Hey Look, More Dragons
"Alright, let me tell you about the tribe." Tetsutetsu started. I nodded to let him know that I was listening. "The guy in charge is an elder named Crimson Riot. He's the reason why we're all hidden."
"Wow. He seems really cool."
"He is. He's always flying around the cave, and he visits the nursery sometimes to see the hatchlings. He has a good relationship with everyone there." Tetsutetsu explained. I nodded as I was taking everything in. This was the moment that I was waiting for. I knew that the chances of my parents being alive, or even there were slim, but I had hope.
I was lost in thought to hear Tetsutetsu speak. "What?"
"I said that we're here." He pointed to a hole in the wall that was so small that you would have to crawl through it, and even then there would have been barely any room to move around in.
"That's the entrance?"
"Yep! Tuck your wings in and let's go!" Tetsutetsu got on his hands and wings and crawled through the hole in the wall and I followed close behind.
After a while, the hole widened and we were able to stand up again, and it grew until we couldn't even see the top anymore. I looked at the walls until Tetsutetsu snapped. "Hey, we're here!" I looked ahead and there was a wall. "But, nobody is there. There's just a wall."
Tetsutetsu laughed and picked up an oddly shaped rock from the ground. There was a small hole in the wall where he put the rock and twisted it. A chunk of the wall opened up to reveal a giant, bright cave. My eyes widened when I saw huge dragons flying through the air. There was a drop and I saw young kids with tails and wings playing some game from below. There were people walking, and some dragons exiting a building. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Tetsutetsu took the rock off of the door and put it on the ground on the outside and shut it before turning into a dragon and taking off. I smiled and copied his movements. I soared through the air with Tetsutetsu at my side. "Isn't this fun?!" He yelled.
"Whoa! How come we can speak?"
"Well, dragons can understand other dragons in this form. Normal humans can't. I don't blame you for not knowing that." He explained. "Let me show you around!" He flew to a building and turned back and I did the same. "This is where the elder dragons live, someone like your grandparents or something." He explained and we started to walk to some other buildings.
"Tetsutetsu!" We turned around and I watched as a kid with silver hair and dark silver wings and tail ran over and jumped onto my friend. "Where have you been?! Mama has been looking for you!"
"Calm down Mitsi. I was with some friends." Tetsutetsu said.
Mitsi looked at me. "Who are you? I've never seen you here before and I know everyone here."
"I'm Kirishima. What's your name?" I asked as I held out my hand to her.
"I'm Mitsi!" She shook my hand and looked at Tetsutetsu. "Mama is still looking for you!"
"Oh! Yeah, you're right. Kirishima, want to go with?"
"Sure, you're the only person that I know here." I shrugged.
"Come on!" Mitsi pulled on Tetsutetsu's shirt.
"Okay okay, we're coming!" The two turned into dragons and flew up. I turned also and followed them to a building hanging from the top of the cave by vines. Once we landed on a deck, they turned back into humans and walked in.
Inside, I saw a woman who I assumed to be their mom with whiteish hair that was shoulder length and silver wings and tail. "There you are!" She ran over and grabbed Tetsutetsu by his ear and started to drag him to the kitchen. "I told you to be home by lunch! Lunch was ten minutes ago!"
"Maaauuuum, we have company!" Tetsutetsu said once she let go of his ear. Thier mom looked at me and her face brightened.
"Hi! I'm Tetsutetsu's and Mitsi's mom. I haven't seen you around before."
"Uh, well I'm kind of new here. I live with some of my friends from the outside. I'm Kirishima." I held out my hand and she shook it.
"Are you hungry? I grabbed too much from the prey pile earlier, so we have extra and a good thing that I did. Tetsutetsu didn't tell me that he was bringing in someone."
"No thanks, I ate earlier. He just wanted to show me around the tribe. I don't think that I've seen another dragon since I was younger, so I was shocked when your son told me that there were a whole bunch if them!"
Thier mom laughed. "Well, I hope that you find yourself right at home here. I'm sure that you'll love it."
I gave her a smile and scratched the back of my neck with my hand. "Thank you ma'am."
"You're welcome."
"Mom, I'm not hungry, can I go show him around now?" Tetsutetsu said from the table.
"Yes, just if you're late for dinner by a millisecond, I will send someone after you again." His mom threatened.
"We'll be back later. Bye!" And with that, we transformed and took off. We soared to another building that was hanging up by vines, but it was bigger. Way bigger. "Kirishima, this is the nursery where all of the young dragons stay. Usually, a person would stay here until they're around five but there have been times where parents would take their hatchling out early." Tetsutetsu explained as he walked inside.
I looked around the open building and I saw multiple kids running around with tiny wings and tails. Some of them were listening to a lady and a man. The man was tall, with big wings and a long tail and had his hair in a point. "Hey, who's that?"
"That, my friend, is Crimson Riot. He's the one who's in charge. Let's go talk to him!" Tetsutetsu nudged me over towards the people before walking over himself. "Hi Crimson Riot!"
The man turned around and I noticed that he was wearing a mask. "Hello Tetsutetsu." He shifted and looked at me. "Who are you?"
"Me? I'm Kirishima Eijirou!" I held my hand out.
He shook my hand. "Funny. We lost a dragon a while ago with your name."
My eyes widened. "You did? I was taken away when I was younger and I've been imprisoned until a few months ago! Would you know where my family is?"
"They're probably here somewhere unless they went on the last hunting patrol. Tell me more about yourself."
I started to explain everything to these strangers that I met a few minutes ago. I explained from how I ended up in Tomura's hands, to meeting Bakugou for the very first time, to talking to Mina through the wooden door, to meeting the group for the first time years later and the bar fight, which was leading to me and Bakugou leaving tomorrow. I told them about the time we were captured by Tomura, only to be snatched by King Endeavor and taken to his kingdom, then to getting out and finding the 'Dekusquad' as Kaminari called them. I also told them about the Kaminari situation. Then Tetsutetsu and I explained to Crimson Riot about the lake and what happened with the potions that Uraraka made.
"-Then I got this power!" Tetsutetsu rose up his arm and activated his quirk.
"Kaminari says that they are called 'quirks' from where he comes from." I said.
"Wow. You've gone through a lot, huh?" Crimson Riot asked which I answered with a nod. "Well, I need to get going, but I'll speak to you two later."
"Oh shoot dude, it's dinner time." Tetsutetsu said while pulling on my arm.
"See you next time Crimson Riot!" We yelled as he turned into a huge dragon, the biggest one I've ever seen, and took off. "Let's go, man." I told him. He nodded and we took off towards Tetsutetsu's home.
Author's Note- I wrote this in the last chapter, but the chapter ended up being over 3,000 word long and I thought that it was way too long, so I copied and this part and just pasted it in a new chapter. Anyways, Stay Fresh Cheese Bags
Total Word Count- 1415
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