chapter 15 | Misunderstood
4:30 pm.
[ hey, where are you? >
I send a text to y/n after looking for her, wondering if she is still in class because of a test or other matter.
< I left for the hospital, why? ]
[ "why?" I TOLD YOU TO WAIT FOR ME! >:( >
< But I told you to work and rest ]
[ I'm mad rn >
< no you're not ]
[ yes I am. Give me your location or I stalk you to find you >
< you won't ever find me:) ]
[ I'm not kidding. Tell me where you are, please. I don't want you to be alone >
< Jungkook, I swear I'm fine. It's easier like this, I promise ]
I sigh, knowing I cannot do anything about it since she is already gone. I feel like something is wrong since earlier.
Not knowing what to say to make her understand I just want to be there, with her, I decide to not answer and leave her on read. She will maybe understand it that way.
I drop it out of obligation, and I move to the dorms to enter the building and walk up the stairs, hating the fact that y/n is all alone and heading to the hospital with no one by her side.
Is she trying to avoid me because I am too clingy? Because of what happened with Gayoon? She has been acting a bit distant since earlier, she did not even come back during the break, even though I waited for her without my best friends.
I hope she is not already sick of me, that would break my heart so badly.
— Next day —
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021.
10:30 am.
"Kook," Kimoon pronounces my name to get my attention, and I look at him as the three of us are waiting for the teacher to come. "Are you okay? Are you mad at us or something?"
"I'm not, I just had a bad night," I shrug, remembering the dream I had, then the fact that I did not even receive any text from y/n since I left her on read. "Why?"
"I don't know, I couldn't sleep properly," I lie and pull my hair back, the feelings I had in this dream remaining inside of me as if I had lived it.
Having a nightmare is horrible, but dreaming of being close to someone you like, cuddling them, kissing them, and feeling their body close to yours, in your arms is the worst because once you wake up, reality hits you hard in the face, and you remember how shitty real life is.
"Oh...have you talked to y/n? How was it at the hospital?" he mentions her, hurting me without knowing. "I don't know. She left before I could even try to join her, and she hasn't texted me since then."
He does not say anything as if this got him speechless, and I breathe out heavily. "Is it because of me and what I said yesterday?" Hojun blames himself for it, but I shake my head without even knowing about the answer to this question. "I don't think so. I'm probably just too clingy."
"She likes clingy guys for sure, don't be worried," he states as if he knew what she has on her mind, and I raise my eyebrows. "How do you know that?"
"Because it's obvious, she's really the type of girl who likes clingy guys, so don't be worried. She's probably not okay because of the injury, don't take it personally," he does his best to reassure me and not let my head get filled with assumptions. "I guess..."
"Try to post something later. If she's mad at you or something, she won't give a like," Hojun gives me his dumb idea. This might work, but if I do see that she does not put a like, I will start to panic. "Why would she be mad at him? I know for sure this is just because she's not feeling fine after what happened with that other bitch. What if she's avoiding him because she's scared one of them might hurt her again?"
"True, that'd be a good reason," he agrees with Kimoon, and I hope for him to be right, like this, that means she still likes to be with me. "Stop being worried. Text her and see how she acts, or just be straightforward and ask her if something is wrong so that there is no misunderstanding. You know, girls are quick to think they'll annoy you if they text you. Especially a guy like you who has plenty of thirsty girls in his dm's, she might believe she's just one among the others and that you're busy chatting with them."
"I know, but she's acting like that since yesterday only...but whatever, I'll text her..." I say, not even certain that I will stick to it. I cannot believe a girl is having such a strong effect on my mood and day. This is not okay.
12:20 pm.
Recalling what Hojun told me earlier, I open my camera and take a simple selfie, with my hood on, and from a low angle while my best friends are eating lunch. I publish it, and the likes rise in a matter of short seconds, the comments get added, but I just wait to get y/n's attention.
My eyes staring at my screen, the dm's appear on top of it, but I slide them to the right to get them away and not waste time on any of those girls. Y/n is not here, my heart is really racing for no goddamn reason, and this messes me up.
I give up on this and drop my phone down on the table. I did something wrong, but I do not know what this something is.
I try to take my mind off by eating, and I listen to what my best friends are talking about, or at least, I try. It feels so difficult.
A few seconds later, I cannot hold back. I grab my phone again and check if she liked the post.
_ Nounours liked your photo _
All the pressure and weight I was feeling in my chest, disappears, and the relief is even bigger once I read that she sent me a text.
< hey, are you mad at me because of yesterday? I'm sorry if it upset you, I just didn't want to bother you with this problem ]
[ hey, I'm not mad at all. I thought something was wrong so I didn't want to text you and risk being annoying >
< no, you won't ever annoy me, I told you. There's nothing wrong, don't worry. I just wanted to be done with this thing quickly ]
[ Oh, I hope you're doing better today then, what did the doctors do? >
< I'm feeling okay, I got some medication for the pain, and they put a splint on my hand. They told me I have to keep it for 1 month :( ]
[ Dammit:< I'm so sorry, I wish I could make this bitch regret it. I'm glad you don't have to deal with too much pain tho. It's not too hard to work or anything, right? >
< it's not, the splint is way better than a cast so I'm not complaining honestly, but anyway, how are you doing? I hope you had enough sleep and didn't go to bed too late ]
[ my sleep was okay. I went to bed earlier for once lmao but this didn't benefit me >
< oh, why? ]
[ just a weird dream, it ruined my whole night, but what about you? Did you sleep well? >
< I did. Did you have a nightmare? ]
[ not really a nightmare, you know, those types of dreams that make you want to stay in them and never wake up because it feels too good? Well, that was one of them, I wanted to cry when I realized it wasn't real life:') >
< I know what this feels like, I hate but love them at the same time :< ]
[ Ikr. They make you feel so good but remind you of how boring your life is >
< exactly, to me, that's worse than a nightmare because at least when you wake up from a nightmare, you're happy with the life you have ]
[ it is! that's what I think every time I have one >
< well, I hope you'll have a nightmare tonight then:) ]
[ could have wished me to have no dream or nightmare tho ㅠㅠ >
[ but I'm used to the evil you are, so thank you >
< :) ]
I smile after spending my whole day in a pool of anxiousness, and I lay my phone next to me while eating to be aware if she ever sends me a new message.
"Did you make up?" Kimoon notices how I feel, and I chew on the rice I have in my mouth before telling him. "Yeah, she thought I was mad at her."
"I knew it. Those types of stupid misunderstanding are always what cause problems in a relationship if no one wants to talk it out," he does not hide his smart brain, and I admit that I panicked for no reason and that I should have talked to her if this was worrying me so much, but I am more than happy to see that she is not the type who stays quiet when there is an issue, she talks it out and communicates which is very important.
"I'm sad to know that my daddy cares about a girl more than me now though..." Hojun comes back with his dumbass now that he knows I feel better, but I just stare at him. "You know...that hurts my feelings because I used to be the only one you look at, you would call me your baby boy, kiss me—"
"I did it because I was drunk," I lie but smile, recalling this moment when y/n was not on my mind twenty-four hours a day. "Stop it. You knew what you were doing because you didn't forget it the morning after," he knows, and this is now impossible to hide the fact I was more than conscious of what I was doing. "It was a forehead kiss, so chill."
"But you put all your love into it, right?" he stops chewing and swallow, keeping his eyes on me and hoping to hear the answer he wants to not get hurt. "Of course, all my love," I give him what he is waiting for and smirk, but he reads through my facial expression that I do not mean it. "You make my heart flutter..." he fakes a smile. "And your dick twitch, I know it," the shame never reaches me, and I glance away to check my phone but see a text that I missed from y/n.
< are you eating? ]
[ I am, and you? Are you at the Subway? Without me...? >
< No, I'm in my room. I'd have told you otherwise^-^ ]
[ I'm happy to hear it:) make sure to eat well >
< I will, but so do you ]
[ I will, I'll never skip meals, I'm not crazy >
[ btw, feel free to join us whenever you want >
< thanks, I will ]
A pair of lips kissing my neck drags me out of my phone, and I dart my eyes towards the horny guy on my left. "I can see that you're affection deprived."
"No, I'm not, bro. This neck is reserved for someone now, so don't touch it anymore," I make it clear and shove some rice in my mouth, but he gasps and pretends to be on the verge of crying. "Damn. Have you forgotten about the 'bros before hoes'?"
"But you're not my bro, you're my hoe," I sneer and lean back on my seat, but he does everything to conceal a smile that formed on his face. "Good point," Kimoon digs a deeper hole for him to hide himself in it, and he acts like he never heard us. He goes back to eating, the food being the only source of comfort for his broken heart.
2:40 pm.
I enter the classroom after leaving the other, and I follow Hojun who is heading towards our usual seat, with Kimoon behind me.
"Jungkook," Gayoon dares to address me and stand in front of me, but I do not even stop myself, I step aside to ignore her, but she does the same to block my way. "Please, I want to apolo—"
"Bitch, get the fuck away before I beat the shit out of you," Kimoon goes forward to push her away, not scared to use his hands. "I want to apologize for what I've—"
"We don't give a fuck. You dared to fucking touch y/n, you're a bitch since the beginning, so you go fuck yourself and never come up to us or her again, got it?" he nudges her to elbow his way to his table, and I do the exact same to join Hojun but see that y/n is already there.
I will never feel any empathy for this girl again. After all the things she has done, an apology will never be enough. She went way too far.
"Good, I'm relieved then," Hojun smiles at her, and I sit between them. "Relieved about what?" I enter this conversation, being nosy and knowing it. "I asked if I made her uncomfortable yesterday because of what I said, I wanted to say sorry," the good boy he is appears now that he is near her.
He makes fun of me for going soft for y/n, but he does the same with the girls he gets along with.
"Ah yeah, you can always tell us if they go too far. As you know it already, shame and restraint are not in their vocabulary," I let her know she has a word to say, and she nods to me. "Okay, but don't worry. I don't mind it."
"She told me it's okay if I call you daddy. I like her already," he speaks out, and I kick him under the table. "Out of all the things you could have asked her, that's what you decided to say?"
"Yeah," he does not see any problem about it, cool about this. I do not even try to give him a brain, I focus on y/n and get my stuff out of my bag.
"Also, I wanted to tell you to not be scared to hang out with me or be with me just because of the dumb bitches who think they own me, okay?" I warn her about this in case what Kimoon said might be true, and she looks at me. "Are you sure? I don't want to be attacked by any of them again..." she still says it with a smile, no matter what that girl made her go through. "Yeah, now that I know this happened, I won't let anyone touch you again. You didn't get any dm's from any of my followers, right?"
"I already did," she gazes down at her book to open it. "Who?"
"It was that girl who hit me, and another one sent me some messages yesterday to ask me why I'm the only girl you follow, why you like all my posts, if I'm your girlfriend," she tells me what I cannot even believe to be true. I never expected it to go so far. They do not even know me. "And what did Gayoon say?"
"She messaged me some days ago, she told me to stop being close to you because she likes you and don't want a random girl to ruin the relationship between you two, and she even told me to stop following you and block you so that you can't see my posts anymore," she chuckles, but my blood boils. "Those girls are so sick. Tell me who that other one is once the class is done so that I'll block her."
She agrees to do it, and we stop talking about this.
— Two days later —
Thursday, September 16th, 2021.
10 pm.
< hey, I just received a text from my parents, and they want me to visit them this weekend so I won't be able to go out like planned, I'm so sorry:( ]
[ :( >
[ the most interesting person on the campus won't be here for a whole weekend? I'm sad now >
[ I'm jk but don't say sorry, I hope you'll enjoy your time there! >
< I know, I'd be sad too if I was you ]
< thank you ]
< how are you doing tho? Are you going to sleep soon? ]
[ yeah but I'm doing good, just feeling a little sleepy, and you? >
< same, my eyelids are heavy ]
[ go to sleep then! You're gonna be tired tomorrow >
< I know, but I wanted to text you before doing it ]
[ So I'm more important than sleep, is that what you're saying? >
< goodnight😙 ]
[ :| >
[ thanks for the kiss tho, goodnight too😙 >
< you're welcome, this will the first and only one you'll get from me ]
[ we'll see that >
She does not answer me as if she did not want to add anything more, so I leave the chat but check the new text I got from Hojun.
< brooooooo ]
< look at this😭 ]
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