Chapter Eight | Overpowered
Restrain the White Sheets
Aji pry her eyes open to see the wall. Her fingers caress the fresh bedsheets she sense are not hers. This mattress soothes her aching bones unlike her bunk bed. Where is she? What exactly happened?
She remembers. The force that dragged her to oblivion was Eren's fist on her chest. She can only recall the weakness she revealed in front of Levi. She can't recall the words she said to him, but she shed tremendous tears of suffering and wails of torture. How low has she gone? She's no weak link. She was trained to be indestructible. Then why did she lose her guard?
She's physically exhausted in the moment. Her thoughts flow like wild fire. What's the cause of the recent chest pain she experienced? She didn't collect souls back in the training grounds. What the hell is she truly? Is there a cure to her damn curse?
She rolls on her back and catches three figures in the room. Commander Erwin and Hange seat on on chairs whilst Levi leans on a wall nearest to the door.
"How you feeling Aji?" Hange speaks up. Aji senses their doubt to her intentions. Aji rises up and moves back to the corner of the bed away from the three.
"Mind explaining why you stare at me with hostile faces?" She eyes them three.
She watches Erwin rise from his chair. His tall height towers her from afar. "I believe it is time you reveal us your true identity."
"I've said what I know." She defends.
He eyes her menacingly. "Are you an ally or foe?"
"Then reveal the powers you behold!"
"Listen hellion-" Levi clicks his tongue. "-you've got no other fucking choice. Unless you want to climb the ladder and commit suicide than by all means coward to it." He removes himself from the wall and motions Erwin aside. His steps murderous. "I won't hesitate."
Aji lifts her chin. "Dare yourself." She taunts and with that he lunges at her. Levi yanks her off the bed and swings her to the floor. She gasps from the thud. Her lungs gradually perform its natural task once again.
"You know what you are. Who you are." He yanks her from the floor to once again shove her back to it. "You are aware of our situation here. I'll reveal your hostility." He growls at her.
"Levi!" She hears Hange scream. The mechanisms of time seem to move in a fast pace, beyond Aji's control. Yet in the same time it slows abruptly. The moment Levi lifts his right fist in the air as he has Aji pinned in the floor with his left hand holding her throat, she feels threaten. She feels herself drifting back to darkness yet this is different. She sees what is happening in front of her. She's still conscious but has no control of her muscles. It's like someone or something is controlling her. She fights to stay in control even though the pain in her chest is ripping her into shreds.
Some nebulous force prevented the impact from reaching into Aji's chest. Not her hand. Not the squad leader or the commander. Not even Levi's. Levi didn't hesitate sending a punch straight to her chest. He knew something was fishy. It all had to be related to her chest. He wasn't one to gamble unlike Erwin but he had no other choice. If it meant discovering her true identity, there was no other way to handle the situation.
Erwin and Hange step back from shock for the exception of Levi. There it was again. Eyes white as sheets. Vowing for vengeance. Her collective facial expression shifts to one of a bear protecting their cubs.
She struggles under Levi once again. Her eyes shifting back to their green but just for a millisecond before being consumed again.
"Hey. Snap out of it!" Levi shakes her but halts when those ancient symbols embellish her forehead for the second time today.
"There it is!" Hange shrieks in excitement. "Levi! Hold on to her." She warns before sprinting for ink and paper.
"Like I won't." Levi struggles to keep Aji still until Erwin helps restrain her.
"Outstanding. She could be another key we never took notice before." Erwin says.
"Her white sheets do not land on me." Levi holds her chin in place. Hange walks in and begins copying the symbols.
"What do you mean?"
"Her eyes are on you, Erwin." They both watch her stare at Erwin fiercely. "Hey. Hange. Did you copy the damn symbols?"
"Right to the tinsy details." Hange confirms.
"Stand back Erwin." Levi advices. Erwin and Hange step some feet away from them. If what he assumes may be true, he might have a clever scheme to knock Aji out of rage.
"Aji." She doesn't listen and stays fixated at the two tall superiors in the room.
"Damn you." She growls.
"Erwin. Hange. Leave me alone with her. I believe your presence is distracting her."
"But I want to see!" Hange protests but is dragged by Erwin.
"Aji. Snap out of it." He soothes firmly. "Hey. Look at me." He holds her face. Her white sheet eyes shift green when they come in contact with Levi's.
"Levi?" She pants. "What the bloody hell happened there?"
"Don't act oblivious."
"But I'm stating the truth." She clicks her tongue. "I'm never one to be so useless. Unable to control my own body."
"What exactly are you?"
"Like the hell I know. The orbs were-" She bites her lips.
"Part of the chest pain. Correct?" He says. She stares at him.
"Seems it isn't. I thought it was." She confesses. "Not even certain anymore." She rests her head on the wooden floor and faces the wall with Levi still on top of her.
"Are you revealing yourself now?"
"You would have killed me since the beginning." Her eyes land on his. "You aren't my enemy."
"What if we are?"
"You aren't."
Levi rises off her and extends a hand for her. "I'm fine." She attempts to stand but to no avail. Her body throbs abruptly. Levi rolls his eyes and forces her up. "Watch it." She winces.
He wraps his right arm around her waist to impede her from falling. "Mind explaining the sudden wince?" Levi questions.
"Got into a hardcore coitus." She says sarcastically. "I have no clue." She retorts as they near the close door. He grips her waist. She clears her throat. "Promise me something-"
"I make no promises." He faces her. "Your position in this situation is confusing and I may end up beating the dust."
"Then don't die because you're helping me. Like it or not."
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