The Day of - Before
Dear Diary -
What does one do when they find out that they are different in someway that is life changing? Does one sit around and mope about the whole situation? Or do they go and worry about how people will think of them? Do they accept the change that has happened, or do they fight it to their best ability?
Last night, I had a dream... no, a nightmare, that I was flying, and then I was falling. It had been so nice up until then, such a respite from Riley and Amy that I was happy. Then, when I was falling, I thought... who's going to miss me? Mum and dad sure would, but at school... Riley and Amy would just find someone knew to pick on.
One might ask, was the life changing event one that was about realizing that one has no friends and their life means nothing. I already knew that, and I am not suicidal. I am defiantly not that. But with the way Riley and Amy have been pushing me, I just want to become invisible, so that they can't see me.
So what do I get from that wish? A ghost's ability, but not that to become invisible. I ghost through things. At first we thought I was sleep walking... then we saw my stuff stuck in the ceiling. How come Riley or Amy couldn't have gotten this and have been stuck in a block of cement? The things are still stuck in the basement ceiling and the floor of my room, so I still know it is real.
I'd love to use this to disappear through a wall when I see them coming and them not disappearing, but obviously... I have no control over this, which isn't fare, so I can't go and scare them into thinking that I am haunting them! Which is a major bummer... but maybe when I do get control... if I ever get control.
I mean, come on! Who else has these abilities! I feel like I am so alone in the world! I want to be able to leap to great heights with it, but will this ostracize me even more? Mum and dad seem to think so... or more of, they didn't realize I was already ostracized, so they want to keep me cooped up in here! But, I want a life, so this is why I am starting in this journal/diary.
Also, I am putting down here... I am going to try to sneak out. I am going to try to be normal, at least as normal as possible. I mean, hello... I wasn't normal before, so why do I need to worry? So... let's wait for the right time, and I will sneak out of the house.
Love Kitty Pryde!
Jean was packing her books for school, when the professor called her up to his office with his telepathy. She could only frown as she marched up the stairs. Surely she hadn't done anything that wrong. She walked past the bathroom and saw the door open. Kurt was sitting on the toilet, trimming his toe nails.
Jean had to smile, because Kurt had never seen a shower before. That was how remote his country was, or more of, his adopted parents house was. He had jumped to the ceiling in shock when he had messed with the different knobs in the room. But still, for all his misunderstandings about American culture, Kurt was really loving it here, expesully since he could look like a normal kid.
She walked into the office and set her book bag down in the chair and took a seat. The Professor gave her a serious look, but then, when was he not serious. "Jean, I need you to come with me... I've found a mutant signature. Logan... he'll be coming with, but he is on a different mission."
"Why can't Logan and you be enough?" Jean asked.
"Jean, let me say this clearly... we had a new mutant signature pop up, two actually,"
"So, Logan will be handling the other one?" Jean asked, "And you this one... I am thus defiantly not needed and I can go take my tests today."
"I've already written an excuse for you to miss today. Logan isn't going to the other mutant, and you and I are going to the one... let's just say, it deals with a young girl who might be in need of someone to give her a few tips, maybe convince the parents that you are normal."
"So... that's why Scott and Kurt aren't able to help on this one... I would rather be taking my tests, but... an order is an order," Jean said glumly.
"Good... Logan is preparing the X-Jet, I suggest you go and put your books away... no need to suit up for this one.
"What about the other mutant?"
"I'll handle it in time," Xavier stated.
Lance was packing his school bag for school, though not with books. What was the point in learning anything, if one was being treated like they couldn't learn anything? Instead, he was packing in his spray cans, hoping that he would be able to make a huge mess of the school during passing period. It was one of the things he was looking forward to today.
Lance then went to step outside, when one of the foster care kids in the house hurried up to him in his wheel chair. "Lance! Lance!"
"What is it Emerson... I really need to get to school," Lance said, trying to not look the kid in the eyes. For some reason the kid had latched onto him ever since he had gotten to the place. The child shoved a paper bag into his hand.
"I helped mom make lunch today. Here's yours!" the nine year old child said, quite proud of his achievement. A hint of smile spread on Lance's face.
"That was pretty cool of you to do that for me, thanks," Lance said, giving his little salute to the kid with his finger and causing him to laugh. He then stepped out the door. He couldn't figure out why Emerson was so happy go lucky, except that the kid had never ended up in a bad home.
Scott Abernathy was in the hotel room with Scarlett and Spud when a message came through to Scarlett. She glanced at it and a smile spread on her face. "Looks like the jet they use is cleared for a landing near by..."
It was then that her smile turned to a frown. "Why though are they coming now... I haven't seen any reason to move you yet. That boy with powers... he also had to have been noticed before... so then..."
Scott read her mind. "So then there might be another mutant now, around the school?"
"Yeah... but I don't understand why they hadn't gone near the boy... I mean, he is one of the ones in great need of that school of theirs. Joe's only heard good thing about this Xavier person... so I wonder what his reasons are,"
"Would he have axcess to the kids records... maybe he knows that it is a foster kid... would he shun them, or practice more caution... maybe it isn't someone with new power, but they had been waiting for the right chance to come here?" Scott said, worry in his voice.
"I'm quite sure they take in troubled kids too Scott... but they probably have to be careful... I know that when Joe was fully operational... well, we had some pretty wacked out characters and it led to some very interesting times," Scarlett stated, still pondering the situation.
"Yeah, but they were still Joes!" Scott commented. "We had better get to the school, I mean, the Principle has basically fired us, but I am quite sure the kid is going to find someway to make his move today... and get in huge trouble in the process. If we could stop him, or convince him not to do what he's planning."
"How do you know it is today Scott?" Scarlett asked suddenly.
"Well, if he is going to go and steal those test answers, then he needs to do it today, as the test is tomorrow. If they want to sell them, they need them today," Scott stated.
"This can't be good at all," Scarlett said, not to pleased with the situation.
Kitty Pryde was glad to be out of the house. She was even more happy that her mother had been so willing to let her go, so her day was made... though she knew that Riley and Amy would defiantly pick on her. She was walking at a fast speed, when suddenly Kitty saw a motorcycle drive past her.
Kitty suddenly stretched and had a smile on her face. She had always wanted to drive a motercyle, but she was quite sure that her parents would have objected to her even touching one, not to mention someone who owned on. It then dawned on her that no one in town owned a motorcycle that cool, all the ones she had seen were junkers.
She just shrugged her shoulders and quickened her pace to get to school on time. She didn't realize that back at her house, her parents were talking to some people about her. She also didn't know her father was being over protective as he had that morning.
Mr. Pryde went up the stairs to Kitty's room. When those people had come knocking, he had made up his mind that his family was moving. His wife just shook her head and followed him up the stairs. He opened the door to Kitty's room, his jaw dropping. "Kitty... where's Kitty? We refused, so they kidnapped her?"
"Kitty snuck out earlier... she didn't want to miss school," her mother said.
"She needs to be in here, not out there," Mr. Pryde said, frowning at his wife.
"You know what she told me. She wants to be as normal as possible, even with having this weird thing happen to her. She felt we were being overprotective,"
"Nonsence, I was..."
"No, your thoughts are nonsence. Look at the fact that Kitty is upset. Look at the fact you are running away from the situation, I mean, come on! We were keeping our own daughter prisoner in her own room! The education people would come knocking if we kept her out of school. We talked things over, but we didn't listen to her... I don't think we ever really have,"
"We can't pretend that everything is alright though!"
"We did when Kitty brought the fact she was being bullied forward!" her mom said. "For some reason, I think she was very serious about that. And if she was being bullied, perhaps going to a new school, isn't such a bad idea. I mean, hello, she might want the fresh start!"
"I'll think about it,"
Logan drove up to the front of the school where he knew he would find Scott and Scarlett, like he had been told before. He saw the red head drive up in her convertible and stop the car and get out. "My, long time no see, Logan!"
"Hello Scarlett... I see the kid looks more like his mother then his father... what happened to her," Logan asked.
"She disappeared or died... classified, you know. Don't mention it in front of Scott," Scarlett said.
Suddenly, Logan found himself knocked over by a metal dog. He almost pulled out his claws then and there, but the dog was being pulled off. "Spud, no! I'm sorry, but Spud likes meeting new people... he can over do it sometimes..."
Logan stood up and dusted himself off and looked the boy up and down again. "Kiddo, you make that monstrosity?"
"I kind of cheated... I found how to make him come to life from hacking the Cobra computers through getting axcess through my fathers password to the Joe's computers. I caused a huge fiasco,"
Logan raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... he'll fit right in... I swear, it's beginning to look like Jr. Joes and Jr. Cobras... what we have... did you know that Mystique sent in one of her kids into the mansion to try and spy on us. Charles had to wipe his mind."
"Cool! A telopath! One of the Cobras, he had this ability to cloak himself or change shape!"
"Yes... Mystique is even better then him... unfortunately. And this kid... has amphibian abilities."
"There is a kid here who hacked the computer system... he has the ability to shake the earth,"
"Nothing phases you... wait, did you say kid that can shake the earth... you mean the kid Charles has been keeping track of?"
"Yeah... a foster kid with a bad reputation. We got so called fired by the principle, well, not really, more of, he isn't listening to us and thinks that it might actually be terrorists..."
"Or aliens," Scott imputed.
"Or aliens, yes... he is that weird. Anyways, my point is, the principle is expecting terrorists, but he isn't expecting an adolescent teenager to try to go and steal the awnsers for the tests tomorrow,"
"Good grief, I wish that Charles hadn't decided to wait until he felt the kid was ready for him to approach him. This one seems in need of intervention. He's big on letting the kids come on their own free will... you could say he's almost a pacifist... imphasis on the pacifist,"
"Well, that explains why you haven't added him to your school roster. Are you guys here to pick up him, or is there another mutant child in need of help," Scarlett asked.
"I'm here for Scott, since the trip was so convinent. That metal beast too I guess," Logan said, looking at Spud like he wasn't to sure of the thing waging his tail at him. "Charles and Jean, they're heading out to try to convince the parents of a girl who's powers manifested last night that the school would be good for her."
'That can't be easy," Scarlett said. Logan watched as a girl approached and hurried into the school.
"That girl that just passed... she's the girl whose powers just manifested," Logan said.
"She's going about her life like everything is normal?" Scarlett said, shaking her head.
"Why not," Scott said. "I can understand some people being upset and tossing out life, but others will handle it quite well."
"Doesn't change kid, the fact that it isn't a normal experience and the kids have all sorts of thoughts in their heads. Take Kurt for example... he doesn't just have his teleportation mutation, he's apparently had a major physical mutation since birth. So be forewarned kid, don't make fun of him about it,"
"Understood," Scott stated.
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