Frozen pizza!
(Okay Okay I know Ennard is there sl robot combined but I'm writing a fan fic so HA)
We walked in to see a weird guy with tentical wires and red hair holding my sister by the neck
"Your time is up"he said
He was about to kill him when I ran and pushed him off her
"Lilith do you need help"alice said
"Yeah please"I said dodging my head from the wires
"Hmm you would be a lot better than baby in fact you would probably make up for ballora too"he said
"Take that"Alice said throwing a inky axe at him
He dodged but it scrapped up his arm really bad
Then mike ran and punched a hole
In his gut
"Okay remind me never to mess with mike"I said
But turns out what happened was he had wires and they made a hole where he was going to punch
Then the man ran into the vents and disappeared
"That was strange"I said
"I know"baby said
We heard tons of running in the distance
"Oh no"Alice said terrified
Car noticed Chica was pounding on the freezer door
We opened it and helped her out
"Are you okay"mike said
"Yes but I need to start cooking pizza before the kids run in here I was stuffed in the freezer"she said running with frozen pizza taking pizza out of the oven and putting it in
"Lilith can you be a dear and be a waiter for a little"Chica asked
"Yup"I said quickly running and putting the uniform on
Mike and Alice helped and god Alice looked cute in a waitress outfit
"Okay I'll help Chica cook"baby said
We ran out and saw Fred
"Hey mister Fred"Alice said
"Please call me Fred we are all family here"he said
"So Fred why are you out of your office"I asked
"Well you see we wanted to see if you guys could sing to the kids sometimes since they really seem to like you"he said
"Uh I don't know what do you think"mike asked
"I don't see a problem with it"alice said
"Yeah sounds fun"I said
"great I'll let you get to where your going"he said running
We quickly went to the main area and handed out pizza to the tables
"LILITH!"alice screamed
She was being pulled by little kids
"Okay kids get away and eat your food"I said
"Your stupid and dumb I don't see why anyone likes you"a little kid said
"Awww your so sweet"I said
"Shut the f*ck up b*tch"he said
My eye twitched
"Hey why don't you go give foxy a BIG HUG"I said
"Wow okay bye idiot"he said
We heard the sound of muffled screams and something being stuffed into the boards of the stage
"That's better"I said
The clock dinged
"Alright kids time to leave see you again tomorrow"freddy said waving
I ripped of the waitress uniform to reveal my night guard uniform
"That's so much better"I said
A blue thing shot past my head
"Hey who did that!"I did
The two cup people we tied up in the closet found a way to open the door
And where attempting to shoot
"Alice quick get inside his shot so it doesn't hurt you"baby said putting Alice slowly in a red Freddy Fazbear and the put mike in the puppets box
"Yeah get in quick"freddy said shoving me into a golden Bonnie suit
"Ow I am completely able to fight I don't need to be shoved in a bloody fazbear suit"I said
"Witch one should we set free first "freddy asked
"Maybe the one thats not shooting"I said walking over to he blue one and untying it
Freddy poked it
"Wow cool"he said
"what's your name"Alice said using the spring trap suit to grab its neck
"Wait Guys I think these things just make us more scary"I said taking of the head
"Are you sure you living things aren't as strong as us"freddy said
"Yeah I'm sure it's not like I'll die
Hopefully"I said
Right when I got out the spring traps opened up and failed
"Holy sh*t"I said stumbling backwards a little
I saw bendy messing with the wires in the back laughing
I held my knife
"Oh dear god no please not again"he said running
"Come back here you (censored)"I yelled
He got away and I was to lazy
"Who should interrogate them?"baby questioned
"I could try to take the red one he seems more insane so maybe I can make him crack"I said
"Are you sure you did freak out the first time you saw me!"bendy yelled
"Oh god no please not the scooper"ballora said
"Hey can I actually see that it may get him to talk"I said
"Sure let me take you"she said
We went in and closed the door and shoved him in a suit knocking him out
I had a amazing idea
Time skip
"Wait where am I"he said scared
I laughed to myself
" Ssh, be still and quiet. You've been sleeping for quite a while."I said
"Who are you!"He said
"I think they noticed that you never left the building last night. The cameras were searching for you, but they couldn't find you. I have you hidden too well."I said
"Wait what!"he said
"I kidnapped you."I whispered into the speaker so he could hear
He screamed a little
"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm only going to keep you for a little while."I said
He wiggles around
"Try not to wiggle, though. You're inside something that came from my old pizzeria. I don't think it was ever used,
at least not the way it was meant to be used.
Too dangerous. It's just big enough for one person to fit inside, but just barely."I said
"Where am I"He said with tears
"You're in the Scooping Room."I said as the boy we learned that his name was mug man walked in and I showed him the quiet sing
"Do you know why they call it the Scooping Room?"I said
"N n no"he said sounding terrified
"It's because, dummy, this is the room where they use the scooper.
I thought that would be obvious. "I said
"Isn't that a fun name for something? The scooper. It sounds like something you would use for ice cream or custard or sprinkles."I said
"Y y yeah please let me go
"It sounds like something you would want at your birthday party to ensure, that you get a heaping portion of every good thing. I wonder, though, if you were a freshly opened pint of ice cream how you would feel about something with that name. "I said
He started screaming again
"Thankfully, don't think a freshly opened pint of ice cream feels anything at all."I said
"Oh-oh. It sounds like someone else is in the building. Sh."I said
Mike and fritz entered the room Taking about something to make
It scarier
"Wait please help me don't leave me"he screamed
they left
"There is something very important that I've learned to do over the time, do you know what this is?"i said
"H h h how to let people go"he said
"How to pretend. Do you ever play make believe? Pretend to be one way when you are really the other? It's very important."
Bendy never learns, but I do. They think there is something wrong on the inside. The only thing, that matters is knowing.
"No please don't AHhHhh"bendy screamed as a screen covered his screams and fake blood
bendy pretended to get himself scooped
"AHHHHHHHH"cup screamed
Mug laughed a little
"I'll open the faceplates for you. That way they can find you on the cameras. Now all you have to do is wait. I'd recommend that you keep the springlocks wound up. Your breathing and your heartbeat are causing them to come loose. You don't want them to get too loose, trust me. "I said
His screams turned to cries of horror
"I swear I will not harm anyone in the smelly place just please let me freeee"he cried
We opened up the windows and laughed as the spring lock suit opened
"Wait what was all that!"he said
"It was a prank"goldie said appearing behind him as freddy jumped and tackled him from behind
Then I noticed something
Strange about Goldie
He was blushing
Then I realized
He has always blushed around one of the main guys when they hugged him
"Oh god"I said
"T t this isn't what it looks like"He said
"You have a crush"I said way to high pitch to make out
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