1. The Start Of The Chaos.
Liy made "Death P.A.C.T GC + Some others".
Liy added Pillow, Tree, Pen, Bottle, Remote, Pie, Black Hole, Fanny, Lightning and Marker.
Liy, Tree, Pen, Remote and Lightning are online
Liy: Hi everyone
Tree: Liy? Why did you make this?
Liy: I just wanted to, in case we're far away from eachother or something
Remote: I suppose that makes sense.
Lightning: Why did you add me, Marker and Fanny?
Liy: You three were in Death P.A.C.T Again before two cancelled the show
Pen: Hey
Pen: I'm not surprised you already made a GC, literally everyone is doing it too
Liy: Really? I wonder why
Liy: I'm being half sarcastic
Tree: I'm surprised some of these people have a phone...
Lightning: Like who?
Tree: Bottle, Black Hole, Marker... Those three
Pen: Wait Black Hole is here? I'm surprised that his phone didn't fall in his black hole when he was creating an account
Tree: He's not that clumsy, unlike you
Pen: Hey!
Liy: I didn't make this gc for arguments
Pillow is online
Remote: Oh dear.
Pillow: Hi :>
Pillow: Wow a group caht, whats the purpose
Lightning: For when we're away from eachother!
Pillow: Do we need this
Liy: Yes we do
Pillow: Why
Liy: Lightning already explained why you moron read the text
Pillow: Sheesh calm down did someone hurt remote or something?
Remote: What does this have to do with me?
Liy: Pillow shut up
Tree: This is already a great start...
Pillow: Great start to set youre sensitive asses up for dates
Pen: Bro not this early
Tree: And Pillow, your grammar
Pillow: I dont need grammar you know exactly what im talking about you gayass
Tree: I'm not a "gayass"!
Pillow: Your gay for a black haired guy with a depressed looking hoodie who hates life and looks like his on drugs what do you mean
Tree: You're insulting him now!? And no I'm not!
Pillow: Your literally defending his ass! Just admit your gay for him treeyee
Tree: Only Bottle can call me that! And of course I defended him because you insulted him!
Lightning: Uh, what is going on
Remote: I don't know...
Liy: I did not make this gc for arguments!
Pen: Bro wait let them cook, let them cook
Pillow: Why can only bottle call you that? smh is she special
Tree: It's because I'm only comfortable with her calling me that. Also in a sense she is
Liy: Because she's autistic?
Tree: That's bold of you. But yes
Lightning: She's autistic? Marker is too! :D
Pen: Yeah he is, I should know
Pillow: Bottle is just ✨ SPECIAL ✨ apparently said by tree, wow. I didnt even know that she was autsitic in the first place
Tree: The emojis make it seem like you're mocking her
Pillow: I am you dumbass
Pen: Damn bro she didn't even do anything
Remote: Yeah, Pillow. How disrespectful.
Pillow: Aw boo-hoo i mocked the autsitic manchild... or womanchild. I dont know
Liy: Why are you my best friend again?
Pillow: Because were weird :)
Tree: Your messages are hard to read, Pillow
Remote: This is the same person who doesn't know how to write after all, Tree.
Tree: Oh yeah
Pillow: At least im not gay for a selfconscious bitch who cant do shit
Tree: Hey!
Lightning: Oh man
Pie is online
Pie: Hi? I got a lot of notifications from this group chat, what happened?
Pillow: Now the fatass is online hi
Pie: What
Tree: Pillow is being a douche as usual
Liy: Read what she said
Pie: Okay?
Pen: Yeah bro read
Pie: "Autsitic manchild"?? Excuse me, first off, the spelling, second, no. Third, what did she ever do to you?
Pillow: Nothing i just wanted to mess with yall haha
Pie: This is why I wonder why you're here in the first place
Pen: Gago you guys just let her in the team wdym you wonder why she's here??
Remote: We thought she was a normal person.
Tree: No, I've dated her before, it's no
Liy: I'm her best friend and I still don't know why she's so abnormal
Lightning: That sounds kinda rude but it's honestly deserved...
Pillow: Hey at least i have legs
Lightning: Hey... I didn't even insult you, I was just being honest...
Tree: Pillow, he can fly
Pillow: Oh
Lightning: Oh! I forgot about that!
Pen: He has the Levitate ability bro, he doesn't need them legs
Remote: Levitate ability?
Pie: I think he's talking about Pokemon again...
Remote: Oh.
Pillow: At least i didnt ragequit to the point the zaps shattered multiple things
Lightning: Hey...that was an accident...
Pillow: Still
Pen: Man just wants to roast people now what the heck
Tree: Can we all just chat later or something?
Pie: Yeah it's getting late...
Pillow: You guys are lame
Remote: At least they're taking care of their mental health. Unlike you.
Pillow: Who needs sleep? You dont even sleep you literally just shut down like a computer
Liy: Why would you say that!?
Pie: That's ironic
Lightning: Oh I gotta go Marker just went missing again and Stapy is asking me to help him
Lightning is offline
Tree: ...What?
Pen: My cousin went missing again? What is he doing?
Liy: Eating dirt
Pillow: I eat dirt too
Pen: I know, you ate a chair leg
Pie: I still can't believe you did that
Tree: I'm gonna sleep...
Tree is offline
Pillow: Goodnight
Pillow: Sleep tight
Pillow: Im gonna kill you at 3 AM
Pillow: So have a good night
Pillow: Youll need the relaxation
Pillow: Before I hear you scream in fear :)
Remote: ...
Remote: Now I know why I hear the Recovery Center in the middle of the night...
Pen: Wait
Pen: Who in the fuck is recovering him??
Liy: Probably black hole. Since he's outside of the house
Pie: Makes sense...I'm gonna lock your room, Pillow
Pillow: Fuck you fatass
Pie: Fuck you too skinny asshole
Liy: Truths be told
Pen: People are just getting cooked left and right man
Remote: Can we end it here?
Pie: It's 12:10 AM, yeah we can
Pillow: Screw you motherfuckers I'm staying up late
Pie: I'm still locking your room
Pillow: I can still get out just you wait
Liy: And marker is missing at this time?
Pen: Oh yeah I just realized that- what the heck is he doing? I'm actually getting sort of concerned for him
Pillow: Never knew you cared for people
Pen: Blud I literally have four homies with me, I'm not Pencil's genderbend bro
Remote and Pie are offline
Pillow: Wow they're gone
Liy: And I can hear footsteps coming to your room
Pen: And chains
Pillow: Oh fuck
Pillow: Wait how in the hell did she get chains
Pillow is offline
Liy: ... That's actually a good question
Pen: Lets just stfu and sleep or shit, I don't think Tree would want to see that tomorrow
Liy: ... I don't know what you meant but ok then
Pen: Bye bro
Liy and Pen are offline
To be continued
(Uhhhhhhhh yeah, this is a great start)
(You can see some of their personalities have changed! Pillow is a jerk, Pie isn't as protective of Bottle, and Liy is short tempered, etc etc)
(And I'm proud of it! I didn't really like making Pillow a chaotic, hyperactive maniac before, it's absolutely fine if you liked it, since she still has that personality, she's just...meaner and more murderous I guess)
(And, I'll show you their human designs in the next chapter. Not all of their designs yet, since that'll take forever- but about...two or four, I don't know if I'll finish them in time but time will tell-)
(Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this new sequel/reboot! And more will come in the future, hopefully, until then! See you in the next chapter!! )
(Words: 1306)
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