Unreleased Chapters--
These are chapters that I originally intended before changing my mind. Luckily I have some chapters, since I most likely deleted the rest. I present to you, unreleased chapters and a prototype chapter of smut.
This has a lot of trigger warnings and smut--
Chapter 4 of Human and Monster Au:Prinxiety
I just got home from school. Yesterday I stayed at Roman's house for the night. I found out interesting things about him and his parents. I hate them, they treat Roman like a pet, and I would know. People use to treat me like a child during my first year at highschool until they realized that this "child" was an alpha and a strong one. I got into fights and got many detentions, I have always and even to this day been asked by teens to be there alpha and I will always decline. I never really got a pack and I don't need the stress.
I knock on Logan's door, I waited for the dokr to open. Finally after what seems like forever, he opens the door
"Hello Virgil, how may I help you?"
"I need advice."
"Can I tell you in your room?"
Logan nodded and opened his door. I walked in and he close the door, I plopped down on his bean bag chair and groan
"So what did you need my advice for?"
I blushed and look at Logan
"I think I might like Roman but it's too soon to like a guy right? I mean aren't you supposed to be slow and understanding of liking somebody you met two days ago?"
Logan nodded
"Well, seems to me you have a crush on him which is surprising. But you texted me yesterday that you were staying the night at his house. What did you guys do?"
I blushed lightly, and sighed I shouldn't tell Logan about his parents right? I mean Roman didn't tell not to tell anybody...still...
"If I tell you, you must promise not to tell nobody. I mean it."
"Alright. I will not tell nobody"
"When we walk into the house, I saw his dad on the couch with a bottle of alcohol in his hand watchung sports, we walked into the kitchen and he report his day to his mother even though he didn't arrive at school until the end day! He went to school with a bruised face Logan. Anyways, his mother was happy about it and told him that he have a reward, I told my name and was going to tell her that I was an alpha werewolf but Roman told me not too, she went upstairs and Roman told me that hus hates werewolves and alphas I don't know why! She came back, gave Roman a pill, Roman doesn't know the difference between candy and pills, we played games in his room, I won, he tackled me, so instead of giving up I fought back and flipped us over and I pinned him to the floor before realizing what I did but instead of getting off of him we sorta leaned into each other, we were about to kiss but his father walk in and we gave him a lame excuse."
"Woah woah. Stop right there. You were about to kiss a guy in his own home while his parents are home? You really are a idiot"
Logan commented, I glared at him
"As I was saying! We went downstairs for dinner, Roman didn't get any dinner so I asked about it, his mother said she forgot or something and he seriously ate like he hasn't eaten in days, we got upstairs, we changed, Roman went to get blankets and pillows, I was bored and sneaked into the hallway and heard whines and whimpers, I peeked through his parents door and saw Roman and his mother arguing, and she just slap him Logan! Then the next thing I knew I was running to the bedroom. After answering my questions we fell asleep. Mind you we slept in the same bed."
Logan took awhile to process this, like a whole three minutes before sliding his glasses up
"His parents are abusing him from what I heard, but you can't jump to conclusions. If we want to prove this then you got to get closer to him, not telling you to go out with him but wait. If you find an opportunity to gather evidence then we will report it to the police despite his wishes."
I nodded not really understanding, but I stood up determine and anxious but I'm fine yeah!
"Thanks Lo, I got to do homework." I walk towards the door "Oh and say hi to your boyfriend for me"
End of Chapter 4 (unreleased)
Chapter 6 Human and Monster Au:Prinxiety
(Work in Progress)
"Roman can you hear me?"
He nodded, scooting closer to Virgil
"Do you remember what your name is?"
"Good. Can you remember who your boyfriend is?"
"Alpha....Alpha Virgil"
"Alright. Can you remember what happened before you came here?"
Roman let out a whimper and covered his face into Virgil's chest
"You don't have to tell me but we need to call the police about what happened with you and Tom"
Roman jumped tears already forming in his eyes
"N-No! Please don't call the police, if T-Tom finds out someone called the police he'll go straight(#not me) to me Pl...please.."
I sighed and grumbled placing my hand on my hip
"Boy we need to call the police about this, if this Tom kid does it again then we have no other choice. I'll be damn if my nephews boyfriend will be hurt by a damn teenage Alpha. I swear if Fred was here that kid would be long gone" Uncle Trex got a smacked to the head by Veronica our oldest sister
"Shut up you old coop! We promised not to talk about Fred anymore. But he does have a point kid, we have to call the police" Veronica crossed her arms
Roman looked at his lap, tears streaming on his face
"Pl-please, my parents already know what happened today and I don't need anymore drama(>:3)"
"Did she do this to you? Did that bitch hating werewolves burn your wrist? Roman I need to know" Virgil demanded. Roman didn't say or do anything and that just made Virgil more demanding based om his expression.
"Mate. Tell me the truth. Did she hurt you."
I was almost surprise that Virgil was using his Alpha voice
Roman looked at Virgil and nodded
"She was the one to burn my wrist Alpha, pl-please don't be mad"
Virgil growled louder and by the looks of it scaring Roman as he was scooting away. I put my hand on Virgil's shoulder,
"Now is not the time to get angry, you're scaring Roman and he's already hurt. The doctor will be here in fifteen mintues, we don't need him running off just because you can't keep your anger at bay. Now go and comfort your boyfriend."
Virgil puffed out air and looked and told him to go to me, Roman almost instantly clunged to him but he was hesitate at first befotr clinging to Virgil
"I'm sorry I scared you"
"I-it's f-fin- Gah!" Roman gripped Virgil's chest tighter
"Ro, what's wrong? What's happening to him?!"
"I don't know! It may be from the healing magic I did on him! I told you that there were other side effects than the two I said!"
"He's coughing, oh god what's going to happen to him?! Logan you got to do something!"
"What do you want me to do?! I'm not a doctor or a trained healer!"
"Boys! Shut up! The healer is here"
Veronica scolded us. We stop arguing and look over at the door
"It's nice to be here again after the incident, but I must say that I am disappointed in you boys. Scaring this poor omega who is hurting and all you guys do is aruging. Tsk, Tsk"
A women in her mid 30s came walking towards us holding a medical bag. She had real long black hair and red eyes almost looking like Roman actually. Her name was Niomi.
"Sorry Niomi, I had already told you what's happening to him but he's coughing now. Could you help?"
Niomi shook her head and kneeled down to Roman's level
"Why you think I'm here for? A visit? Logan I've known you for a year now and I know that you wouldn't call me personally unless it was urgent. Now I need someone to place him in a bedroom and leave the room until I get out the room myself."
"I can take him up to my room" Virgil got up and picked him up. We must have not been paying attention to Roman because now he was sweating and panting. He was in obvious pain. Niomi followed Virgil up to the bedroom and Virgil came right back down.
After an hour Niomi finally came down and motioned to our mother
"His injuries are healed and cleaned but he will be more clinging but I don't know about being forgetful since Logan tampered with healing magic" She glared at me and I visibly gupled. She turned back and faced our mother "But he will be fine just...Roman is in heat."
Virgil's P.O.V (>;3)
I physically froze. So many thoughts inside my head. Roman is in heat. I'm his alpha. I can smell how wonderful he is. Should I...? Do I need to do something? I've never been in a situation like this. We're only 16 and I'm pretty sure Roman doesn't want any after today.
"He can't be in heat, he's only 16 aren't omegas supposed to experience heat until 18? Plus he's human! Can humans even go into heat?" Veronica exclaimed
"Look. Some omegas go into heat early and it doesn't matter whether he is a human or monster he will still go through a stage of hormones but this will happen monthly. His heat will go away for 3-5 days or a week. Pretty much, like a women's period cycle every month. There are two ways of getting rid of the heat during the cycle he can stay inside and away from other alphas or he could have sex with an alpha. Meaning. Every Alpha don't go near Roman. I must tell his parents about this before nightfall"
"You heard her! No alphas upstairs! That's including you Virgil. Virgil? Virgil! Where is he?!" I didn't bother listening to there conversation anymore, I just couldn't help myself, his smell is so addicting.
I opened the door and instantly was hit with a wave of homornes. I shut the door and spot Roman covered up in a nest like style with my blankets and pillows. I walked over to him and sniffed his hair
He stirred and whimpered loudly
"V-Virgil it h-hurts, s-so bad...make i-it stop"
I brushed his hair out of his face revealing his sweaty red face.
"I'm sorry Ro but I was told not to come up here but I did anyways. I couldn't let my mate suffer alone" I kissed his forehead, than his cheek, than his jaw.
"H-Hurts. Everything fucking hurts. Please I need my Alpha"
I was gonna kiss him but I was immediately dragged off of Roman. I started growling and tossing around
"Roman! Let go of me! I need to get to my mate! I want him! I need him! Let go!"
Hearing Roman whimper and whine, yelling my name while hurting still just made me fight back more.
"Virgil snap out of it! You can't do anything to him! You will have to wait!" I heard Logan yell at me but being my stubborn self I bite his hand and ran into the door. Then I saw black but I could still hear the whimpers and whines from Roman.
Alexis's P.O.V (Evil kitty face had taken over! >:3)
I got up in the middle of the damn night just to be informed that my step son is in heat. Of course that brat is in heat. I grabbed my son and tossed him into his room, shutting the door making sure to lock it
"You just had to be in fucking heat, couldn't wait until you were out of this damn house." I puffed a smoke from my cigarette.
My brat of a son was hardly even standing up properly "I need my alpha, please let him come over. Please." He was out of breathe and fell to the ground.
I kneeled down and grabbed his hair making him look up at me "You will not complain or say anything. When you are in heat you become weaker and needy and honestly I'm sick of you. Maybe if you be good for mommy than you can have candy."
Roman spit in my face and growled "I...will...never...obey....you..." He panted out, his eyes glowing a darker red. I dropped him onto the ground and kicked him, he screaming clutching his stomach.
"You are...a worst...mother...any..child...could.
Ever have." He got up and leaned against the wall, clutching his stomach tighter. Whining and whimpering. It was getting annoying. I walked over to him and leaned close to his ear
"You don't want Virgil to be angry at you right? What if he knew what I've been doing to you hm? He would be angry at you for not telling you, you'll loose his trust and brake up with you." I heard a choked up sob "Now. What is it going to be? You listen to me and let me do whatever I want to you or tell Virgil and have him brake up with you what will it be?"
I stood infront of him while he was whimpering under his breath
End of Chapter 6 ((unreleased))
Chapter 7
Human and Monster Au: Prinxiety
Chapter 7 (no no)
Human and Monster Au
Trigger Warnings: Abuse, sexual assult, a tiny bit a tiny tiny sexaul content which is just a moan, mention of abuse, sexual harassment, rape, abuse of drugs, felony, and swears.
Beware your hearts >:3
Alexis's P.O.V (Help!! Evil kitty face!!! Why must you do this kitty face. He's just a precious boi! >:3)
"I...love...Virgil. If he didn't love me then he would have left the moment I told him about Tom. I may be in heat but that doesn't mean I have to take this abuse from you! Once I turn 18 I'm moving out of this hell and far from a whore like you! Don't think you were sneaky yourself! You been sleeping with guys while dad is gone for work. My father was a good man before he met a scumbag like you! I would rather have my deadbeat mother then you- ah!" I couldn't stand his bullshit anymore. My knee was on his crotch and that stopped his ranting. He was panting more, squirming. It was adorable.
"After your heat we're moving far from here. Do you understand my prince?" Roman nodded but that didn't please me. I pushed my knee harder on his crotch and he let out a small moan "I said do you understand?"
"I-I understand mother"
I let my knee drop and walked toward the door "Oh I would appreciate you coming to the basement before school tommorow since it's Friday."
"M-Mother! I can't go to school while in heat! All the Alphas will smell me and try to have there way with me!"
I inhaled my cigarette and ex-haled before walking back to room and pulled his arm. His wrist was heal which didn't surprise me. I burned my cigarette on his arm before dropping the cigarette
"I don't care. You already got fucked so you can be fucked over and over again this week. Now go to sleep." He nods and I left his room. Locking it from the outside.
"Stupid mut"
Roman didn't see Virgil on Friday or the weekend. He was still in heat but after the third day it started calming down and by the fifth day he was completely off the heat. He didn't like the fact that every Alpha tried to get him while in heat, but luckily Roman avoided them pretty well. Beside the time with Tom but Roman ran away from him before Tom did anyhing. Roman kept swallowing the candy his mother gave him. Though he felt happier and dizzy after getting one, that never happened before. Roman was put on medication called surpresents to keep his heat and smell under control. By next week Virgil wasn't present because of the fight last week and during that week was one of the worst week. Roman had to pack everything everyday after school, his mother didn't feed him so he fed himself the best he could and his father was desperately trying to find a way out of the marriage but he was too much of a coward. Since Roman's father saw Virgil and Roman the night of Virgil stay he been thinking and took in notice of what was happening to his son. Him and Roman talked it out and had an understanding hoping there father and son relationship would go back to when they weren't so far apart.
Virgil was restless and depress for the week. He didn't want Roman to go back to that family. He wanted Roman but his stupid ass just had to fight Tom and got a week from school and who knows what happened to Roman this week. All he could know Roman found another alpha and forgot about him. But once in awhile they would talk on the phone while Roman was in heat but after calling over and over he just stopped. He spent his week in his room not even eating. He just couldn't. Logan tried to get him to eat. Hell even Patton came over and tried, he even bribbed him with cookies but nothing worked. After the week was over he was more then excited to go to school on Monday he get to see Roman!
Virgil's P.O.V
I sat happily on the bus waiting for Roman's stop. I was going to see Roman today! I haven't seen him since that night. I wonder if he missed me, on the calls he sounded scared and hurting but I couldn't do anyhing. I just listened. But now I get to help him! I look out the window and saw Roman's house. My smile drop when I saw moving truck in his driveway. I slumped down as we drove passed Roman's house. I couldn't believe it.
I ran over to Roman's house and saw Roman. He was lifting a box into a car. I growled and walked over to him, I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around facing me
"So you decided to move without telling me?! I thought he would at least tell me over the phone!"
"I was going to visit your house today after you got off from school but turns out you already figured it out." He chuckled. He fucking chuckled.
"What the hell man! We were supposed to tell each other things! The truth! How can I be with someone who lies to me Roman! I was right. Humans are selfish pricks. I should have never dated a human."
"What? So now I'm back to human?! Virgil I thought we could work something out! Ya know what I told my mother the night Niomi brought me home? I said that you loved me even after what Tom did. I told her that I would move out once I'm 18. I'm moving four hours away from here. I thought that we could still talk to each other and spend time together until college or something!"
He thought this through. Despite his abusive mother he would still come and see me.
"No! Don't Roman me. You made it clear that I'm just another human and a regret. Maybe I should have killed myself the night of my heat. Oh I guess you didn't hear about that. I almost killed myself from an overdose of my mothers 'candy'. Oh but you don't care since I'm just another human." He crying because of me. He was mad because of me.
"Roman. I'm sorry for assuming and calling you human but.." I sighed. "I want to brake up"
That moment I would regret those words that came out of my mouth. I heard sobs and looked to see Roman. He was covering his mouth with his hand before nodding
"Get away from me. Get out of my sight Virgil Black."
I couldn't move. I didn't want to move. Why the hell did I say I wanted to brake up with him? Why?!
"I said get away from me! You broke up with me. I hope in the future you find someone who is better for you and I hope you control your anger. Goodbye Virgil, you are no longer my Alpha" and with that Roman slammed the car door with him inside and I could hear him crying. It broke my heart. How stupid can I be? I ran home crying myself.
I told Logan everything and even he was mad
"Why did you brake up with him? He clearly thought it through and you went on a rampage of anger."
"I-it just slipped and I was so anger! He didn't tell me Logan! He had chances to tell me, he didn't even come over to me"
I covered my face with my hands
"You need to control your anger Virgil. Your Alpha instincts are getting out of control and you only had one boyfriend and that was Roman. Virgil, I suggest to work on your anger issues before dating again."
"I don't think I can date again"
"Hm. That's your choice. I should get to Patton. You figure your issues Virgil." Logan left the room leaving me with my thoughts and myself.
~Huge timeskip~
I walked into the bar, taking a seat at the bar "Hey Jason, could you whip me up the usual?"
A blond, tall man showed up. He was rather good looking but not my type. He had a scar on his lip, but he said it was not important. I met Jason during college, when I had my first beer with Logan and Patton. Those two are still together to this day. Damn, it feels like yesterday since they got together, Logan was going to purpose once he hit 23 but decided it was best to wait since they were still young. As for me, I'm still dreading the day I broke up with Roman, maybe it was for the best. I finally controlled my alpha instincts but sometimes I snap.
"As sure Virge but this time try and get over him okay? Its been what four years since you were 16? Time to move on man" Jason slide me my usual alcohol and I shrug it down
"I know I know. I just can't help but think what would have happen if I didn't listen to him. Ugh, I was such a jerk to him"
Jason chuckled and grabbed my empty drink cup "Maybe you should start dating again and instead of being gloomy over one guy. There's plenty of fishes in the sea as my friend Percy would say"
I shook my head "I don't know Jason, I haven't gotten over him yet"
"Dude. You need to get over him like real bad"
I sighed and chugged down another drink that Jason gave me. I placed the cup down and heard giggling from my right, I look over and saw two guys talking and one was giggling. I smiled, hopefully they stay together. I went back to my drink and drank it more slowly.
"I'll wait here for you alpha" I heard that voice before, I straighten up and look over to my right
"Alright mate, don't want you to cause any trouble" the guy kissed his head and went to the bathroom. Now I could see who it was
"Roman? Is that you?"
The man looked over at me and he looked so different then in highschool
"Virgil? Hey, how's it going?" He said it so causal obviously not wanting to talk to me.
"Oh uhm, it's going well. I assume he's your boyfriend?" He nodded before taking a sip of his alcohol.
"How's your parents doing?"
"My step mom was arrested for abuse, sexual harassment, rape, abuse of drugs, and a felony. My father remarried my mother who was the nurse that helped me during my heat for the first time. Ya know, Niomi. My father and my mother are happy together and I have a baby brother named Remy and he is one year old. I'd say pretty good. How's Irene?"
"She's in the hostpital, she was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. Veronica is in college to become a brain surgeon. The triplets are in highscool and they are having there own drama and relationships. Honestly they come to me for relationship advice other then Logan, apparently they think I know more about love then Logan does" I chuckled before continuing. "Logan and Patton are still together though, they have a pretty stable relationship. Logan was going to purpose to Patton last year but
End of chapter 7 ((unreleased))
Prototype Chapter of Human and Monster au
Today been odd. I've been feeling strange and hot today during school the alphas been giving me looks and honestly if it wasn't for Virgil with me I think I might have been a victim of another rape. Once I got home though I started feeling hot and sweaty. Like I needed to take off my clothes and hide in my room. I didn't feel anything like this before and it's starting to hurt. I walked upstairs and felt a wave of hormones shot through my body. I felt weaker and hotter with every step I took.
I finally made it up to my room and locked it. Today is one of those days where both parents are gone for the day until eight in the morning. These types of days is where I don't have to worry about being hit or be punish in the basement.
I started panting and groaning. I took off my shirt and crawled into bed. The bed very uncomfortable to me than usual, so after an hour trying to get comfortable with multiple pillows and blankets I finally felt comfortable but hotter. I grabbed my phone and called Virgil
"Hey Ro, I can't talk right now my cousins are here and we have to stay here so we can bond or whatever."
I whimpered the phone "Ro? What's wrong? I heard you whimper. Did your mother do something again?! Don't worry baby I'm coming over!"
"A-Alpha, everything is starting to hurt. Real bad, I can't stop panting or feeling hot. I feel like I should do something~"
"Uh hold on"
I heard voices on the other end of the phone and while that was happening I started taking off my pants and threw them on the floor. I panted and whined more
"Alpha if you don't come to my house right now then I'll have to have Tom help me."
"Whoa! Roman don't you dare let that bastard get near you. I'm coming over"
"Please do~"
I hung up and rolled in my bed, hugging a pillow between my legs. Goodness I can't help it. I started grinding on the pillow. I heard the door opened and hoped it wasn't my parents coming home early.
"Roman! I'm here!" Oh thank goodness. I got up, unlocked the door, and ran downstairs. I jumped ontop of Virgil the moment I saw.
"Whoa calm down mate, what's wrong and why are you in your boxers?"
"Shut up and kiss me" I forcefully kissed him, I was already panting and wanting more. I felt his arms around me, feeling him picking me up and placing me on the couch not once breaking the kiss. I moaned slightly as Virgil bite my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and felt his tounge in my mouth. I done the same thing with my tounge, fighting who should be dominate and eventually I lose. The feeling of his tounge in my mouth is so electrifying. He pulled away, our salvia string connected to our tounge.
"Wow, first we ever kissed and we french kissed~ Was there a reason mate~?" He panted. I panted and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Mmm~ I want you to claim me Alpha~"
"What came over you mate~? You're never like this~"
Virgil nibbled on my neck. I moaned softly, my hands on his back
"I don't know really~ I just started feeling hot and wanting sex~" I slide my hands in his hair, panting.
I felt his tounge on my neck, oh goodness this felt so good.
3rd P.O.V
Virgil stopped and looked Roman in they eyes
"What if your parents come home?"
"They won't be back until tomorrow morning. Now shut up about my parents and make me forget about them. Please"
"I'll do more then make you forget about those bastards" Virgil bit into Roman's neck deeply. Roman yelped but moaned, he gripped Virgil's hair and started pulling it making Virgil moan. Roman smirked and pulled harder causing Virgil to moan louder.
"Aw~ does Alpha have a hair
End of prototype- maybe not unless you guys wanna finish reading cuz I can finish writing it--
I hope this was good???
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