"Oh no it's Bill!! Thats what you were all thinking right? Gideon, why aren't you dancing? (F/n), how's the hamster?" Bill loomed over the now terrified looking group. I lifted up my hamster again, looking oddly proud, like the baboon from the start of The Lion King.
"We're fine. You could've given us a flat floor so the cakes and stuff didn't keep sliding into us though."
Bill rolled his eye and snapped his fingers, and the bubble went square shaped.
"Thank you!"
"Now back to you guys. Don't you know the zodiac doesn't work unless you hold hands?"
Now, I'm not going to bore you with the details, but basically Wendy and a few others stood up to Bill, he turned everyone except the Pines family into tapestries and now he's trying to kill Dipper and Mabel.
To be honest though, his psycho crazy form was pretty awesome.
While Bill chased the kids and the other Pines twins tried to think up an idea, I was forming one of my own.
I still had my half of the deal.
"Bill!!!!" I screamed out as loud as I could, praying he would hear me. "I want to make my half of the deal now!!"
Just as promised, Bill appeared in front of me, still all red and psycho.
"Now! Really?!?"
"Yup. You said whenever, wherever."
"Well hurry up, what do you want?"
"I want you to turn into your human form, stay that way forever, stop Weirdmegddon, send your demons back to the other dimension, return the town to normal, close the portal with you still in your physical form in this world and never hurt anyone ever again." I said. "Oh and it all counts unless I say you can do otherwise. Also you can keep your powers."
Bill's already red form turned pitch black and a highly unsettling calm manifested in place of his once horrifying rage. The black of his eye was now bright red, while his hat and bowtie turned a perfect shade of crimson. Faint red flames glowed around him.
"You can't do that (F/n). You can't pick more than one. You can't do that. You can't." Bill's voice was deadly calm, with a slightly noticeable tone that sounded half like he was about to lose it and half like he was trying to convince himself that it was impossible instead of me. It was terrifying.
"Yes I can Bill. Neither of us ever said we could only ask for one thing. My deal is within all of our terms. Nobody's being hurt, it's within the other person's power, I'm not bringing you a vessel and most importantly, in your words, 'no take backsies'.
At my words, Bill's pyramid shaped body began to morph and bend and shake, all while Bill was screaming something about getting out of the deal, of me choosing something else and whole bunch of other desperate nonsense.
By the end of it, the Bill I saw in our first meeting, his human appearance, stood before me looking down at his hands and patting down his body with a horrified expression. He then looked up at me, pure rage flashing through his eye.
"YOU!! YOU DID THIS! I'LL KILL YO-" Bill was cut short as the ceiling began to cave in on itself. Just as he turned back to me, Dipper and Mabel ran back into the room.
"What's happening!" Dipper yelled. Stanford and Gruncle Stan ran to meet the kids, but a rock hit Stanford in the head, knocking him unconscious.
Bill was still moving towards me, still angry, but now holding a slight look of concern that I wasn't quite sure I saw.
"Come on." Bill held his hand outstretched in front of him. I held my hamster in my arms.
"I can't, I can't get out of the bubble." Bill sighed and snapped his fingers, the bubble and cakes disappeared and I began to fall. I shut my eyes and held onto Timothy in hopes he wouldn't fall too. My landing was softer than I thought it would be, and I opened my eyes to see Bill holding me bridal style, smirking.
"You needed a little punishment." He said as though it would explain why he waited until just before I hit the ground to catch me. I mean, it kinda did. I did ruin his world domination plans after all.
I looked over to where the Pines family were to make sure they were ok. Gruncle Stan had grabbed his brother and had the twins hanging onto him, while he attached the grappling hook to the floor before jumping out of the collapsing building. I guess he finally got to be a hero.
Meanwhile, Bill had started floating over to where the family had just disappeared and began flying down to rejoin the rest of the town. The people who had been tapestries had been teleported down to the ground when they changed back and I was placed a small way away from the group.
Bill looked up at his crumbling castle. I waited for him to do something to stop the falling debris, but he just stood there.
"Bill... I-"
"I know I know. Just shut up and let me fix this." Bill snapped his fingers and time slowed to a near halt.
Bill floated up into the air and the wind began to move around him. Slowly but surely, it began to move away from him in a magenta wave, and as it expanded, everything in Gravity Falls began to rewind and transform back into the way it was. When it was over, Bill floated back to the ground and glared at me.
"I hate you."
"I'm sorry. It was the only thing I could think of."
"You could have just left it!"
"But you would have killed people."
"And I still would, but SOMEONE stopped me from doing that stuff." Bill growled.
He scowled at me, obviously still annoyed, but he seemed to care less now. From just behind him I saw the entire population of Gravity Falls running towards us.
"What happened to Bill?"
"Who's this guy?"
"What happened?"
Questions began flooding in just as quickly as the crowd until Dipper and Mabel made their way to the front.
"(F/n), who is this an how did he save the town like that?" They asked.
I looked over to Bill, who was once again wearing that sinister smirk, lean down to their level.
"Hey kiddies. My names Bill Cipher." He said with a sickly sweet voice.
"Bill!!" Bill simply chuckled and stood up. "Why do you look human!?!"
"Your beloved (F/n) made a deal. My half was wasted keeping her in a bubble, while she wanted me to turn human, fix the town, close the portal and stop hurting people."
Dipper, Mabel and the rest of the town stood gobsmacked. I don't think anyone really knew what to do, to be honest I didn't either. But Bill did.
"Well if you're all just gonna stand there gawking, I'm going to take this one and her hamster and go." He said picking me up bridal style again and hovering above the crowd.
"Remember, the universe is a hologram, reality is an illusion and THIS GIRL'S MINE!! Bye~"
Bill began to fly off into the distance, leaving the crowd confused, relieved and scared all at once.
"Since when have I been yours?"
Bill smirked that wonderfully irritating smirk of his and replied.
"(F/n), you've been mine since always."
And as I felt William the Strangely Brave snuggle into my chest, I shared my first of many kisses to come with the psychotic, mentally mutilated, but completely perfect Bill Cipher, the sort-of dorito.
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