Don't Make Deals Kids.
The memories flooded back instantly. I looked at Bakugou. "So we knew each other from back then?"
"No Shitty Hair, that's why I've been so close to you since you came- of fucking course we knew each other!" He threw his hands up into the air.
"That explains a lot." I started thinking about it. No womder why he was so attached to me.
"Ya think?" He huffed.
"So, you're supposed to become the king if this kingdom?" I asked. He sighed.
"I don't want to. They want me to do all of these cruel things and I would constantly be at war with Endeavor's Kingdom because I'm not letting you go again." He glared at me.
"Hey, sudden topic change, at least Arnoldo is still here, right?" I picked up the rock.
Bakugou just stared at me with a look that said, 'really? You're changing this serious topic to talk about a rock?' before sighing and grinning. "Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't took him to Endeavor's Kingdom."
"Well, I knew that I would be back again, so I left him." I explained. Bakugou just nodded.
After a few minutes of silence, we heard a deafening scream. Both of heads swivled to the door. We knew who that scream belonged to. I dropped Arnoldo and ran as far as the chains would allow. "Ashido!"
Bakugou ran to the door and pounded on it. He had more chains since I was considered the 'dangerous' one. "I swear if you fucking hurt her I'll kill you!"
We heard another scream and Bakugou banged harder. I tried to fight back the chains. It hurt that I couldn't help her. She was right behind the door, but none of us could help. Bakugou tried to open it but it was to no use. I sat down. The last thing that they did was argue, but he still wants to save her.
"Get up Shitty Hair! Help me with this damn door!" He started to kick it. There was a splintering noise. I stood up and tried to help, I was only able to touch the very end of my foot to the door. My kicks weren't that effective. Bakugou kept going at it though and soon, the door broke apart. It was surprisingly easy but I guess the door had been rotting for years. It needed to be repaired anyways.
Bakugou stared at the floor in the other room. I looked and gasped. There was a big blood stain trailing into a different hallway, pink and black tufts of hair, and a sword. Bakugou walked as far as he could to the sword but the chain yanked him back. He was only a few inches away from it. He yelled in frustration.
"Hey, calm down. I have an idea." I bent down and picked up our beloved friend. "Maybe we can throw Arnoldo the Third and he can hit the wall and push the sword towards us."
"Or we can use him as an extension." He inched himself as far as he could towards the sword and used Arnoldo to slowly scoot the sword towards him. "See? Easy." He put down Arnoldo the Third down and used the sword to cut our chains.
I looked at the sword. There were blood stains on it too. I started to shake and look up at Bakugou. "You don't think..."
"Let's go find them." He grabbed my hand and we followed the scary blood trail while holding the sword.
We followed it to an open room. I gasped and squeezed Bakugou's hand at what we saw.
Sero was leaning up against the wall, clutching Ashido while tears streamed down his face. She had a blood line running down her face from her forehead and she had a huge blood stain where Sero's hand was. He's applying pressure to a bigger wound...
"What happened?!" Bakugou ran over to help them.
Sero glared at Bakugou through a teary wall in his eyes. "This is your fault!" He held Ashido away from him.
I ran over. "Sero, you don't understand. There is no time to explain now, just let me see Ashido." I begged.
Sero hesitated before he let us see her. She opened her eyes. "Ki-Kirishima?"
"Yes, it's me. Please, don't leave us." I asked her.
"I-I don't want to." She chuckled a little with tears in her eyes. "I haven't seen you and Bakugou kiss yet."
"Not helping Pinky." Bakugou growled a little, but there was some sadness in his voice.
"Sorry." She looked at him. "I-I'm sorry for yelling. Tomura told us everything."
"If you just said yes-" Sero started.
"And kill innocent people? Constantly be at war with Endeavor? No way. I ran away for a reason Sero. Now, if you would stop arguing with me, we need to get Ashido out of here." Bakugou growled at Sero. We knew he was probably freaking out because of Ashido's worsening condition.
"Okay. Kirishima, help me with her. Bakugou, keep a look-out." Sero ordered. We nodded and I helped Sero pick up Ashido. I found it weird that Bakugou was listening to Sero, but I ignored it.
Sero and I walked out of the room with Bakugou in the lead. He held the sword out, ready to stab anyone who would get in our way.
Bakugou looked around and saw a door with a hat hanging above the doorframe. Kaminari's hat to be exact. Bakugou ran over and used the sword to cut a hole big enough to see inside.
"Is Kaminari in there?" Sero asked from behind me.
"Yep. He seems fine though, just unconsious." Bakugou stopped from peering inside and picked the lock using the tip of his sword.
"That sword has many uses." I said. Sero nodded in agreement.
Bakugou ran in once the door was unlocked then ran out while Kaminari on his shoulders. He was unconsious like Bakugou had said. "Let's go gang." He nodded towards a hallway and we filed out behind him.
We were almost to town, almost to freedom, but a book that always has happy senarios happening isn't fun to write. We heard a low growl and a rough voice say, "So, you came crawling back to Tomura's kingdom with your new friends, huh?" I knew that voice from anywhere. I gulped and slowly turned around to be greeted with icy cold eyes that sent a shiver down my spine.
"I-I- Please let me explain." I stuttered. Not again.
"You're a traitor. Leaving me behind for these idiots." The tall man walked closer.
"Ple-please. Don't hurt them. They have nothing to do with this. Ashido's hurt and-" I begun before I was cut off.
"Big deal." The king yanked Ashido from our grasps. She gasped in pain. "She's a mutant too, just not as valuable as you Kirishima." He slammed her onto the ground.
"No!" I yelled. Bakugou lunged at him with the sword.
"I'll kill you!!" He threatened. I noticed that Kaminari was on the ground where Bakugou stood a moment before.
King Endeavor just chuckled. He side-stepped out of the way and grabbed Bakugou's neck. "Now, Kirishima. Come with me or both of these folks die." He stepped on Ashido's throat.
"I'll go! Leave them alone and get them medical help!" I yelled.
"Ki-Kirishima, do-on't. It'll b-be okay." Bakugou managed to choke out.
"Don't listen to him Mutant. I'm not afraid to kill as you've seen in the past." Endeavor let out an evil cackle.
"I'll go with you, just help them out!" I begged.
"Deal." In one swift snap of the King's figners, men came filing out of the sides of the castle. They grabbed Sero and I and shoved me into the same small cage I was in when I met those four.
"Wait! I wanna say goodbye to Bakugou and Ashido." I reached my arm as far as I could through the bars.
"Too bad." Was all Endeavor said before slamming them inside another cage, a bigger one, and we rode off. I couldn't see them because there cage was made out of wood. I closed my eyes. Thank you for the memories guys.
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