Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Human and Monsters au
Trigger Warnings: Mention of rape, swears, mention of violence
Logan's P.O.V(ooo~ something new! >:3)
I stood up and walked over into the kitchen where the family is with worry expressions. I sighed and fixed my glasses
"He's going to be fine, the healing magic I cast on him will slowly heal his wrist but there are some side affects toward the healing magic I cast"
"What are they?! Is he going to die?! Logan you better not tell me Roman is going to die!" Virgil yelled anxiously.
"Will you shut up" I sighed heavily, cleaning my glasses with my shirt "He's not going to die, he will just be clingy. I am not a skilled wizard so if there are other side affects please do tell me. But for now I need to tell you something but we should wait for Roman to wake up when I explain it"
"Explain what? Logan if there is something wrong with my mate you better tell me." Virgil growled lowly
I leaned my arms against the counter, looking at Virgil,
"It's his business and it is wrong of me to tell you without his thoughts and opinion on the matter."
"I don't trust you right now but if it involves Roman's opinion and thoughts then alright I'll wait. But he's going to sleep in my bed tonight, just incase if something happens to him" I agreed and lean off the counter
"Don't worry dear your mate will be fine if you're there with him" Our aunt Lyn encourage.
Virgil's face went red and I chuckled. Of course she would be the first to say something about them,
"M-mate?! Lyn he's not...we're not"
"Oh sweety don't lie to us, you just called Roman your mate and we can smell his scent on you. Plus you were not doing a great job at hiding your relationship"
Our mother commented, smiling.
Virgil hid his face in his hands
"You guys....weren't suppose to know yet"
"Next time if you want to hide something do it better. We're your family of course we would find out sooner or later" Veronica laughed .
"Yeah whatever" Virgil crossed his arms, looking at Roman whom was laying on the couch unconscious.
"Well care to tell us what happened before you got home? While I was checking over for any more injuries he had bites on his neck and shoulders did you do this to him? Those bites are infected real bad but luckily they will heal along with other scars...hopefully" I said. There was always something wrong with Roman during drama class. Whether he was being quiet sometimes or looking like he just came back from a fight. Whatever it was he always put on a performance that not even the best can pull off.
Virgil tensed up. It is always easy to spot something with Virgil based on his expression. Like example, he is clearly anxious and angry,
"He was fucking raped by another Alpha in the boys bathroom and I accused him for wanting it during our next class. People whispered, threw papers at him, Chrissy insulted us, and you know from my suspicion that I got into a fight and bite the Alpha who raped Roman and spread the rumor of him being claimed"
I couldn't believe it. But then again, he is an omega but from what Virgil told me he's tough and charming but still weak. I hummed and nodded to myself,
"Alright, mother may you inform the police about the raping. Virgil is there anything else we need to know? If so you have to tell us"
Our mother called the police and went into the other room.
"....His parents-" Virgil started but before he could say anything else we heard whimpers and sobs. I look back at Roman and he was curling himself on the couch holding his wrist close to his chest. I look back at Virgil,
"Go and comfort him, his wrist will be hurting still and once he wakes up he'll be wanting you most likely"
Virgil nodded and went to comfort Roman who was clinging to him but he was still unconscious.
I walked over to Virgil and Roman. Roman is still unconscious but that is to be expected. I kneeled down to Roman's face.
"He's going to be unconscious for awhile. So I suggest you take him upstairs to your room and go to bed."
Virgil nodded and picked up Roman and walked upstairs.
Our mother came in, she looked stress. I stood up and walk over to her
"Mother what's wrong? What did the authorities say?"
"They said it was common for omegas to be raped, that it was just a thing Alpha's do. The authorities said they wouldn't help us unless we bring in Roman, the victim, to give in evidence of this being a actual rape and not a prank. Apparently, some kids try to arrest an Alpha who didn't do anything to their friend who was an omega because they hated him or something. Kids these days." My mother shook her.
"Let's just sleep and tommorow we can figure it out okay?" I suggested and everyone else nodded and left the living room. I sighed and called Patton.
"Hey Logie!"
"Greetings Patton, I was just wondering if you could come over in the morning around eight. You are better with people and emotions then Virgil and I"
"Sure Logie, I just have to do some errands in the morning but I'll be there. Is there any reason why?"
"Yeah there is but I'll tell you in the morning. Oh and can I ask you a favor?"
"Oh sure, what is it?"
"You know what happened today at school right? With the rumors of Tom and Roman?"
"Yeah of course, though Virgil didn't like it. That boy is going to get into trouble"
"Yes I know, but do you know if you can provide any evidence of this being an act of rape?"
"Are you saying?"
"Yes I am. We have to do some detective work before going to the police. My mother already called them but they won't do anything unless we provide evidence. So are you up to it?"
"We done this multiply times before. Of course I am! But I get to wear my cardigan"
"Deal. See you tommorow"
"Bye Logie!"
I hung up and walked upstairs and opened Virgil's door and saw him still awake.
"Get some sleep Virgil, if you're tired tommorow then you won't function properly."
"I know Logan. I know. I just can't help but be worried of him, how can I protect the ones I love if I can't protect the one I fell in love with...Dad was so much better at doing this job then me. I wish he was here." I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed.
"You can't blame yourselve for what happened, the humans were hunters and wanted to hurt your little sister. Remember if it wasn't for you stepping up and protecting your family, then you all would be dead. And if you weren't here today, then image where I would be if I wasn't adopted or how Patton will feel to loose his childhood friend or Roman being claimed by an Alpha that treats him like an object. Virgil don't blame yourself, your doing your best and that's all you really can do."
Virgil hugged me, smiffling. I smiled slightly and hugged back
"When did you get feelings?" Virgil chuckled.
"I have a boyfriend who love to express his feelings. I guess it kinda rub off on me"
Virgil pulled away and smiled
"Thanks Lo, I needed that. But how do you know what happened with dad?"
"Oh your mother told me the day I was adopted"
"Hey, she's our mother ya nerd. Now go to sleep"
"If you do the same"
"Alright, Alright night"
"Goodnight" I left the room and on to my own. I shut my door, got dress, and took off my glasses and place them on my night stand and got into bed.
A/N: I had two different routes for this chapter
1). Fluffy route. Like Virgil and Roman being cute together the next day and stuff
2). The angsty route where it gets more intense
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