A familair sound
I woke up with a blanket on me
"Oh no d d did I fall asleep"I said
"Yeah"mike said
"your really cute when you sleep"Chica said
It was a little strange they were watching me in my sleep but hey
I'm alive
Mikes pov
What Chica said had me worried about ai she is still young
Then again al the nightguards are
But what I heard is horrific for her
Flash back
"what do you mean the souls of the other children"I said
"Us animatronics were once little kids but one day we where killed by the purple guy"she said
"Purple guy?"I asked
"Her sister was the first victim of him witch sadly made it so all the following souls connect them selfs kinda like possession"she said
"Wait so Ali's possessed!"I said
She slapped me
"No it's just the animatronics are more likely to go after her than any other night guard weather it's for love,friendship or for killing"she said annoyed
End flash back
That was a horrifying sight just because of someone else's fault she was caught up in this
Ai's pov
"So what now"Chica said
"W w well I think if t t the other animatronics are coming after us we should get moving"I said
"Yes your right we don't know when one will pop out of a corner"mike said
We began to walk
We heard moaning noises and some laughter
My knees shaked
I felt chica's hand hold mine from behind
"Don't worry I won't let them hurt you"she said
"We Wait Chica why aren't you trying to kill us like the others?"I questioned
"W w well I could never hurt the person that came up with the idea making me Well me"she smiled
Flash back
"Papa papa look I made a drawing for one of your animatronics maybe you could make her"I said as a child showing my father a picture of a yellow chicken with a bib
"Why that's amazing sweet heart I'll put it up here with my ideas right next to the one your sister made"he said
I smiled
Flashback end
I smiled back at her
We walked and walked
I felt like the walls were closing
But I knew it was just me being paranoid
My skin was crawling
The laughter and moaning noises came closer with every step
Behind the corner I saw freddy holding Bonnie by the neck
"Where is she"he said
"I don't know"Bonnie said
"You need to run now"Chica said as we turned around
We ran in the room and mike shut the door
"what about Chica"I said
"Look she will be fine but you won't"he said
"No we need to go back for her"I said
"Damn it ai we are low on power and those things are more attracted to you so if you go you might die"he said pointing the wall
I got quiet and looked down
"Look I'm sorry I yelled but I'm worried okay"he said
"I don't blame you at all I mean we are being chased by corpses in bunny foxy and bear suits"I said
He laughed
"Hey you could be a comedian you know"he said
"I tried but the crowd was just as alive as these robots are"I said
We heard a noise
It was Chica
We opened the door and she ran in and pressed he button to close it
"Are you okay Chica"mike said
"Yeah but there coming"she said
"Oh no"I said
"I'm going to go out and try to hold them back mike you should try to go to the other room so there trying to go to different doors"she said
"Okay"mike said
They both left
I was alone again
Then a flash of it's me came infront of my face as a boy appeared
"W w who are you"I said backing up
He hugged me
"I wanted to do this for the longest time"he said
I was completely pale
How do people just teleport it's not normal
I was attempting to get away but my legs wouldn't move
I struggled around a little trying to escape
Then I listened to anime for the first time in my life and pushed my hand up to his head as it went around and I got free(ty to guess where that is from)
I ran out quickly
I was bleeding a little from where he was holding me but I was able to run
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