4. Happy birthday or whatever.
🧴 Glassbian 💠, 🖊️🅱️en🇵🇭, and ⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️are online.
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: The fuck my name?
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: It was Bottle, I mean, it fits you bro
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: ...I guess so.
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: I'm not happy with it though
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Do you guys know who's special day it is??? :D
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Wait it's someone's birthday?
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: We just had one with black hole and that didn't go well, bottle
🧴 Glassbian 💠: It's tree's!! And I'm sure nothing will happen now!! Right??
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Idk bro, Pillow will always find a way to mess shit up, that's just how she is
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: a messed up motherfucker that's what she is
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Seriously, she wears no shoes while she has socks man
⚡Cool zapper ⚡ and 🟦 Hater! ⚪ are online.
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Hey have you guys seen Marker?
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Wait huh it's Tree's birthday?
🟦 Hater! ⚪: You didn't know? He made a list of birthdays for us and you didn't know his!?
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Sorry I forgot, and why are you mad?
🟦 Hater! ⚪: Birthdays are important to remember that's why!
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: it's not even a big deal but whatever
🧴 Glassbian 💠: I'm buying cake :3
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Cake like...Loser's boyfriend or actual cake?
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Actual cake silly!
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: Honestly it wouldn't even surprise me if she actually brought cake over
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Dude, use capitals if your referring to a name because I don't know whether or not your referring to Cake or actual cake
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: Cake you imbecile
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: They weren't lying when they said you were short tempered...
🟦 Hater! ⚪: Still, I'm helping Bottle
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Seriously bro?
🟦 Hater! ⚪: Yes! It's a birthday, for Tree!
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Yippee! :D
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: You guys didn't answer my question though
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Uh, I don't know, Marker is probably with Remote or Free Food, smth idk
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Fanny can you help with the decorations??
🟦 Hater! ⚪: Okay
🟦 Hater! ⚪ Is offline.
🔋Robotic woman🪫is online.
🔋Robotic woman🪫: May I also help?
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Remote where's Marker
🔋Robotic woman🪫: Next to me, he's eating the mud pie me and Pie made.
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Oh
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Yes you can!! Tell pie she needs to help too!! :DD
🔋Robotic woman🪫: Already did.
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Honestly I'm bored rn so I guess I can help too, with like the food or something
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: Your doing it so that you can invite eraser because he likes food right
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Shut your lesbian ass up dude no
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: Fuck you
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Actually wait, why don't you guys add the other members of Death P.A.C.T? Like Pin, Gaty and Robot Flower?
🔋Robotic woman🪫: I don't like Robot Flower.
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Sure ig?
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Hang on
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭 added Pin, Gaty and Robot Flower to "Death P.A.C.T GC + Some others".
Pin and Gaty are online.
Pin: What?
Pin: Oh, It's Death P.A.C.T
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: How's your relationship with Leafy
Gaty: Who are you?
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: That's Liy, we gave eachother nicknames
Pin: And wait it's Tree's birthday? I thought it was somewhere in November or September
🧴 Glassbian 💠 and 🔋Robotic woman🪫 are offline.
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Why? Because of Autumn?
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Doesn't Autumn last until December too?
Pin: Nevermind
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: I'm gonna go get food now see y'all later
⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️: Bye
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭 is offline.
Gaty: Wait, how will you guys even make sure that Tree won't know about this surprise??
🧴 Glassbian 💠 is online.
🧴 Glassbian 💠: I told Black Hole to keep him in company and come back at night! Specifically at 6:40 PM!
Gaty: Oh
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Now, byee!!
Pen shuts his phone as he got up from his couch in his "Bro house" that he and his bros call, he was sitting with Blocky and Eraser, and they looked at him when he got up.
"Where you going?" Asked Blocky, while Pen adjusted his sunglasses. "To buy some food for someone's birthday." Pen replied, turning to them, Eraser immediately looking interested when he heard the word "food" while Blocky is more curious about who's birthday is it.
"Food? Sure I can help" Eraser said as he stood up as well, making Pen smile a bit. "Thanks bro, you Blocky?" Pen looks at Blocky, who suddenly has a mischievous expression. "First question, who's birthday is it?"
Pen looked confused at first at the mischievous expression, before realizing that Blocky might pull a prank on Tree on his birthday. Of all places. Pen sighed. "Dude, no don't prank Tree, especially not on his birthday bro" Pen said with a deadpan expression, making Blocky snicker as he puts down his controller.
"Pen come on lets go already" Eraser said as he tugs on Pen's arm, a bit impatient, Pen snorts at this. "Ok ok bro- don't pull on my arm" He said before playfully punching Eraser on the arm, which doesn't phase him, it only made him let go of his arm.
"Let's go bro" Eraser says as he starts to walk, with Pen starting to follow him and Blocky still on the couch, his arms behind his head as he smirks. "Oh I'll find out who it is..."
With Remote and Pie
Pie puts on her jacket while Marker finishes eating his mud pie, looking at Remote. "Waittt, you guys are going to prepare for a party?" Marker said, confused. Remote nods in response. "Yes we are, It's Tree's birthday. Would you like to help?" Remote asked, her hands on her hips, Marker smiles and nods. "Yeah sure! It's a birthday after all!" Marker stood up, his arms in the air, his hands being dirty from the mud pie he was eating, but Remote still smiles at him from his enthusiasm.
"Thanks, Marker." Remote said with a fond look. Pie then walks by them, adjusting her scarf. "Alright Remote, we should go now. To buy him gifts or prepare for the decorations... actually, who is doing who?" Pie turned to Remote, her expression looking confused. "I think I saw Fanny saying that she'll buy the decorations...maybe she can help us with that" Remote replied, now with Marker looking confused. "Wha? Fanny wants to help decorate for a party??" Remote turns to Marker, then shrugs. "Shrug, I don't know why either but, I'm certainly not complaining"
Marker continued to look confused before shaking it off, his smile reappearing. "Well then what are we waiting for?? Let's go!" Marker said with his usual cheerfulness, skipping off immediately before Pie could even ask him. "With those hands? I- nevermind..." Pie sighed, before turning to Remote, who was already walking after Marker. Pie shrugs with an "eh" before following along.
With Bottle
Bottle is seen in a bakery store, looking at all of the pastries and cakes there is, her eyes sparkling. "Woahhh..." Bottle muttered, she can feel herself drooling over the amount of delicious pastries and cake there is in front of her! She has to hold herself back from jumping towards them and eating them.
Suddenly, Bottle felt her shoulder being tapped by someone, she turned around and saw Pillow standing behind her, with a smile on her face. "Eh??" Bottle started with confusion in her voice, but was still smiling. "What're you doin' here?" Bottle asked, Pillow was still smiling.
"Oh nothing, I just heard that it's someone's birthday today. Was it Tree's?" Pillow asked innocently, tilting her head a bit. Bottle, being the oblivious goober she is, nods. "Yep! I'm looking for the perfect cake for him! I dunno what he likes tho, knowing that he's a vegetarian...yuck" Bottle said, sticking her tongue out at the end, which made Pillow chuckle a bit.
"Oh yeah, I've forgotten about that part. Hm, how about this then?" Pillow walks towards a carrot cake, still having a smile on her face, Bottle's face lights up at this and nods. "Yes yes yes! That's perfect!! Way better than what I was thinking of!!"
Pillow raised an eyebrow, still smiling "And what was that?"
Pillow let out an audible snort at that, covering her mouth. With Bottle tilting her head to the side, a bit confused on why Pillow suddenly snorted. Bottle giving Tree a salad instead of an actual cake is the same as giving a cupcake to a child instead of a cake.
Pillow soon composed herself, clearing her throat with a smile on her face again. "Yes, what I'm suggesting is way better than what you were thinking of" Pillow said, her smile being a bit crooked from almost laughing. With Bottle nodding. "Yeah! Now to line up! Hehe!" Bottle said with a giggle, going to the line of people, but before that, Pillow grabs Bottle's arm before she could.
"Huh? What're you doing, Pillow?" Bottle asked, turning her head to Pillow, confused. "Heh, do we need to pay for this when we can just..." Pillow then breaks the glass that was protecting the carrot cake, grabs it and Bottle's arm and then dashes out of the bakery shop, with the people and employees shouting and yelling at them.
With Fanny
Fanny got a private text from Remote, saying that they should meet up in a nearby store that they know of, so Fanny is currently standing outside of the store, with Lightning next to her because she told him to help her.
"When will they arrive? It's been a while..." Lightning said, impatiently, Fanny looks at him with an "are you serious" look. "It's been five minutes! Be patient!"Fanny said in a loud voice, with Lightning sighing annoyingly in response. "Well, what should I expect? I thought Remote is pretty fast!"
Fanny facepalms. "Just because she's fast at running doesn't necessarily mean that she'll come here early!" Fanny looks off for a moment before turning to Lightning, who's looking down at her with a disapproving look.
Before the two of them can say anything else, they hear someone. "Heyyy!" The two of them turned to the goofy sounding voice, seeing that it's Marker approaching them while waving, with Remote and Pie behind him.
Lightning was the first to react, with a wave of his own and a "hey!" back, his face lighting up at the sight of the boy he was looking for earlier, while Fanny just looked at them with her usual expression. Her cable tail waving though.
"I hope we didn't take too long" Remote said, standing besides Marker once the three were near Fanny and Lightning, Lightning was about to say something but Fanny nudges him hard on his arm, making him shut up and letting out a small "ow..."
"Not that much! But we don't have much time! Let's get going!" Fanny yelled, before immediately running inside the store, making the others get caught off guard but soon follow her.
The five eventually got a cart and walked (one flew) to the aisle that says "decorations". Remote then turns to them all. "Alright, Fanny, Pie and me will go in this one, you two try to look for presents for Tree" Remote instructed them all, all of them nodded, but then Marker raises his hand.
Remote looks at Marker. "Yes?" She responded. "Uh...what does Tree like?" Marker questioned, with Lightning now pondering the same thing. "Oh yeah, that's a good question..." Pie then spoke. "Uh... probably some books about astrology or biology" Remote turns to Fanny, who is already getting the decorations. "That can be a good suggestion, he likes reading after all, but he needs something else" Remote commented, turning back to the others. Marker then thought of something. "Oh wait! Maybe a new sweater for him? Or...oh! A raincoat! Because he likes to play in the rain right?"
Pie snaps her finger at that. "Bingo, that's a good one." She said, smiling slightly while Remote nodded. "Alright, good idea Lightning. You two can start looking for those."
Marker cheered with a "yay!" while Lightning nodded. "Alright, Remote, we will!" Lightning then picked Marker up by his arms and flew off. "Weeeee!" Marker can be heard before the two were completely gone. Now Remote and Pie go with Fanny to help her with the picking of decorations.
With Pen and Eraser
Pen and Eraser are buying whatever food is good for everyone and the party, like pizza, desserts, anything that seems good enough really. Right now they've got the pizza and desserts (being muffins and ice cream) and now are looking for the ingredients of pasta. Eraser is holding the food, outside waiting and Pen is trying to find the ingredients needed for it in the supermarket. They're communicating through the phone now because you're not allowed to bring outside food in the supermarket.
"Bro are you sure that they don't have these ingredients already? How are you so sure that they don't-" Eraser gets interrupted by Pen shushing him. "Shh! Sorry bro but I'm a hundred percent sure! They do have tomato sauce but they don't have uncooked noodles!" Pen spoke, with Eraser rolling his eyes but accepting it.
Pen looked around for a moment, before spotting the uncooked noodles that he was searching for, he gasped, but then he realized that...it was on the top shelf and it was too high. Pen's expression drops. "Oh. Fuck" Pen spoke with an unamused frown. He was 6'2", so seeing that he can't even reach the top shelf was absurd.
"What's up?" Eraser spoke through the phone, with Pen adjusting the shopping cart before speaking. "I'm gonna do something that will probably get me kicked out, wait" Eraser looked confused at this but shrugged. Meanwhile...Pen is going to step in the cart and try to stand on it. He puts his phone in his pocket and prepares himself to do so.
Pen eventually gets on the cart, now he's in an awkward position, with people looking at him due to the loud sounds the cart was making, they looked confused. "Oh ink, this is either gonna be the coolest thing I've ever done or the most embarrassing" Pen said to himself, he sighed, thinking to himself; "Okay me, lets just do this, no more hesitating". Pen slowly and tries to stand up on the cart, which...moves a bit, he freezes everytime it moves on him, he grabs on the aisle's counter(?) and tries to balance himself. With the people looking at him in concern.
Meanwhile, Eraser can only hear what is happening, his confusion apparent on his face as he hears the several noises of the cart and Pen's constant "woah"s and "ah!"s. "Uh, dude? You okay?"
Pen doesn't respond. As he continues to try and stand up straight so he can grab the uncooked noodles. And, fortunately, he stands up on the cart without it making him fall or making it move away, the people around him murmuring about how crazy Pen is being with this but he doesn't care, his sunglasses falling a bit more. "Okay, okay...I gotta do this!"
Pen then tries to reach for the uncooked noodles, and... successfully grabs it! Making him subconsciously cheer. "YEAAAAHHH! I got them!!" He let out a victory yell, making the people around him even more confused.
But, doing this made him release the counter, thus, the cart started to move, making Pen wobble, and eventually fall to the hard, concrete floor. "OW! AH GAGO-" Pen yelled in pain, his sunglasses and hat having fallen off. Revealing his wet hair on top that is ink.
Eraser gets caught off guard at the sudden crash and yell he just heard on the phone, he placed the food on the table he on as he stood up from his seat. "Bro are you okay!?" Eraser yelled on the phone.
With Bottle and Pillow
Pillow and Bottle were now running straight to their house, with Bottle giggling, not knowing that they technically just robbed the place, and Pillow still smiling like a maniac. "See? Isn't stealing fun?" Pillow said as she turned to Bottle, who nodded. "Yeah! It is!"
Pillow chuckles a little from this, the duo still running towards their house, with Pillow carrying the cake and Bottle waving her arms around. They're probably gonna get confronted later but right now they're just having fun.
With Marker and Lightning
Marker is strolling the cart happily while Lightning is flying through the clothing aisle for the raincoat, they already have the books, and fake plants because they forgot for a second that he likes nature, so all they're looking for now is the raincoat he needs.
"Weeee!" Marker can be heard saying, basically sliding through the aisle while his dirty hands grip on the cart, not even caring if he'll bump into someone, and he did. "Ow! Hey watch where you're going!" The person said, though Marker just continued to stroll through, he said a "sorry!" while doing so.
Lightning looks over at the slight commotion, shaking his head slightly at Marker's immature behavior. "Marky..." He muttered, watching as Marker continues to stroll without a care in the world.
Lightning then returned his focus on finding the raincoat for Tree, flying around to find what is the perfect size for him so that it wouldn't be too small that it would be tight or too large that it can still make rain get into his clothes. Eventually, he finds the perfect size and grabs it, examining it. "Hmmm...this is perfect! What do you think, Marker?" Lightning said as he turned to where Marker was, but he saw Marker walking towards him with the cart, but with a frown on his face.
Lightning looked both confused and concerned, so he flew over to him. "Hey, what's wrong?" Lightning asked, Marker then proceeded to rub his cheek with his dirty hand, the clumps of dirt getting on his cheek. "Someone slapped meee..."Marker replied with a slight whine. Lightning got slightly more concerned as he started to place his hand on where Marker rubbed his cheek, being careful not to zap him.
"Are you alright? Was the slap hard?" Lightning asked, slightly caressing Marker's cheek. "It- it was enough to hurt!" Marker responded, still looking down about this. Lightning felt bad as he placed the raincoat in the cart. "Hey, it's okay, don't be sad, we can uh...play toss the dirt after this" He said, trying to cheer Marker up, which worked immediately as he perked up from the word "dirt".
"Really? You'll actually play toss the dirt with me??" Marker said, a bit excitedly, with Lightning nodding. "Yeah, I was always kinda curious on trying it out whenever I see you and Stapy doing it so...yeah after this we can!" Lightning smiled after, with Marker gasping and grinning afterwards. "Wow! Thanks, Lightning!"
"No problem...now, I think we got all of the stuff that Tree likes, right?" Lightning asked, looking through the stuff in their cart, Marker looked too, making a "hmm" noise as he does, before nodding. "Yep! I guess we do! Now we just have to go to the cashier and pay for this!" Marker said, before getting in the cart. Lightning snorts a little at this. "You want a ride, don't you?"
Marker nodded quickly with a grin on his face, with Lightning shrugging. "Alright then, hold on!" Lightning then gripped the cart's handle and started to dash off with incredible speed, all while Marker was doing the same "Weee!" cheering again.
With Remote, Fanny and Pie
They've gotten the decorations without a problem, they're actually now waiting for Lightning and Marker while the chasier scans their items. "Hm, I hope those two didn't get into trouble" Remote said, her robotic hand rubbing the back of her head while Pie shakes her head, crossing her arms. "Same, knowing Marker...but Lightning is with him so, I doubt much trouble will happen"
Pie said with some certainty, with Remote nodding, Fanny is looking around, before returning her gaze to the two. "Okay, who is gonna pay for all of this?" She said, still in a loud voice, Pie turns to her. "Uh. I guess I will, I have money..." Pie shrugs, Fanny and Remote nod in agreement while they wait.
With Black Hole and Tree
The two were just, walking around, it was 5:00 PM, the two were enjoying eachother's company, preventing deaths along the way but overall, nothing too serious happened.
"...This day has been quite enjoyable, Black Hole" Tree said, turning his head to Black Hole with a smile on his face, Black Hole turns to him and nods, smiling back. "It has been, hasn't it? We don't really get to spend much time being alone together like this" Black Hole then looks around, admiring the park they were walking around before turning his head to Tree, who's looking off with a slight blush on his face.
"Yeah...I wonder if we could...do this more often..." Tree said quietly, turning to Black Hole once more, The two slowed down on walking for a bit to talk. "I mean...yeah we could...we... don't really have a reason not to, right?" Black Hole responded, looking straight at Tree, the two are basically looking at eachother's eyes.
"Right...so, we could?" Tree replied bluntly, his blush becoming slightly more apparent. Black Hole nodded in response. "Yes, we could" He smiled, causing Tree to smile back. The two were now just, staring at eachother. For the moment it felt like time stopped for them. Just... looking into each other's eyes and taking a break from all the nonsense that was happening...
But, that moment didn't last long as Tree started to shake his head and talk again. "A-anyway! Uh, what else should we do?" Black Hole gets snapped back to reality when he saw and heard Tree shaking his head and his voice, then cleared his throat. "Ah yes, hm...are you hungry?" He asked out of the blue, Tree raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Well, a little now that you said it..." Black Hole hummed a bit before responding with; "Alright, we can get something for you to eat I suppose"
"A-Alright..." Tree nodded as he started to follow Black Hole. Still flustered about what they were doing.
With Pen and Eraser
They were currently walking home with the food they brought, Pen carrying the bag of the pasta ingredients and some others while Eraser is carrying the food that was mentioned earlier. Pen is seen with a bandage on his head.
"Geez...I didn't expect that bro" Eraser said, looking at Pen, who has a slightly irritated look on his face. "I know, I knew I shouldn't have done that but whatever bro, at least I got the thing"
Eraser shrugged as an "I guess". They then eventually reach the house, and Pen immediately starts to place the food on the table, and goes to the kitchen with Eraser for the pasta making.
Pillow and Bottle were seen nearby, Pillow has already placed the cake on the table while Bottle is waving hi to them, with Eraser flipping her off in response.
"Wow, they're already here!" Bottle said, not even minding the flip off. "Yeah, I can see that..." Pillow replied. "Where are the others though..."
Liy then walks by, seeing the food on the table and Pen trying to make pasta. "What the fuck?" Liy said with genuine confusion, before realizing that it's Tree's birthday, again. "Oh, I forgot it's Tree's birthday"
Bottle giggles at this while Pillow shakes her head, amused, Liy crosses her arms. "What. What's so funny?" Liy raises an eyebrow. Bottle looks at Liy with a goofy grin "Nothing! It's just kinda funny that you forgot!" Bottle said bluntly. "She's right, y'know"
Liy looks at Pillow with an angered expression, before sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose. "Alright, yes, I did forget but is it really worth laughing at?"
Before anything else, the other five, Fanny, Lightning, Marker, Remote and Pie, arrive with the decorations and such.
"What the?!" Liy exclaimed with utter confusion and surprise at the sudden arrival. "There's no time to explain, we only have 1 Hour and 30 minutes!" Fanny shouted, and everyone there immediately got to work. With Bottle, Pillow and Liy being the only ones who weren't doing much. Pillow and Bottle just watching and Liy being in utter confusion.
Blocky was watching through the windows of their house, overhearing about who's birthday it is now. "Hmm, so it's Tree's eh? Heh, alright then..." he thought to himself, smirking mischievously.
The people in the house continued to prepare for Tree's birthday. Like the decorations, gifts, food, etc. And at 6:20 PM, they were finished. Even though there were some things that happened, everything was well and done in the end.
Now Bottle is jumping up and down excitedly. "Eeeee!! I can't wait for his reaction!" Pillow heard Bottle exclaim, raising an eyebrow, still smiling. "Oh? Well that's good for you..."
"Did you guys even buy presents or something? There's only like, four gifts there" Liy said, looking at Marker and Lightning while gesturing to the presents that they wrapped up. "I mean, what will you give him?" Lightning asked, turning his back towards Liy with a raised eyebrow, with Marker nodding. "...fair point" Liy then grumbles to herself.
Pie is seen putting a party hat on Floofer's head, smiling softly. "There, there's the hat on" Floofer meowed, her tail wagging. Bottle turns to Floofer, seeing her with a party hat make her sequel. "AWWWW! THATS SO CUTEE!!" Bottle then ran towards Floofer and pet her head, making her meow more and nuzzle against her hand, with Pie chuckling.
Then, Remote can sense Tree's presence with Black Hole, making her shushing everyone. "Hey! Be quiet! He's about to arrive!"
Bottle gasped, with Pen hurriedly closing the lights. Although it didn't help since Lightning is still illuminating the place. Some of them quickly turn to Lightning and gestures him to leave, Lightning, being confused, does so anyway. At the perfect moment too because the door opens, and...
They all cheered while Pen turns the lights on again and Lightning flies back to the scene, some were enthusiastic, a few were monotone, but all were cheering nonetheless, making Tree get startled slightly but calms down once he realizes that his friends just threw a birthday party for him. "W-wait what?" He asked with slight confusion in his voice, Black Hole chuckled at this while Bottle ran over to hug him.
"Happy birthday Tree!!" Bottle exclaimed happily, lifting him up ever so slightly, which makes him let out a surprised "eh!" from him. Pen then yells; "Yeah, maligayang kaarawan sa iyo!" Some people looked at him in confusion while Marker just giggles, understanding that he said "Happy birthday to you!" In Filipino.
Tree then chuckles as he's set back down on the floor by Bottle, and then Marker puts a party hat on him. "There!" Marker looked on proudly, with Lightning and Pen chuckling a little at this.
"Alright can we get this over with?" Eraser said, making Fanny nudge him forcefully to shut up. "Happy birthday to you or whatever..." Liy said as Bottle pushes Tree to the birthday cake, where Pie is lighting the candle on fire. "There"
Pie backed away from the cake that now has the candle burning, with Tree infront of it. "Ah, carrot cake huh?..." He chuckles. "How thoughtful..." Tree said, genuinely before Bottle started to shake him a little. "What're you waiting for?! Blow it!"
Tree turned to the cake, and...
Everyone turned to the door, once they did, most of them were immediately frightened by the sight of Blocky holding a chainsaw and is turning it on. "AHAHAHA! You think I wouldn't find out who's birthday it is!?" Blocky yelled while grinning.
Eraser is unfazed but has his eyes wide, while Pen shakes his hands as a "stop" gesture. "No- no bro stop"
Tree was especially taken aback and has fallen, thankfully Marker caught him while Remote stood infront of Blocky, guarding everyone behind her. "Don't. You dare." Remote said, her tone still being monotone but it was clear she was warning him. Blocky laughed before turning his chainsaw off, putting it down. "Fine. Pen told me to lower with the killing anyway. Even though there's no reason for me to"
Pie held Bottle in her arms due to Bottle running around while screaming, so now Bottle is just, shaking with fear in her eyes while Pie is looking at Blocky with an unamused expression.
Black Hole can be seen outside of the door, sighing. "At least no one fainted..." He said. With Pillow pouting again. "Aww, no dying!" Liy glares at Pillow and pushes her, which makes her chuckle.
Tree regained his composure after the terrifying jumpscare Blocky just gave him, who's now leaving the house with the chainsaw. He then turned back to the cake, and blew the candle out. Bottle got out of Pie's grip and raised her arms up. "Yay!! Now lets have fun!!!"
Some of them cheered with her, with Black Hole, still outside, greeting Tree with a; "Happy 23th birthday, Tree..." Tree smiled at this before nodding, turning to the others. "Thanks, all of you"
Tree said, before all of them started to have fun on this very day, playing games and eating and such, today, was a day to remember for all of them, especially since Pen broke the TV later on. And thankfully, no chaos happened.
Or did it?
To be continued.
(I don't think I'll put the names here, they're kinda obvious.)
(Yeah! Uh, got lazy at the end there sorry, and yes I know it's December 2nd but just- I'm sorry I had no time yesterday-)
(Also...for people who still don't know what the others look like, I'll just show them here. They're my Drawvember drawings but still)
(Liy and Pillow, Liy has brown shorts and purple shoes if you want to know her full design)
(Black Hole)
(Lightning and Fanny + Marker's head)
(And then Marker)
(Yeah that's all the Death P.A.C.T members' humanizations now!)
(There's also a new thing in this AU, it's that Marker and Remote have a mother and son relationship with eachother. It's confusing yes but I'll reveal the reason why later.)
(For now, stay tuned for the next chapter! This took a while to make-)
(Words: 5164.)
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