chapter 43 | Cat ears
"Yes, wear it now."
Hojun is not even reluctant, he leaves the bed and goes to the one on my right that is empty since he belongs to no one. He grabs the clothes he brought, and which Jungkook told him to pick for tonight, but he glances in my direction. "Can I use the bathroom to get changed?"
"Why don't you do it here?" Jungkook questions him before I could. "I don't want her to see my ugly body."
I wish he would stop putting himself down so much.
"Your body is perfect the way it is, Hojun. Stop saying that, y/n would think the same if she had you naked in front of her," he says it in a way to make it sound a bit weird, but I chuckle and look at Hojun. "You can use the bathroom if you feel more comfortable. Feel at home here."
"Thanks," a soft feeling of relief draws its effect on his face, and he walks into the other room. Once he closes the door, I lay my eyes on Jungkook and ask him something in a quiet voice. "Has anyone made him hate his body?"
"Girls," he rolls his eyes but stands up to step towards me. "You know how much he dislikes being skinny. He eats a lot but cannot gain weight or get buff, so he thinks you're not gonna like his body."
"I don't care about how he looks..." the thoughts of him torturing himself about his appearance breaks my heart, but Jungkook shrugs. "I told him, but it's not so easy to make him understand it," he sits down on the bed near me to stay close. "Does he have a body type he prefers for girls?"
"Chubby," he smiles. "He loves chubby girls a lot because he says that they seem all squishy and soft, and he'd love to grab her and cuddle with one," he laughs. "But like, to be honest, he just doesn't care about the body. He just wants someone who loves him for who he is, and who won't pressure him to workout or look a certain way. So that is the reason why I'm happy to know that he has you too," he intertwines his fingers and leans forth to rest his forearms over his lap. "Like...For real, you are definitely going to help him a lot because he pretends not to care, but inside, he cares a lot about what girls think of him, his face or body, and you're like a major person in his life. I mean it. Just the fact that he was comfortable enough to talk about his insecurities to you shows how positive the effect you have on him is. As you know, he hasn't dated a girl since his first, so it's been years since he was really close to a girl, and I know that every compliment from you does more to him, so you're like the best that he could have found."
"It makes me so happy to hear that, I hope I'll be helpful and useful. I love helping people, especially the ones who have insecurities like he does, he doesn't deserve to feel like that..." I keep my voice low, and Jungkook's delight shows itself through his features. He comes closer to reach out for my skin and kindly caresses my knee. "Since he loves chubby girls, I don't have to be scared if he sees the fat on my stomach, right?"
"What fat?" his expression turns sharp. "You mean, the stomach I love to kiss and cover in hickeys? Hm? 'Cause I think I didn't hear you well."
"Yeah," I say what he wants to hear, but grabs my hand and stands up, and he intertwines our fingers. "He'll be in love with your body as well, don't worry about that. I know his mind more than anybody does, and maybe even more than he does."
"I hope he'll feel more comfortable and confident with his body then," I mean my words, praying for him to, one day, finally love himself. "I hope too," he bends over me to kiss my lips, and he goes back on the bed, but after a few seconds, Hojun leaves the bathroom to come back.
I instantly turn around to see how he looks, but Jungkook already voices his opinion out. "Holy shit," he eyes him up and down with no discretion. I think we both think the same. "Come here," he pats a spot on the bed, and Hojun obeys like if it was instinctive, and once he sits down, Jungkook rises from where he was and grabs the chain that dangles from his choker necklace. "You wanted to be my puppy tonight, uh?"
"Stop exposing your kinks, Jungkook," I rotate my chair to laugh at how brazen he is, but he gives a tug on the chain, his other hand staying in the pocket of his sweatpants. "Don't kink shame me, it's bad," he sets his eyes on me without ever letting go of the sort of leash. "I'm not shaming. I'm advising."
"My baby boy likes it anyway, so I don't care what you think," he shrugs like a kid but peeks behind Hojun. Where's your tail?"
"You sure you wanna know?" he responds with cockiness, now both being the two shameless boys they are used to be. "I know the big one is in your pants, but I'm talking about the pretty and furry one."
Hojun sneers but gives a small hit in his crotch. "Here," he taunts Jungkook who just groaned and lurched forth out of pain, and we both laugh at his despair. "I'm gonna kill you," he lands next to him after getting what he deserved, and he lies down. "You're gonna regret this."
"Sure," he disregards the threats, but Jungkook straightens his back and stares at him. He whispers something in his ear, making it impossible for me to know what he said, and Hojun chuckles but pushes him away.
Now, Jungkook leaves this poor boy alone. "Are you done with your makeup?" he addresses me.
"I am," I nod. "Put your costume on then," he tells me in an ordering manner, but since he obviously loves this, I do as told and get hold of the bag he left next to the tall mirror.
I hope it is not ridiculous. I sit back on the desk chair and take the fabric out first. I see some accessories, I do not feel good about this.
Once the clothing is out, I drop the bag on the floor and reveal what the costume is. This is a dress. A maid one.
I sigh without opining myself, and I get the accessories out.
"No way," Hojun giggles at the sight of what is in my hands, but I throw a glare at Jungkook. "Are you serious?" I bring the cat ears up, not believing I am going to match with Hojun when that was not planned at all. "Yes, baby. I'm serious."
I do not even complain since it is unnecessary, and I dig myself deeper by checking what the other accessories are. One is horrible, it is a choker with a small bell on it. "Tonight, he's my puppy, and you're my kitten."
I do not even want to pretend, I love this costume, but still. "I might not fit in it..." I find a way to avoid wearing this in front of them, but he shakes his head. "I know your size. It will fit."
"Well, at least, there's no tail, so that's all that matters," I see the good side of it and put the accessories on the desk, then I turn towards it to hide my body and take my pants off, slide into the dress as sneakily as possible, and I pull it up but take my sweater off as well to wear the entire clothing properly.
Once I feel more comfortable in it, I stand up and step towards the large mirror to put the noisy choker and cat ears on but catch Jungkook and Hojun staring.
"Put the white high socks you own," he tells me to do, his eyes remaining fixed on my legs. When I am ready, I turn around to look at them but cross my arms. "You look so good in it," Hojun innocently compliments me, but Jungkook bites his lips and smiles at me. "This is so hard to stay calm in front of you both..."
I chortle and shake my head out of disbelief and step towards my dresser to get the pair of socks, and I put them on but cannot stand how silent they both are. This is making me shy, for some reason.
As soon as I am done and completely dressed up, I move back towards the mirror to check how I look in this. "Why are you not saying anything?" I do not stay quiet about it anymore and look at them. "Tell me if you're disappointed or don't like it."
"How could we not like it?" Jungkook stares at me, but I take a glance at Hojun and see him run his eyes up and down my body, bouncing one of his legs. "You look like you'd be better in a bed with us if you know what I mean..."
"I'll be in the bed later after we went out," I do not stay where I am since they do not seem to like it that much, and I get back on my chair. "But we don't have to go out, do we? We can just spend Halloween here together, in bed. Daddy wanna play with you both..."
"Play what?" I raise my eyebrows at him, knowing what this sentence means. "Play some games..." he does not specify anything, so I ruin his plans. "Then we won't play with you."
"Fine, I'll play with Junjun. He'll never leave me," he grabs the leash again to toy with it, but in a gentle manner. "So I'll be alone?" I cross my legs and show some offense, and Hojun finally speaks out. "I won't choose anyone, so everyone will be alone."
"What?" Jungkook gives a tug on the leash. "I didn't hear you well."
"I don't pick anyone," he repeats what he said the first time, not afraid to fight him. "We'll see that tonight. Let's go out now, I wanna have fun."
"You're still in your hoodie and sweatpants, get changed first," I mention. "And? This is my costume. Chill clothes can make a costume."
"You have a stain on your sweatpants...are you really gonna go out with that on? Hojun and I will leave you behind," I make him think twice before doing so, and he stands up. "I'm not even appreciated for the natural me. I can't believe it," he goes for the costume I got him and aggressively seizes it.
"Stop whining," I shut him up since he is not serious, and he rips the item open, drops it on the bed, but does all this while glaring at me. "You're in a maid outfit, so if you don't want me to treat you like a Hentai one, you shut your mouth," he takes his hoodie off, but Hojun walks towards us and sits on my lap. "I never watched Hentai, so I don't know what you're talking about," I put my elbow down on the arm of the chair, but he pulls his pants down with no shyness and gets completely naked.
"You never watched Hentai?" Hojun whirls around as if this was unthinkable, and I tell him the truth. "I never did. There's something about the girls that make me uncomfortable. I cannot stand it, and the girls are most of the time so sexualized, I can't watch an anime without getting annoyed."
"How do you know that if you never watched it?" he tries to trick me with his question, but I give him the good reason why. "Because I already heard their voices and the sounds they make, and I'm sorry but why does consent always seem to be a joke in anime?"
"Well..." Hojun rotates the chair that we both share, his eyes remaining on Jungkook who is checking the costume. "It's not just me, right? Like, they're always saying 'Stop it', 'No', 'It hurts', but the guy will just continue anyway."
"You have a point, honestly," the cat boy agrees with me when I thought it was just a wrong thought from my point of view. "It's worse in Hentai 'cause sometimes the guy is rough as heck, and even if the girl asks to stop, he won't give two shits about it but keep going hard."
"And you like that stuff?" I ask him a question I am ready to regret letting out of my mouth, but Jungkook silently sneers while putting his costume on. "It's not that I like this type of non-consensual stuff, but it's just because it's more like...I don't know how to explain...I don't really think when I watch Hentai you know my brain is not the one present, and I watch yaoi a lot more anyway."
"It's because the people who make those Hentai use the 'this is consensual, but here this is consensual non-consensual sex' excuse to not seem like sickos who write about disgusting shit just like in porn. Consensual non-consensual sex needs a safe word all the time, but in Hentai or porn, none of them mentions that. But honestly," Jungkook stops struggling with the leather material and does not put the entire costume on yet. "When you see how much disgusting stuff there is, like, some of them literally make anime with a guy that seems in his twenties, but who is attracted to a girl who is drawn to look like a complete child, but they make her old enough to not be too weird when it's obvious they wanted her to be a child," he explains what I thought but could not say, and Hojun agrees. "I know, right? I find it so disturbing."
"True," our opinions match, and I nod but look at Jungkook who was listening this whole time. We do not continue this but ogle Jungkook, but something a bit too evident on his body makes Hojun and I look at each other. We both chuckle uncontrollably and try to be discreet, but Jungkook throws us a death look. "Fuck you both, got it? I'm not wearing this human-size condom, bro."
"Excuse me? How dare you disrespect the Deadpool's costume?" I do not allow him to do so, but Hojun's eyes cannot hold back from landing on Jungkook's bulge. "What size did you pick, dammit? It's so tight!"
"I picked your usual size, it's made to be tight," I state, but he steps in front of the mirror and turns to the side, and as soon as he notices what we both saw, he shakes his head. "You picked this on purpose, didn't you?"
"Just the same way you did it for mine," I smile at him in a provoking way, but he pokes his inner cheek with his tongue. "I can't. You're a girl, you don't understand how uncomfortable it is to know that your dick is sticking out in front of everyone."
"I'm a girl, I know what it is to get stares from 'men' when I'm just wearing a skirt, so don't even try," I remind him since guys like to forget the struggle we have to go through as girls. "You have a point..." he glances away. "But still, I love this, and I'll wear it for you if you want, but I can't go out with it. I'm uncomfortable as hell."
"Alright," I sigh, feeling disappointed but understanding him. "Just wear whatever you want then."
"Isn't there something you like to see me in the most?" he undresses himself for the second time, but I shrug and think about one outfit in particular. "A black hoodie with tight jeans to go out. If it's to stay with us, then a pair of grey sweatpants and nothing else," my lips curve up against my will, but the smirk on his face reveals the thoughts he is hiding. "Yeah, I'm not even surprised."
"You have good taste," Hojun whispers to me, and I chuckle but wrap my arms around him. "I'm sweating just from taking this off, man," Jungkook complains, fighting with the clothing. He lands on the bed once this is down, but Hojun runs towards him and jumps on him to land on his lap at a perfect time. "Daddyy," he tightly encircles the taller man's neck, forcing him down on the mattress.
"Get off. Not now," he laughs, nervously, knowing what this could cause to his body. "No, you said you wanted to play."
"But you declined, so that's too late," he effortlessly gets up and carries Hojun, who is light enough for him to heave him up, and he turns towards the bed to drop him on the mellow material, but Hojun does not let go, he pushes his hips against him. "I changed my mind, and y/n did too."
"Go and play with her then," he throws him down on it as if he was a toy, and Hojun pretends to have gotten his feelings hurt. "Okay. At least, I know she won't reject me like you always do," he crawls onto the mattress to get out of the bed and walk towards me after fleeing away, and he sits down on my lap while Jungkook is putting a black hoodie on.
"Where are we going?" Hojun looks at me, toying with his chain. "Some students have been working on a horror house, so we're going to take a look at it, then go out and walk through the streets because they're all so decorated, I wanna see everything. Make sure to wear a warm jacket though."
"I will, don't worry. This sounds exciting," he joyfully reacts to it, and I hug him again.
8:10 pm.
"Hey, do you think this horror house is a good idea?" Hojun freaks out now that we are facing it, and I chuckle but put my arm around his waist. "I'm here to protect you, don't be scared."
"I don't want to faint out of fright," he dramatizes, so I try to find a way to reassure him. "You won't, I'll kick the first one who scares you."
"You can't do that, dumbass," y/n speaks when no one asked for her opinion, so I let her know. "I do what I want."
"Sure, bad boy," she uses a cringe voice on purpose to provoke me, so I slap the back of her head, but her cat ears fall forth. I laugh at her as she grumbled and put the headband back on, and she hits me back. "I'm gonna lead the way and show you who's the man here."
"Yeah, I know that men are stronger than women," I needle her, throwing the words she will not be able to hear without losing it. "Expect men that are like you."
"Uh," I fake a chortle. "Sure."
"What a comeback," my boy dares to side with her and mocks me. "You're really looking for trouble lately, you're asking for it."
"I'm gonna ask her to protect me," he passes right in front of my eyes to stand before her and grabs her hand. "I know you're gonna scare me if I stay by your side."
"I thought you knew me more than anyone...I guess I was wrong," I use blackmail to get some empathy from my soft-hearted boy, but he punches my chest. "Don't say that!"
"Whatever, it's our turn to get inside," y/n grabs my hand to lead us both in the house, so I follow but feel some uneasiness after the first step on the floor. It is darker than expected, and the orange and blue lights are worsening this. I do not like it.
"Well, I'm a boy now..." y/n small voice manages to make me laugh at a wrong time, but I let go of her hand to walk forward and show them who is the man, and my two babies, who are holding each other's hands, follow me.
I make my way to the first hallway I can see but cannot even make out where it ends because of the lack of light. I internally hold onto everything I can and keep my mind as busy as possible, expecting the unexpected to not let anyone or anything scare and humiliate me in front of my boy and girl.
I nibble on my lips once I see an opened room, and I act like I am checking on them, but an idea pops in my head.
"Babe," I grab Hojun's chain and lean towards him to speak in his ear but move to the side so that the other people who are here can continue their way towards death. "I have a plan. If you both run inside this room and make your way to the other one while screaming, we can all get out of here without leaving our heart behind."
"Are you implying that you don't have the balls you had when we were at the entrance anymore?" my little boy yanks all my pride out of my body, and I cannot even respond to this attack. Y/n, who always loves to hear Hojun roast and embarrass me, laughs but covers her mouth to be as quiet as possible. "Alright, I see," I tongue my inner cheek, and I step back. "Let's see who laughs at the end," I do not wait for them anymore but enter the room that gives me the creeps, and I bite on my bottom lip once I catch sight of a messy hospital bed put into spotlight, with blood all over it, and what looks like organs.
I take my eyes off of this sickening scenery and move towards the other door, which, this time, is closed. Maybe the opened ones are safer.
My entire body jumps to the right at the sound of something that I did not see coming, but once I realize that is just an item that fell on the floor, I curse under my breath and burst into the other room and close the door behind me since I know the two betrayers are walking behind me.
My heart slams my chest once I see what seems to be a person in a far corner, but I do not permit myself to be afraid of it, I run through the whole room to get out. The guy, who I knew was alive and not made of plastic, screams at me and rushes after me, but I hurry to pass all the rooms to flee away and not face the stupid jumpscares that I hate like hell.
I get all of them in my face in only a few seconds and almost feel my heart drop on the old parquet floor, but I burst into every room that does not have a closed door, and I make my way out of her and finally get free.
I slam the door behind me and bend over to grab my knees and pant for air, but now that I am outside, I realize how ridiculous I was, and let alone how mean it was of me to leave them behind together when I know how terrified they must be.
A haunted house is not funny if it is not scary anyway. I did it for them to have a good time, that is all.
Since I am out and that I cannot do anything but wait, I sit on the nearest bench of the yard, and I take my phone out.
Crap. Hojun sent me several messages.
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