Yeet or Be Yeeted
I examined my arm and legs before jumping up happily and I ran to Bakugou. "I got my own power!"
He had a genuine smile on his face as he ruffled through my hair. "I'm proud that you finally found it out Hair for brains."
There was a rustling sound and we turned our heads to see who it would be. We saw Mina, Kaminari, and Sero. Kaminari was wearing a different outfit that was a beat-up blue suit with a tie "What up gamers." Kaminari said and Sero started crying.
"Make him stoooooop."
"What even is a 'gamer'?" I tilted my head and ran over.
"Don't ask me. I woke up to a bright light and our Kaminari wasn't our Kaminari." Mina explained.
Bakugou walked over. "What is going o-"
"Bakubro! Nice to see ya!" Kaminari held up a hand and Bakugou stared at him.
I put my hand on his shoulder. "Kami? Are you a-"
"Kiri! You're a dragon?!" Kaminari grabbed my face and examined where the scales were and looked at my tail and wings.
I pushed him away. "Dude, what happened to you?"
Kaminari shrugged. "We were all taken by the League of Villains and Tomura probably killed me. The next thing I knew, I woke up here."
"League of Villains?" I tilted my head. "Who are they?"
Kaminari's mouth dropped. "You guys don't have any villains here?"
I shook my head as Mina started talking. "Not really. I mean, unless you think someone who steals some overpriced bread to feed their starving family, then no."
"Wow. What a paradise!" Kaminari looked at the crater. "Whoa. What happened?"
"Long story." I chuckled and put my hand on my neck while Bakugou looked away too.
"Are you two together in this universe too?" My eyes widened and I shook my hands through the air.
"No no no no no no no no. You got the wrong idea. We-we aren't together. We're just friends." I heard Bakugou mumble something. "What was that?"
"Yeah, we're just friends who got married when we were younger." He shrugged his shoulders. "I know you remember."
"You two did WHAT?" Mina, Sero, and Kaminari looked at us as my face grew red.
"I-I thought that it meant nothing because we were kids! I- I didn't know that we actual-"
Bakugou started laughing. "I'm kidding Hair for brains. You're right. We were kids and it means nothing." He ruffled my hair.
"Wait, you two got married?" Mina looked at us weirdly. "And didn't tell us?!"
"We were kids and-"
"Still! What all happened? I need the details!" Mina yelled.
"Nothing Pinky. It was years ago and it doesn't count." Bakugou huffed and stalked away. "I'm going back to the camp site." No. Don't leave me. They are going to bombard me with questions.
"Sooooo," Here we go... "you two are married huh?" Kaminari put his arm on my shoulder. "Back in my day, kids wouldn't be able to marry each other. Then again, back in my day, we had a disease that could kill you by making you cough up flowers because you love someone." He shrugged before looking at me again. "Actually, where I come from, you had Hanahaki for Bakugou."
"Really? I'm sure that he didn't return the feelings there if he's anything like he is now." I rubbed my arm and looked elsewhere.
"Nope! Actually, you guys got together and went on a date with Todoroki and Midoriya. But then, villains yeeted y'all into a van and stuff happened and I probably died and came back here." Kaminari shrugged.
"Yeet? Van? What is all of this stuff? I've never been so confused. And do you know how to get back? Not that you're not great, but I kind of want our Kami back." Sero shrugged. "But having two Kaminari's would be great also."
"That would not be the best thing Sero, no matter how much you would like the idea." Mina pointed out.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Sero looked at Mina.
"It's obvious that you like our Kaminari. It's just a matter of time for him to notice." Mina shrugged.
"Oh! That reminds me, where I come from, you had the Hanahaki disease for me! You and Mina pretended to date to make me jealous, but it didn't work because I didn't notice. Eventually, we went out and stuff, but then I died and I don't know how other universe you would react to that." Kaminari looked at the ground.
"Let's change the topic, alright?" I put my hand on Kaminari's shoulder.
"Okay, how about we talk about you getting married with our group leader and not telling anyone." Mina said.
"How about we talk about what a yeet is? It sounds interesting." I tried to change the topic again. "Kami, what is a yeet?"
"Ooohhhh no. You are not getting out of this one! What happened?" Mina shook me by my shoulders.
"Okay! Okay!" I moved her hands off of me. "I was locked up in a cell and Bakugou was thrown in with me. We named a rock and left before he started to talk about why he was there. Turns out he ran away from his town and he just turned around and asked me to get married with him."
"And you didn't object?" Kaminari asked.
"I didn't really know what it was! All I had in my dragon tribe were my parents and then they were hunted down and nobody told five-year-old me what marrying is!" I threw my hands into the air, my face was as red as my scales by now.
"Wow. I didn't even know that you two knew each other before a few weeks ago until now." Sero chuckled. "You should've let him get you dinner first."
"I was five! Plus, it doesn't count because we didn't have anyone to make it official, and we were young, so there's that." I sighed. "Even so, he probably doesn't even like me that way."
"Kiri, he kissed your hand yesterday and I caught him almost kissing you that one time that I had to sleep outside of the cave. That seems like he likes you to me." Mina put her arm on my shoulder.
"Kissing someone's hand means nothing, and he was probably just pulling my leg. I want to head back to the tent. I'm tired." I started to walk towards the woods and away from the lake.
The others were following and asking the new Kaminari things like "What is a yeet" and "What is a van". I listened as Kaminari explained it, plus add in a few other things like 'emotional rollercoasters', 'tape', 'electricity', and 'phines' until I got to the camp. Bakugou was sitting on the ground, looking at the moon through the trees.
"Hey Bakugou." I sighed and sat next to him.
"Hey Kiri." He scooted a little closer.
"Tonight has been an emotional rollercoaster." I chuckled.
"What the hell does that mean?" He looked at mw and I just chuckled and looked up at the stars.
A.N- Hey guys! Sorry for not writing anything in forever. Some stuff happened and yeah. Also, I'm going to Missuori for twenty days with no Wi-Fi, so there's that. I leave July 1st and I won't be able to update the story, so I wanted to write at least something. I don't know if I should make this chapter canon or not, so y'all get to decide! Anyways, thank you for tuning in ^-^
Total Word Count- 1210
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