Chapter Three | Forest Eyes
Her eyes observe everything
The man whose name goes by Levi, begins to unlock the chains from her wrists and ankles. She finds it unnecessary for him to release her when she's able to transport wherever she desires. Well, not entirely. She gets a better glimpse of his expressionless face: narrow eyes, define nose with an extremely noticeable jaw, porcelain skin that goes well with his soft raven hair that's styled in an undercut. She can't deny he's more attractive than the Commander who just left. She gazes at his intense steel-blue eyes that come in contact with her forest color orbs. She leans back in confusion from the close proximity. A familiar yet distant feeling overwhelms her heart. His presence emits a sense of comfort in her and his stare emits a sense of nostalgia. It's like if he were part of her past.
"Stand." He leans away from her. She does as she is told. She slides her toned legs onto the side of the bed so her low heel boots come in contact with the brick floor. With confidence she stands believing she's in a stable condition. However, she automatically loses balance and hits first the rigid surface, her knees being the only part of her body to recieve the impact. 'Strange. Never has this occurred before.' She forces herself up but gravity seems to press her onto the ground once again. It's like gravity is coercing her to remain still yet she refuses.
First she experiences an enigmatic chest pain that differs from the usual ones she recieves after consuming the titan's orbs and now she's on her knees struggling to stand upright. 'Just perfect.' She subscountiously elicits a moan of irritation from her current inability to balance her body. Last thing she needs is for the king of the three walls to come here and expect her to bow down, seeing she's on her knees. "Don't tell me you can't walk?" Levi clicks his tongue.
"I'm capable of walking just fine." She grumbles.
"Then stand and stop your manifest of servant." She gets into kneeling position. Taking a single deep breath, she then proceed to stand. Her left hand is placed on the bed aside of her for a better boost. Her movements could have been compared to a eighty-year-old man who doesn't manuever fastly like in his early years. 'If V were to see me in this position, I were surely recieve a prolonged lecture of strength and fortitude.' After a minute of remaining still, she finds the strength to stand upright temporarily. "This isn't good." She feels a warm hand grab her arm causing her body to react to the intrusion of an unaccustomed warmth.
"Don't touch me." She menacely replies. Her right hand reaches his cravat meanwhile her other hand reaches his arm. She finds herself transport with Levi in front of her. His back hits the cell bars emitting an audible thud. He grunts at the impact as she holds him still. His once expressionless features shift to a threathning aura.
"Captain Levi!" She glances at her right to notice two guards with the same uniform as Levi, run near them. She grips on his cravat meanwhile Levi grips on her arm and wrist.
"I warned you of your decision to fight against us. Are you implying with your abrupt actions that I should eliminate you?" Levi reminds. The sound of gun barrels are drawn towards her a few feet away from them. Her green eyes catch a peak of terror radiating from the two guards before staring at Levi. She notices she has recovered her equilibrium.
"Physical contact is not my daily habits." She release her hold on him.
"I see." Levi fixes his cravat and mentions the other guards that things are in order. She searches for any missing belongings of hers to detect a missing bag that was situated in her side hip.
"Where's my belongings?" She demands.
"It's in Erwin's hands. You'll recieve it in the end of today. But first we'll provide you a shower. Obviously, you are unhygienic to be roaming around in the headquarters. Not only that, it will also help us recognize the face behind that grubby face of yours. I can't identify you in this moment besides your clothing and silver voice. I assume you desire a proper bath as well?" His eyes scrunitize her legs that have found their sudden equilibrium.
"Of course." Aji agrees nonchalantly.
"It seems you've master you're footing. Congratulations." He says sarcastically in a suspicious tone.
"I think the same. Probably I was a little out of it." Levi simply hums at her confession before heading out of this dungeon. They reach up the stairs and encounter several halls that lead to different directions. Aji walks besides the captain because of safety precautions. Not that she can blame him or any other soldiers in this regiment. They have no clue of who she is and what she is. This enigma of her implies to her as well.
"You'll be given your uniform tomorrow morning." He hands her some fresh clothes from a storage room he just opened. "Nevertheless, here's some fresh clothes to change into after you shower." He locks the storage room before heading out towards the shower stalls. Meanwhile both of them walk towards their destination, she observes the many veterans training outside the enormous building.
"This is the Scouting Legion headquarters?" She asks him.
"The atmosphere seems intense and filled with trepidation."
"Call it a prime. We're close to the basement. It's just fighting against our enemies that gets everyone worried."
"I see. At least they're filled with hope and motivation to follow their commander's orders."
"Erwin's dreams are selfish but is optismistic enough to obtain our freedom." She nods at Levi's words.
"Exterminate every titan out there." She mumble. 'Is Erwin aware that titans were once humans?' They remain silent the whole journey. For a split instance she thought she was growing insane. Too many pathways and stairs for her liking.
"We're here." Levi leads her inside a room filled with shower stalls.
"Is it inappropriate for a man like yourself to be inside the female shower stalls?" Aji leans on a wall as Levi retrieves a soup and shampoo from the corner of the female shower stalls.
"Not when your my responsibility." He points to a shower stall located in the middle of the room. "Now wash the filth you are consumed in. I'll be waiting outside."
"Quick question... Captain." She stops him. "How's your temper?"
"Short." He deadpans. "I won't hesitate dragging you out of the shower if you take long."
"Good luck with that." She says nonchalantly as she begins to remove her brown coat.
"There are more important business to do in this moment. I have a squad waiting for me." He finishes off and leaves her alone. She begins to remove her filthy clothes until not a single thick layer conceals her secrets. She grimaces at the stab wound in my lower stomach. It's healing pretty quick. She's not worried for the injuring but more the time expansion it takes for the wound to heal. She's no regular human after all.
Aji is indeed filled with wonders that may be dangerous for humanity and the Survey Corps. Levi rests his elbows on the wood deck railings and stares out towards the open space of the headquarters. Veterans exit and enter the building. Many of them will not return back from this mission to Shiganshina District. Levi can't protect all of them including Erwin, but the discovery of Aji will give them an advantage if and only if she doesn't turn against them.
Just then, he hears the sound of boots clicking on the floor in his right side. "Levi." Hange calls to him.
"What is it Hange?"
"Erwin notified a few minutes ago you are now responsible for that woman back in the forest." She stands next to him. "So how's it going?"
"Hm. Really?" She rests her hand on her hip. "You don't seem convincing." She archs a brow. He calmly watches her position her right elbow on the thick wood deck railings before glancing back outside.
"She confessed both Erwin and I of her understanding of the three walls and her surroundings. She came from the Underground." Levi speaks in a low tone so no one is able to hear their private conversation. Especially when the female showers are located behind them.
"...So discovering she came from the Underground is creating a hostile Levi?"
"Her locations are misplaced."
"As in?"
"The Underground is not situated in Wall Maria. She informed us that she escaped after the fall of Wall Maria." He says.
"Erwin didn't tell me that." She points out.
"He didn't?" 'That's unordinary.' He inspects the area for any upcoming people. "Erwin isn't stupid like the ex-pigs in the government. Probably we'll discuss her statement in the afternoon inside Erwin's office."
"Has there been any attempts of attack coming from her?"
"She isn't fond with physical touch that I can confirm. I have to admit, the transportation was quite giddy but her grip on me allowed me to compose quickly."
"What? She transported once again?" She gasps and soon a huge smile is plastered on her face. "What did you see during the process? What did you feel?!" She grabs both Levi's shoulders.
"Hey. Calm down."
She's taking too long for Levi's liking. He makes his way towards the shower stall she is located in. Worst case scenerio, she escaped and lied to both Erwin and him. He hears the sound of water being splashed.
He catches the sight of a beautiful slender back. However, the deveral scars embellishing her skin forms further questions. The scars form a certain symbol he doesn't recognize.
The water under her is a light red. 'Blood?' Levi rests his back on one of the walls. Could it be she was fighting with someone outside the walls? Or is the blood from a innocent victim? Is she an enemy? She is indeed an enigma.
"Do you have a knife I can burrow?" Aji exits the women's shower stalls.
He sighs. "What for?" Levi's pupils dilate for a second. For the first time does he catch her appearance. She has a small face; a small, thin nose; bronze hair reaching to her butt; and some captivating eyebrows that form attracting shadows on her green eyes.
"My hair will be my grave if I don't cut it sooner or later. It's pretty hefty for my comfort." She replies.
"I'll cut it for you." He draws out a nice keen black knife from inside his green long coat.
"Don't trust me?" She fold her arms.
"We haven't obtained clear information from you." He twirls his knife. "I have to remain vigilant."
"If I wanted to destroy you, I would have done it a long time ago. Believe me." She continues to dry her hair with a white towel.
"You wouldn't stand a chance."
"That's what you think... Captain." She peeves. "If we may, I'll like to see my assigned room now."
"After we do, I'll bring you to Erwin for further interrogation." He leads her to her assigned room. "You've slept enough."
"And sleep is what I deserve."
'Mysterious she is indeed'
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