2. Missing Cat!!
Bottle, Pen, and Liy are online
Bottle: Oh??? A gc???? Awesome! :D
Pen: Uh, yeah bro
Liy: Hey
Bottle: Why'd you make a gc liy??
Liy: Just for when we're away or something
Bottle: Oh ok!! Btw have you seen floofer??
Liy: Our cat?
Pen: That's actually a good question
Bottle: Wait, you guys don't know!?
Liy: Sorry bottle, maybe you can ask tree
Bottle: Oh okay...
Pen: Yeah actually where is our cat? There's no way Floofer can be missing bro, she's huge
Liy: That's why she's a maine coon
Bottle: Oh no!! I just asked tree and he doesn't know too!! D:
Pen: Wait seriously? Oh shit this can actually be a problem bro
Liy: I swear if pillow took floofer with her...
Bottle: What!! Where's pillow??
Liy: I don't know, I just know she went outside
Pen: Bro you think she brought Floofer with her outside?? But why?
Liy: I don't fucking know about her
Bottle: :( I can't do my daily petting floofer then........
Pen: I mean you gotta stop at some point, right?
Liy: Pen you literally play pokemon on a daily basis
Pen: Hey it's fun
Liy: Just like how bottle finds petting floofer fun
Bottle: :(((
Tree and Pie are online
Tree: Floofer is missing?
Liy: Yeah
Pie: Wait what?
Tree: You guys didn't keep an eye on her?!
Pen: Bro I was busy!
Tree: You were busy doing what!?
Pen: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Pen: Playing on my PC?
Tree: What the trunk
Bottle: That's a lot of h!
Pie: Oh dear, Floofer is missing... Great
Bottle: I knowwww, I'm saddd :(
Liy: We'll find her soon, come on guys let's go
Pen: Yeah bro, don't worry Bottle
Bottle: Alright :(
Pie: It'll be okay, Bottle
Tree: Yeah let's try to find Floofer...
Liy: Death P.A.C.T, Search!
Everyone went offline
Bottle turns her phone off and gets up from her bed, whining slightly as she sprints out of her room.
"oh, I gotta find Floofer as fast as I can!!" Bottle thought to herself as she continued to sprint downstairs, and then she bumps into Liy.
"Oh sorry!" Bottle apologizes as Liy rubs her head. "Ugh...It's fine, it's fine. I can tell you're panicked..." Liy mumbled as she stops rubbing her head, seeing Bottle looking stressed and panicked.
"Come on!! Let's get going!!" Bottle said frantically while Liy gestures her hands in a "calm down" way. "Woah woah, stop, we can't immediately leave." Liy said as she hears the other doors open, Tree, Pie and Pen.
"Alright bros." Pen walked over to the two, same with Tree and Pie. "Let's try and find Floofer!" Pen pumps his fist into the air while Tree nods and looks at Pie. "Yeah, the sooner we find Floofer, the lesser Bottle is sad." Pie then looks at Tree after he finished his sentence, before responding with; "...That didn't sound great."
Bottle, clearly impatient, starts bouncing on her feet, wincing. "Come on guys!! Let's go!! And let's go ask Remote and Black Hole to help us too!!" Liy looks at Bottle and nods. "Good idea, alright guys let's get moving!"
The group nods as they split off to go either outside or the backyard, with Liy and Pen going outside and Bottle, Tree and Pie going to the backyard.
As Pen and Liy step out of the house, Liy finds Black Hole floating above the house, seemingly...resting?
"Oh great, he looks like he's asleep." Said Liy while Pen groaned. "Great! Bruh- BLACK HOLE!" Pen shouted, only to get no response. "BLACK HOLE!!" Liy facepalms and turns to Pen. "Pen be quiet. Remote told us before that his hearing was horrible!" Liy exclaimed while Pen put his hands on his face. "Fuck, I forgot about that..."
Liy looks up at Black Hole before turning to Pen. "Y'know what, we don't need his help! We can just ask Remote!" Liy suggested while Pen looks at her, confused. "Bitch where the fuck is she then??" Pen asked, adjusting his hat while Liy rolls her eyes. "I know where, trust me, come on lets g-"
Suddenly, the other three walked out of the front door, Bottle has dirt on her clothes, Pie's hair is messed up and her scarf is gone, and Tree is literally covered in leaves and small twigs.
"...What the fuck happened to you guys!?" Pen asked in even more confusion while Tree shakes the leaves off his hair.
"... Squirrels."
"And Chipmunks."
Tree and Pie responded while Liy and Pen continue to look confused, before Liy shakes it off when noticing Bottle is still upset. "We don't have time for this! Let's go!"
Before anyone else can respond, Liy starts running towards a random direction. Pen stammers while Bottle immediately follows her, the other three eventually do follow Liy.
"What the fuck is this decision choice bruv-" Pen questioned while Tree just shakes his head. "I don't know anymore..." Bottle is just upset during this entire time while Pie tries to calm her down and keep up with her at the same time.
"Ohhh! If Floofer is missing then I don't know what I will do!!" Bottle said in a panicked and scared tone. "We can still find Floofer, it's not the end of the world!" Pie responded, trying to run and not trip herself.
The five continue to run, farther and farther away from home and into the distance, Liy and Bottle were determined to find the Maine Coon while the other three were trying to keep up the pace. (Even though Liy isn't really fast, Bottle is.)
Then, Pen suddenly falls into the lake since he wasn't looking where he was going, Tree and Pie stopped when hearing the splash, but Pen raises his arm up once he adjusts himself.
"I'm fine! You guys go without me!" Pen waved his arm for them to continue running without him. "But-" Tree was about to speak, but he sighs after "Alright, Pen. Bye." Tree responded before running off with Pie, following Bottle and Liy again.
"What was that splash!?" Liy shouted while still running, her wires waving behind her. "Pen fell into a lake!" Pie responded while Bottle was still focused on finding Floofer as her eyes darted around the area, looking for the white, fluffy, large cat that she loves so dearly.
Liy shook her head. "Of course..." Tree adjusts his glasses as Liy spoke. "No sign of Floofer whatsoever!?" Tree shouted, for everyone to hear. "No!" Liy, Pie and Bottle responded. "I'm so worried for Floofer!! What if she's really missing!? I'm getting so worried!!" Bottle started to run faster while Liy's eyes widen. "Hey wait! Bottle don't leave us in the dust!"
Liy shouted back, now the three are running after Bottle, who's sprinting like there's no tomorrow.
Then, after what felt like five hours of running, they see a faint silhouette of two girls, arguing with each other.
"Wait! Is that-" Liy gets interrupted by Tree. "It's Remote and Pillow!"
The four slow down a bit to hear what is going on, and once they got closer, they see Remote, scolding Pillow, and Floofer is on a tree. A very high tree.
Bottle, seeing Floofer on a branch, and is meowing for help, instantly went pale and covered her mouth, gasping. "PILLOW!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?"
Pillow and Remote turn to the four, Tree looks surprised, Pie looks dumbfounded, Liy is confused but glaring at Pillow, and Bottle is in utter fear, she's even trembling.
"Oh, hi!" Pillow waves while Remote slaps her arm to stop. "Don't "hi" them! We need to get Floofer down here! That branch isn't strong enough to hold her there!"
"What even happened!?" Asked Tree, but Liy just shushes him. "There's no time to question! Let's get Floofer down here! Bottle looks like she's about to faint out of horror!"
Tree was about to speak again, until Pie, for some reason, decides to jump up and try to climb the tree, which she actually successfully does, even if it's a bit slow.
Though, this just made Bottle more worried "PIE!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Bottle is practically screaming while the others look on in surprise or shock, with the exception of Pillow who just looks amused.
"Don't worry, I think I can get Floofer down there." Pie replied in her usual nonchalant tone, even though her voice is trembling a little. Remote shook her head and jumps up, high enough to land on a sturdy branch, above Pie, though still far away from Floofer's branch, which is slowly breaking...
"Pie, I don't think it's smart for you to save Floofer by yourself." Remote spoke to Pie, who just reached the branch Remote is standing on. "Ugh...I know but, it's my cat, I have to save it. And- I know Floofer is as big as my body but...but I can handle it..." Pie huffed before continuing to climb up the tree, with Remote sighing and shaking her head. "I'll follow, to help you."
Pie nods in acknowledgement from Remote's words, who is starting to jump up, from branch to branch.
The others are watching the entire thing in anticipation, with Bottle being the most worried and scared while Pillow being the most entertained and amused. "Wow, they're actually trying to save Floofer by climbing up the tree. To be honest I didn't expect Pie's fatass to do it first."
Pillow said bluntly, then Bottle stomps her foot on the ground, turning to Pillow and glaring at her. "Pillow! Don't say that!!" Bottle shouted, with Pillow raising her arms up in a "surrender" gesture, though it's obvious she's doing this mockingly
"This is very concerning..." Tree mumbled, feeling worried for the two, seeing them getting closer and closer to where Floofer is at, who's still meowing loudly in distress and calling for help.
Liy then called out; "Hey! You guys doing okay up there!?" Remote seemed to hear Liy's call and looked down at her, before responding back to her. "Yeah we're fine, we're getting closer to Floofer!"
Pie grunts as she reaches the third-to-last branch, huffing. "Dear god..." Pie mumbled as Remote turned to her. "You can stop here, you look exhausted..." Remote suggested, but Pie shakes her head. "No! I'm tired of being seen as a fat asshole to Pillow! And I want to save my own cat!" Pie said before panting again, with Remote looking over at where Floofer is, then suddenly...
Bottle immediately screams when seeing the branch completely broken and now Floofer is falling, this made Pie snap her head to Floofer and immediately jump off the branch she was on to catch her!
Remote got caught off guard from that sudden jump, with the others now looking more alarmed and concerned, with Bottle running towards the area where they were falling at, and Pillow being more entertained. "PIE!! FLOOFER!!!" Bottle screamed in worry and fear.
"Ah! I got you, Floofer!" Pie shouted as she caught Floofer in her grasp, who was meowing like crazy. Pie can feel her heart beating wildly as she is nearing the ground, fast. "Dear me..."
"She's getting closer to the ground!" Tree exclaimed while Liy winces and runs after Bottle. "Let's try to save her!" Liy shouted, following where Bottle was, who was holding her arms out to try and catch the both of them, now with Liy and Tree helping her.
Remote quickly jumped down from branch to branch, and of course Pillow was still watching the entire thing, amused. "Heh, wow. They're really desperate to save her, I think they forgot that the Recovery Center exists..." Pillow said to herself, snickering.
Floofer is yowling, Pie is preparing her fate, Bottle is in horror, Tree is alarmed, Liy is panicked, and Remote is trying to get down as fast as she can.
Pie and Floofer land directly on top of the three, who also fall on the ground due to their weights combined. And Remote just got down. "Are you guys okay!?"
Remote quickly ran over and helped them all up, they were all groaning with Floofer being sprawled on the floor for a couple of minutes.
Tree was the first to speak. "I think we're fine..." He shook his head and fixed his glasses, with Pie rubbing her head and Liy looking a bit disoriented.
Once Bottle was alright, she immediately rushed over to Pie and Floofer "Pie!? Floofer!? Are you two okay!?" Bottle asked, grabbing Pie from her sides to examine her, who is still a bit dazed from the landing. "Uhhhh... Yeah I think I am..." Pie said in a groggy voice, with Tree checking on Floofer, who was surprisingly fine. "Looks like Floofer is okay..." Tree said, as Floofer started to stand on fours and meow.
Bottle is still holding Pie, and Liy adjusted herself as Remote scanned them all for injuries. "Well...you guys got a few bruises, but other than that, none of you seem severely injured. Fortunately." Remote puts her hands on her sides, the others seemed relieved hearing this while in the background Pillow groaned.
"Damnit..." Pillow mumbled, pouting a bit.
"Good thing, I thought my bones broke for a second." Liy spoke out, making Tree chuckle a bit. "Well, good thing it didn't..."
Bottle sighs in relief, and Pie realizes that Bottle is still holding her, making her blush a little. "Uh, Bottle? You're still holding me..." Bottle turns to Pie when hearing her voice, before letting go of her. "O-oh! Sorry!" Bottle giggled slightly, rubbing the back of her head. "It's fine..."
Pie responded, as Floofer started to bump onto the legs or waist of the others, making them "aww" or chuckle.
"Oh- yay!! At least Floofer is alright! And is safe and sound!!" Bottle picks Floofer up and hugs her, making it meow and purr. "Mrrow..."
Pillow just watches this entire scene in disappointment as the others start to walk back to where their house is, she grumbles a little bit, then she hears footsteps behind her.
"Hoy, fellow Filipino! What happened!?"
Pillow turned to the voice, it was Pen, drenched in water, and having a fish on his head.
"... Disappointment."
"What? Putang Ina mo, tell me!" Pen yelled, his arms spread out in annoyance. Pillow rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Nothing, Pie saved the cat from the tree and everything is a-o-kay again, yayyy..." Pillow cheered sarcastically while Pen looked confused, on how Floofer got stuck on the tree, Pie saving her, and a lot more, but before he could say anything else, Pillow spoke up. "Let's just go home or something."
Pen stammered again, the fish on his head falling into his arms, before speaking, still confused. "Uhh...okay bro?"
And the two eventually followed the others back to the house.
But little do they know, that there will be more chaos and panic soon, and Pillow will be making sure of that.
To be continued.
(Can you guys tell that I went overboard with this? )
(This is literally only the second chapter, and already it's a long ahh paragraph.)
(And to you guys wondering, yes Pen and Pillow are Filipino. With Pillow only knowing a little Filipino since she's only been there for 5 years and Pen knowing a lot of Filipino since he's been there for 15 years.)
(Anyway, here's four of the human designs;)
(Them <333)
(They took 6 hours and 55 minutes, with Bottle and Tree taking 3 hours and 15 minutes, and Remote and Pie taking 3 hours and 40 minutes)
(Anyway, that's all!)
(Words: 2606)
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