chapter 38 | Uncovered
"See you, eat well too," Y/n waves at him, smiling while I cannot. Hojun waves back at her and smiles, and he runs away.
We both watch him leave while remaining silent, and once he is out of sight, I lay my eyes on her and draw her closer to me to get her face near mine and press my lips on his jawline. "I love you."
She smiles, her cheek touching my lips, she turns towards me and encircles my neck with her arms, and she looks into my eyes. "I love you too," she kisses me on the lips then hides her face in the crook of my neck.
I love to be alone with her, but Hojun is acting weird since last week, he often leaves us alone as if he wanted us to spend time only together and have our 'couple time', but he does not seem to be doing good.
"Let's eat, I'm hungry and cannot think properly without food," she gets some food out of her bag but hands me a lunchbox. "Thank you, my baby. I can already tell that you'll be an amazing wife."
"Why is that?" she laughs but removes the wrapping from her sandwich, so I take the chopsticks she left into the box, and I taste the sushis. "Because you're wife material already. You always make sure to prepare some food for me for lunch."
"I want to make sure you eat well and get enough energy to study and deal with me," she bites into her food, but I chuckle and agree with this sentence. "Yeah," I chew on the rice and vegetables that taste amazing. "Dealing with you asks a lot of patience and energy."
"Not as much as to stand you..." she makes sure she shoots back at me, but I take it as a compliment since I know this is the truth. "I won't contradict."
"Is it good at least?" she points her finger at it, and I nod, enjoying it a lot. "The sausages are still warm, I feel happy."
"I'm happy too then," she feeds herself for us to eat together and have lunch.
I wonder if she got the hints I sent with the wife thing though.
10 pm.
< hey, can I talk to you? ]
[ sure, what's wrong? >
I leave my books to focus on Hojun, wondering what is going on for him to text me now.
< can I call you? ]
[ yes >
I wait for his name and picture to appear on my screen, and in a few seconds, it happens, so I pick up. "Hello?"
"Hey..." the awkwardness escapes my phone, and I understand pretty quickly that the matter is serious. "Am I annoying? Were you about to sleep?"
"No at all, and I was still studying. Are you okay?" I frown, fearing something bad. I believe that if it was horrible, he would have talked about it with Jungkook, and since Jungkook and I were both talking, he would have let me know about it too, but still, I am worried. "I think I am...I mean, I just..." he does not end his sentence, musing on his words. "I've been thinking about what you told me the other day...when we talked in your room...and after this week...with the time we spent together, I feel like I need to get some things off my chest...I don't know if it's a good idea though...but yeah..."
"It is a good idea, you shouldn't keep anything to yourself," I let him feel comfortable enough to spill it out, giving him the time he needs and not rushing anything by staying quiet when I feel like it is the right moment to do it. "What is it about?" I question him since I know I should help him to get to the point.
"About...Jungkook," he says his name, and I expect to hear what I have been doubting about a lot. "Tell me. What is wrong with Jungkook and you?"
"Well..." he pauses between each answer, each thought and fear. "Do you remember the question you asked me the other day?"
"Let me think..." my eyes shift to the top-left in a natural manner. "About your relationship?" I move to the right to rest my back against the wall, getting myself ready to listen.
"Hm...yeah," he makes me nervous, having no idea how much worry he can cause when he acts that way, which does not happen often. "Oh, and has something changed since then?"
"No, it hasn't changed, but you know," he clears his throat, raising the tension and making it difficult to be patient. "You can let it out, Hojun."
He does not say anything but lets some anxious silence hasten the beating of my heart. "Promise you won't be mad or hate me."
I nibble on my inner cheek, feeling like this is not what I am expecting it to be. "I promise I won't," I give him my word, hoping for him to not hurt me with his honesty.
"Y/n..." his voice quivers. "I never talked about it until now...and I'm not sure I'd want you to tell Jungkook about this, even if I know you won't want to keep it to yourself and hide it, but...I've been trying to control my feelings and pretend not to have them for quite a long time now..." those first words relieve me, and I breathe out but make it quiet so that he does not hear me. "I just...the way Jungkook treats me, speaks to me, takes care of me...all those things," a heavy and trembling exhalation blows into the microphone. "I like him..." he lets it out, finally, but a few seconds after this, I hear him sob. "I'm sorry for telling you this, y/n. I just can't keep it to myself anymore, and after all the things you told me the other day, I felt like I had to talk about it..."
"Don't say sorry, Hojun," I reassure him the best way I can, not feeling mad or disappointed. I knew it. For some reason, I am not surprised at all, and that is the reason why I mentioned it to him and insisted on being okay with him feeling more than friendly love for my boyfriend.
"I just feel ashamed now because you know it...and I don't want you to believe that I took advantage of our relationship to get love and attention from him because of how close we are...but...I don't know...I feel disgusting as fuck, and I've always been scared of how he makes me feel, what he makes me feel without even knowing..." all the pressure he has been hiding inside of him finally goes out, gradually freeing himself from these. "Why would you feel disgusting? There's nothing wrong with how you feel because of him, Hojun, and you shouldn't feel ashamed either. You're human, and what you feel is completely human as well. You know I'll never believe something like that. I know how close you both are, how important you both are to each other, so I felt it. I knew one of you was hiding your real feelings or denying them."
"I know Jungkook isn't attracted to guys, so I never tried to talk about it with him, and I also didn't want to ruin our friendship because he's always been the only one I have in my life, and I was scared to lose him because of some selfishness..." he finds all the reassurance he needs to be sincere with me and get rid of everything. "To be honest with you, Hojun. I feel like you should tell him. You should talk about this with him, I know this will not ruin your friendship at all. After all the things I heard from him, I know this won't be awkward between you both at all, but you need to also mention the fact that I know about it and that I am okay with it. I know he will be worried about how I feel, and I don't want him to be scared that what happened in the past with his exes will happen again with me because of your relationship. Okay? So make sure to reassure him and tell him we had this talk and that..." I go mute without realizing, losing my mind for a moment.
I sigh but smile, and I lower my look to my bed. "...that I hope he will be honest with you and not lie to himself because of me. I still love him, and I'll always love him no matter what happens. Alright?" I handle this the best way I can, not lying but fearing the upcoming days. "Are you sure, y/n...? I don't want to be the cause of a breakup again...He loves you so much and cannot stop thinking about the future with you."
"I am more than sure, Hojun. I promise," I tell him the truth. We do not speak anymore, not knowing what to say, what to do. I know this might cause some tension and bad days, but they have to go through that, and I have to. This is better to go through it for good and not let this type of pressure on his shoulders for longer. He needs this talk.
"Will you tell him even if I don't because I'm scared of what this will do to your relationship?" he continues to doubt, not being selfish enough. "I will. I won't be able to live and face Jungkook without saying anything anyway. This is for the best, Hojun. I promise this won't hurt anyone. Trust me. And you should do it now, you won't be able to sleep if you don't."
"You're the best girl I've ever met, y/n..." he snivels, but his sweet and meaningful words put a smile on my face. "You're an amazing person, Hojun. You just don't realize it."
He does not react to it, probably not believing in those sincere words. I cross my legs over my bed as the quietness is tensing me up, and I decide to take the upper hand on this moment to do what he is too worried to do. "Don't panic or fear anything. Just be honest with him, let everything out. You both mean a lot to me, so don't overwhelm yourself with unnecessary stress."
"Okay...I'll do as you say, y/n..." he trusts me. "I'll hang up now so that you can go and talk to him. So take a deep breath and remember that Jungkook loves you no matter what."
"I hope so..." this moment that must be terrible for him manages to make him doubt Jungkook's love, but I do not say anything again, I want him to go and talk. I need to know too. This scares me, and I cannot lie about this. "Text me or call me once this is done," I hang up, and I look down at my screen to leave my contacts. I lock my phone, and I put it on my bed, not knowing where my mind is, where my thoughts are. I guess they are all over the place. I should wait. I hope this will not take too much time.
I know I showed confidence during this call, but I am worried and apprehensive. I do love Jungkook from the bottom of my heart, I do not want to lose him, but I want the best for him.
I send a text to y/n after getting out of the bathroom and land on my bed, but I receive a message from someone else.
< hey, is Chiwon there? ]
[ nope, why? Did you have a nightmare? Is your roommate being an asshole again? >
< no, I just want to know if I can come and talk to you ]
[ of course you can, is something going on? I'm worried now >
He does not answer me, getting me to feel weird. I wait for him to come here since I do not want to force him to reply, knowing him way too much to not see that something is wrong.
I drop my phone next to me and stand up to walk up to the door, and I open it to check in the hallway and wait for him here. I am way too impatient to stay on my bed until he knocks on the door.
Once I catch sight of him stepping out of his room, I take a closer look at his body language but read through it, and I notice all the fright and worry. This is bad.
I cross my arms over my chest, staring at him standing in front of his door while cogitating, and I whistle to grasp his attention. His head turns in my direction right away, so I gesture him to come.
He does as told but walks up to me in one of the most reluctant manners.
What the hell is going on?
The distance between us shrinking, I straighten my back, and when he is at my level, I cup his face and raise it up but fall upon his red, teary eyes. "What is going on? What happened?" I look into his eyes, but he averts his from mine. "I need to talk to you..." he lowers his chin, and he moves his shaking hands up to his face to cover it.
I do not stay here but bring him inside, and I close the door but take him in my arms. "Tell me everything," I hold him tight against me, and at the sound of him crying, I rub one hand over his back, and I wrap my hand around his neck to caress the nape of it with my thumb.
I hope no one hurt him, but I feel like his dad has caused this again.
"What is this about? Did your dad say something again? Did this asshole hurt you again?" I clench my jaw, but he shakes his head. "Then what is it about? Tell me, baby. I'm so worried right now," I bring my face closer to the side of his. "No matter what this is about, tell me who caused this, and what happened."
"It's just me..." his voice cracks, and he steps back. He wipes his tears away but does not even look at me. He avoids me. "Jungkook...I know you're gonna hate me..."
"Don't say that," I cannot help but interrupt him, not standing those types of words. "I'll never hate you."
His breathing turning sharp and unsteady, I get closer to him again to try to calm him down and prevent him from having a panic attack, but he moves away to not let me touch him.
"Y/n told me to do this..." he says, making me frown. "Do what?" I do not understand him. "Hojun. Tell me what is going on, you know I hate this."
"Y/n told me to talk to you about this," he chokes up, crying, struggling to breathe, but attempting to speak at the same time. He is going to end with a panic attack for sure, he needs to relax. "I had a talk with her, I had to talk to her first because I was scared of your reaction...and I don't know how to tell you, or if I made the right decision because I just wanna go back to my room and pretend this never happened...but..." he loses his breath, scaring me even more because of the state he put himself in.
"What is this about? You know you can talk to me about anything. Why would you be scared, Hojun?" I do everything to not let my quick temper control me. "Because it's something...about you...about me and how I feel...this is gonna ruin our friendship if I tell you Jungkook, but I'm terrified this might happen because I need you and would die without you..." his eyes full of tears eventually meet mine, and my heart speeds up its rhythm.
Is he really talking about what I think he is?
I do not know how to breathe anymore either. "Be straightforward."
The tears on his face roll down his face more heavily, his eyes staring into mine for the first time tonight.
"I love you..." he speaks in a trembling voice, and I freeze on my spot. "I love you as more than a friend, and I feel disgusting for it..."
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