3. Hey you can change names!
Tree, Bottle, Pie, Liy and Pillow are online.
Pillow changed Tree's name to Gay motherfucker.
Gay motherfucker: Huh!? What the!?
Pillow: Good morning :)
Liy: You can change names?
Pie: Oh
Gay motherfucker: Hey! I'm not completely gay!
Pillow: So? You are still gay for that asshole
Bottle: That's so cool that you can change your name!! :D
Lightning, Fanny and Remote are online.
Fanny: What the fuck
Fanny: Who in the world is Gay Motherfucker
Gay motherfucker: It's me, Tree
Remote: Last time I checked you were Omniromantic.
Pillow: Wtf even is a "omniromantic", just say your gay
Lightning: Uhm, to clarify, it's someone who's attracted to all genders romantically...
Fanny: So he doesn't want to have sex
Lightning: I guess so?
Gay motherfucker changed their name to Tree.
Liy: Isn't that pansexual
Pie: No
Tree: No
Pillow: Still weird! I will stilll call you gay anyway
Tree: Whatever...
Bottle: Can i change your name now, tree??
Tree: Uh
Tree: Sure?
Bottle: Yay!!
Bottle changed Tree's name to Best nature friend ever.
Best nature friend ever: Oh
Remote: Aww. That's sweet.
Bottle: :3
Pillow: Meh
Pie changed their own name to Blueberry Pastry.
Blueberry Pastry changed Remote's name to Battery Lover.
Battery Lover: You're not wrong.
Pillow: Thats so basic, boring!
Fanny: Seriously, do something more entertaining
Best nature friend ever: Like what
Pillow changed Pen's name to A guy who likes to suck dicc.
Lightning: PILLOW!
Pillow: :)
Fanny: Wow that actually made me laugh
Blueberry Pastry: Pillow the heck!?
Battery Lover: Dear electricity.
Liy: What the fuck!?
Bottle: What does that mean??
Pillow changed Liy's name to Whore who wants to fuck with a robot.
Whore who wants to fuck with a robot: PILLOW THE FUCK
Battery Lover: Is the robot referring to me.
Best nature friend ever: STOP
Bottle: What's a whore??
Blueberry Pastry: Don't ask
Lightning: Oh my cloud DON'T DO MORE
Fanny: Do more
Pillow changed Lightning's name to I wish i had a dick.
I wish i had a dick: NO I DON'T
Bottle: Wha? I'm so confused,,,
Battery Lover: Pillow.
Best nature friend ever changed Pillow's name to Mistake.
Mistake: Oh?
Best nature friend ever: You are a mistake
Mistake: Okay :)
Mistake changed Best nature friend ever's name to Let me fuck you bh.
Let me fuck you bh: I hate you
Fanny: That's my line
Fanny: Anyway keep going
Mistake: Okay :)
Whore who wants to fuck a robot: NO NO
I wish i had a dick: STOP PLEASE
Blueberry Pastry: No!
A guy who likes to suck dicc is online.
A guy who likes to suck dicc: Hey sup guys
A guy who likes to suck dicc: WTF ARE YOUR NAMES RN!?
Let me fuck you bh: Look at yours!
A guy who likes to suck dicc: WHAT!?
A guy who likes to suck dicc: WAIT WTF.
A guy who likes to suck dicc: PUTANG INA MO, PILLOW ANO ITO!?
Mistake: :)
Bottle: What???
Whore who wants to fuck a robot: This is madness. This is absolute madness.
Blueberry Pastry: Don't go murder mode please
Battery Lover: That's the last thing we need...
Mistake changed Blueberry Pastry's name to Im wet for a glassy woman.
Im wet for a glassy woman: Are you kidding me!? No!
Bottle: What does that mean? Can someone please tell me??
I wish i had a dick: No!
Let me fuck you bh: Absolutely not!
Fanny: This is the most entertainment I have ever received, thanks
Mistake: Welcome :)
Mistake changed Marker's name to Stupid guy with a weird voice.
Im wet for a glassy woman: At least that's not inappropriate i suppose...
I wish i had a dick: What did Marker ever do to you!?
A guy who likes to suck dicc: Buwisit ka! Anong ginawa namin sayo!?
Mistake: Existing :)
Bottle: Uhm....
Mistake: Ooo I forgot about 3 people...
Mistake changed Battery Lover's name to A worthless robot.
Mistake changed Black Hole's name to If theres a hole theres a goal.
Bottle: Wha?
A worthless robot: Wow
Whore who wants to fuck a robot: THATS IT. I HAD ENOUGH
Mistake: Hehe, you can't get me!
Whore who wants to fuck a robot is offline.
Let me fuck you bh: I actually hope she tortures you, Pillow
Mistake: Well see :3
Mistake is offline.
I wish i had a dick: At least she's gone...for now...
Stupid guy with a weird voice is online.
Stupid guy with a weird voice: Hi guys!!
Stupid guy with a weird voice: Wait huh?
A guy who likes to suck dicc: Buwisit si Pillow.
I wish i had a dick: Sorry about this, Marker. Pillow did this
Fanny: Yep
Stupid guy with a weird voice: Is my voice really that weird?..
Bottle: I don't think so!
Let me fuck you bh: ...Sort of
Stupid guy with a weird voice: Aww :(
A worthless robot: At least you can change your tone and laugh genuinely.
Stupid guy with a weird voice: Wait actually, who's "I wish i had a dick" and "Let me fuck you bh"?
Let me fuck you bh: I'm Tree, the other is Lightning
Stupid guy with a weird voice: Wait what?
Im wet for a glassy woman: I'm gonna change my name
Im wet for a glass woman changed their name to Blueberry Pastry.
Bottle: Wait wait!! Can I do it??? :3
Blueberry Pastry: Sure?
A guy who likes to suck dicc: I prefer anything other than this rn bro
Bottle changed Blueberry Pastry's name to 🫐 Blueberry Pastry 🥧.
🫐 Blueberry Pastry 🥧: Oh you're adding emojis
Bottle: Yep!! And I'm gonna give you all new names now!!
Fanny: Great
I wish i had a dick: Thank you Bottle...
Bottle: :3
Bottle changed A worthless robot's name to 🔋Robotic woman🪫.
🔋Robotic woman🪫: Interesting.
Bottle changed A guy who likes to suck dicc's name to 🖊️ Cool filipino guy 🇵🇭.
️🖊️ Cool filipino guy 🇵🇭: Can i change it into something else bro, I'll keep the emojis
Bottle: Okay??
🖊️️ Cool filipino guy 🇵🇭 changed his name to 🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭.
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Yeah bro this is perfect
Let me fuck you bh: It's worse than the one Bottle gave you but ok
Bottle changed Let me fuck you bh's name to 🌳Best nature friend🏞️.
🌳Best nature friend🏞️: Thanks, finally
Bottle changed Whore who wants to fuck a robot's name to ⚡Short tempered lesbian♀️.
🔋Robotic woman🪫: You're not wrong.
I wish i had a dick: At least it's accurate?
Bottle changed If theres a hole theres a goal's name to 🌌 Best space man!! 🌠.
🌳Best nature friend 🏞️: You named him that on purpose didn't you
Bottle: Hehe, of course!
Bottle changed I wish i had a dick's name to ⚡Cool zapper⚡.
⚡Cool zapper⚡: Oh, yeah I kinda like this!
Bottle changed Stupid guy with a weird voice's name to 💜 Dirt loving guy ⬜.
💜 Dirt loving guy ⬜: Yay i'm not called a stupid guy anymore!
Bottle changed Mistake's name to 🔪Killer🩸.
🌳Best nature friend 🏞️: Accurate enough...
Bottle changed Fanny's name to 🟦 Hater! ⚪.
🟦 Hater! ⚪: It's basic but whatever, I don't hate it that much.
Bottle: That's all! :D
⚡Cool zapper⚡: Can someone give Bottle a nickname?
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Bro wait I got the perfect one
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭 changed Bottle's name to 🧴 Glassbian 💠.
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Get it?
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Oh!
🌳Best nature friend ever 🏞️: You mixed "Glass" with "Lesbian"
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Yeah bro
🫐 Blueberry Pastry 🥧: It fits
💜 Dirt loving guy ⬜: Yep at least!
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Yay!
🧴 Glassbian 💠: You guys didn't answer my question tho...
🌳Best nature friend 🏞️: What?
🧴 Glassbian 💠: What does whore mean? And what does "if theres a hole theres a goal" mean??
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: Nah
🔋Robotic woman🪫: For your safety I will not be explaining that.
⚡Cool zapper ⚡: Yeah...
🌳Best nature friend 🏞️: Yep. And it's lunchtime now, see you guys
🧴 Glassbian 💠: Oh! Yay! Bye!!
🖊️ 🅱️en 🇵🇭: See you later bros
💜 Dirt loving guy ⬜: Yeah bye guys!
🫐 Blueberry Pastry 🥧: Bye
Everyone went offline.
To be continued.
(Ah man, I sure do love making chaos :))
(In all seriousness, I'm sorry for the sudden inappropriate jokes made here, it was really just to entertain some folks here, and I already did put in the warnings that there will be some...not so friendly chapters here and this is one of them-)
(Anyway, uh, I dunno what else to say so, hope you enjoyed this chapter!)
(Words: 1439.)
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