Reality is an Illusion
Your pov
"Mabel, stop it! I told you, there's not a single guy in Gravity Falls I have, am or will be attracted to!"
"Sure there is, you just haven't met them yet!!"
"I've met every single person in this town, there's not a single person I don't know. I've even met Gideon's mother!!"
"Mabel, leave her alone." We were interrupted by the sound of Dipper's voice in the doorway.
"Aww, but Dipper!" Mabel complained but dropped the subject. Dipper walked into the room and sat on his bed, reading through his weird journal like always.
"Can I see it yet?" I asked. Dipper said I could eventually, but he had to be sure it was safe.
"Have you had any weird dreams lately?"
"Ummm, I had a dream that you two and your uncle had to fight off a whole bunch of zombies with pop music. Does that count?" Dipper sighed.
"I guess you can. Just remember, you can not tell anyone about this journal, ok?" I nodded my head and drew an 'x' over my heart with my finger. I then got up from where I was sitting and scrambled over to Dipper's bed.
"Ok, first of all, if you ever see this guy in your dreams DO NOT make a deal with him no matter what he offers, he'll manage to twist your words for his own means." You looked at a picture of a brick patterned dorito with a top hat, bow tie and a single eye in the middle of his body.
"No deals with fancy doritos. Got it." Dipper and Mabel both laughed at my analogy before Dipper kept talking.
"Ok, next one..."
It continued like that for another hour or so, Dipper showing me different monsters and such, Mabel throwing in the odd comment or two and me shocked that all of these things were real. After we stopped looking through the book, the twins told me about a few of their adventures.
"Wait, so you actually fought a horde of the undead with pop music!?! That's so COOL!!!"
"Not at the time it wasn't." Dipper responded to my outburst.
"It kinda was. But how did you dream about that when you weren't even around?"
"I don't know, but in the dream, I was one of the zombies, and it freaked me out for some reason so I didn't end up going to the party. HEY!! Do you think I could be one of the monsters from your book, cause that'd be so awesome."
"I don't think so, there's nothing in here about people telling the future. Maybe it was just some kind of weird deja vu?"
~Bill Pov~
I was watching (F/n) again. She'd just learned about me and I'd just learned something about her. She had future dreams. I honestly couldn't believe that she'd want to be something out of the journal's, but there she was, pouting like a little kid.
Weird kid. Fun kid.
You know, after all this time, I still hadn't introduced myself to the little weirdo. Maybe tonight might prove to be a little more interesting for her.
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