she feels uncomfortable with me exposing my body, even though I'm never naked, then I'll understand her. As long as it isn't just 'you belong to me so only I can see your body', I'm fine with it, and I'll show her that she can trust me."
"That's exactly what I meant," Kimoon replies. "If some girls don't want fuckboys, we have the right to not want this type of girl. That's all. I'm not gonna disrespect those girls, I just don't want to date them."
"That's not the same to me. What if you ever find out that y/n does that type of stuff and sucks random guys' dicks to do that content?" he mentions her again, getting me mad with his questions when this does not even matter at all. "I'll be a bit disappointed, but if she becomes my girlfriend, I'll talk about it with her."
"And if you're the one she sucks?" he forces a little too much, so I give a short answer to put an end to it. "I won't let that happen."
"All right, then I understand that, but you," he points his finger at Kimoon and begins to be a jerk by finding a way to fight over something irrelevant. "What you say doesn't make any sense. You watch porn, but you wouldn't want your girl to do that stuff."
"Sex and love do not always go together. You can have sex with a girl without having any feelings or loving her, so hooking up and dating is different too," he gives a good comeback.
"So you don't like watching porn?" he continues to go further into this when I am getting tired of hearing them. "For fuck's sake. That's fucking different, dude—"
"Guys. Can we stop talking about this? Seriously," I let my exhaustion leave, not standing this any longer. I hate when we argue. "Yeah, whatever," he stops it for me, to my greatest relief, and the bell rings at a perfect time.
Finally, something great is going to brighten up my mood.
I move towards the class without waiting, not staying with the guys who kind of ruined my morning with their stupid and useless argument. Since I am one of the first to be here, I make my way to my usual seat and do not do anything but wait for y/n to come.
I keep my eyes on the opened door, but as soon as I see her body and face, I smile. Only a few seconds are enough to make eye contact, but the sound of my best friends arguing again ruins it, so I keep my attention on her and nothing else but see that she is about to flee away. She stops right at the level that I am and smile, holding her books against her breasts that are covered by her red, loose top.
I point my finger at the seat next to me to make it clear she better come here, but she steps aside and walks up the stairs to avoid me while giggling, so I hurry to catch her but do it in a gentle manner. I grab her arm and stand before her to halt her way. "Where are you going?"
"To my seat," she pretends to be innocent, and I grin but point my finger at the table I am occupying. "Your seat is over there. You're not going in the right way."
"Oh, am I?" she looks in that direction, making it funnier than it should be. "I was in my head and didn't pay attention..." she turns around and goes where I told her to, and we both head to our seats. "Yeah, sure. In your head."
Her soft giggles melt me, and she sits down, so I do so next to her and set my eyes on her. "I'm ready to fight right now," I remind her of what she has tried to make me forget. "Why would you fight me? I didn't do anything..." she lays her books down and opens her bag, not looking at me but smiling in the cutest manner. "Uh. You like playing it fool. Uh?" I lower my voice as the teacher just closed the door, but she turns her head towards me and smiles. "I do."
"I like it, so I don't mind it," I lick my lips but do not glance away from her, and she maintains eye contact as well, to my greatest pleasure.
"You're not glancing away like usual?" I tease her about the shyness she shows most of the time when we both stare at each other, and she shakes her head, gazing at me with a soft look into her eyes.
No matter how powerful and deep her gaze is, I could stare into her eyes for hours without getting bored. She has the most intimidating look I have ever come across before, and the fact that she often maintains eye contact without breaking it heightens the effect it has on me.
Not feeling strong enough to keep going for much longer, I part my lips and drop my attention on her glossy, rosy ones and graze my teeth with my tongue piercing. She peeks down at my mouth almost instantly, so I bite my bottom one, but she titters and throws her eyes in another direction.
I cannot prevent a scoffing sound from running away from my mouth, that is the most adorable thing when she gets shy.
"Bro..." the one I almost forgot about reminds me that I have a best friend next to me, and I give him a quick look. "Hm?"
He fixes his eyes on me but makes a stupid face full of confusion. "What?" I ask him to explain why he is looking so dumb, but he glances at me and y/n, before chuckling and shaking his head. "Nothing."
We were maybe too obvious.
20 minutes later...
The teacher speaking nonstop to explain what is easy to understand, I sigh and put my elbow down on the table to rest my head on my hand, slightly turning my back to Hojun to be closer to y/n, this one who always seems into the lesson at one-hundred percent.
I take a discreet peek at her but contemplate her lips, loving their shape and how tempting they are. I lick mine uncontrollably and shake my pen between my fingers out of bother.
Why does she always have to wear this lipstick that makes her lips even more attractive than they already are? And they are always so soft, so ready to be kissed. This is torture to not get to taste them.
Some ink splatters my face from out of nowhere and startles me, making me arch my back and jump back at the feeling. My mouth opens out of shock, and I look down at the mess I made with my pen.
"Oh my—"
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