chapter 5 | Texting
My message is already seen, and she is typing. It is almost like she was waiting for this.
< it's fine, don't worry. It's not your fault. Don't feel bad, you could have given it to me ]
[ well, I had to rewrite it because I was asking for your name but since I heard it when the teacher said it, I'd have felt stupid >
< ah alright. Well, I'd have understood ]
[ anyways, how are you? Is your laptop working? >
< im not really fine ahah my laptop is dead, so yeah. But what about you? ]
[ damn, I'm so sorry. I'm doing okay. Didn't the teacher say anything about it? >
< he did. He said he will try to find a way to get me a computer, so I hope I'll get one because I cannot work without any ]
[ yeah, I hope too >
< I saw you struggling with yours earlier though ]
[ don't tell you saw my hand shaking please ;-; >
< I'm sorry but I did ahah ]
[ ㅠㅠ I'm even more embarrassed >
< don't be lmao, I always shake for no reason ]
[ yeah but I was shaking because I was nervous in front of you so I kinda embarrassed myself >
< what are you saying? That's cute. And why would you even be nervous? Am I scary or something lmao? ]
[ not scary, just, you know, the way you stare at me and cute >
< have you seen the way you stare at me? -_- you're the one who makes me nervous ]
[ me? I'm glad I do then >
< you're mean ]
[ I'm joking ahah I just like to know I'm not the only feeling like that >
< you indeed aren't ]
I smile but do not know what to continue with, so I wait to see if she is going to send another message but peek up at my best friends. They are already copying the pages while I am just chatting.
I lay all my attention on my phone a little more to make sure I don't leave her on read.
[ can we talk tonight? I gotta work right now >
< sure, text me whenever you want to. I have to work too anyway ]
[ ok, I will >
I wait a few seconds once the message is seen to make sure she does not send anything more and that I might miss it. Once I am certain that she left to work, I do the same and put my phone down. I take my notebook and take one of the pages to write it.
8 pm.
I enter the room after tiring myself at the library, and I leave my shoes at the door. "Wow. You're so late today," my roommate, who is studying on his bed, mentions, and I move to my bed to drop my body on it and moan out of satisfaction. "Dude...I just wanna sleep right now. I had to help Hojun and wrote so much. My hand actually hurts..."
"Ah all right, that's why," he puts his glasses over his head. "Haven't you studied yet?"
"No..." I shake my head and look at him. "I wanna die..." I close my eyes to take a break and relax, but I hear him chuckle. "Same. I can relate."
"If I ever fall asleep, wake me up at nine, okay?" I ask him to do since I know I am going to doze off in a few seconds. "Sure, I will."
Since I can count on him, I do not open my eyes anymore but let my mind have a break. I want to talk to y/n again, but I will do it once I am awake.
50 minutes later...
"Jungkook, you're gonna have to wake up," my roommate ruins my dream, so I emit a 'hmm' to let him know I am awake, but I turn to my side and enjoy this comfortable position, under my blanket, with my head in my soft pillow that I do not want to leave.
"There're ten minutes left before nine, so you have some time to wake up," he tells me that he did this again, only because I am never able to be on time. "When are you gonna sleep?" I roll on my back but get pleased by the lack of light. "Probably at midnight," he plays on his phone with his controller, and I cross my arms over my forehead, feeling out of energy tonight. "I need to eat, this will wake me up..." I sigh but grab my phone, and I go on Instagram, eager to chat with y/n again.
[ hey, are you awake? >
I send it and put my phone down to sit up and reach out for the fridge. Not feeling in the mood to even wait for the food to warm up, I take two rice balls that come from a convenience store, and I get a bottle of energy drink. I take hold of my phone again but curl up into a ball under my blanket, and I eat while talking with y/n, who just answered me, to my biggest surprise.
< I am, are you resting now? ]
[ I just woke up from a nap because I'm a baby lol. I'm gonna start studying now, what about you? >
< I'm chilling on my bed ]
[ stop making me envy you:( >
< I'll stop, sorry:( Do you have a lot to do tho? ]
[ I'm kidding, but yes I do, I always do >
< you shouldn't text me but focus on your work then, I don't want you to fail your test tomorrow ]
[ I don't want to either, but I'm eating something quick so I can talk a little >
[ unless I bother you >
< you don't. I like talking with you ]
[ me too >
< you like talking with you? ]
[ yep >
[ I'm jk! >
[ I'm not crazy. I meant talking to you, you idiot >
< 😂 ]
[ I'm glad you're not offended lol, I was afraid when I saw you type >
< the truth never offends me ]
[ if you're like this all the time, were gonna get along pretty well ahah >
< im always like this by text ]
[ that's nice, I'm not ready to face you anyway >
< why? ]
[ i told you, I'm shy >
< ah true, i'll do it first then ]
[ you would? >
< I'm too shy to do it🥲 ]
[ knew it😂 >
< anyway, what are you eating? ]
[ riceballs that my roommate bought at a convenience store👍 What did you eat today? >
< ramen from convenience store too so I feel you ]
[ good to know we both eat the same kind of food, we love quality >
< yes lmao ]
I smile but sit up to drink, and I force myself to put an end to our conversation since I do not want to fail the tests I have tomorrow.
[ well, I'm gonna have to study now ㅠㅠ >
< okay, don't overwork though, and if you ever fall asleep, then goodnight and sleep tight ]
[ thank you, goodnight as well and have sweet dreams >
The delight that she gives me fills my veins, but I do my best to not be distracted, and I focus on my studies.
— Next day —
Thursday, September 9th, 2021.
7:10 am.
I leave my room after telling goodbye to Chiwon who starts later today, and I make my way to the stairs like I do every day to get out of this building. I have been thinking about sending a good morning text to y/n, but I feel like this will be too much. I need to hold back and not text her all the time. I might lose her interest if I ever start to be there all the time.
"Hey," Kimoon greets me, and Hojun turns towards me. "Hey, did you sleep well?" I put my hood on, feeling cold as hell this morning even though I am wearing a leather jacket over my white hoodie. "I did. I'm just nervous about the exam today."
"Same," I yawn and cover my nose with my hand clenched into a fist. "Are you tired?" he notices it, and Hojun stays silent while sipping on his chocolate milk. "Yeah," I breathe out, but my entire body shivers. "I took a nap when I came home last night, but I fucking had to study until two a.m."
"It's not good to study for so long, you know," he reminds me like a parent would. "Your brain is not gonna memorize anything if you keep reading your book without understanding or being fully awake."
"I know, dad, no need to tell me," I joke, but Hojun now wakes up. "Dad? How dare you? You're my daddy," he gasps at me like a moron, so I punch him in the arm. "Shut up. Dumbass."
He sneers but glances away, leaving me alone with his childish behavior.
"I wanna sleep," I fidget on my spot while whining to warm myself up, my tiredness not helping but keeping my body temperature low. "Same," the lazy boy, who is drinking like a baby, agrees with me. "Hey, is it new?" Kimoon sets his eyes on my chain, and I nod. "Yeah. I forgot I had this one. I saw it in one of my drawers and wanted to wear it today."
"Ah, all right," he smiles but runs his fingers through his hair. "By the way, is it going well with Chiwon? Does he bother you?"
"No, he's pretty cool," I answer with honesty. "Good."
12:30 pm.
"Are you gonna stay at the library today?" Kimoon asks to Hojun since he knows he is not done with the punishment he got. "No, I'll do it in my bed," he shakes his head but eats his food, and I keep quiet to enjoy mine. "Hey," Hojun's foot kicks my calf and makes me look up at him when I just bit in my sandwich. "Look who's here," he wiggles his eyebrows while peeking at me and the person he saw. I check what I expect to see and fall upon y/n, with Aera and her twin, who leaves her behind.
Kimoon cannot help taking a look at her, but we all catch her making eye contact with me. She knows we always sit at this table, so she knows she is going to see me if she looks in this direction. I lick my lips but smile and break this contact with shyness because of my best friends who are witnessing this whole moment.
"Aw, look who's shy," Hojun teases me about it, but I give him a kick in the leg. "Shut up. I'm not shy. You're just embarrassing me."
"We're not," he laughs at me without caring about how much I hate when he does that, but Kimoon does the same, quietly. "Make a move, coward!" he judges me. "If you're not shy. Then come on, do it."
"I don't want to bother her," I eat a piece of my sandwich that fell on the table, with my fingers, never looking up again. "Bro. Stop using excuses. She wouldn't look at you with those eyes if she didn't want you to go up to her."
"Whatever, let me do what I want and take the time I need," I ask to put an end to this, and he drops it. "Let me know when you did it then," he focuses on his spaghettis and gives me a break.
4:55 pm.
I focus on the task that I have to do, occupying the library with my two best friends to finish Hojun's punishment. I am tired, but I need to do this for him, we all caused this.
"Ughh..." Hojun stretches his body, lifting his hand up in the air to relax his muscles. "Man..." he lets out a moan and sighs, sharply. "I can't do this shit hand is hurting," he complains, but Kimoon scoffs in a quiet manner since we cannot make too much noise. "Your hand only gets tired for certain stuff..."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he smirks but continues no matter what. He knows what this guy means by that. I chuckle but do not pay attention to those dumb guys.
I stay focused on what I have to do to not waste any more time, and I write as fast as possible. "Guys, have you seen what Gayoon did right when we were going back to the class this afternoon?" Hojun does not remain concentrated like he should and continue to chat, and Kimoon answers him. "No. What happened?"
"She threw a tantrum at Minhyuk because she claimed that she saw him check out another girl. She's so ridiculous," he explains in a quick sentence.
"Is she serious?" he scoffs, not believing that she dared to do that. "I know right. She leaves thirsty comments on Jungkook's pics, she flirts with him all the time, then she complains because her boyfriend might be looking at other girls. This bitch is a joke, I swear."
"We should act like she's not here anymore at this point. I'm tired of the shit that she causes all the time," he glances down at his piece of paper to keep on writing, but my eyes drift to his right, still hearing my best friend speak next to me.
Holy fuck. Y/n is here.
Is she following me? This cannot be real.
I unconsciously bounce my leg as the nervousness jolted me at the speed of light, but I cannot help keeping my eyes on her, watching her sit down at a table away from us. She does not seem to know that I am here though.
Her body going down on the chair without anyone by her side, I trap the top of my pen between my teeth but feel the effect she effortlessly has on me. She does not look in my direction but stays focused on what she is doing, and she takes her books out of her bag to put them down. No matter what she does, she is cute. She always does everything in such a soft manner, like, I cannot explain or even understand why.
"Kook," the voice of Hojun makes me drop my eyes to my work, and I pretend to have been in a daze. "Hm?"
"How many pages do you still have to do?" his question relieves all the stress he caused in a second, and I check. "I don't know...four."
"All right, and you?" he takes a look at the black-haired boy who is with us, and I take this opportunity to have a glimpse of y/n again.
She already started to work. I wish she could notice that I am here.
Maybe I can make that happen.
I clear my throat and peek at my best friends. "I gotta pee, I'm coming back in a second," I drop my pen down and stand up, and they both let an 'okay' out, so I step away but thank fate for making her sit right in the way that leads to the bathroom.
I run my fingers through my hair and lick my lips while heading towards her, but her eyes go up to my legs, and higher until they reach my soul. Her hand does not move anymore, and she makes eye contact with me, but I break it quite quickly and go forth.
If I was alone, I would have approached her for sure, but my friends are here.
5 minutes later...
I get out of the bathroom after washing my hands and take my phone out to check the text I received.
This is from Chiwon.
< hey, are you at the library again? ]
[ yeah, why? >
< can you borrow the book called The Fragrance Of Ink for me pls? ]
[ alright, I'll bring it once I'm back >
< okay, thanks! ]
[ np >
I leave the conversation and lock my phone to head to the shelves but cannot stop repeating the title of this book in my head. I know this title, I have seen or heard it somewhere already.
Is it not the one I saw in y/n's hands the other day when she was in front of my room with the annoying girl? I remember reading that title on the cover for sure. I do not even doubt it.
Fate is on my side today.
I forget about my shyness and make my way towards her, erasing the nervousness inside of me, I act cool, and I ignore any other emotion that is growing under my skin.
I lean towards her from behind, and I speak.
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