chapter 34 | Soothing
"Come with me," I grab Hojun's wrist and lead him behind a wall to be away from everyone.
"Hey," I cup his face to make him look at me. "Everything is okay. I understand why you're feeling that way, but I want you to calm down and not let this get to you. I'll never be disappointed in you, alright? I know how hard it is for you because you hate this type of thing when you know someone's gonna be in pain, but you're not responsible for anything that he feels. I know that he has always been there for us, and has always been a good friend until now, I won't cast doubt on that," I wipe his tears away with my thumbs, finding the right words to say in order to allay his fears. "You can have a talk with him if you want, if there are things that you need to know or tell him, do it. I won't be disappointed in you or mad at you for doing so. You can also talk about it with y/n if you're worried about what she might think, or if you need explanations, her point of view on this matter so that you can listen to both of them. Do what will help you to know how to feel exactly about this, but do not let this cause you pain and stress. Take the time you need, but don't let it become a burden. Alright?"
He nods but leans in to rest his head on my chest and wrap his arms around my waist, so I encircle his neck with mine to hug him back. "You already have enough problems to deal with, so don't add this to them. Hm?" I comb his hair to pat his head. "Yeah."
I ruffle his hair to release the tension. "Stop crying, it breaks my heart."
"My nose hurts even more," he does not show any earnestness anymore but moves his head back to wipe his tears away. "Then stop," I use my own sleeve to dry his skin, and he looks up at me, with his messy hair and red puffy eyes. "Your band-aid won't stick anymore now," I kindly touch it on the sides that soaked his tears, and he does not show any signs of pain, to my greatest relief, but he takes something out of his pocket. "I have another one, in case," he holds it up, and I cannot hold back from chuckling.
"Keep it for later," I take my hands off of his skin to not do anything to this aching spot, and I fix his hair. "Have you drank chocolate milk this morning?"
"No, they didn't have any at the grocery store yesterday, so I couldn't buy any," his voice leaves with real grief, his nose now getting stuck because of the sobbing. "I'll get you some in another one after classes."
"The other grocery stores or supermarkets are far away though," he sticks his hands in the pockets of the oversized jacket that once belonged to me, and I shrug. "I'll take the bus."
"I'll come with you," he believes I will let him do so, but I shake my head. "No, it's too cold, so you stay in your room. Let's go back to y/n now," I leave this spot to head back to my girlfriend who has been waiting for us, but Hojun grabs my arm and catches up with my steps. "But staying in my room all alone is boring, so I'd rather be a little cold but with you, and y/n will probably join too."
"I said no," I peek into his almond-shaped eyes to make myself clear, but the look into them makes it hard for me to remain stern. "I said yes."
I laugh at his persistence but gaze at y/n now that we are back at the bench, and I sit down by her side. "I'm sorry for making you wait," I take her hand in mine to intertwine our fingers, and she smiles at me. "It's okay, don't worry. I hope everything's alright."
"It is," I stroke the back of her hand, but the bell already rings and puts an end to this. We all stand up once again, but since y/n is not with us for this lesson, I press a kiss on her lips and give her a hug. "See you later, I love you."
"I love you too," she glances in Hojun's direction. "See you," she gives him a warm and tender smile, and he returns it, genuinely. "See you, don't overwork."
She nods but leaves us, and we both head together to the class we have to be in for this first lesson of the day. "Have you studied?" he asks me, and for the first time in my life, I proudly answer with no fear to tell the truth. "I did. I spent the whole week on it. And you?"
"Same, but I feel like I'm still gonna fail," he never believes in himself, thinking that he is not good enough to have good marks. I grumble at the sound of this negativity I hate to hear from him and enter the class. "You're gonna do great, stop saying that. Even if you fail, you tried your best, so that's the most important."
He does not say anything but sits down, so I get on the chair right next to him and fix my eyes on his baby face. "Alright, my baby?" the corners of my lips turn up, and this nickname sparks a reaction. He grins against his will and does not even attempt to hide it at all. "Alright."
"Good, this is what I wanna hear," I open my bag to get my stuff on the table as he is doing so, and I lay my laptop on it.
11:20 am.
"Kook?" Hojun comes closer to me as all the students are waiting for the teacher to come. "Hm? What's wrong?" I take my eyes off my phone for a second to tangle my fingers in his fluffy hair then look at my screen again. "Do you think y/n would want to go out with us for lunch?"
"Probably, unless she's too cold and wanna stay in her room. Why?" I play with his fluffy hair without holding back, knowing that he likes it and feels soothed when I do it. "I wanted us to eat together."
I smile and bring my phone down to my lap to focus on him. "Ask her if she wanna be there. You'll get the answer. I'm always down for whatever you wanna do anyway."
"Yes, but if she wanna stay in her room, you'll stay with her, so I need to know her answer first," he grabs his phone to do as suggested. "She'd tell you to come as well, you know."
"You'd let me get in her room?" he types on his phone but sneers, and I keep my eyes on his features. "I'd let you get in her room even if I'm not there. As long as nothing happens behind my back, I'm okay with you hanging out with her whenever you both want."
"Glad to hear that, but I feel like we both always want you to be there too," he gazes up at me as the message seems to have been sent, and this sentence flutters my heart. I comb his hair back and slide my hand down the nape of his neck. "Yeah, but if I ever have something to do, that I'm busy or something, you can both hang out without me."
"In this case, yes, but that wouldn't be the same," he puckers his lips to express some discontent, reminding me of y/n and the texts she sends me when we both tease each other. "I know, life is boring without me," I joke and take my hand away from his neck to drop my arm on the back of his chair, and a chortle escapes his mouth, but he checks his phone as he must have received an answer from y/n.
"She'll come," he tells me, and his face radiates a lot of joy. I love to see him feel like that whenever she is around us, this makes me so happy. "Great. We'll let you pick the place you want."
"Okay," his cute voice runs out of his mouth, and he puts his phone down after texting her again.
I never felt so calm about another boy texting my girl and being so close to her. I know that it is only like this because this is him, but I would never have expected it. I wonder if this is normal or not. It never happened before, and I am so in love with y/n that it is even harder for me to believe it. I cannot recognize myself.
12:20 pm.
"Y/n!" Hojun cannot keep quiet at the sight of my girlfriend, my heart, which beats harder whenever I see her, hear her, or think about her, going a little faster. "Hojun," she speaks with the same delight in her voice and hugs him.
"I know you're feeling cold because of the weather, so I got you this," he takes his bag off of his shoulder, excited about showing her what he bought. He opens the zipper and gets the soft plushie out to hand it to her. "It looks like a teddy bear, but this is actually a heating pad, whenever you want to use it, you just have to press on the button here," he points at it. "Aw, thank you so much, Hojun. This is so cute, I love it," she hugs him one more time, both being adorable and precious with each other. "No need to," he closes his bag to put it on his back, but my eyes cannot ignore the happiness that I know he must feel right now.
I know how happy it makes him to gift other people and give them attention, and whenever I witness it, I can feel a small emotional wave run through me. They make me happy by making each other happy, and I could not ask for more. This relationship is growing so well, I love and enjoy every single day with them around me, and this is so invaluable to me.
"Let's go now," he clutches the small hand warmer that I refused to take so that he would have it for himself, and I stretch my hand out to y/n to hold hers, but she turns the heating pad on and then puts her hand in my bigger one that must be warm after the long minutes they spent in my pockets.
"How was this morning?" I pass my fingers between hers, walking hand in hand. "It was fine, it went by quite fast today. How about you?"
"Same, I'm just nervous about the test that we had," I do not keep it to myself but talk about this anxiousness that my grades have been causing lately. "Really? Why? Didn't it go well?"
"I don't know, I studied a lot, but I felt like my brain was empty when I had the exercises in front of me," I go back to this struggling moment I went through with Hojun earlier, but she comes closer to me and caresses my hand. "Don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure you did great, and you studied a lot, so you did what you could. No matter the marks you get, don't be disappointed in yourself."
"Yeah," I smile, loving how comforting her words are. "And you did too, Hojun," she leans forth to address him, aware of how his mind is. "You both did great on that test no matter the results."
I love her so much. She never forgets about him.
15 minutes later...
I join y/n and Hojun at a table after ordering and paying for the food for us, and I sit down next to y/n since they are both side by side. I give them the food they picked, open the cans, and put everything in front of them. "Here you are."
"Thank you," they both behave like good kids with a parent, and I smile but take a sip of my drink. "It's been so long since I ate a burrito," y/n impatiently opens the wrapping, unable to wait for longer. "Are they that good? I never tasted any," Hojun chews on the sandwich he was hungry for, but y/n does not take a bite yet, she moves the burrito towards him. "Here, try it. Personally, that's my favorite."
While I am eating and watching them, Hojun swallows what was in his mouth and bites into her lunch, then once he pulls away and chews, his eyes widen. "Damn. This is so good."
"I know, right?" she giggles at his cute reaction and feeds herself as well. "Do you want me to order one?" I put my can of Coke down, seeing how much he enjoys what he just tasted for the first time. "No, I'm good with my sandwich. I'll order one next time."
"Here," she puts her burrito down on the wrapping and moves it towards him. "Eat this," she grabs his food to let him have what we both know he wants. "Hey, no...It's fine. You wanted this so bad."
"Eat this and keep quiet," she smiles and eats the sandwich to make sure he does not try to get it back, and I laugh, silently. "You're a good girl, baby," I tuck some strands of her hair behind her ear, and she looks into my eyes while chewing on the bread and ham. "That's all I get for that...?"
"Uh. You're not shy anymore, hm?" I smile and cup her chin to press my lips on hers. She licks her lips and involuntarily shows satisfaction, then glances down at her food. "Whatever, what are you both going to do after the classes?" she avoids my question to not have to answer it, but I leave her alone since she is cute. "I'm gonna study, probably," Hojun tells her, with food in his mouth. "Study in your room," I send her big hints and put a smile on my face to pretend that I am joking, but she takes it seriously. "Good. I'm happy then."
"That means I can spend the night in your room again?" my eagerness rises, and as soon as I see her nod, I beam like a kid. I cannot wait to be there.
5:20 pm.
< hey, is Kook already with you? ]
[ not yet, he's taking a shower. He brought you the packs of chocolate milk he bought, right? But why? >
I answer Hojun's text after getting out of the shower, and I sit down on my bed.
< He did. I was just asking if I can come to talk with you? This is about yesterday's issue, so tell me if you don't want to talk about it anymore, I'll understand ]
[ you can come, don't worry. I don't mind talking about it if you want to >
< thank you, y/n. I'll be here in a few seconds ]
I put my phone down and stand up to tidy up, getting my books away from my bed to put them on my nightstand, and since Jungkook is not the one to come first, I get a pair of shorts out of my dresser and put them on under my oversized hoodie.
Now that I am ready, I go back to my bed and get my phone to text Jungkook and let him know that Hojun is staying here for a talk.
However, someone already knocks on my door, so I move towards it and open it. Hojun. He really was quick.
"Come in," I smile and let him step inside, then I close the door. He takes his shoes off to leave them there, and I invite him to sit down on my bed. "What is happening?" I hold my hands on my lap, staring at him and waiting for him to explain what is wrong.
He seems doubtful and worried.
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