Hey Look, More People
A.N- Hi guys. Sorry for taking forever to publish this chapter. I had a sudden burst of motovation for this chapter and this is the end result. Anyways, thank you for tuning in! ^-^
After we finished eating, we started to head towards the tent. Bakugou talked about a path that we could take through the woods that could get us to Ashido and Sero faster, but we had to make a stop first, thanks to Todoroki's request.
"Why are we doing this again?" Bakugou groaned as we trudged through a swampy area. His head was thrown back and he was complaining like a child. I chuckled silently at that.
"Because, she has stuff that we can use on our journey, Mr. Angerissues. She can help us and you know it." Todoroki didn't even look back at Bakugou when he was talking. He just kept on walking forward.
"I don't like witches. They're ugly and they always end up stabbing you in the back." Bakugou folded his arms and stomped behind everyone.
"Well, this witch isn't like that. Trust me, I've known her for years." Todoroki explained.
"What does she look like? And where did you meet her?" Kaminari asked from behind me.
"Well, she has short brown hair and two pink ovals on her cheeks. I met her a while ago when she came to town to get some items for potions. She brought two other people with her and we've all become close. I used to visit them all of the time, but not so much anymore." Todoroki shrugged and we were all silent.
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? I bet she's lame. Same as the other people you mentioned." Bakugou groaned. "Are we just going to see the witch so you two could talk like we aren't on the run? Because if that's the only reason, then we're leaving yoou here."
"Calm down Bakugou. We are going there for potions. We already talked about that, remember?" I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile. He just tsked and we continued talking until we got there.
We approached a small brown hut and Todoroki looked at us. "Let me do the talking, alright guys?" We all nodded and Todoroki knocked on the door.
We heard two muffled voices, then the door opened to reveal a tall guy in knight armour. He had blue hair and glasses. "Yes?"
Kaminari leaned next to Todoroki. "I thought you said that she was a girl." He whispered loudly. I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand from how stupid he was acting.
The man stepped back and we saw a short girl that matched Todoroki's description. "Todoroki!" She hugged him. "What are you doing here? You haven't come over in forever!"
"Todoroki's here?" Another guy stuck his head out. He has dark green fluffy hair and freckles on his cheeks.
"Deku!" Bakugou yelled. The guy that Balugou called 'Deku' noticed him and his eyes widened.
"Kach-Kacchan! What-what are you doing her-here?" He stuttered nervously.
"Is that a dragon?" The man from earlier pointed at me.
Todoroki rested his face in one of his hands and sighed before looking up again. "We need your guys' help."
"The hell we don't! I refuse to get help from him!" Bakugou pointed to the greeb-haired guy.
"How do you know him?" I asked.
"We-we used to live in the same-same village before he-he ran away." Deku explained.
"Where are our manners? Let me introduce us. I'm Ochako Uraraka, this is Tenya Iida," the witch pointed to the tall guy with dark blue hair. "And this is Izuku Midoriya. What are your guys' names?"
"I'm Denki Kaminari." The yellow-haired pirate stepped forward and kissed Uraraka's hand.
She laughed. "Nice to meet you! Who are the others?" I saw Kaminari's soul leave his body and I laughed.
"This is Eijirou Kirishima, and that is Katsuki Bakugou. Don't pay attention to him." Todoroki rolled his eyes.
"Okay. So, what brings you guys here?" Uraraka put her hands on her waist.
"We wanted to know if we could have some potions. These three are trying to fond their friends and I'm helping them, but their friends were injured so we were wondering if we could have healing potions." Todoroki explained.
She thought for a minute. "I think that I have some in stock. Come in." She opened up the door more and Todoroki started to walk inside.
"Stay here guys, I'll be back in a few minutes." With that, he disappeared, leaving Kaminari, Bakugou, Iida, Midoriya, and I alone.
Bakugou kept glaring at Midoriya, who just cowered down and looked away.
"So," Kaminari started. "How long have you guys known each other?"
"For years. I met Iida and Uraraka here, I believe. It was raining and I needed somewhere to stay for the night. One night turned into..." He started to count on his fingers. "Thirteen years. We all became really close friends. Then we met Todoroki in town and we became friends with him too. He used to come over every day, but he stopped around three years ago. We thought about seeing him in town, but he's a prince do that wo-"
"What?! That's not true! He's just a townsperson, idiot." Bakugou yelled. Kaminari and I looked at each other.
"He's the son of Endeavor though, and Endeavor is the king. He is the prince Kacchan. Did you not know?" Midoriya tilted his head.
Bakugou looked like he was deep in thought, before he looked at Kaminari and I. "Did you two know?!"
"Uhhh... Yeah. We knew." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"But we knew that if we told you, then you would've said no immidiatly and made him go back to his kingdom." I explained. "Please don't be mad."
"We are taking those potions, and leaving him here. He's kept enough secrets from us." Bakugou growled.
"Ba-" The door to the hut opened and Todoroki and Uraraka walked out, holding a bunch of potions. Uraraka was talking to him.
"-and just use a drop. It's really powerful so yo-"
"Oi Icyhot!" Bakugou yelled. Oh no...
Todoroki looked at him weirdly. "Are you talking to me?"
"Yeah you! How come you never said that you were a prince?" He started to get really mad.
"Why did you call me Icyhot?"
"Just answer the question!"
"Because it was never really relevant. I mean, it doesn't matt-" Todoroki started, but Bakugou interupted him again.
"It does matter! Endeavor probably thinks that we kidnapped you! Now he's going to want to hunt us down even more you moron! We're taking those potions and leaving you behind!"
"Bakugou, calm down." I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, we can figure this out." He glared at me then moved his shoulder.
"I am calm, Shitty Hair." He let out a breath.
"He's right though." We all looked at Todoroki as he spoke. "Sorry for never telling you about that."
"Yeah. You better be." Bakugou snorted.
"But I'm not leaving your party until we find your friends. Let's go." The dual-haired teen took the other bottles from Uraraka and put them all into a bag he had.
Bakugou groaned next to me. I chuckled a little. "Bye guys. Thank you for the potions."
The three people waved goodbye and I turned into my dragon form. The others climbed on and I flew off, following the path that Bakugou wanted me to take.
Total Word Count- 1266
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