chapter 13 | Privileged
10 minutes later...
"Come on, let's hurry before the red velvet cake melts," I get out of the place with her after finishing our dessert, and she follows me, silently.
I put my hood on now that the weather just worsened and turned even colder, and I take a peek at her, hoping for her to be okay in her oversized hoodie. I do not say anything, and we both get to the dorms in short seconds.
We stop at the same time, knowing we have to get separated, and I hand her the bag. "Take it, please."
She breathes out in a heavy manner but does as told, and she grabs it. "Thank you," she kindly says it, and I smile, unconsciously. "Thanks to you. I had a good time, and I ate so well, I forgot what it was to be full with good food."
A soft laugh slips out of her mouth. "I had a good time too. I'm happy you liked it."
"Hm. I hope we can do this again," I fix my hair under my hood, but my nervousness after this sort of small confession obliges me to speak more. "Don't study today, alright? It's already late, so you should sleep."
"I will, don't worry. Sleep too, and don't hesitate to text me whenever you want, you won't bother me," she tells me as if it was important to her, and I cannot hide the delight this caused to me. "I will, but the same goes for you," I let her feel the same way about this, and we both smile at each other, not knowing how to put an end to such a great night that was almost like a first date.
"Have a good night, and have sweet dreams," I lick my lips to release the tension in my body, and she nods to me, the delicate look into her eyes not fading. "Have a good night and sweet dreams too, see you," she steps back but waves in a small and adorable manner as if she did not know what to do, and a subtle giggle leaves my chest, but I send her this wave back to say goodbye, then go inside.
She is such a cute girl.
— Next day —
Saturday, September 11st, 2021.
1:30 pm.
The loud sound of someone knocking on a door startles me and snatches me out of my sleep. My fast heartbeat obliging me to breathe rapidly, I turn towards Chiwon to know what is happening, but he does not even move, probably listening to his music and sleeping as always.
I take a peek at my phone to check the time but realize I slept a lot. Last night must have felt good as ever for my body to sleep for so long and not wake up just once throughout the night.
Since I do not know what this is about, I get out of my bed, sluggishly to not feel the rush of blood hit my head, and I ruffle my messy hair to go and open the door to that jerk.
"Hey, Jungkook. Is Chiwon here?" one of this guy's friends asks for him, and I hold back from getting mad at him for waking me up like that. "Yes, let me wake him up," I step back and make my way towards his bed to shake him up and make him feel what I felt a few seconds ago because of him.
"Ugh?" he reacts with fright, taking his earphones out, and I laugh at how ridiculous he is. "Someone's asking for you at the door," I point my thumb at it and go back on my bed. "Dammit," his ugly face that pictures the hangover he is going through gets covered by his hands, and he rubs them on it before standing up to answer his friend.
Meanwhile, I am taking my phone and checking my notifications. The first thing I do before reading any of my texts is getting on the conversation I share with y/n to see if she sent me a message, and I smile as soon as I notice she did, even if that was received two hours ago.
< hey, did you sleep well after the best night you spent with the amazing girl I am? ]
[ hey, sorry but who's that amazing girl? The only one I spent time with last night was an annoying brat, but anyhow, I slept like a damn baby >
< no way you woke up just now ]
[ I did, you have something to say about it? >
< you're a baby too:) ]
[ I'm not. I just have a muscular and tall body who needs more time to be charged up >
< sure. ]
[ what about you though? >
< I did too, and I drank the good Frappuccino the jerk bought me last night ]
[ what a kind jerk. I hope you savored it >
< I did, but how are you doing? ]
[ good but bad because I know I'm gonna have to study:') >
< yeah, that's why you're a student ]
[ thanks for reminding me >
[ and you? How are you? I'm pretty sure you're already studying >
< I'm fine, I already finished some of my assignments, and I'm studying rn ]
[ I'm gonna do as you then. I want to beat you and have better grades from now on. You have a good influence on me >
< I know I do ]
The smile that is plastered on my face does not disappear but makes me realize the effect she has on me without even being close here, near me. I do not bother her any longer since she is busy, and I go on Instagram.
I stand up and head to the bathroom since Chiwon is still chatting with his friend, and I close the door behind me. I stand before the mirror but make sure that there is no mess on the sink, and I find the best posture, the best angle to take a mirror picture. One hand in a pocket of my black pajama pants, my morning face slightly hidden by my phone, and my bare torso revealed to the full, this is perfect.
_ Best night ever👌 _
I add the caption, giving y/n some hints I hope she will get. If she tells herself that I am talking about my sleep and not the time I spent with her, I am going to cry out of frustration.
Once this is done, I take my sweatpants off. I need to pee, take a shower, and brush my teeth, my stomach is growling, so I really want to eat something before getting to work.
10 minutes later...
I leave the bathroom after hearing my roommate tell me to hurry, and once I step out with a towel around my hips, he rises from his bed. "Finally," he makes a beeline for it and does not even let me have a second to talk back.
Now that I am alone, I take my towel down to throw it in the laundry basket, and I grab a pair of sweatpants and get something out of the fridge for my late breakfast and lunch, then take a look at the likes, making sure y/n is one of the people that liked it, then once I know she did, I read the comments and messages I got.
_ Didn't you spend the night know who?👀 _
Hojun really knows everything, dammit.
_ _ I don't know who. Sorry. _
_ oh you wanna see me write her name maybe? _
_ _ nvm, I know who now:) _
_ I wonder what happened😏 _
Not feeling like the comment section is an appropriate place to talk about this, I send him a dm and eat at the same time.
[ we just ate, nothing else >
< yeah. We can eat something else than food dude ]
[ dumbass. We were at a restaurant >
< oh and how was this first date? ]
[ that's not a date:") >
< maybe, who knows? She's into you bro, don't worry. The only thing I don't like about this girl is that she's gonna get your dick ]
[ and? >
< so you're not denying it...? ]
[ if she wants think I'm gonna say no?😳 >
< 😒I dislike her even more ]
[ you're jealous. That's all >
< Idc, I still sucked it first ]
[ tf. You never did lmaoo >
< I did. In my dreams ]
[ what if she did it first then? >
< stfu😖 ]
I grin at this dumb guy but exit this conversation to read the rest of the comments. Avoiding the thirsty ones but focusing on the people who are asking me what type of night I had. My eyes go up at the top of my screen when I notice a new message appear, but this time, it is from Kimoon.
< did you spend the whole night with her? ]
[ not the whole night, we just studied at the library, ate at a restaurant, then went to the Starbucks for dessert cause she paid for me even tho I didn't want her to >
< oh, I thought you got in her bedroom and all lol. I hope you had a good time there ]
[ I did, she's cute af. I really like to be with her >
< great, your relationship is really growing fast honestly, but that's good to see ]
[ I know but I feel like all the eye contact that we had really affected that. It feels like I know her already, Idk how to explain. But maybe it's because she makes me feel comfortable and good >
< it's probably both. I told you, eye contact can be really intimate and strong, and it didn't happen just once, you literally eye fucked each other so many times lmao it's not a surprise ]
[ true😂 >
I leave Instagram now that the two most important people talked to me, and I drop my phone, knowing I have to focus on my studies and not let myself get distracted by anything else.
The problem is that I cannot stop thinking about y/n, this is worrying me, I hate this type of weakness inside of me, but at the same time, I like it so much.
00:50 am.
< goodnight, I hope you had a good day ]
The text received from y/n, and which I did not expect, puts a smile on my face. I would be lying if I said I did not hope to get this before going to bed.
[ thank you, I did, but I hope you did too. Hope you ate well and that you didn't overwork. Have a good night, sleep tight >
< thank you, I did😊 ]
Knowing she is going to put her phone down and try to fall asleep, I do the same and tuck myself under my blanket. I just want this weekend to go by quickly so that I can see y/n on Monday and annoy her.
— Two days later —
Monday, September 13th, 2021.
6 am.
[ good morning, have you already had breakfast? >
< Good morning, how are you? I only eat fruits in the morning, why? ]
[ oh, I wanted to ask if you want to eat something at Starbucks. I'm fine and you? >
< I'm fine too. Ah okay, but I don't like to eat anything too heavy or drink coffee right in the morning, I'm sorry:( ]
[ it's okay^-^ >
I walk down the stairs, disappointed but not surprised since I expected her to refuse for whatever reason, and I get out of the building but feel the vibration of my phone in my hand.
< are you going there rn? ]
[ I am, I haven't got coffee yet >
< I can come with you if you want, even if I don't order anything, it's fine ]
[ sure? It doesn't bother you? >
< it doesn't c: ]
[ okay, I'm waiting for you in front of the gate then:D >
The disappointment that filled my veins a few seconds ago fades away to let place to some happiness, and I keep moving to reach the spot where I will be waiting for her.
To be honest, this is a sort of relief because I felt dumb. I was hoping to be with her this morning and not have to wait to be in class, so I am glad that she thought about the pitiful guy I am and did not leave me alone.
After short seconds, she steps out of the dorm, in a pair of black flared trousers and a tight top under her leather jacket. She does not land her eyes on anything but me, and we both smile at each other from afar before getting closer the more she is reducing this distance between us.
"Hey," I greet her, and she does it back. "Hey," she pants, attempting to control her breathing that her chest is exposing. "Did you run?" the mockery restrained in my voice slips out, and she glances away. "Let's go," she avoids my question and passes by the gates, making me laugh uncontrollably.
I hate the fact that I find everything that she does adorable as heck.
While we are both heading to the coffee shop, she puts her black gloves on, putting within obvious sight that she is cold. I wish I could hug her and warm her up.
"How was your sleep?" she gazes up at me as we crossed the road together, and I open the door. "Good and oddly long, what about you?" I let her in first and follow. "Good too. Just too short."
"Oh, for once, I sleep more than you do," I smile but head to the checkout to make my order, but before doing so, I look in her direction. "Are you sure you don't want anything? Even a cookie? They also sell some chocolate bars."
"No, thanks," she shakes her head but refuses with a soft expression upon her face, so I do not insist but understand, and I order my coffee.
I pay for it, but I do not walk out yet, I get to a table and stay in the warmth of this shop to enjoy my drink more.
"You wanted something warm this morning?" she smiles, watching me sip on the caramel macchiato. I nod but take my lips away from the straw. "Do you want to try it?" I inch it closer to her, and this time, she does accept. "Just a little," she leans forth and takes a sip, her rosy lips wrapping the stick between them. "Hm," she moves her head up and down. "It's good."
"Tell me if you want to drink from time to time," I bring it back to my mouth, kissing each other indirectly.
I wish it was directly though. Her lips always seem so tempting.
"Are you going to eat out today?" I ask her, curiously willing to know where she will be for lunch and dinner. "No, I'm going to eat the food I bought. And you?"
"Same," I lick my to cover them with the heat on my tongue, and I hug the cup with my hands but keep my eyes fixed on her. "Would you like to go out again this Friday?" her question already brightens up my mood for the whole week, and I give her my decision in no time at all. "Yeah. I'd love it, but this time, I'll pay for us. Okay?"
"We can split the check, like—"
"Not this time. We'll split the check the next time we'll go out," I do not want to hear this option, and she gives up more quickly than she did yesterday. "Alright," she lets out a tender laugh that never misses my heart but hits it hard.
"By the way, I got some news for my laptop. Mister Kang said I'll get a new one," she tells me about it, making me feel better about this issue without even knowing. "I'm so happy for you. It'll be easier for you to work."
"Yeah, finally," she admits the relief this makes her feel, but I cannot help wondering about something. "Does that mean you won't go to the library anymore though?"
"Unless you want me to. I wouldn't want to not get any more occasion to annoy you, you know," her evil side reappears to show her real face, and I sigh. "Damn...I thought you'd be kind for once and tell me that you'll still come with me to enjoy time with the amazing guy I am, but alright...Deep inside, I'm not even surprised, honestly..."
"Disappointed but not surprised, so everything's fine," she rests her chin on her hand and smiles, unaware of the softness she spreads through me when she does that. "Yeah...everything's fine."
12:15 pm.
I step out of the room after taking longer than usual because of an exercise I did not understand, and I make my way to the garden that is some feet away from me.
Wondering what y/n is doing, I take my phone out and check if she sent me a text but see no news from her, so I focus on the way to the spot where my best friends are.
However, the closer I get to there, and the louder some voices are as if something was happening. This does not seem joyful at all but rather bad.
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