Savior (6)
Your POV
We're currently outside the supermarket near an abandoned building, talking with Ben.
I'm hoping that that android escapes before we get to them.
For their sake.
"Alright, that's all for now. Free to go," Hank says.
"We've got officers sweeping the neighborhood, in case anybody saw anything," Ben replies.
"Okay. Well, let us know if they turn anything up."
I zone out for a bit, scanning the vicinity from my position. My eyes trail to the abandoned house, thinking that the android is probably in there somewhere.
My guess was proven to be right as I caught the gaze of someone on the top floor. It's a girl with cropped white hair. She gasped and stumbled backwards, then she was gone.
She must be who we're looking for.
"So, what do we got here?" Hank asks, snapping me out of my little daze. I turn back to them. "Bus driver saw it at 2:30, seen at a convenience store."
"It stole wire cutters," Connor informs us. "There must be a reason."
"Wire cutters?" I inquire.
"The fuck you talkin' about?" Hank adds.
"I checked the CCTV while you were questioning the clerk. The android was caught on camera stealing them. It had wire cutters and it was looking for a place to hide."
"So, what's your conclusion, Sherlock?"
"Maybe it didn't go far."
We then head over to the run-down building that I had seen the woman in, there being fencing around the perimeter. That would explain why she stole the wire cutters.
"Anybody home?" Connor calls.
No response.
"There's blue blood on the fence," he tells us. "I know another android was here."
He finds the cut flap of the fence and goes under, holding it open for us. I thank him quietly before getting up, looking around.
Get out of there, lady.
While you still can.
Connor follows me and we enter the house, only to see a male android standing by a table, staring at the floor. He looks nervous.
"We're looking for an AX400," Connor says to him. "Have you seen it?"
"Ralph's seen nobody..."
We start snooping around the first floor.
As Connor gets closer to the shelf by the wall of the stairs, Ralph's anxiousness increases.
"Are there any other androids here?" I question, despite already knowing the answer.
"Other androids? No... Ralph is alone..."
"Don't be afraid," I state reassuringly. "We aren't gonna hurt you."
"There's blue blood on the fence. I know another android was here," Connor continues, but doesn't sound threatening or anything.
"Ralph scratched himself coming through... That's Ralph's blood..."
Connor finds the android behind that shelf and Ralph immediately grabs him in a headlock, pulling him away and shouting, "Run! Quick! Kara!"
The female android from earlier scrambles out, holding a little girl's hand as they run out.
"YN! Go after them! I won't be far behind!" Connor exclaims to me.
I hesitate, wanting to help him, but I sprint after the androids instead.
Don't be suspicious.
I'm only a couple of feet behind them, and they make turns to where they're met with a tall fence. On the other side is a bustling street.
They climb over it and I do the same thing, kicking off of the wall to the right to get more height. I grasp the top of the fence and pull myself over, cops, Hank and Connor in hot pursuit.
I drop down on the other side and chase after the androids, knowing that I need to get to them first.
"Don't shoot! We need it alive, and we can't risk YN getting hit!" I hear Connor yell out.
I catch up to the pair without getting run over by a car, Kara shoving the little girl onto the other side of the street where it's safe.
I grab her arm with my left hand and before she can pull away, I reveal that said hand, from the tips of my fingers to my elbow, is an android arm.
After sending her a location and making my arm go back to normal before anyone but us can see, I hurriedly mutter to her, "Get to Jericho. They'll help you."
She nods, shocked.
I continue swiftly, knowing Connor isn't that far behind, "Fake fight me and shove me backwards on my mark."
"But the cars—"
"Just trust me."
She hesitates before we play it out, making it seem as if we were just at a standstill when we paused to talk as well as making it look as if we're actually fighting again.
I time things perfectly as I throw a small glance over my shoulder, spotting Connor only about two lanes away. A car is hurtling in our direction as well and I mumble sternly to Kara, "Now!"
She pushes me back and I stumble into the lane behind me, the car still coming at high speeds. She runs over to the little girl and takes her hand, looking at me momentarily in gratitude before rushing away.
Just as I expected, I can see Connor out of my peripherals running straight for me as I look to the car coming my way. He tackles me out of the way and we roll onto the other side, us both in the clear.
He just saved my life.
I knew he would fall for that distraction, but boy, am I thankful for it.
Connor gets off of me and helps me up, and when I meet his gaze I realize that it's laced with what looks to be fear.
He was scared?
For me?
That's...a human emotion.
Maybe he wasn't actually scared, but is simulating it to seem more real?
For some reason, I have my doubts on that final question.
Maybe he's more like a human than I had originally once thought.
If that's true, it's his path to discover.
I clear my throat as I scuff my right foot on the ground, apologizing, "Sorry that I couldn't keep a hold on the deviant. I tried to convince her at first, but she didn't want to listen and started fighting me again. She was a lot stronger than she looks..."
He shakes his head and pulls me into a hug, holding me close and firmly. As if he thinks that if he lets me go that I'll be gone or something.
I wrap my arms around his waist after a second, a bit surprised at this action.
Relaxing, I rest my forehead against his shoulder as he says to me quietly, "All that matters is that you're safe. We can get the deviants another day."
My face heats up at that and I reply softly, a little bit flustered, "Thanks, Connor."
"You're welcome, YN."
{ Chapter Six }
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