chapter 26 | Dreamy
10 minutes later...
"Ugh...finally..." I stop in front of the girls' dorm once again, feeling like this time, it is way harder to leave her and go back to my room without her. "Finally? This word does not sound good right now."
"Why? I'm finally going to be alone and not bothered by you," I do not mean a single word I said, but she punches my abs. "Fine then, goodbye," she turns around to go without waiting, but I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist to stop her. "Hey. I'm joking," I press my lips on her ear. "I don't want to go back to my room..." I lower the tone of my voice.
"Why...?" she acts like she does not know, so I hold her even tighter, and she brings her hands up to my arms to touch them. I remain quiet for a moment, but she looks into my eyes. "You're my girlfriend now, right? No one else can have you...?"
"I am. So no one else will have me," she shakes her head, and I smile like a kid. "But those thirsty bitches you have in your dm's better disappear now," she swears now that this topic is brought, and I chuckle but kiss her lips. "I'll take all the pics of my body down if you want me to."
"Just do whatever you want," she does not say anything more about this, even though I can see that she does not like to know I have all those girls in my dm's. I gaze down at her lips but move to stand before her, and I block the way. "I need to give you something before you go back to your room," I open the bag I am still holding with one hand and get the two keychains I bought for her. I hand them to her, and she already expresses all her happiness. "This is for me?"
"Of course it is, dummy. I thought it'd be obvious," I let her grab them, gifting her like she did for me with the Starbucks coffee keychain she got me. "Thank you," she smiles, joyfully. "You're gonna have them on you all the time like that one Hojun gave you, right?"
"Yes, all the time," she does not purposely make me jealous, and she gives me a hug. "Thank you, I love them so much."
"No need to thank me," I drop the bag to be able to hold her tight, loving the way she makes me feel, the way she comforts me, gives me so much without knowing.
"Look at me," I move my head back to set my eyes on her features, and she does as told. Before doing anything, saying anything, I revel in this moment and gaze at her features, memorize them even more than they already are in my head, stare into her sparkling eyes that made me fall in love with her, and forget how dangerous it can be to feel this again. None of us saying a word, I cup her face and lean in to kiss her lips again. I miss the softness they left on my skin, that first kiss of earlier made me go so crazy that I need more of it.
We both kiss each other back like we did at that bus stop and make it gentle, slow, but passionate. Feeling myself dive into the ecstasy this intimacy brings me, I let go to the full, but she does not help me at all, she offers me all the emotions I missed feeling, and I try to return them but know that once my heart beat so fast, that my head feels so dizzy, I am going to fall so much more deeply in love with her.
This is just a kiss, but she makes me feel so good.
I breathe out in her mouth to break the contact for a short second, but her tongue grazes my bottom lip to continue, and she manages to turn me on. I slide my tongue in her mouth and feel hers move against mine, so I clasp it with my lips and go a bit rougher because of this action.
My hands move down to her throat, and she passes her cold ones under my jacket, but I stop. I need to calm down, I know I will not be allowed to get into her room, so I cannot let this kiss arouse me. "I didn't expect you to be this much of a tease," I speak against her lips and smile. "I'm not...I just..." she bites on her bottom lip. "It feels good."
"It feels good for me too," I press one more kiss on her skin, and I brush the tip of my nose over her cheekbone. "Your tongue piercing makes it..." she pauses and looks up into my eyes. "I never kissed anyone who had one, and it'" she chuckles but causes some apprehension. "You don't like it?"
"I do, I do," she nods, being quick to answer. "A lot..."
I grin but stare into her eyes, my heavy breathing never becoming steady again. My heart is still racing, and I do not have any idea how to slow it down.
"We should...stop and go to our room..." I swallow, gazing deep into her eyes and never glancing away from those shiny ones full of emotions. "Yeah..." she agrees with me but does not seem as certain as she should be.
"Well," I skim my thumbs over her neck. "See you tomorrow, make sure to sleep tight, to not wake up too early, to dream of me..." a corner of my lips curves up at the same time as hers do, but once her arms make their embrace even more snug around my waist, I join our lips and go against what I stated some seconds ago. "Don't forget to text me before sleeping..." I repeat my action, finding every pretext to extend this moment. "Text me once you woke up..." I whisper against her soft and warm lips, my fingers running up to her jawline. "Hm?" I nuzzle the tip of her nose with mine, and her gentle reaction flutters my heart.
"I will, but I want you to do it too," she tells me in a quieter voice, and I lock my lips with hers for the last time. "I will," I caress her cheeks, and I drift my hands away to give her a hug.
This feels so amazing. This is like heaven on earth.
"See you tomorrow," I force myself to make this come to an end, and I step back but grab the bag I left on the floor. "See you, have a good night," she tucks her hands in the pockets of her jacket, and she moves back against the doors. "Have a good night too," I shyly respond and glance down while stepping backward. Once we both realize how dumb we look, we both giggle but turn around to not see each other anymore.
I head to the doors to enter the dorm, but I take one last look at her, and she does the same. We both leave each other's sight after this last connection, and I walk up the stairs but hurry to text Hojun.
[ bro I kissed her >
[ I kissed her! >
[ my heart is beating so fast rn and my head feels so fcking loud tell me this is not a dream >
< I thought you wanted to go slowly... ]
< but FINALLY! And no dumbass, it's not a dream, its real life right now and you finally made her your girl! ]
[ you have no idea how good this felt dammit I was trying to pull away at some point then she ughㅠㅠ fuck I can't walk and type and think about this kiss >
< she what? :0 ]
[ I pulled away two times, and she made me me continue with more touches I felt so freaking weak man, we kissed at the bus stop, and just some seconds ago. The way she kiss is just...she's a fucking tease >
< lmaoo she made "you you continue", stop shaking i see it but I'm not surprised, I knew it ]
[ wtf does that mean? You want me to kill u? >
I send the text and enter my room, being quiet in case Chiwon is sleeping, and once I catch sight of him studying on his bed, I close the door and take my shoes off.
"Hey," he greets me, and I answer with the same word but ask him how he is doing. "Good, how about you?" he drops his pencil down and looks at me, fixing his round glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Good as well," I land on my bed and leave the bag near my feet. "How was the date?" he smiles but keeps his eyes on his books.
"Amazing, she's finally my girlfriend," I tell him about it and text Kimoon too. "The Nounours girl?" he laughs, but I confirm. "Yeah, the Nounours girl."
"Well, I wish a lot of happiness then, hope this will last long," he kindly tells me, and I share the same thought. "Yeah, I hope too," I take my jacket off and read Hojun's texts.
< no! I just mean like it's obvious! She made eye contact with you so many times, she knows how to turn you on and play with you! ]
[ hm >
< :) ]
< when's the gender reveal? ]
[ -_- >
< chill, I'm jk. I want to celebrate it now ]
[ really lmao? >
< yeah, are you going out with her tomorrow? ]
[ probably, why? >
< I already thought about doing it this whole week but never dared to ask but I'd love to go out with all of you, and this opportunity would be great. Does that bother you? ]
[ no, I love the idea as well, where do you want to go tho? >
< Idk, a restaurant or café then we stay in my room to play games together? The asshole won't be here this weekend ]
[ sure, you should ask y/n now in case she goes to bed earlier >
< I will, I hope she says yes c: ]
[ same <3 >
I leave my phone for a moment, feeling how happy Hojun seems about this. He is so adorable, and at the same time, it breaks my heart because it seems like he wants to do things with us but does not talk about it only because he might believe that he will bother.
10 pm.
< hey, I'm going to sleep, hope you'll have a good night<3 ]
[ alright, have a good night as well and sleep tight♡ >
Not receiving any more texts from her since she must be tired, I speak to Hojun before sleeping too.
[ hey, y/n's coming tomorrow, right? >
< yep. Kimoon too but he invited a guy he knows well ]
[ alright. I'm gonna sleep now, go to bed soon and make sure to rest a lot for tomorrow, I love you >
< I love you too, good night c: ]
[ goodnight babyboy >
I grin after sending this and put my phone down, and I say good night to Chiwon as well. This day has been very intense in emotions, so I am going to sleep like a baby for sure.
— Next day —
Sunday, September 26th, 2021.
11 am.
< good morning, did you sleep well? :> ]
I smile in front of y/n's text, finally knowing that she is mine and that no one will take her away from me. I want to hold her so tight and cuddle with her right now.
[ hey, good morning, I did and you?<3 >
< Same. You slept like a baby as always:) ]
[ I did, it's your fault >
< my fault?'-' ]
[ yeah, you made my emotions and brain go a little too crazy last night >
< do you wanna know what you did to me?;-; ]
[ yeah:) >
< that was a fake question, I won't tell you ]
[ tell me rn or I come to your room >
< is it supposed to be a threat? ]
[ not sure >
< I don't take it as one c: ]
[ does that mean you want me in your room rn?:0 If not, don't answer cause I don't want my heart to be broken again >
< ... ]
< I don't want you in my room ]
[ I told you not to answer me >
< Oh well, I thought you'd like to know that I want you in my bed rn ]
[ 😳 >
[ don't tease me like that my girl >
< in my bed to cuddle! ]
[ oh >
[ well, that's what I want too:> >
< but if you come here, how will I study? ]
[ I'll study with you >
< hm. Come then ]
[ I'm coming, I gotta take a shower first >
I drop my phone to hurry and get in the bathroom. I cannot wait to be in her bed and hold her against me.
20 minutes later...
I knock on y/n's door after grabbing two coffees at the Starbucks for us and spending my last dollars in them. Fearing that someone might catch me here and tell me to go back to my room, I take a look on my right and feel impatient. Short seconds later, she opens to me, and my heart skips a few beats for no good reason. This feels like if it was the first time. The first time facing her, talking to her.
"Hey, come in," she greets me in a pair of pajama shorts and shirt, and she steps back to let me enter the cozy room and close the door. "Damn," I take a look around me, loving the shades, the aura this has. "This is so cute," I take my shoes off, and she smiles but sits down on her bed, making it hard for me to not look at her bare thighs. "Do you always take such long showers?"
"I got ready and passed by the Starbucks, okay?" I move towards her and hand her her favorite drink. "Here, that's for you," I sit down next to her and remove the hood of my black hoodie, and I finally take a sip of my warm coffee. "Thank you," she holds the cup with both hands and takes a sip.
I keep the straw between my lips but smile at her, and I bite on it once she moves her head to ask me what is wrong. "That's all I get for leaving my bed and going out in this freezing cold on a Sunday?"
"Well, I didn't ask you to do it..." she states facts that I do not want to hear, so I peek down at her lips and lean towards her to lock mine with them. I do not pull away too quickly but kiss her, with gentleness, and I make it slow.
Feeling the beating of my heart punch me from everywhere in my veins, I move back to a slight degree, look up into her eyes, and let a subtle smile form on my face at the sight of hers. "Did I get the right coffee?"
She nods to me, her soft gaze jolting my heart. "Hm. Good then," I glance down at my cup to drink and retreat, giving her back her personal space. "How are you doing?"
"Good, and you? Is the poor little baby that you are still cold?" she makes fun of me, retrieving her tongue after going mute because of a kiss. "Yeah, I'm still very cold..." I lie, hoping for something that might be impossible to get from her.
"That's so bad..." she keeps on sucking the liquid in and does not care about me, but I am not even surprised anymore. "Well, that was good to see you—" I get brought back on her bed after pretending to leave. "I'm joking," she gets on my lap and wraps her arms around me, giving me more than I ever imagined. I chuckle but encircle her waist with my arms to touch her more intimately.
"Does it feel better?" she speaks in my ear, doing something wrong since we can only cuddle and not do more. "Yeah. Much better," I slide my free hand on the side of her thigh. "Especially with those strong thighs that I know can protect me," I rub my thumb over her skin but smirk at her, but she bites her inner cheek to not let me see that she is smiling. "I'm gonna crush you with them."
"Yes, please," I slide the straw between my lips but hear her shy giggle, but I put my arms around her to apply pressure on her back and bring her closer for a kiss on her neck. "What are you gonna wear to go out today?"
"I don't know yet, what do you want to see me in?" she asks for my opinion, and I look down at her collarbone. "Hmm. I like when you wear the black flared trousers, the ones that are tight on thighs, a bit less on your calves then—"
"That's the purpose of flared pants, Jungkook," she cuts me off to indirectly tell me I am a dumbass. "Yeah. True, well, it would be pretty with the cute tank top you wore the other day, you know, the black one with the hearts on it, and you wear a cardigan with it. What do you think?"
"Do you want me to try it on for you?" she suggests to do, and my brain does not even let me think twice. "Yeah."
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