Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Human and Monster Au
(Tw: Swears, violence, blood, pill(s) and fluffy)
Virgil's P.O.V
I woke up, panting. It was like I was in a nightmare but it wasn't a nightmare. All I remember is hanging around my dream world or whatever and bam! My whole dream just change itself and I was holding hands with the most unexpected person I would ever have a dream about. We were just holding hands, drinking coffee or something in the park. It was nice, but then the dream changed again and I was blushing as hell just thinking about it.
"I hate myself"
I groan and looked at my 6:30am. The bus doesn't get here until 7:45 and I almost was late yesterday and now I'm too early. I shook off my dream, got up, and went to take a shower. I sighed heavily, just thinking to myself.
I just met the guy, why did I have a dream about him? I am a 16 year old werewolf who is not ready for anything in this world and have problems. I need to talk to someone about this.
I got out of thw shower and got dress. I walked downstairs and saw Logan reading on the couch. I walked up behind him and was about to scare him
"You tired scaring me so many times that you should just stop by now"
Logan didn't even look up from his book, I huffed and plopped next him
"How'd you know it was me?"
"I heard your door open and you are not great at veing sneamy and quiet."
I crossed my arms.
"What is the problem? You were quiet during dinner last night, did the new student pick a fight with you?"
I shook my head and look at the ceiling
"No nothing like that, he was nice and annoying we got along great surprisingly...but he is an omega human Logan. A omega human! How can a human be a omega?!"
Logan shut his book and look at me strangely
"Be quiet or you will wake up everybody in the house. Now, tell me more about this omega human creature."
"Uh well, he's my age, in all my classes besides three, he's charming, cute, smiles alot, has brown messy hair, his eyes are a firey red color, he talks beautifully about his passions, and even though I kept snapping at him today he still claim to be my friend." I sighed dreamily, just thinking about him
"I believe I met him before, what is his name?"
"Roman Qute" I said smiling
"Oh that omega human! Yeah he was in my drama class"
I looked at him and started laughing
"I didn't know you had drama class!"
Logan blushed lightly and crossed his arms "The principal said I had too be more social and get out there and meet new people! It's not like I enjoy and besides I have better things to do than to spend my 45 minutes in a room filled with Drama Queens."
"Hey! My Drama Queen is in that clas- oh crap"
Logan smirked and picked up his book and stood up
"It is 7:10 and my ride will be here, go get something to eat before waiting for your bus. I will not be home tonight"
"What why?? You can't leave me here alone with the family! I love them and all but don't leave me"
"Sorry Virgil I'm spending the night at a friends house and if you don't want to be here than why not go to your friends house"
Logan headed towards the door and I groan
"But I don't have any friends!"
"From what you told me, Roman is your friend. Now get breakfast and go to the bus stop."
Logan walked out the door, I heard a car noise and looked out the window and took out my phone. Logan was with a shorter guy and they kissed, I smirked and took a photo through the window and scatter away.
"This is so blackmail"
I haven't seen Roman all day, I was disappointed. I wanted to talk to him or at least a wave of a hand. But I haven't seen him anywhere, can't believe he left me with these idiots. That idiot he is so going get scolded for leaving me.
In 8th period Roman finally decides to show up. I was mad and marching towards him, he was talking to the coach but I didn't care he owned me an explanation. I grabbed his shoulder and made him turn around ans instantly felt angry and sad. His face was beaten, a busted lip, a bruised cheek like it was slapped or punched, and bruised nose.
"Who did this to you?"
I lowly growled, as I dragged him to the nurse depsite the coaches yelling at me. I wasn't going to stand for this. I swear if it was Chrissy I'm killing her.
We arrived at the nurses office and told him to sit down on the patients bed. He insisted that he was fine.
"Get your ass on that bed right now, you will listen to me right now got it?"
Roman nodded fastly and sat down obeying my orders. I grabbed medicine, and started to fix up his face. I don't the first thing with medicine but I do know how to stop a bloody nose. I finished up and stared at him.
"I'll ask again. Who did this to you?"
Roman avoided my gaze and looked at the bed
"I fell and hit face first on the concrete, while walking to my bus stop..."
He was lying. I could tell, he was fidgeting his fingers with his shirt and avoiding my eyes. I sighed and hugged him, which I don't do often but it just seems right to do it. "You don't have to tell me who done it but next time you decide to not show up the school day and end of at the end of the day, you better tell me"
I felt Roman hugged be back tightly
"How can I contact you if this happens again? I don't exactly have your phone number"
I'm stupid of course he doesn't. I pull away and handed out my hand
"Give me your phone" he gave me his phone and I typed in my number and put myself as Virgil and handed it back and told him do the same with my phone. We exchange numbers and headed off.
"Hey uh...this is an awkward question but could I uh...stay at your house tonight? My brother left me with his boyfriend and I don't want to go with my family. I love them and all but they get annoying sometimes" I sighed
"Hm? Uh..S-Sure just uhm...let me ask my parents and you can ask yours"
"Parent. I only have a mom" I said sadly, why the hell did I say that?
"Oh. Do you mind me asking what happend to your dad?"
I shook my head and wiped a tear with my sleeve
"No, I would rather not talk about it"
"If it makes you feel better my mom left me and my dad, so I know how it feels to loose a parent but hey! Don't let that get you down! Remember them and they will always stay with you" He smiled brightly. I couldn't help but smile
I grabbed a bag of clothes in my locker after both our moms said yes. I always kept a bag of clothes just in case you never know what could happen.
"Hey, could we walk to my house? It's not far and I want to talk in peace without the obxnious teenagers on that bus"
I chuckled and nodded
We arrived at Roman's house and I had to admit, it was a pretty nice house but was strange about it was that only one spot of the house was wet and next to a hose. Maybe there was a bug or something on it. Besides that, it was a normal house honestly. I was walking to the front door already and felt Roman tug onto my sleeve. I turn around and look at him. There were hesitate in his eyes.
"Before you go in, you have to promise that you will stay by my side and don't wonder off without me okay? Please? My step mom is strict and if she finds something out of place than she'll go nuts."
I stared at him and nodded. We enter the house and over all it was kinda boring and typical, I look over at the living room and spotted a man on the couch with a alcohol bottle in his hand, watching a sport evening. I look around and saw Roman heading to the kitchen and I followed, quite worried.
We enter the kitchen and saw a women cooking. She was looking around her 40s. She was smoking a cigarette while, cooking dinner. She didn't look bad for a women in her 40s, she looked quite well for a women of her age. I look at Roman and saw him smile slightly at me.
"Hello mother I am back from school and brought my friend from school over, I am happy to report that I made it to school by eight period without any troubles in doing so."
I look at Roman with a shock expression he is never like this at school. He sounded like a different person. I didn't like this Roman.
"Oh that's wonderful dear! You deserve a reward for being such a good boy and bring your friend I would love to get to know him so more."
Roman lit up when heard the word reward. I was just standing there contemplating what in the world to do.
"Oh! Mother shouldn't you ask for my friend's name first before my reward?"
"Oh goodness me, excuse my manners my name is Alexis Qute"
"G-Good to meet you Mrs. Qute my name is Virgil Black I am a alp-" I was going to say I was an alpha werewolf but Roman covered my mouth
"He's a wherewolf! A beta!" I look at Roman and removed his hand, I was about to say something but couldn't
"Oh, that's wonderful dear. I'm glad you brought home a werewolf dear, it's. Surprising."
The why she said that, I could hear her gritting teeths against each other. My tail wagged, and wrapped around Roman's waist protectively. I look at him and saw blushing.
"Mother can I have my reward now?"
Alexis nodded and walked upstairs, leaving us in the kitchen alone. I looked at him and saw him smiling
"So how do you like my mother so far?"
I was hesitate to answer at first, maybe it was nothing and I'm just thinking the wrong way but then again.
"Why didn't you tell her I was an alpha? Also what did she mean by reward? Why were you sounding different here then at school?"
Roman shook his head and gently petted my tail, I blushed but didn't move it out of his hand
"My mother hates alphas and werewolves in general. She doesn't want me near any alphas and werewolves. But I obviously didn't give a crap since I met you, but if she knew you were an alpha she would kil you."
I gulped frighten, and anxious.
"What about the reward thing?"
"Oh usually when I get home I have to report what I have done and who I have met and if she is satify with my report she will reward me with candy"
"And if she doesn't like your report?"
"Ah well uhm...I just don't get a reward heh.."
He was hiding something, I wanted to ask more questions but his mother came down thw stairs and handed Roman a pill? That was not candy. I look at Roman and than his mother.
"There you go sweetheart, you deserve this candy for being a good boy"
She smiled and snatched the pill out of his hand. He whined and whimpered.
"Roman this is a pill, do you seriously don't know the difference between a pill and candy?"
Roman gave me a confuse look
"My mother has always gave me that since she got married to my dad, and that was when I was 14. Two years she been feeding me that has a treat so I never gotten the difference between a pill and candy."
I growled but calmed down as Roman hugged me
"Just let me take the pill and we can go upstairs"
He whispered and I sighed giving him the pill. He swallowed it and grabbed my wrist running upstairs to his room. He looked at me.
"I'm sorry if my mother came off as weird, she means well"
"It's fine Roman. Just....I'm worried about you"
"Why? I'm fine and happy, I go to school and hang out with you! You are my only friend"
I felt...I don't know Really. I sat on his bed admiring his Disney posters and his bookshelf filled with fantasy books and fairytails, his bed was hard though like a stone brick how can he sleep on this? He had a small t.v in the corner with stickers on the sides, and his walls were painted red with golden rim. Honestly his room was cute and much like a kid.
"Hey, mind if we play games on your t.v? I saw your Xbox"
I smirked playfully
"Oh sure! But just warning you I am going to kick your ass"
I rolled my eyes and we started playing Halo 2
"You cheated!" Roman yelled as I beat him on the last round. I felt proud.
"Nuh uh! I played far and square!"
Roman tackled me to the floor and I fought back, flipping us over and looking at him. He being pinned down to the floor by his wrist, he tried to escape but can't. It took me awhile to realize what our situation was, but honestly I liked the view. My tail started wagging and my ears perks up. We stayed silent, looking at each other, I leaned down and I could see him leaning up but that was interrupted by his father walking in on us.
"Roman and his friend dinner is rea----dy, what the hell are you two doing?"
Roman's eyes widen and I instantly got off him. We were both blushing like crazy
"N-Nothing father! We were wrestling! Yeah wrestling! Right Virgil?"
"I uh yeah wrestling!"
His father looked at us both and left the room not saying a word. I look back Roman and saw him blushing red
"W-We should go downstairs for dinner"
I nod in agreement and walked down stairs in silent. What would you say when you almost kissed a boy you met yesterday and his father walk in on you guys?
We sat down at the table and his mother served me and his father but not Roman, I looked at Roman and he looked ashame at himself.
"Excuse me for asking this but why isn't your son have any food? You did make dinner for us where is his serving?"
"Oh I must have forgotten here you go sweety" his mother served Roman food, he looked at it and dug into it like he been hungry all day.
After dinner, Roman reported his day to his father and went upstairs to his bedroom with me following him
"Roman what's going on?"
Roman smiled and this time he locked the door
"Nothing is going on hot topic, just get dress okay?"
I sighed and grabbed my bag and took off my shirt and pants. I dug threw my bag and pulled out pants and a shirt. I looked over and saw Roman staring at me blushing. I blushed as well
"What? Never seen a guy in his boxers?"
Roman blushed harder and turned away. I chuckled and got dress
"Well? Aren't you going to get dress?"
"Uh..uhm...promise not to look?"
"Pfft fine human whatever you say" I turned around and heard shuffling, I resisted my eyes from looking and I was told to turn around. I turn around and smiled at him.
"So where will I be sleeping at? I can sleep on the floor if you want"
"O-Oh! could sleep in the same bed as me it's big enough for two people I just need to get more blankets"
I nodded, blushing slighlty that damn boy making me blush. He exit the bedroom and out of my sight, I layed on the hard bed. Why is this bed so hard? How can he sleep on this.
30 mintues pass and I was getting bored, waiting for Roman is boring. I got up and popped my back and exit the bedroom. I look around, and crept into the hallway and heard talking into another room, I wouldn't have cared so I sneaked away from the door but stop immediately when I heard a whimper from the other room. I heard low cry and a whimper. I snuck across the hallyway and stopped at the door that was making the sound and gently cracked open the unlock door and held my breathe when I saw them.
"You were going to let him fuck you weren't you?" I watched his mother slap him
"N-No mother. But please don't do this when he's in the house he is the only guy I was able to bring here. Please let me have this moment, he is probably worried and I haven't came back to the room. Just let me have this and I won't ask for anything again"
I growled lowly but cover my mouth
"Hmm...fine. But this is the only time you will have a friend over you got it?"
"Yes ma'am"
I saw him grab the blankets and pillows off the floor and walked towards the door. I quickly ran to the bedroom and layed on the bed, pretending not to know anything.
Roman came into the room, smiling. He plopped the blankets and pillows on the edge of the bed
"Get up hot topic, I need to make the bes comfortable"
"Whatever you say Romeo" I got up from the bed and stared at him, thinking about what I show saw and heard. I glare at his cheek his cheek was red and had a hand print on. I growled underneath my breath.
"Earth to Virgil! I finish the bed we can lay down now"
I nod and layed down. Wow it is much comfy now, I cover my self up in a blanket. Roman turned off the t.v and turned off the lights, he walked over to the bed tripping over himself. He laught it off and got into bed. I felt himself curling himself up in a blanket.
"I know you were watching behind the saw her hit me didn't you..?"
He whispered
I nodded against the pillow
"Yeah...Yeah I did...does she always hit you?"
"No just when I've been bad or stupid. But most of the time she is nice"
"Why didn't she serve you dinner until I asked about it?"
Roman stayed silent for a mintue before speaking
"My father doesn't want me to eat dinner sometimes, he doesn't want a fat son. He wants a son that he can be proud of...can we just stop talking about my family please?"
I nodded again and lay down on my side facing Roman, who was quiet but I knew he was still awake.
"Goodnight Romeo"
"Goodnight Hot Topic"
We fell asleep and it quiet.
The next morning I woke up by an alarm coming off the desk next to Roman's bed. I groan and sat up, I felt arms around my waist and look down. Roman was cuddling me pretty closely, his legs entwin with mine. Usually I would hate the physical touch but this felt...special I pulled him closer to my chest and reached for my phone. Turn off the alarm and fell back to sleep. We can always be late for school.
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