chapter 48 | Possessive
11:30 am.
"Jungkook, this is so pretty!" Hojun runs back to me after checking every different room while I was bringing our stuff from the car with y/n. He is so full of energy, but how could he not after sleeping for the whole ride?
"Really?" I take my shoes off as y/n is doing so and leave them on the carpet that faces the front door. "Yeah, I love it," he disappears behind the wall on the right, but before grabbing the luggage and bags, I make two steps forward and open the door on the left to see the first bedroom. This is the one with a closet, but the room is so small that only the large bed can fit in, so I head towards the door that was on the left and see how it is on this side. Like the pictures on the website showed, the bed is on the right, with a wooden makeup vanity that is very simple on the left. There is also a small closet which is pretty useful.
"Where do I put our stuff?" I ask y/n, who is checking the room with me. "I don't know, we have to separate everything anyway, so pick the room you want with Hojun, and I'll take the other one."
"Guys," Hojun comes in but stands at the door frame. "Can I pee or do I have to wait for whatever reason?"
"You can pee, why would you wait?" I frown at this idiot, but he shrugs. "I don't know," he leaves, and y/n chuckles at him.
We are both alone now, and I cannot lie, I am in need of physical contact. I have been waiting since earlier when she hugged me, so now that I have an opportunity, I close the door. "You're the girl, so girls first. You pick the room you want for your clothes," I wrap my arms around her waist. The warmth, the feeling of her curves against my body, they make me go crazy.
"It doesn't matter, you know, but since you won't give up, I pick this one with the makeup vanity," she chooses as I wanted her to, so I kiss her lips. "Good, we'll see if this is enough," I stare into her eyes and do not move from my spot, loving where I am and how I feel. I am not letting her go already.
"What is it?" she smiles, tenderly and unconsciously puts the same expression on my face. "Nothing..." I keep it to myself but lean in to lock lips with her, and I kiss her without pulling away this time. Her hand touching my arms, she returns all the passion I am giving her through this intimate exchange of love, and she stands on her tiptoes to encircle my neck but run her fingers through my hair in the back of my head.
Not wanting to be interrupted, I step forth to push her against the door, and I deepen the kiss, telling her how much I missed her with no use of words. I gently slide one hand up to her face to hold her jawline, stroke her cheek with my thumb, and I embrace her lips with mine unceasingly, not getting enough of it after staying away from her for five days that felt like an eternity.
Her scent, her skin, her voice, her eyes, I crave for them all, and every breath filled with her fragrance, every sound of her, or every look of hers, make me weak. "I missed you so much..." I break the kiss to rest my forehead on hers, and I open my eyes to gaze down at her lips. Some sensitivity turns them up. "I missed you too," she holds me, pressing her body against mine. I nuzzle the tip of her nose and just breathe her scent in.
I glide my hands down to her waist and squeeze her in a clasp. "Your dad really freaked me out early," I chuckle, speaking in an undertone. "I saw that?" she makes fun of me, not even pretending to not have noticed how ridiculous I was in front of him. "I never saw you being so nervous before. That was cute."
"Shh. I'm not cute, I don't know what you're talking about. I was so manly in front of him..." I tell a falsehood to not admit I became a boy once I faced him, but she laughs. "Sure, you barely hugged me back, but let's not mention that. You just wanted to be respectful in front of my dad, right?"
"Exactly, that's why I did it," I agree with this good excuse she found for me, and her lips steal a kiss from me. "I love you," she hides her face in my chest, and I drop another kiss on her head. "I love you too."
We both remain quiet while holding each other tightly and relishing in what we did not get for too many days, but this does not last for too long. "Ya!" Hojun yells from further than behind the door, so I pull away from y/n to open the door but hear him shout again. "Toilet paper!"
Y/n giggles at the sound of this dummy who did not even check before going into the bathroom, so I reassure him and look for it. "I'm coming! Stop yelling!"
"I'm gonna put my stuff in the room," y/n tells me, and she gets her two luggage inside. "I'll help you in a minute," I give her a look, and once she sends me a soft one, I leave to head towards the dumb boy in the bathroom.
4:20 pm.
I park the car in the parking lot of the supermarket, and the three of us take our seat belts off to get out. I lock the doors once we left the inside, and I join y/n and Hojun who are talking about what they both are craving today. "I'm noting down 'five packs of chocolate milk for the week'," she smiles but never forgets about his favorite thing in the world, after me, of course.
They both enter the place after he quietly laughed, and I follow them but grab a shopping cart since we are about to buy food for a week or two. Once I pass by the second sliding doors, I see Hojun and y/n holding hands but waiting for me. "Where do we go first?" she asks me as if I was the dad with his two kids, so I take a look at the fridges on the left but decide to lead them to another aisle. "Let's buy the drinks first."
"Okay," they listen to me, and y/n looks down at her screen to check her shopping list. "We need Coke, Sprite, beers, orange juice-"
"Babe," I cut her off, getting her eyes on me. "You know how my brain is, let's do it one at a time."
"Yeah," she chuckles but takes care of grabbing a whole pack of water bottles to put it in the cart. "What are we eating today?" Hojun leans on the side of it, asking me about this when I have no idea yet. "I don't know, what do you both want?"
"Meat," they answer in synchronization, but I cannot help wondering if they are both serious or not, so I stare at them. "Meat? What meat?"
Hojun's smile exposes what he has on his mind, but y/n punches him in the arm. "Beef."
"Uh, alright, we'll eat beef," I agree with her, and I move the cart forth to continue but notice Hojun throw a fist in y/n arm to take revenge. "Don't ever punch me again."
"Would you like to have babies in the future? Because I can quickly make it impossible to happen if you dare do that again?" she threatens him like a mad girl, and I laugh in my corner but grab some Coke. "I was just joking. No need to be aggressive like that," he crosses his arms over his chest and flees away from her, coming closer to me to ask for protection. "Did you hear what she just said?"
"Your provoked her, that's your fault," I do not defend him, and he gasps at me, not believing I did not side with him. "I'm gonna cry."
"Come here," I take him by his arm and pull on it to position his smaller and skinny body right between the cart and me. "Now you stay here and keep quiet."
"Okay, daddy," he whispers, obeying but taunting y/n with a look. "I'll take care of you once we're home," she does not submit to his provocations. I love it when she is dominant like that. "I can't wait," he responds, both bickering nonstop. She giggles at him but peeks up at me. "I'm going to look for some sacks," she leaves us after I nodded, but Hojun stares at her walking away, and in short seconds, he decides to escape from my embrace and go with her.
Now I am the lonely one.
30 minutes later...
While all our items waiting on the conveyor belt to be moved closer to the cashier, I stand next to our shopping cart but gaze down at y/n, who is typing on her phone. Since this is not Hojun, I hold back from reading over her shoulder but run my fingers through her hair to comb them back and touch her earring to try to get her attention. After a few more taps on her screen, she raises her eyes up to me, so I press a kiss on her lips and slide my hands down to her neck. "Are your parents already worried?" I attempt to get to know who it is without being too evident.
"It's not them," she smiles but steps before me to wrap her arms around my body. "Oh, then who it is?" I do not hold back this time, and she chuckles but looks into my eyes. "Junghoon," she reminds me of this guy I did not want to hear about anymore after she made me realize how close they are. "Hm..."
"He just wanted to know how the ride went, and how I find the house," she explains as if this could help to relieve my jealousy. I do not react more than I did before but bring my eyes down to the necklace, which comes from him, and which she is still wearing. "I didn't know you told him about it."
"I had to, we always talk about the things we do, and we haven't talked for a week because he's busy, so he's just checking up on me," she peeks down at my lips, not breaking the hug. I ignore the feelings inside of me that I know are immature, but she stands on her tiptoes and pecks my cheek, her eyes remaining on me. I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket, but she gives a squeeze to my waist. "You're not jealous, are you?"
"I'm not," I lie, and her small laughter tells me she does not believe me. She does not glance away as if she was waiting for me to exchange looks with her. Since I do not want to ruin our day because of my immaturity, I gaze into her eyes, and she makes her clasp around me even tighter. "I love you, and you know it."
I nod to show her that I trust her, no matter my possessiveness, and she softly soothes me with her features that always shines with love and passion when she looks at me. The people before us finally moving, we do it as well, and y/n pulls apart from me. Fearing that I might have hurt her with my behavior, I do not leave the gap between us but grab her hand, and I check her response. She holds it but lands her focus on Hojun, who is watching some short videos, leaning on the cart.
"Do you have a lip balm? I forgot mine at home," she asks him in a whisper, and he gets the one, which he always uses, out of the pocket of his oversized jacket. "Thank you," she lets go of my hand to spread the soft and rosy product over her lips that are already moisturized. "Here," she hands it back to him once she is done with it, and he puts it where it was but sets his eyes on her. He does not say anything but lowers his look down to her lips, and she gives him a questioning one, wondering why he is staring like that.
In one of the purest and cutest manners, he shakes his head and smiles, before putting his eyes back on his phone.
He seems to feel so much happier and more calm since we all got together as if this relationship had brought a lot of comfort and safety to him. That makes me happy to see that he does not suffer that much anymore, he seems to be enjoying life even more.
7:40 pm.
The TV playing on our right, after having dinner and unpacking all our stuff, we all remain in our lying position on the mattress with pillows that is used as a sofa, Hojun cuddling with y/n and stealing her from me while I cannot do anything but stay next to them and browse on my phone while he is enjoying his time with his body on hers, his head resting on her chest.
I peek at them, y/n combing his hair and watching the movie, Hojun exhales against her skin and tightens his hold around her waist, and he drifts his head up to the crook of her neck.
He must be having a very good time between her thighs right now, she is only wearing a silk nightie, and he has been moving so much that her cleavage is deep, and the fabric has nearly riled up to her underwear.
"Tell me if you want me to leave you alone," he speaks in a low and soft voice, but she wraps her arms around his neck. "You're not. Don't leave."
Feeling some relief for sure, he fidgets onto her, but I notice and hear him press a kiss on her neck. "I have to pee though," he complains about it and gets up, he looks down at her body before standing up, and he walks in front of us to get in the restroom.
I remain quiet since they were both having their moment without me, and I watch a short video. I lift one arm up to put it under my head but feel y/n's hand skim my chin. "What are you watching?"
"A guy who makes some dance tutorials," I tell her, and she comes closer, giving me some attention. She watches it with me, placing her elbow down on my pillow to hold her head. "Can I finally have you now?" I lock my phone and drop it next to me to turn towards her, and she smiles but gazes into my eyes. "You can always have me. You're the one holding back."
"How can I when Hojun is on you?" I pout and wrap my arms around her. "You can come closer to cuddle with us."
"Hm," I doubt this answer but ignore it, and I press my lips on hers. "It's my turn to steal you from him."
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