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"Bill Cipher you let me out of here right this instant!"
"Sorry babe, a deal's a deal!!"
If you're wondering how I got here, I should probably go back a little...
~Two week earlier~
"Bill!" I smiled as I realized I was once again in the dreamscape.
"Hey (shape or symbol)! Haven't seen you lately!"
"Liar, you admitted to stalking me last week."
"Got me there, haha. How's it hangin'?"
"I'm fine thanks, how have you been?"
"Same old, torturing the minds of the innocent and driving them mad." I gave a look, both disapproving and amused.
"You really have to stop doing that."
"No way! It's waaay to much fun. You should try it sometime!!"
"Nooo thank you. I'll stick to petty manipulation and guilt trips, thanks."
"Eh, suit yourself."
Bill had somehow gotten used to my weird yet human ways. Neither of us could figure out what my dreams, my other dreams, ment or where they came from, but to be honest, neither of us cared too much.
Bill still saw me as his own, personal puzzle to solve, but after the continuous talking and visits to the dreamscape, he had grown fond of having me around, even if I was 'just a slightly above average meatbag', as he'd called me before. Some of his bad habits had rubbed off on me, but I'd managed to get some of my good nature to rub off onto him.
For instance, he stayed away from to most inhumane forms of torture and I had started mocking others a bit more. Once that got old, he started to actually show appreciation for things, while I became a little more messed up in the head, especially when it came to him. Now when he tried to freak me out with new methods of torture he had been thinking about, I grimaced, but thought the image of it sounded 'cool'.
It was a strange relationship, but it worked.
Unbeknown to me, Bill's emotions had even developed so far as to him liking me on a more personal level. Not quite love, but to the extent that he wouldn't be opposed to an emotional relationship of that kind.
Unfortunately, those very emotions led me to where I am now.
"Bill, please! I don't like it in here!"
"Sweetie, you made the deal remember!? We can get whatever we want from either party as long as it's within the power of the other person, doesn't cause anyone harm or make you or anyone else into a puppet for me to possess. As far as I'm concerned, the deal I chose didn't do any of those things."
"But I don't want to be trapped in a bubble!"
And that brings us to my current situation. Hovering above and around the fancy doritos literally man-made throne, stuck in the never-ending chaos that is Weirdmageddon. Except I'm in a (colour) bubble with a (shape or symbol) on it. Bill's own personal play thing.
"Too bad sunshine. As entertaining as it may be, I have enough meat bags running around, so I want you to stay in there so you can't help them or get hurt. I HATE that I care about that bit but I do, so shut it and wait for the party." Bills body flaring up at the word hate and calming again afterwards.
"I hate when you do that." I grumbled under my breath. "If you're going to go all evil looking, do it for more than one word."
The super sucky thing about it was that I'd actually predicted this would happen. The night before Weirdmageddon started, I dreamt that Mabel would unknowingly start this all and that I'd end up in this very position. I woke up that same morning and went straight to where I saw it start, but unfortunately dreams don't tell time or exact location, so I spent the whole day running around different parts of the woods listening out for any sounds that were similar to my dream. But even with my strangely good luck and already having seen it coming, I got there a second too late, only seeing them a moment before Bill disguised as some giant baby adult smashed the thing that would set it all off.
That was also when Bill noticed me and made his half of the deal. And now I'm stuck in a bubble. He did give me a book to read though, so that was nice.
Oh! Right, also he looks like a triangle again now.
"Bill~ I feel like a hamster." I said but then kinda regretted my words because he's probably gonna turn me into a hamster now.
"Here you go then." Knew it.
Bill snapped his fingers and a little 'poof' sounded within the bubble. I looked around to find that I had not, in fact, been turned into a hamster, but that the poofing sound had been a small black, grey and white hamster falling into my lap.
Plus it was super cute.
"Enjoy." Bill went back to his floating around and waiting for something to happen.
"Why'd you give me a hamster? I mean don't take it back I love it and it's mine and its name shall be Gerald... or Madam Fluffeild, Fluffy for short, but that's beside the point right now."
"You said you felt like a hamster so I gave you a hamster."
"Ok, well, thanks."
~Time skip~
"Oh man it looks even worse up close." I was hovering just behind Bill's throne when I heard Dipper's voice.
"Dipper!! Is that you?!" He mustn't have heard me, but I heard more voices begin to talk. The sound of Mabel's grappling hook and her voice, and then Gideon, who I felt very sorry for at this point, announcing that he knew how to get everyone back. As the throne came crashing down, my location was revealed, causing some of the group to gasp.
"Hold on (F/n)!! We'll figure out a way to get you out of there! ... Is that cake?" Dipper yelled up at me.
"Hi guys!! And yeah, I would give you some but I kinda can't get out."
"We'll get you out in a second!" Mabel replied.
"Huh? I'm alright, you guys do what you have too. This things actually supposed to keep me safe, believe it or not. Besides, look and my cute little hamster." I said holding up General Timothy the Fluffy (his/her name changes a lot).
There was a short moment where everyone aww'd but it stopped when Stanford turned back into a person instead of a statue.
And then came Bill.
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