Chapter 1 - Part 1
No matter how many times I blinked it didn't change the image in front of me. There in my open hand was a spark of blue energy. Blue. I kept looking at it hoping that it would change. White could be explained but blue didn't make any sense at all.
I began to panic. After all I'd been through couldn't things just go the way I expected. Every time my life seemed to calm down something would change and it would get complicated again.
I'd been through so much the past couple of weeks. I'd finally found some kind of normality with the fact that I was changing into a synthetic Archaic. I'd accepted I would never be just human again and I'd tried to adjust to my new life.
The anxious feeling, that I felt when I was away from Jared, increased. How could I feel like that and not be changing into an Archaic? It made no sense. When I'd been changing into a Hue I'd felt a burning need for Mason.
I continued to stare, confused, at the blue energy in my hand. At least when I'd been changing into a synthetic Hue I'd known what I was changing into. What if I was changing into something worse than a Hue? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't want to end up having a panic attack so I needed to calm myself down. When I opened my eyes again the blue energy vanished. I closed my hand and opened it again. Nothing.
I tried to remember back to my conversation with Mason. He'd explained vaguely that the change could be altered only before the change completed. Once the change was completed I would be a synthetic Hue forever.
He'd mentioned the altering and he'd mentioned bits and pieces about how it was done but as I searched my memory I realized at no point in the entire conversation had Mason mentioned what the altering would change me into. We'd all just assumed that when the Hue energy got drained and was replaced by the Archaic energy I would become a synthetic Archaic. Maybe that wasn't the case.
Nothing about this mutated human stuff was ever simple and easy. I needed to get myself together, I didn't want anyone to suspect something was wrong because I needed time to make sure before I told Jared. I hoped this was just a once off and I was panicking for nothing.
I shook my head. I wasn't going to start worrying just yet. One instance of something unexpected wasn't enough to thwart my hope that I was going to become an Archaic. I needed more proof to believe I was changing into something else and only then would I worry about it.
With my decision made I pulled my school bag over my shoulder and walked out of the bathroom. Jared was leaning against my locker waiting for me. He straightened up when I got to my locker.
"Where have you been?" he asked a little annoyed. His forehead creased and his eyes darker than usual.
"I'm sorry I just needed to go to the bathroom," I explained as I opened my locker and began to put my books away. I understood his nervousness at not knowing where I was. When I had disappeared a couple of times it had been hell for him.
Even though I wasn't in any immediate danger at the moment I still needed to be careful. Jared he was protective of me, maybe a little over protective to an outsider, but in his defense I'd nearly died a couple of times.
"Sorry," he apologized with a slight shrug of his broad shoulders. He raked his hand through his hair.
"It's okay," I said before I closed my locker. Turning to face him I reached up on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss. The anxious feeling was gone now. His arms wrapped around me and he held me tightly as he kissed me back briefly before pulling away slightly. A rare smile on his lips. I clenched my teeth together when he tightened his hold on me making my aching side more painful. I didn't want him to know about it because then I would have to explain how I got it and I didn't want to have to lie to him. With my body's ability to heal it would be gone soon.
"Come on let's go home," he said releasing me before he took my hand in his and walked me to his Jeep.
On the way home I tried to block out the thoughts of the blue energy. I needed to think about something else.
I tried to focus on the scenery out of the car window but even the beautiful tall trees along the sidewalk wasn't enough to push annoying thoughts of mutation away.
I shifted my thoughts to Anne. My grandmother would be home tomorrow. I couldn't wait. It had been a long week without her. So much had happened. I'd nearly died and thought I would never see her again but now I'd a second chance.
Still feeling a little emotional about all that had happened made me want to call my parents, just to hear their voices again.
When a few minutes later Jared pulled up outside his house.
"Are you going to come over?" he asked when he turned to face me.
I wanted to be with him but I need a little space. I pressed my lips briefly. Besides I had schoolwork to catch up on as well as homework. I'd always done well at school and if my grades started to slip it would be a red flag to Anne and my parents. I had to keep my life on track even though at times it felt impossible.
"I can't. After being off school for three days I have so much school work to catch up and I still have homework to get through," I explained.
"Okay. I'll call you later." He flashed me that killer smile of his before leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.
"Okay," I replied as I got out of the car. I looked back and he continued to watch me as I walked towards my house.
It was the first time I'd been in my house since Monday morning. The house was quiet and neat. Everything was where it was supposed to be, it was familiar but I felt like a stranger.
My duffel bag was still at Jared's house. I had to remember to get it from his house later. Feeling hungry,I dropped my school bag in the hallway and went into the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat.
I got myself packet of crisps and ate it before I took my school bag upstairs to my room. I curled up on my bed with my books and started on the school work I had to catch up. It took a good couple of hours and I when I was done I let out a heavy sighed and closed my last book. At least it was finished.
The need for Jared had grown steadily. I wondered if it would get worse the closer I got to completing the change. That thought led me to my next thought, the blue spark. Maybe the blue energy was because I was a synthetic. I hadn't been born with all of these special powers and maybe that's why my power was a different colour.
In my mind that explanation worked enough for me to push the thought away. Besides if my previous cycle of change was anything to go by I was sure I would be able to tell soon if I was changing into something other then an Archaic.
With a bit of time on my hands I decided to call Anne. I hadn't spoken to her in a while and I missed her. She was oblivious to everything I'd endured the past couple of days. During those few days there had been times when I thought I would never see her or talk to her again. Nothing like nearly losing something to make you appreciate it more.
She picked up on the first ring.
"Hi sweetheart," she greeted. The flood of emotion that gripped me when I heard her voice was overwhelming.
"Hi," I managed to whisper through my emotion.
"Is everything okay?" she asked.
"Yeah..," I replied. I couldn't exactly tell her the truth. "How is your trip going?"
"It's been so busy," Anne told me. "I've signed a few more clients so it seems to be going well."
"I can't wait to see you tomorrow." I had to bite my lip to keep my emotions under control and the hoarseness out of my voice as my throat tightened. It was hard to go through the stuff that I had and not be able to tell the people closest to me.
"Me too. I've missed you," she said and her words pulled at my heart.
We didn't talk for too long because she had to get back to work.
I called my parents. They'd enjoyed their brief time away. I allowed my mom to rattle on about their trip as I listened quietly, just grateful to hear her voice. I felt the sting of tears when my mom told she missed and love me.
It was nearly six o'clock and I was lying no the couch watching some pointless reality TV. I needed some time out and sitting watching brainless TV was relaxing, keeping my mind full of thoughts that were not related to Archaics or Hue, or any life and death situations I'd survived. The only reminder about the my present predicament was the increasing anxiousness that burned in me for Jared.
The doorbell rang. I got off the couch and answered the door.
There on my porch stood Jared. No matter how often I looked at him I was still fascinated with this beautiful boy who was my boyfriend. I still couldn't believe it, there were still times I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
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