Excerpts from journal of a human male who found his mate at the age of 5. He seems to focus on his mate thoughout his early childhood in his birth month.
September 1972
I met Gina. Tommy said she had cooties. She bit him and he cried.
September 1973
Mama made me a Batman suit. Gina's mom made her a Poison Ivy costume. She wanted to be Catwoman and cried. I thought she was pretty.
September 1974
This time, Gina came over as Catwoman. I was the Joker. I cried and she kissed me. Do I have cooties?
September 1976
Gina got me a unicycle. I fell and broke my elbow.
September 1977
I got Gina a pair of roller skates. She didn't fall.
September 1978
I turned 10 today. Gina didn't come to the party.
September 1979
We went to see Time After Time in the theaters. Gina wasn't impressed. I thought it was awesome.
September 1980
Found dad's Juggs stash. Didn't know he liked big boobs. Figured out what Bashing the Bishop means. Gina almost walked in on that. Thank God I hadn't started.
September 1981
Got in a fight with Gina because I said Susie was alright. Does she think I like her?
September 1982
Fighting with Gina again. This time it's because Joan Jett is hot. I'm 14; of course she's hot...but she sings about 17 year olds and doesn't have boobs...unlike someone else.
September 1983
I can't even read comic books without thinking about Gina in an embarrassing way. Man, if she ever found my journal, I'd die.
As it is, dad says that my writing is girly. What does he know? He spends too much time looking at magazines and being miserable.
September 1984
Another stupid fight. Some girl kissed my cheeck at my birthday party and Gina got in a fight with her, then blamed me for it. What did that have to do with me, again?
September 1985
Tonight was the single most embarrassing and awesome moment of my life. I was choking the chicken, and Gina barged in. As usual, mom doesn't warn me that she's come over. So, we were both yelling at each other as quietly as we could because mom would make this 10x worse.
Turns out she wasn't mad because she saw all that. She was pissed because I'm hers. I lost all ability to think when she grabbed my junk and kissed me.
My first time was after a fight, while mom was downstairs making Lasagna for supper. Didn't even last 5 minutes.
September 1986
Last year we were awkward when finding moments to make out or more. By this year Gina and I had figured out quite a few things about each other's bodies. The sex was unreal. Occasionally we skipped classes to fuck.
She took me to the woods last night. I thought it was so we could find a place where we didn't have to be quiet. It was--but not for the reasons I thought. She turned into a friggen wolf.
I had to look some kind of dumb when the only question I could voice was, "Where did your tits go?"
I mean, I've known her since we were 5 years old, and knew we belonged to each other since the first time I saw her. I wasn't blind; my girl was faster, stronger, never sick. I mean, I was Superman's sidekick damn near all my life. Why do you think I was Jerkin the Gherkin instead of trying to get in Gina's pants last year? It wasn't just because I was scared of losing her--I didn't think I'd be enough. Hell, 5 minutes: I wasn't enough. But I learned.
So, fur and claws wasn't a big deal, in the scheme of all things Gina.
She even explained Mates. I understood all that when I first met her...well, not the biting part. But I've been ready for this for most my life. She didn't dare tell me before she shifted for the first time.
I was ready for her to mark me then and there, but the custom of her pack was to wait until they were 20.
Found out that if she wants me to hurry up and finish, all she's got to do is scrape her canines across my shoulder. Can't control the nut, then. Talk about an instant fetish.
September 1987
My father is a bitter asshole. Gina was in heat-marked me during that first round. His ass walks in on us. Doesn't say anything, just walks out and proceeded to have a loud fight with mom. Not like I could leave Gina right then.
No, it was next morning when I went downstairs to make us some breakfast before starting round 2. He's pissed that I'm getting tied up in my first piece of ass and wants me to play the field. What am I going to find? Some human girl who doesn't have the ability to ride me until I'm numb? I mean, physically, there ain't nothing that would compare. Because I'm human, she's going to be the first female Alpha in a couple centuries, for her pack. My girl has everything, with or without me, and he wants me to live the life he couldn't because I was born.
The insult towards my woman-mine!- was intolerable enough, but he resents mama and me because he couldn't keep his dick out a woman he was unwilling to spend the rest of his life with.
I wanted to kill him.
I moved out. Her father was not all that happy that I was his daughter's mate, but he is not as much of a dickless prick as my own dad, so we got along just fine. I mean, these Alphas are all about power, and he was having to reconcile himself to the fact that his pack's future came down to his little girl.
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