Carlos Ortiz Investigation (2)
Your POV
Here's the gist of what happened before we arrived to the scene: I drove back home with Hank following me in his car, then they picked me up to take us all to the crime.
Just so my own vehicle wouldn't get stranded at that bar all night.
I'm sat in the passengers seat, upon Connor's suggestion. He had gotten up and allowed me up front when they picked me up, but I have a feeling Hank must've had something to do with that decision as well.
We park outside and Hank orders, "You two wait here. I won't be long."
"Whatever you say, Lieutenant," Connor replies.
"Fucking-A, whatever I say..." he mutters before closing the door.
I tsk before stepping out of the car, Connor doing the same. He trails behind me as I strut up to Hank and a few of the journalists.
"Joss Douglas, for Channel 16. Can you confirm that this is a homicide?"
"I'm not confirming anything," Hank retorts, shoving past them.
I follow suit, but I hear a cop state from behind me, "Androids are not permitted beyond this point."
Twisting around, I set a hand on said cop's shoulder and tell him, "He's with us."
He nods and lets Connor slip past, walking beside me as we go up to Hank.
"What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you two understand?"
"Relax, old man. This is our job too, ya know," I reply nonchalantly, stepping into the house.
"Your order contradicted my instructions, Lieutenant."
"You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay outta my way, got it?"
"Got it."
"Hank," I call over my shoulder, giving him a look. "Leave him alone. He's our partner too, whether you like it or not."
"I don't."
"I didn't ask for your opinion," I state before going back to investigating.
Ben comes up to me as the pair from behind join us as well, "Evening, YN. Hank. We were starting to think you weren't gonna show."
"Yeah, that was the plan until these assholes found me," Hank responds, motioning towards Connor and me. I shrug.
" got yourself an android, huh?"
"Oh, very funny. Just tell us what happened."
"We had a call around eight from the landlord. The tenant hadn't paid his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, see what was going on. That's when he found the body."
"Jesus, that smell!"
"It was even worse before we opened the windows. The victims name's Carlos Ortiz. He has a record for theft and aggravated assault. According to the neighbors, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside most of the time—they hardly ever saw him."
"Uh, the state he's in... Wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night. Could've waited 'til morning."
"I'd say he's been there for a good three weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here— Probably the murder weapon."
"Any sign of a break-in?" I question.
"Nope. The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone out the back way," Ben says.
"What do we know about his android?" Hank asks.
"Not much. The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn't here when we arrived. I gotta get some air. Make yourself at home. I'll be outside if you need me."
Hank goes to check out the writing on the wall while I head into the kitchen.
I notice that there's a wooden knife holder attached to the wall, with one of the blades missing. Presumably the weapon Ben had told us about.
A bat is laid on the ground nearby.
I hum to myself, quietly muttering, "Maybe the victim attacked the android first with it?"
The struggle would've then lead to the living room, the victim trying to escape.
Turning, I look to see Connor licking some blue blood on his fingers, and I scrunch up my face a little in disgust.
"Jesus! What the hell are you doing?" Hank exclaims to him.
"I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time. I'm sorry, I should've warned you."
"Okay, just...don't...put anymore evidence in your mouth, you got it?"
"Got it."
"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit..."
"That's actually kinda cool," I comment as I walk up to them. "Handy, too."
Connor sends me an appreciative smile, "Thank you, YN."
"Yeah, no problem," I dismiss before continuing, "I'm gonna check out the back doorway."
"I'll go with you," Connor states, standing up and following me.
"The door was locked from the inside," I say, repeating what Ben had said. "If the killer left, it would've probably been from here or from one of the windows."
"There are no footprints, apart from Officer Collins' size ten shoes," he replies in disagreement.
"Well, this did happen weeks ago," I point out.
"Yes, but this type of soil would've retained a trace. Nobody's been out here for a long time."
"Damn, that's impressive, Connor," I respond while nudging his arm before heading back inside.
"Thank you."
We go back to where I started, in the kitchen, and I inform him, "Hey, I think I know what could've occurred here."
"What do you think?"
"See that knife missing from the rack?" He nods. "And the bat on the floor?" He nods once again. "I have a feeling that the victim attacked the android first with the bat, then the android grabbed the knife in self-defense."
Connor ponders this for a moment, then speaks up, "I think you're right, YN. I just reconstructed the scene and it matches up with what you were saying."
I smirk proudly, joking, "At least I can do something right."
Laughing to myself a little, I go into the living room as Connor adds, "The victim was stabbed twenty-eight times."
"That's a bit excessive," I reply.
"Yeah, seems like the killer really had it in for him," Hank interjects as he stands nearby. "Not to mention that Carlos here was using Red Ice."
"Disgusting," I mumble, shaking my head.
The wall behind Carlos, the dead guy, reads "I AM ALIVE." I stare at it, biting my lower lip.
As Connor explains our theory to Hank, I wander around the house and down the hall, spotting an entryway to the attic.
A thought comes to mind, and I grow a bit nervous.
What if the killer is still here?
{ Chapter Two }
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