Chapter 4 - Part 1
A couple of hours later I was looking down at my phone contemplating whether to send Jared a text message to tell him I was sorry. I hadn't heard anything from him since I'd left his house. I thought he would have at least checked up on me by now to find out if my arm was still doing the disco thing but he hadn't.
I was still hoping that the energy would be gone by the time Anne got back in a few hours otherwise I was going to have to be very careful to make sure she didn't see it. The anxious feeing for Jared was being smothered by my own nervousness and anxiousnesses at the situation I was in.
My phone rang. My heart lifted at the sound of my ringing phone and then plummeted when I saw the caller identity on my phone. It was Tyler.
"Hi," I answered.
"Hey," Tyler greeted back, "How's the arm?"
"The same. It hasn't spread," I muttered.
"That's good," he said. At least he didn't sound angry anymore. Silence descended.
"You need to make sure you keep it properly hidden," he reminded me and I nodded.
"I will," I promised as I subconsciously pulled the sleeve over my hand.
"Now that you're one of us you need to be careful," he warned. I heard the words he wasn't saying out aloud. I needed to think before I made decisions. It wasn't just about me anymore and that everything I did now had a knock on affect on them, the rest of the Archaic.
"I will."
"Call me if you need anything," he offered.
"Okay," I said before he ended the call.
After the stunt I'd pulled today I didn't think many of the Archaic would think I was capable of keeping their secret. Could I really blame them? No, I couldn't.
Now that I faced the consequence of my lying I wish I'd done things differently. But no amount of wishing was going to turn back the time and give me a do over. I had to face up to the consequences of my actions and take responsibility for my decisions. Good or bad.
I got up from my bed and threw my phone on my bed. I was frustrated because I wanted to be able to talk to him directly but that wasn't going to happen at the moment.
The anxious need for Jared had steadily increased with intensity. In a few more hours it would start becoming uncomfortable and the need to go to him would be harder to control. I really hoped he would be talking to me soon.
With so much going on I wished for a life less complicated. But then I thought of Jared and I couldn't bring myself to wish for a life that didn't include him. So if this was something I had to endure to have him in my life then I would.
The tingling on my hand began to ease and when I looked down at my right arm the energy was gone. I sighed with relief. It was one less thing I had to worry about for the moment. It was gone for now but it would probably be back.
I needed to tell Tyler that my arm was back to normal again.
"Hi," he answered after the first ring.
"Hi," I greeted.
"Everything okay?" he questioned. I could hear the nervous edge in his voice.
"Yes, everything's fine," I answered. I swear I heard him sigh with relief. Maybe he was convinced I'd made another stupid decision that would jeopardize their secret.
"I just wanted to let you know the energy is gone."
"Great!" he said, "But keep the long sleeves on just in case it starts up again."
"I will. I'll let you if it starts again," I promised.
"Okay." He disconnected the call.
I needed to keep myself busy otherwise I'm was going to spend my entire evening stressing over Jared. The anxious feeling building up inside me wasn't helping. Anne would be home soon. We usually got take out on Fridays so I didn't need to make dinner.
I tried to keep my mind busy but I couldn't stop it from drifting to thoughts of Jared. I picked up my phone but there was still no messages from him.
My heart sank a little deeper into despair. I wondered if he'd ever talk to me again. There was no point in clutching my phone because no amount of staring at the screen was going to make a message from Jared magically appear. I needed to give him space and he'd come around when he was ready.
I decided to go downstairs and watch some TV while waiting for Anne to return. She was due home any minute now. I'd only been watching TV for ten minutes before I heard the front door open.
"I'm home," my grandmother yelled from the doorway.
I sprang up and ran into the hallway. The emotion that overwhelmed me at the sight of Anne standing in the doorway with her suitcase was overwhelming. It took all my self-control not to burst into tears as I pulled her into a hug.
Words couldn't describe how happy I was to see her again especially when a couple of times in the last week I'd doubted I ever would.
"Hi," she whispered as she returned my hug.
"I missed you," I said trying to keep overwhelming emotion out of my voice.
"I missed you too." I released her. She smiled at me affectionately.
"It's so good to be home," she said as she closed the front door.
"How was your week?" I asked.
She did look tired.
"I'll order the pizza while you go and put your feet up," I ordered as I pushed her into the living room. I went and got the takeaway menu from the kitchen drawer.
When I was rummaged through the drawer I felt a familiar tingle and it was confirmed when I saw the blue energy was back running sporadically across my hand. Feeling nervous I pulled my sleeve over my hand and I reached in my back pocket for my phone but my pocket was empty. I'd left my phone upstairs.
Pulling myself back to the task at hand. I reached for the takeout menu and called for takeout. There was no reason to ask Anne what she wanted because I knew what she would order. She ordered the same thing every single time we'd ever gotten pizza.
I shoved the menu back inrto the kitchen drawer. Tightening my grip on my sleeve covering my hand I walked into the hallway.
"I ordered the food," I shouted towards the direction of the living room.
"Thanks," my grandmother responded. I heard the TV in the background.
I rushed up the stairs climbing two steps at a time. Inside my room I picked my phone up off my bed. My heart hammered with fear as I dialed Tyler.
"Hi", he answered.
"Hi", I greeted back a little out of breath, "My arm is lit up like a Christmas tree again."
"Okay", he spoke calmly, "Don't panic. Just make sure you keep your arm hidden at all times."
I nodded my head while I listened to him calmly explain what I needed to do.
"We aren't sure whether it'll spread or not so I would make an excuse to go to bed early tonight. We need to minimize the risk of your grandmother seeing it."
"Okay," I said still trying to calm myself down. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body.
"Take a deep breath," he instructed. The panic was clear in my voice.
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