11. Plotting against her
Neil looked at Avni who was silently watching out of the window. Suddenly the car came to a halt with a screeching sound. Avni turned to Neil in confusion.
I think tyre is punctured! Neil replied.
Don't worry.. I will go and change it.. Neil replied as he removed his seat belt.
Neil it's raining! She replied with concern.
Avni we cannot wait here for a help on a deserted road.. it's just a matter of 5 minutes.. okay? He replied and got out of the car.
Avni saw him taking the tools out of the trunk. She sighed and looked at the umbrella laying on the backseat. She unbuckled her seatbelt and came out of the car.
She saw Neil trying hard to keep his eyes open in the heavy winds. Suddenly he felt the rain stopping. He looked up to see Avni covering him with a umbrella.
Avni get in the car.. Neil spoke as he saw her almost drenched in the rain.
Shut up and do your work! Avni replied sternly. Neil shook his head and changed the tyre. He put the tools in the trunk and turned to Avni who was trying to hold the umbrella in the heavy rain.
He held the umbrella and made her sit in the passenger seat. He put on his seat belt and looked at Avni who was slightly shivering. He took his coat from the back seat and covered her with it.
Thank you.. Avni mumbled while Neil glared her.
You never listen Ms. Mehta.. now look you are all drenched in the rain! He scolded.
Now atleast don't scold me.. Avni pouted. Neil shook his head and started driving. Soon they reached to her apartment.
Thank you for the ride.. Avni spoke as Neil smiled at her. Avni was about to get down but he stopped her.
Don't forget to take medicines.. Neil replied. She raised her brow at him.
Why so much care? She asked. Neil was startled at her question. He looked away.
We are f-friends right? Neil stammered. He himself couldn't find a answer to her question.
Maybe.. Avni mumbled and got out of the car. She walked away without saying anything. Neil looked at her retreating figure and sighed.
Khanna mansion
In the morning everyone were having their breakfast. Shweta looked at Neil and decided to start the conversation. She cleared her throat.
Tillu.. I was thinking ki.. Shweta mumbled. Neil looked at her and nodded indicating her to continue.
I have found a girl for you.. she spoke. Neil didn't say anything and continued to munch on his food.
I know you don't want to get married now but Tillu.. atleast you can meet her once.. Shweta suggested. Neil smiled at her and nodded making Shweta smile.
Who is she? Bebe asked.
Juhi.. Shweta spoke making Neil drop the spoon from his hand.
What? Mom you selected Juhi for me.. you know I can't stand by her even for a second.. Neil huffed.
Tillu she is a nice girl.. she is from a nice family and she would be a perfect match for you.. I don't know what problem do you have with her everytime.. Shweta asked making Neil sigh.
Look Neil.. I am your mother and I would never wish anything bad for you.. Shweta spoke softly trying to make Neil understand.
Maa I know that.. but me and Juhi can never be together.. not even in my wildest dreams.. I want someone who can accept me the way I am and can be my best friend.. I just don't want to get married for name sake.. please maa.. Neil requested. Prakash glanced at his wife and his son.
Shweta.. Neil is right.. such decisions shouldn't be made in hurry.. Prakash spoke. He then turned to Neil.
Puttar you take your time.. and if you are seeing someone then we have no problem.. till then you concentrate on your work.. Prakash replied. Neil nodded. He felt blessed to have someone who always understood him so well. Shweta smiled at them and continued her breakfast.
The whole conversation was being heard by Juhi who fumed in anger. She always dreamt of marrying Neil because of his looks, fame and money. She felt her dreams crushing down.
Chalo I am done.. I will leave.. Prakash spoke as he got up from his seat. Neil stopped him.
Dad.. you are not attending meetings today.. I will takeover for today.. you are already not well.. you should rest.. Neil replied. Prakash smiled at his concern.
I know my son can do it.. but dont worry I am completely fine.. Prakash replied.
Puttar tillu is right.. take a day off and rest today.. he will handle everything.. bebe suggested. Prakash nodded and smiled at neil.
Neil drove to office after sometime. He glanced his watch looking at the time. He had a meeting with the board members and then with Avni. A smile crept on his face thinking about her.
Gosh Neil! You should stop thinking about her and concentrate on your work.. Focus Neil Khanna.. he mumbled walking inside the building.
Sonal.. hand me today's schedule.. Avni spoke as Sonal handed her the schedule. Avni quickly took a glance of it and nodded at her as she left the cabin.
A smile crept on her face thinking about Neil. Suddenly realisation dawned upon her and her smiled vanished.
What are you thinking Avni.. You can't let yourself distract for a man.. no no.. Concentrate! Avni mumbled and walked away.
Few weeks later
Prakash and Avni were discussing about their upcoming project in his cabin. Juhi who just came there to speak to Prakash, saw Avni there and a evil smirk appeared on her face.
She walked towards the cafeteria and took three mugs of coffee. She quickly looked around and removed a packet from her purse.
So bad.. you didn't learn your lessons properly Avni Mehta.. but don't worry I am back.. Juhi smirked and walked towards Prakash's cabin.
After sometime, Neil walked towards Prakash's cabin to discuss about their factory reports.
On the other hand Prakash was still working with Avni regarding the project. Juhi looked at them from outside the cabin. She waited for the drug to work.
I guess the construction work should be completed by next week.. Prakash spoke as Avni nodded at him.
I really appreciate your idea Avni.. this project would provide job to many workers.. Prakash said as Avni smiled at him.
He suddenly felt his head becoming heavy. His hand reached out to the glass kept on the table. He gulped down the water holding his head.
Uncle.. are you okay? Avni said concerned as she got up from her seat.
I don't feel good.. I-- he stumbled back as he got up from his seat. Avni quickly rushed by his side and held him.
She made him sit on the couch and turned to pick her phone from the table. Just then Neil knocked the door. Avni opened the door and told him about Prakash.
Dad what happened.. Neil asked with concern. He touched his forehead to find his temperature normal. He immediately dialled to the doctor.
Soon the doctor arrived and checked him. Avni looked at neil and then at Prakash who laid unconscious on the couch. She walked to neil and stood besides him.
Don't worry Mr. Khanna.. he will be fine.. Avni spoke as Neil nodded. He was not in the mood to speak anything so he stood silent watching the doctor.
Juhi looked at them and smirked. She was going to make sure that Avni would never interfere her life again. She knew Neil's weakness was his family and he would never tolerate any harm on them. Suddenly the doctor stood up as Neil quickly rushed to him.
Doctor is my father fine? What happened to him? Will he--
Mr. Neil.. please calm down.. there's nothing to worry.. he is okay now.. I gave him the injection.. he will soon be conscious..
But what happened to him? Avni asked.
His pulse seems fine.. and his body temperature is also normal.. can you tell me what did he consume in last 3-4 hours?
Avni and neil looked at each other as she nodded at him. Avni fed with the details as she was working with him since afternoon.
Is he allergic to something? The doctor asked.
Walnuts.. Neil replied.
The doctor nodded. He took his medical kit and took blood sample of Prakash.
I will have to send the reports to the lab to understand what actually happened..the reports will be there in 2 hours.. the doctor said. Neil nodded and left with him along with Avni.
Sorry Prakash Uncle.. I didn't mean to harm you.. but I had no choice.. for Neil I can do anything.. Juhi said with a evil smile.
Neil and Avni sat in the cafeteria waiting for the reports. Avni offered him coffee but he denied.
How longer are you gonna stay like this Mr.Khanna.. Avni said.
How can I not worry when my father is in this condition!?he snapped at her. He quickly realised his mistake.
Damn! I am really sorry Avni.. I shouldn't have--
It's ok Mr.Khanna.. I understand.. Avni spoke calmly.
Before Neil could answer, his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller id and quickly received it.
Hello doctor..
Mr. Khanna.. I checked your father's reports.. and--
Avni raised her brows at him. Neil put the call on speaker.
Your father has been drugged..
Neil and avni looked at each other with shock.
Neil sent Prakash home with his driver. He called the peon in his office as he paced around with confusion. He trusted all his employees but he needed to find out the truth.
Pankaj.. did you bring the food in Dad's cabin today?
No sir.. I was on half day leave.. as my daughter was sick.. I just arrived here..
Okay you can leave.. Neil dismissed him. He ran his fingers through his hairs in frustration. The cctv of the whole building was under maintenance.
Neil.. I know.. I should not interfere in this.. but I guess Avni was here with uncle since afternoon and even doctor said the drug was consumed in last few hours only.. so.. juhi fumbled. Avni looked at her quizzically.
What are you trying to say Juhi? Speak clearly.. neil said.
The only suspect is Avni.. what if she did all this?
Avni snapped her head in her direction. She gave her 'what the hell' look.
Juhi.. are you in your senses? What the hell are you speaking.. Why would Avni do this.. What would she gain out of this? Neil asked her sternly.
How would I know that Neil.. maybe she is trying to gain your and Uncle's affection for her company's profit? Juhi said.
Enough of your nonsense Juhi! Avni snapped at her.
Neil.. I think we should call the police.. I know Avni since many years.. and I don't trust her.. she is not that simple as she seems to be.. juhi accused.
Neil looked at Avni as her eyes locked with his. Her eyes welled up at his silence indirectly indicating that he trusted the accusations.
I am done with this.. Avni grabbed her files along with her mobile and turned to leave. Juhi stopped her as she stood blocking her way.
Look she's trying to escape now.. Juhi said looking at neil.
Fine then call the police! Avni replied.
Ms. Mehta.. leave! Neil spoke. Avni turned to look at him.
But Neil--
I said leave! Neil said sternly cutting off Juhi. Avni quickly rushed out of the cabin. Her eyes welled up in anger.
What did you do Neil!? You let her go like this.. she is taking advantage of your trust! Juhi yelled angrily not able to understand why Neil trusted her so much. They just met before 8 months but neil trusted her he knew her from years.
He held her hand and took her out of the cabin. He saw Avni waiting for the lift to arrive.
Ms. Mehta! Wait! Neil called her as he walked towards her. Avni ignored his words and turned to take the staircase but he was fast enough to block her way.
If you leave like this.. people would doubt you.. neil spoke softly. Juhi looked at him in disbelief. His whole demeanor changed suddenly while speaking to Avni.
I don't care.. Avni snapped at him as she wiped away her tears.
But I do.. he held her hand and took her in the office. He felt everyone's eyes on them as he knew they had already heard the chaos in the cabin.
Juhi call the police.. Neil spoke as Avni looked at him in shock.
I know you--
I trust Avni more than anyone else.. so let the police find the real culprit.. Neil replied calmly.
So now you trust this girl more than me!! Juhi yelled.
Do you have any evidence that Avni did this? Neil asked.
It is so obvious.. Avni was in the cabin with uncle.. who else would drug his coffee!? Juhi yelled. Her eyes widened as she realisation hit her.
How do you know that the coffee was drugged? Neil asked.
It was j-just a g-guess..uncle always drinks cc-offee juhi fumbled.
Neil's eyes turned red in fury. He stepped towards her.
Apologize to Avni and leave my office.. Neil spoke. Although his voice was calm, Avni could sense his anger.
I said apologize and leave!! Do not make me call the police and find out the truth in a way you wouldn't like!
Neil yelled. Everyone looked at him in surprise. He never raised his voice at a girl before.
Juhi fumed in anger and looked at Avni throwing daggers through her eyes. Neil stood in front of her covering Avni. Avni looked at him in surprise as a smile crept on her face.
All her life people pushed her away or harmed her but here he was taking stand for her even when he had no relation with her. She looked down as she felt her eyes welling up.
Don't forget I am your business partner.. Juhi warned. Neil chuckled at her harmless warnings.
Laugh as much as you want Neil.. but one day you will yourself push her away.. Mark my words.. she will destroy your life.. You think she is your well wisher!? The person who was rejected by her own family can never be anyone's friend!
Enough Juhi! I didn't ask for your baseless opinions.. I am not a kid.. I know what is right and wrong.. and you know what.. the person who is wrong herself shouldn't point fingers at others.. So kindly leave before I lose my control.. Neil said and looked aside to calm himself. Juhi left the office in anger.
He knew she was the one to drug his father for her motives but insulting any girl was against his ethics. He was definitely taught better than this.
Everyone back to their work please.. Neil ordered and took Avni with him inside his cabin.
Everyone dispersed but Neil could hear them mumbling. He locked the door and turned to Avni.
She covered her face in her palms resting it on her knees. All the things happened in the past started to flash in front of her eyes. She squeezed her eyes tightly in pain.
Avni it's fine.. neil spoke as he kneeled in front of her. Avni looked at him with teary eyes.
No Mr. Khanna.. I am not strong like you.. there are things which you don't know.. and trust me the day you know them.. you will also think that Juhi is right! Avni spoke. Neil's eyes softened as he looked at her. He knew she was not in proper state now.
I don't know about your past.. But trust me.. I will never judge you irrespective of anything or anyone..
Avni looked at him in surprise. He really was different than others!
And you can also share with me anything.. Neil assured as she looked at him contemplating on her thoughts.
Will Avni share her past with Neil? What are your thoughts on this?
Hope you all like the chapter. Do let me know your views in the comments below and don't forget to like the chapter.
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