Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Human and Monster au
Warnings: Mention of rape, mention of violence and heat, minor swearing
This is very short, just wanted to let you know.
Roman's P.O.V
The doctor didn't know how to explain this but one thing is for sure. I'm not human. The doctors took multiple tests and different results comes up either I'm not human or there is something wrong with me. From what I always known I'm human but different. I knew being an omega is weird and uncommon specially with being born human, with both parents who are human.
After the last result. They made me do a drug test and it turns out I have drugs in my system. I didn't want to believe it but I never tooken a drug expect...
"Logan do you know how much longer I have to stay here?" I whined, at this moment I was wanting Virgil to be with me to make this much easier. But he isn't. Maybe he just didn't want to be with me for this...I bet he wants to break up with me.
"I don't know Roman, but the doctor said they should be done in an hour. I can't say this will only be an hour but I am assuming since they found traces of drugs in your blood stream, we will be here for a while." I groan and plopped onto the pillow on my hospital bed.
"I wish Alpha was here with me..." I whispered aloud, knowing Logan and his mother would hear.
"Virgil will be here. But if he isn't then we will just do what he asked before he left. He wants to get you far away from your parents and stay with us. He obviously cares about you Roman." Logan explain. I know he cares but caring about me is staying here with me. Not leaving me.
"If I may....Roman...Virgil had times where he would protect us despite it being a very little problem with others. After his father died, he blamed himself and he told us he will protect us, even if he dies doing so....He would say how much he hated humans and how much he would kill the ones that killed my husband...." I frowned. Virgil didn't bother telling me what happened to his father, though he isn't the type to open up to everyone they meet like me.
"However, he met you and he changed. He grown use to humans and he would not stop talking about you, it was adorable and he would be defensive if someone tells him otherwise. The point is, Virgil likes you alot and even though he's not here with you, he is caring for you."
I look at her with tears in my eyes. I felt selfish and horrible. I sighed and wiped my tears away quickly.
"Alright...I'll wait for him. I like him alot and I'm not going to cry over him, knowing him he's going to murder Tom.."
"Tom? Why would he murder him?"
I looked at my hands ashamed at myself
"I'm a virgin and I've never had sex before, so when Tom...did you know what to me, he took my virginity and that would only assume he got me pregnant and therefore, belong to him.."
"Not entirely, if you really want-" Irenes phone rang and she answered it. I laid on the bed, thinking.
I heard Irene sigh and look over to her "What's wrong?"
"That was your parents, they were worried where you were and I told them I didn't know."
"Why didn't you just tell them where I am?"
"Son, I trust my children and if Virgil says to keep you away from your parents then I will. I told you before he will protect whoever he loves, not just family but friends. I remember him coming home from school and he had a bloody nose. He told me he was in a fight and we laughed it off. He won and there fourth he haven't came home with a bruised face ever since."
I giggled and curled up in my blanket
"Heh, Virgil is the best thing that ever happened to me. But I can't help but think I'm a burden to him sometimes."
"Roman, can I ask you something? To a omega to another"
"Yeah...what is it?"
Irene took a deep breath and had a serious look on her face "As an omega you would go into heat and that would last to a week like a women period. I was wondering if you knew when you were to start your own heat"
I just stared off at the ceiling. I don't want to talk about it but I don't want to be rude.
"I started my heat early, age twelve on January 12th. At that time my mother left my dad and I. My father didn't know what to do, he didn't want to get an alpha to speed up the process, so he kept me in my room until it was over. As a kid, I was told about heats from my teachers but I never understood it." I sat up and rub my stomach, "By fourteen, I was in heat and stayed in my room like I had always done but this was different. I have a step-mother and she isn't the type to be nice....she...." I took a deep breath and continue "She made me go to school and once I entered the bus I had to sit infront. During school, my teachers warned me and told me that I should go home and they would tell the office that I went home but I told them I was fine. The truth was, I was afraid of my step-mother and by the time I got home that bitch raped me in the damn basement. My father doesn't know but he doesn't care anymore....I'm sorry..."
I started crying and felt arms around me. I hugged them back, I sobbed as I heard the door slide open.
"Mr. Qute? You are free to go but we want you to keep in touch and tell us if anything happens. Now if I were to have one of you to sign the discharge papers then he can leave."
Irene stood up and signed the papers "Irene you didn't have to pay for my discharge"
"Oh sweety I did it because I love you and I will treat you like my son in law."
I blushed and smiled. I got out of bed and practically ran out the hostpital. I walked outside feeling more confident.
I walk in Virgil's room and saw him laying on his bed with bloody fist "Virgil? What did you do?"
"Tom will never touch you again. I promise you that"
I walk towards him and sat down on the edge of the bed "What did you do to him?"
Virgil sat up and hugged my torso, his bloody fist staining his shirt that I was wearing "I punched him until he pleaded to never touch you again. He agreed, so I stop hurting him. I didn't punch him hard enough to kill him, just a broken nose"
I rolled my eyes and kissed his head "The doctors don't know how it's possible but I am uhm..are you going to brake up with me?"
"No. I will take responsibility of this child, I may not have been the blood to this child and we are young but I promise no matter what happens I will take care of you." He smiled. I laid on the bed, with Virgil falling to my side. I giggled and scoot down to eye level.
"You're so beautiful mate" he caress ny cheek. I blushed and smiled, he was so sweet.
"So can I pick out the baby's name?"
I chuckled and touched my stomach "Depending on what names you were thinking"
"Uhhhh...I haven't gone that far" I grabbed his pillow and hit him with it. I saw him grab the pillow and throw it on the ground and pinned me to the bed "You're a dork, ya know that?" He stuck out his tounge and kissed my nose "But I'm your dork~"
"Hehehe, pregnancy gives me moods and you know what mood I am in?" I whispered in his ear. I noticed his ear turned red, he was blushing.
"W-what is it?"
"Hunger" I pushed him off of me and ran out the door "You little sh- come back here!" I laughed as he chase me down the stairs. Maybe everything will be fine and having a child will be fun.
Unknown P.O.V
"Hello ma'am? Yes he's here, got it ma'am. He'll be there in no time just give me time please? Give me one month, please. Thank you"
This is going to be hell.
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