Keith sighed as he looked out the bars of his cell to see the sun shining outside. He leans his forehead against the bars as he closes his eyes. The black haired boy thought back to earlier that week when he was out of this cell running around free with... Well with no one. He had no one, well except Shiro. Shiro was like his Brother, he took care of Keith and listened to Keith as he ranted.
Keith had met Shiro about 4 years ago, making him 17 at that time and Shiro 20. They had met when Keith was outside staring at the stars as it rained. Shiro, being the caring person he is, asked if he was alright.
Keith of course nodded and thought the stranger would leave, but that isn't how it happened. Shiro had sat down next to him and gave him his jacket. Keith began to complain but Shiro shushed him saying that it was alright.
Keith had nodded at the man with white and black hair. Keith stared at the man and looked him over. He stared at the brown cloth that was the mans shirt. He saw that the man had one arm cut off when he only saw a nub that came out of the shirt. He had wondered what had happened but knew it would be too impolite to ask.
Keith continued scanning the mans body and be saw the strong muscles that were clearly Visible. Keith also was curious as to how the man had short hair compared to pretty much everyone else, including guys, had long hair.
That excludes the royal family of course, they all had their hair cut and done fancy. They all wore the best clothing, and were usually stuck up.
He looked back up at the sky and the two men sat in complete silence, except for the rain that fell softly from the sky. "I'm Shiro by the way," Shiro had started.
Keith backtracked, as in Prince Shiro? "P-prince Shiro?" Keith stuttered out. Shiro nodded and smiled kindly at Keith, "And you are?"
Keith's thoughts were muddled together, the prince was talking to him and actually being nice. Keith had thought all the people of the royal family were mean people if they all acted anything like King Zarkon and Queen Haggar. "I'm Keith." He managed to say and the prince kept the kind smile on his face and nodded lightly at Keith, "It is a pleasure to meet you Keith."
Keith raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?"
Shiro laughed and muttered out an 'I suppose so.'
After that they had become friends and Shiro had told Keith about how he wore commoners (Shiro hated the word peasant) clothing so he could sneak out without his clothes giving away who he actually was right away. Shiro had also told Keith about his friends in the castle. Hunk was his chef and was very kind to the prince and Pidge was the one who could answer any question the king (who everyone despised) had and help make plan strategies. Keith had told Shiro about having no family and how he always looked at the stars wondering about his purpose and always waited for a sign from the universe to explain why he was here.
Even though Shiro was the prince they had become friends and they rarely saw each ther, but when they did they had to hide from the public eye. Apparently they hadn't hid well enough their most recent hang out and that led to why Keith is in jail.
Keith opens his eyes again and clenches his fists at his stupid actions. He should have known being friends with the Prince would have led to this. Keith and Shiro had been out in the forest throwing knives at trees. They were seeing who had the best aim when one of the royal guards, who was on his patrol, saw them and immediately thought that Keith was attacking the prince. The guard attacked Keith without a second thought and Keith was out like a light. Then he woke up here and the next day they had a court meeting saying that Keith was going to be executed.
Shiro had stood up for Keith saying that he was helping him with his aim, that he was doing no harm. The king wanted to hear none of it and had sentenced that Keith was going to be executed by drowning. Keith had shed no tears, but he was dying on the inside. He finally had a friend and the universe had punished him for it. He couldn't even have a friend without fucking it up.
Shiro had begged in front of everyone at the hearing. Begging for Keith to go free. Nothing helped tears ran down Shiro's face and he ran up to Keith before the guards could stop him. "I am so sorry, this is all my fault." He kept whispering to Keith like a broken record. Keith smiled sadly at Shiro and whispered that it was okay, it wasn't Shiro's fault. The guards grabbed Shiro and dragged him away from the prisoner. Shiro kept screaming apologies and begged for Keith to live. His voice bounced throughout the room and down the hallway as Keith was dragged back to his cell.
And that's why he is here now, waiting for death. The cell door slammed open and he just looked up at the guard with dull eyes. "Come on maggot, lets get this over with." Keith frowned at the name but didn't have time to reply or even stand up when two muscular guards grabbed him and dragged him through to castle and into a prison like box on wheels that was soon dragged to the nearest lake. All Keith could do was grunt whenever he was thrown around.
The ride finally stopped and Keith was once again dragged by two tall guards that towered over him. He let himself become a rag doll as the threw his body every which way. Keith didn't resist because there is no way out of this, he knows this. He looks up at the sky and frowns softly, he wanted to die under a sky full of stars but the sun is out. No stars in sight. He sighs and looks at the ground as the guard buckle a clasp of metal with a chain and metal ball connected to it. This is so they make sure he dies.
Before he knows it he is standing on a cliff. The purple eyed man looks down at the water that crashes against the jagged rocks that are by the bottom of the cliff, where he soon will be. The waves are mesmerizing but he knows they are dangerous. He gasps as he is suddenly pushed off the cliff falling quickly because of the balls weight. He looks up and the cliff right before he hits the water and sees the guards standing there smiling.
Keiths body slaps against the water and his body is suddenly engulfed with cold. His body tenses and the currents, under the water, keep throwing him every which way as he sinks lower and lower into the dark abyss of the water. His eyes are opened wide as he watches the water get darker and darker the farther he descends. His breath runs out and he starts inhaling the water that feels like acid in his lungs. He keeps coughing and hacking under the water his body convulsing and jerking as his body tries to get the oxygen it is deprived from.
Keith doesn't feel scared as his vision starts blurring. He doesn't fear death.
He feels his body finally reach the bottom and the sand surrounds his body along with the water. Keith had always loved the feeling of wet sand between his toes or his fingers and in that moment he feels content, he doesn't feel like he is drowning but feels like he is just falling asleep on a comfy bed. His eyes start closing and his body is shutting down. Keith always knew he would die at a young age because of his reckless behavior.
Just as his eyes are about to shut he sees something blue flash across his vision but he knew it had to be a trick of his dying brain and he falls into a permanent slumber.
Or so he thought
A/N: Hai guys! I really hope you enjoy, this originally was suppose to be a one shot but I guess it shall be a story!! If there is any criticism you guys have, I would love to hear it! I would love to improve as a writer! ❤
as always I will see you! In the next update!! Ba- baiii ❤
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