Wooooooods 2.0
I landed near a giant pine tree and turned back into a human. It took a lot of energy out of me so I just laid there for a minute or two while listening to Bakugou and Kaminari talk. I was about to zone out and fall asleep when Bakugou said my name.
"I'm going to leave with Kirishima." He told the yellow-haired boy.
"You still wanna go through with that plan? I thought that you would've been over it already now that we've been captured twice." Kaminari held up two fingers to add in some sort of semi-dramatic effect.
Bakugou shrugged. "And that proves my point. I need to protect him. Once he wakes up from his nap, we're going to get Ashido and Sero and dropping you idiots off at the cave. End of story."(A.N- Get it? :D)
"Fine. Don't do anything that you'll regret." Kaminari winked and Bakugou yelled.
"Kaminari! You- I- Ugh! You're insufferable!" Bakugou threw his hands into the air in anger.
Kaminari laughed. "I'm just kidding man. Look, it's getting late. Let's go to sleep, okay?" He laid down next to a tree. Bakugou grumbled and leaned against my tree. I soon fell asleep and the others did the same.
Once I woke up, I heard birds chirping. I smiled and stretched. Suddenly, my stomach growled and I remembered that I haven't eaten in a while. I looked up at the direction I heard the birds at. I saw a plump-looking brownish bird hopping around on the ground. Bingo. I crouched down and slowly crept towards it. So far, the bird was clueless. Once I was close enough, I wiggled a little and pounced, killing it instantly. I made a happy sound and I was about to turn around and walk back to our resting area with the bird in my hand but a voice startled me. "Morning!"
I lept and looked towards the voice. I saw a guy who I recognised immidiatly due to the large scar on his face and his red and white hair. "Hello!" My tail started to thump immidiatly after seeing him.
"I just wanted to say that you three should get a move-on. My father is looking for you, and he isn't happy." The kid informed me.
I nodded. "Okay. Thank you." He nodded back and started to walk away. "Wait!" I scrambled up.
He looked at me through his shoulder. "Yes?"
"What's your name?" I tilted my head.
"Shoto Todoroki." He smiled and started to walk away deeper into the woods. Suddenly, a thought came to mind.
"Hey, Todorki?" The multi-hair colored boy looked over his shoulder at me. "Would you like to tag along with us?"
Todoroki looked as if he was thinking about it before he gave me a nod. "Why not?" He gestured towards the bird on the ground in front of me. "I'll help hunt. That isn't enough to feed four people."
I nodded and beamed. This was going to be fun.
"What the fu- Kirishima, what are you up to?" I heard the familiar voice of Bakugou. I turned around and gave him a smile while Todoroki tried to start a fire to roast some prey on.
"Making breakfast! Also, I hope that you don't mind but, I asked if Todoro-" I suddenly remembered that he wasn't there to meet Todoroki so he has no clue who he is. "Someone could join our party." I moved out of the way so the newly-awaken ashy blonde could see the red\white haired teen. "This is Shoto Todoroki. He helped catch breakfast for us." I decided that it was best not to tell Bakugou that he was the son of the king who kept us imprisoned for a day or two.
He grumbled. "I never gave you the okay to do that! You are still wanted by King Endeavor and you need someone to protect you. More people means less time to run and a higher likelihood of you getting captured again."
"But he's useful! He helped catch breakfast while you were sleeping and he's really good at starting fires, despite his hands being cold all of the time." I informed him. "We need him on our team."
"I smell food." Kaminari shot up from the ground.
I chuckled. "Morning Kaminari." I beamed.
Kaminari looked over and saw Todoroki. "Oh, hey Todo! What a-" I tackled him and covered his mouth.
"Give us one moment please." I let out a nervous chuckle as I started to drag his thrashing body away from the other two.
Once we were far enough to mot be heard by the others, I let go of him. "What's your deal?!" Kaminari asked.
"Don't let Bakugou know that Todoroki is the prince. I'm trying to get him to join us and I think that if Bakugou knew about his status, he wouldn't allow it." I pleaded.
Kaminari just shrugged. "Alright. I won't tell him." He stood up, wiped off some dirt and walked towards our mini camp.
"Wait, r-really?" I smiled and followed.
"Sure, why not? He's a chill (A.N- :D) dude. He tried to save us from the King, even though it kinda backfired." Kaminari responded.
"Thank you!" I beamed.
Once we got back to the other two, thet were eating some food. Kaminari and I sat down amd joined them.
"So, have you thought about letting Todoroki join?" I asked with a mouth-full of food.
Bakugou stared at me. "First of all, don't talk with your mouth full. It's disgusting. Second of all, I decided why not." He ate more of his food and my tail thumped against the ground happily. I felt like I owed it to Todoroki to help him get away from his father. I wouldn't want to wish my worst enemy to stay with King Endeavor, mostly because my worst enemy is King Endeavor but that isn't important.
"Thank you Bakugou! You won't regret it!"
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