S1/E3: Imperfect Harmony
In a room, Hiccup positions the Dragon Eye in front of Toothless and turns to his Dragon.
Hiccup: "Alright, bud. Go ahead."
Toothless nods and ignites a fire inside his mouth. A purple glow projects from the Eye and dozens of images rest on the wall. All of the Dragon Riders share their shock and awe as they gaze at the images.
Hiccup: "Fishlegs, think you could...?"
Fishlegs: "They're parts of maps and symbols. Nothing I've seen before and there is writing, but it is in a language I've never read before."
Snotlout: "What's that thing?"
The stout viking points at an image of a fist with something like a liquid around it.
Hiccup: "It must be some kind of tribal crest or something."
Tuffnut: "Ooh, I like that way better than our tribal crest."
Hiccup: "Tuff, we don't have a tribal crest."
Ruffnut: "Well, we should."
Tuffnut: "And it should be that!"
Hiccup rolls his eyes and walks up the purple projection on the wall. Then the room door opens and everyone turns to see you walking in.
Y/n: "Alright. Why did you send for me?"
Hiccup: "Y/n! Come and look at this!"
You raise a brow as you walk up to the Riders. Then your eyes widen as they see the projection. You stop almost immediately and look at them all, a bewildered expression on your face as you turn to Hiccup.
Y/n: "What... what is all of this?"
Hiccup: "I don't know exactly, but this map goes beyond our borders."
You look back at the map as Astrid steps forward.
Astrid: "What's our move, Hiccup?"
HTTYD: Race to the Edge
At the Great Hall, Hiccup stands before the Berk Council as you and the other Riders stand to the side and watch. Toothless had made the map and symbols project on the wall like earlier and Hiccup walks up to it.
Hiccup: "Look at this. There are maps we have never seen, writing we can't read, dragons that we don't recognize. It's incredible. This Dragon Eye... this is proof that there is a whole other world out there. A world that must be explored."
He turns back to the Council who was silent except for Gobber.
Gobber: "This sure beats normal council business."
Everyone keeps silent for a bit longer before Stoick spoke up.
Stoick: "It's alright lads, you can speak your mind. We're a council after all. That's why we're here."
Almost immediately, Snotlout's father speaks.
Spitelout: "We've been at peace for three years. Best years on Berk I can remember. I think you know as well as I do, when you go looking for trouble, you usually find it."
Sven: "I'm with Spitelout. If that Dragon Eye leads to unknown places and new, wild dragons, then no good will come from any of that."
Y/n: 'I completely agree. New dragons is no good.'
Hiccup: "I-I completely disagree, Sven. Look around you. How-how can you say that no good can come from discovering new species of dragons? Know if they're out there, we have to find them."
Spitelout: "If there's anything you and the other Riders should be doing, it's hunting down Dagur and putting him back in jail where he belongs."
Hiccup: "Another reason to go. Dagur was heading beyond our borders. He thinks we won't go past them, but that's where we'll find him."
Spitelout turns to Stoick.
Spitelout: "Stoick, anytime you like to chime in, we can put this thing to rest."
Stoick: "You're right, Spitelout. It's time we put this to rest."
Hiccup: "Dad--"
Stoick: "Let me speak, son. This is as important for you to hear as it is for them. Spitelout, you're absolutely right. These have been some of our best years. Nothing is more important than peace. Peace among us, peace with our neighbors."
Hiccup looks down and sighs in defeat. Stoick continues.
Stoick: "And peace with our dragons. Having said that, let me ask you this, Spitelout. When you and I first had Alvin in our sights and everyone was trying to tell us to leave well enough alone, what did we do?"
Goober: "You crushed him, that's what you did!"
Stoick: "Yes. Thank you, Gobber."
Gobber gives a salute, but instead hits himself in the head with his hook, which was actually replaced with a stone hammer.
Stoick: "When Valka was taken, and I went in search for her, could anyone have stopped me?"
Gobber: "Well, you're the Chief, so..."
As they spoke, you turn to Astrid for information.
Y/n: "Who's Valka?"
Astrid: "Hiccup's mom. She disappeared when Hiccup was just a baby."
You widen your eyes in shock and turn to Hiccup with empathy in your eyes. You felt sorry for him.
Stoick: "Yes, Gobber, fair point, but you know where I'm going. Think of the most important thing in the world to each of you. Ask yourselves, honestly, how far would you be willing to go to get it? What would you risk? The boy's life has been dragons. His life is dragons. And will continue to be. We can't stop him from going if we wanted to. So we might as well support him."
Hiccup smiles as his father turns to him.
Stoick: "Go lad. Find whatever it is out there that's pulling on you. You find it, and Berk will be right here waiting for you when you come back."
Gobber: "You best get out of here before all this nostalgia wears off and he changes his mind."
Hiccup smiles and whistles for Toothless. They run off with the Riders following. You smile at this as you watch them, but Stoick gets your attention by throwing a bag to you which you catch. You look at it in confusion and then at your chief.
Y/n: "What is this for?"
Stoick: "They will need a medic. And I need my boy to stay alive. He may have a dragon, but I need someone I can trust. I know you don't like dragons, but can you do that for me, lad?"
You look a bit surprised before a strained smile shows itself.
Y/n: "You got it, Chief."
Stoick: "Thank you, Y/n."
You nod and run out of the Great Hall to follow Hiccup and the Riders. Looks like you were in something big and crazy now.
Later, after explaining to Hiccup and the others what happened with Stoick, you're now on the back of Toothless with Hiccup. You and the Riders were in the air as they were on their dragons as well.
Hiccup: "You ready for this, Y/n? I know you don't like Dragons, so this is a big leap for you."
Y/n: "Don't know. Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."
Hiccup nods with a smile and then turns to his friends.
Hiccup: "What about you guys? Ready?"
Snotlout: "Blah, Blah, Blah. Why do you have to make a production out of everything? Let's just go already."
Hiccup: "Okay, but if anyone has any reservations--"
Snotlout rushes forward on Hookfang, yelling "Into the great beyond!" and everyone else but you and Hiccup do the same.
Hiccup: "Okay. No reservations. Let's go, bud!"
He pats Toothless on the side who nods and flies to join the others. Hours go on as you all are still flying, and all of you were tired. The clouds around you were thick and dark.
Snotlout: "Into the great beyond..."
Astrid: "The great beyond..."
Ruff and Tuff: "The great beyond..."
Fishlegs: "The great beyond..."
Hiccup: "Oh, come on, you guys. So we had a couple of tough hours. Nothing that's worth anything comes easy."
Y/n: "He has a point. Hard work pays off, doesn't it?"
Tuffnut: "Is that one of your riddles? 'Cause now is not the time my friends, we have to keep saying great beyond. Great beyond..."
Ruffnut: "Great beyond..."
Hiccup sighs as the twins continue with the "great beyond". Y/n rolls his eyes as he looks around and then at his bag. Stoick had been sure to fill it with all that they would need, such as medical supplies and some food. Hel, even some of your personal stuff, like your notebook and whatnot.
Hiccup: *to Toothless* "Let's see what's out there."
The Night Fury nods and sends out a blast of echolocation. However, nothing is sent back in a response.
Hiccup: "Nothing."
Y/n: "Weird."
Suddenly, a storm appears from nowhere. You all shield your faces from the rain with one of your arms.
Y/n: 'Where did this come from?'
Astrid: "It seems the farther we go in, the worse it gets!"
Fishlegs: "Hiccup, I think we should turn back! We've been flying for most of the day!"
Hiccup: "We just have to keep moving forward until we're out of this!"
You could only nod in agreement as rain pelted your face. Then, in the middle of everything, you spot something in the distance along with Hiccup and Astrid.
Astrid: "Hiccup, is that...?"
Hiccup: "It is!"
Y/n: "Light!"
You laughed as Hiccup steered Toothless to the light and everyone else followed. Once you all make it out, the welcoming light of the sun smiles down on all of you. You all look forward to see islands dotting the distance with clear skies.
Astrid: "Look at this."
Hiccup: "It's incredible."
Astrid: "I know right? We made it Hiccup! We made it!"
Fishlegs: "Guys, can we slap each other on the backs later? Meatlug's wings are about to fall of."
Hiccup: "Sorry, guys. There's a place up ahead we can set down."
Hiccup points at a nearby island and you look at it. It looked like a regular island, but you didn't see any dragons flying about. You became a bit glad at that, but then realized that it could inhabit flightless Dragons. That made you scowl a bit as Toothless flew down to the island with the others after him. However, they all suddenly stopped when a strange sound fills the air. All of the dragons looked around in worry and you just raised a brow. What was up with them? Was it the sound?
Fishlegs: "Woah, what is it girl? Don't you wanna rest?"
Suddenly they all flew toward the island, a bit more alert than before. Hiccup commented on the strange sound and that it was pulling the Dragons towards the island. So now it looks like you all are going to investigate.
Once all of you landed, you hopped off the Dragons and looked around. The scenery looked beautiful and peaceful, but that strange sound from before was still ringing in your mind. You didn't like it, nor did you trust it.
Y/n: "I'm gonna go scout around. I'll be back later."
Hiccup: "I'll come with. Just to make sure you're safe."
Y/n: "I'll be fine, Hiccup. I don't need you and your lizard slowing me down."
And with that, you walked off and went into the woods to scout the surrounding area. You wouldn't go too far, but far enough to make sure that you and the Riders would be safe.
After you left, Hiccup turned back to his friends.
Hiccup: "Well, I guess we're camping here tonight."
Snotlout: "Haha! I'll take care of the fire!"
The small viking states as he takes a jar from his bag hanging from Hookfang's side and opens it. He then walks to the middle of everyone before he pours some green gel from the jar and walks back a bit, making a green line of gel that stretches only two yards from where he started. Once he was finished, he ordered his Monstrous Nightmare to "light it up" and the green gel ignited into flames. Snotlout smirks as he holds up his jar.
Snotlout: "Monstrous Nightmare gel. Never leave home without it."
Soon enough, it was nighttime. Most of the Riders were still asleep and you were still scouting. Only Hiccup and Astrid were still awake.
Astrid: "You were right, Hiccup. There's so much more out here, and it's beautiful."
Hiccup: "And this is only the beginning, Astrid. Who knows what we'll find out here?"
"How about death at every corner?"
Hiccup and Astrid turn to see you walking out of the woods, a bit scuffed up from walking through the woods and seemingly tired. However, you notice the strange looks they were giving you and sigh.
Y/n: "Sorry. I get morbid when I'm tired."
You yawn as you walk up to the fire and sit in front of, the light of the flames reflecting in your eyes. You were indeed tired, but you couldn't go to sleep. Not now when you don't trust the island you were staying on.
Hiccup: "So... did you find anything interesting? Maybe got a count of what kind of dragons are in the area?"
Y/n: "Nope."
Hiccup and Astrid looked confused.
Astrid: "What do you mean, "Nope"?"
Y/n: "There was nothing interesting out there. No dragons, either."
Hiccup: "Well, wouldn't that be a relief to you?"
Y/n: "While I'm happy that I only have to deal with your dragons, something is just nagging at my brain. There weren't just no dragons around, I barely saw any critters either."
Astrid: "What do you think it means?"
Y/n: "I don't know, but I do know one thing."
You turn back to the woods as the sound still rings through the air.
"We are not alone on this island."
After that report, it was difficult for Hiccup and Astrid to rest. How you spoke spooked them a bit, but they managed to finally sleep. You, however, didn't. You stayed up to watch and be aware of whatever may attack you or the Riders. Noting did, though. And that's when the strangest thing happened. All of the dragons suddenly woke up when the sound grew in ferocity. They all looked around before heading into the sky, leaving you confused.
Y/n: "What the...? Hey!"
You instantly shot to your feet and grabbed a nearby fallen branch. You put the end of it into the fire to make a torch before running into the woods, your eyes darting into the sky every-so-often to keep track of the dragons. When they changed course, so did you, and you continued to follow the dragons through the night.
Y/n: "Where are you beasts going?"
After some running, you found yourself following the flying beasts into a rocky area filled with stone walls and pillars. Then the dragons landed in front of you and you ran in front of them to get their attention.
Y/n: "What the Hel?! Why did you guys just fly off?!"
Toothless looked at you for a moment before a loud roar echoes through the walls. You turn around to see dragon bones littering the ground, and then you looked up with the dragons to see a large orange and yellow dragon flying at all of you.
It was the next morning and Astrid was sleeping on the ground. Then Hiccup walks up to her and shakes her awake.
Hiccup: "Astrid, wake up. Do you hear that?"
Astrid groggily sits up and strains her ears, only to hear nothing but the morning breeze.
Astrid: "I don't hear anything."
Hiccup: "Exactly. That sound is gone."
Fishlegs: "And so are the dragons!"
Snotlout: "Y/n's gone, too!"
Astrid sat up, now fully awake and alert before she stands to her feet and calls for Stormfly. Everyone did the same, searching carefully for their dragons as they go deeper into the island. Well, other than the twins, of course, who were circling a rock.
Astrid: "How many times are you two gonna walk around that rock? Barf and Belch cannot hide behind there."
Ruffnut: "Clearly, you are not aware of the stealthiness of one Barf and Belch. Or is that 'two Barf and Belch'?"
Ruffnut asks as she turns to her brother in confusion.
Tuffnut: "Hmm. Excellent question. Two heads--"
Ruffnut: "One dragon."
Tuffnut: "Two brains--"
Ruffnut: "One body."
Snotlout: "Two bodies, half a brain! Hahaha!"
Snotlout laughs as he passes by, making a remark about the twins. Then Hiccup and Fishlegs walk up walk up to them.
Hiccup: "Nothing. I don't get it. Where would they go?"
Fishlegs: "Oh, Meatlug! She wouldn't do this! She wouldn't leave me! Not on her own!"
Hiccup: "And Y/n wouldn't just up and leave us, would he?"
Tuffnut: "Maybe... Maybe he's secretly working for Dagur! You saw how buddy-buddy he was with him. He could've stolen our dragons!"
Astrid: "Or maybe you're just a moron. You saw how much Y/n dislikes Dagur."
Tuffnut raised a finger to argue but found nothing to counter Astrid, so he dropped his hand in defeat. Then the Riders all turn to the bushes when they heard them rustling with movement. They all prepared for anything to jump out and attack them, only for Toothless to leap out. He jumps onto his friend and brings him to the ground as he licks Hiccup in the face, making him laugh.
Hiccup: "Hahaha! There you are, bud. Where did you go?"
Toothless immediately roared as he got off of Hiccup. He then began circling the Riders, still roaring as everyone looked at him weirdly.
Snotlout: "Okay, I think your dragon ate something weird in the forest, because he's out of his mind."
Fishlegs: "No, no, I think he's trying to tell us something."
Hiccup: "What-what is it, bud? Is it Y/n and the other dragons?"
Hiccup asks as his dragon walks up to him. However, Toothless quickly grabbed him by the leg and started pulling him through the forest. However, he only thought he was. Back with the other Riders, Astrid crosses her arms.
Astrid: "How far do you think he'll get before he realizes?"
Hiccup sits up from the ground.
Hiccup: "Hard to say. He seemed pretty committed."
Hiccup says and he looks down at his legs, showing that he was now missing his metal pegleg. It wasn't much longer until Toothless came back and dropped his friend's leg in front of him with apologetic grunts and growls.
Hiccup: "It's okay, bud. I like the enthusiasm."
Hiccup quickly puts his foot prosthetic back on as Toothless backs up a bit. Then Berk's future chief gets on his dragon's back before looking at his friends.
Hiccup: "You guys stay here in case they come back. Toothless and I will look from above."
With that, Hiccup and Toothless took off into the air to scout from above. However, they soon hear this roar that echoed through the island like thunder. Hiccup looked around to find the source before looking back down at the forest floor to see a purple Thunderdrum running towards his friends. Hiccup immediately tries to turn Toothless back around to save their friends, only for the Night Fury to turn back around head towards the mountain in the distance.
Hiccup: "No! No, bud. This way!"
The roar echoes through the island again, but Hiccup was able to tear Toothless from it and back towards their friends. However, they weren't fast enough as the Thunderdrum had found them. The Riders all ran to take cover behind some rocks as the wide, flat dragon opened its mouth to release a powerful blast of sound. However, Hiccup and Toothless finally arrived as the Night Fury shot plasma at it, scaring it as it roared before flying off.
Hiccup: "Good job, bud! Let's hope that's the last we see of that guy."
Hiccup tells his dragon before they fly back down to their friends. They all walks towards them as Snotlout was picking his ear and speaking loudly.
Snotlout: "Anything else you want to draw towards us?! Changewing?! Ooh, Screaming Death, maybe?! I'm sure there are one of those around here! Especially since Y/n missed a few dragons!"
Hiccup: "Snotlout, you're yelling very loudly!"
Snotlout: "Oh, really? I can barely hear myself! Because that's what happens when you get attacked by A WILD THUNDERDRUM!"
Hiccup: "Okay, we need our dragons and Y/n. I'm gonna go back out there."
Hiccup told his friends who only stared at him. This made him sigh as he spoke louder so they could hear him.
Hiccup: "I said I'm going back out there!
This was met with immediately disagreement.
Snotlout: "No! No, you're not!"
Fishlegs: "Get back here!"
Snotlout: "I will take your other leg!"
Astrid: "No way, Hiccup, you are not leaving us alone."
Fishlegs: "We're dragonless and defenseless!"
Ruffnut: "And we can only communicate by yelling!"
Tuffnut: "Which, although quite enjoyable, is not very stealthy! Are you hearing any of this?!"
Hiccup: "Okay, fine. We'll all go together."
The Riders only stared at Hiccup again.
Hiccup: "Oh, for--I SAID WE'LL ALL GO TOGETHER!"
Tuffnut: "Why didn't you just say so?! Jeez!"
Snotlout gave Hiccup a thumbs up.
Some time later, the Riders were together as they searched the forest in search of you and the rest of their dragons. Toothless was in front, making sure nothing would attack them as they traveled through a misty area of the forest. It gave a new look to the island they found themselves on.
Fishlegs: "Uh, Hiccup?"
Hiccup: "I know, Fishlegs. No longer amazing."
Snotlout: "Can I get a vote for creepy and weird?"
Snotlout said as he raises his hand alongside Tuffnut and Ruffnut. Soon they all come out of the forest and stop, gasping in shock at what they saw. A pile of cleanly picked dragon bones.
Fishlegs: "Are those what I think they are?"
Tuffnut: "Weirdly-shaped white rocks?"
Hiccup: "Dragon bones."
Tuffnut: "Ah, a boneyard! Yes, I like it!"
Both his twin and Hiccup looked at Tuffnut with a "Seriously?" face, making him correct himself.
Tuffnut: "I don't like it."
Toothless growled at the pile of dragon bones as Astrid picked up what seemed to be an orange rock of sorts. And for the sake of time (and my sanity), I will be calling it amber from here on out.
Astrid: "What is this stuff?"
Hiccup: "No idea. But Y/n was right. We are not alone on this island."
A roar suddenly echoed out, making everyone look around.
Snotlout: "Okay, what was that?"
Fishlegs: "That my friend, is a dragon in trouble."
The Riders and Toothless all make their way towards the source of the dragon roars. However, when they found it, they all looked on in shock. Every dragon they saw was encased in amber, stuck and unable to get free.
Hiccup: "Whoa."
Tuffnut: "You guys do know what's going on here, don't you?"
Fishlegs: "Yeah. Something is trapping the dragons in this amber rock substance and immobilizing them."
Tuffnut: "Oh. Oh, I had a completely different idea that involved oily fish and, uh, bad mutton."
"Oh, please tell me that's Tuffnut idiot idea I hear!"
Fishlegs: "Y/n?"
Hiccup: "Come on!"
Hiccup told his friends and they all run towards where they heard the voice. They all stop when they see you encased in your own amber prison against a rock wall, and you couldn't help but smile upon seeing them.
Y/n: "Oh, thank Thor! I can't even begin to explain how satisfying it is to hear that dumbass voice."
Tuffnut: "It's good to see you, too--Wait, hey!"
Y/n: "Ah, don't worry, you're more tolerable than Snotlout at least."
Snotlout: "You're talking a lot of smack for someone trapped in rock."
Y/n: "And you're talking a lot for someone with few braincells."
Hiccup: "Well, at least he's fine. Y/n, how did this happen to you?"
Y/n: "Your stupid dragons, that's how. They ran off last night and I followed them to get them back, but we were attacked and trapped in this amber stuff. The Night Fury was the only one to get away."
Ruffnut: "Who would be doing that?"
A roar suddenly took everyone's attention and they all looked up into the sky. A giant yellow and orange dragon then flew up from behind the rocks, landing on a rock pillar as it spreads out its wings and lets out a monstrous shriek.
Ruffnut points at it.
Ruffnut: "How about that guy? Yeah, he looks suspect to me."
Fishlegs slaps his hand over Ruffnut's mouth as he and the other Riders duck behind some rocks. They did it just in time, too, as the mysterious new dragon turns to them. Hiccup does his best to keep Toothless at his side so he doesn't blindly attack the dragon, which finally leaves with a Terrible Terror in its mouth. Toothless tries to follow it, entranced by the sound the dragon made, but Hiccup was able to snap him out of it.
Hiccup: "It's the sound, that song. That's what draws the dragons in."
Fishlegs: "Songwing."
Astrid: "What?"
Fishlegs: "That's what we should name it."
Hiccup: "Now? Really? You want to name it now?"
Y/n: "Oh, he's fine Hiccup. It's not like your medic and dragons are ALL STUCK IN AMBER AND GOING TO BE EATEN!"
Fishlegs: "Well, we need to call it something."
Tuffnut: "Yeah, I'm thinking Deathsong might be more appropriate. You know, 'cause you hear the song, you're dead."
Hiccup: "You know, he makes a pretty good point."
Tuffnut: "Yeah, I do. Wait, what was it again?"
Y/n: "Oh, my Thor! It doesn't matter!"
Astrid: "He's right. If it's doing this to all these dragons, and what Y/n said is true, it probably did it to ours."
Fishlegs: "We have to find them."
Hiccup: "And fast. Go find them as I try to figure out how to get Y/n out."
The Riders all nod and run off to find their dragons. They all called out to them, finding them one by one before the Deathsong's call was heard again. Toothless reacted first and ran up top of a boulder against Hiccup's calls, and the Night Fury fired his plasma shots at it when he saw it. However, the Deathsong dodged and shot amber from its mouth that struck Toothless and sent him to the ground as the amber quickly hardened around his body.
Hiccup: "No!" *to Riders* "You guys, get your dragons free now!"
Hiccup told his friends as he ran to help Toothless. Each Rider went to their dragons to try and free them, but failed as they, too, were encased by the quick-hardening amber shot at them by the Deathsong.
Fishlegs: "Wha-- I can't move! I'm totally stuck!"
Snotlout: "Me, too. I can't believe that thing got me! I'm usually so limber."
Snotlout said as he was stuck on Hookfang. Tuffnut looks at him, being trapped with his twin in amber.
Tuffnut: "Yeah? Well, at least you got your own cocoon."
Ruffnut: "Oh, like this is a picnic for me."
They both cry out in surprise as they begin to lean back and fall to the ground.
Tuffnut: "I'm fine."
The Deathwing looked around more before spotting Hiccup. It immediately shot amber at him, and you called out to warn him.
Y/n: "Hiccup! Look out!"
Hiccup quickly turned around to see the amber rocketing towards him. However, before he could be hit, Astrid pushes him aside and takes the hit instead. She immediately gets trapped in amber as she falls to the ground.
Hiccup: "Astrid!"
Hiccup reaches out to Astrid, only for the Deathwing's roar to make him get onto his feet and run for cover. He runs through a crack in some rocks and runs, only to slip on the incline and slide down before falling over the ledge onto the ground below. He grunts in pain as he pushes himself back up, only to see the Thunderdrum from earlier glaring at him.
Hiccup: "Oh, hey. Heheh. Remember me?"
The Thunderdrum growls at Hiccup as the young Viking stands back onto his feet. He pulls his shield from his back and puts it in front of his body to protect himself.
Hiccup: "Okay, so-so, yeah, I'm thinking we may have gotten off on the wrong foot."
The Thunderdrum releases a blast of sound at Hiccup who blocks it with his shield.
Hiccup: "Note for the Book of Dragons, Thunderdrums carry a grudge."
Up above, the Deathsong finds Hiccup and fires a shot of amber at him. However, the Thunderdrum runs at him and pushes him out of the way before roaring at the Deathsong. It shrieks back as the Thunderdrum flies at it, only to get smacked into a rock wall by the dragon's tail and the Deathsong slams the Thunderdrum onto the ground on its back. Hiccup, in an attempt to save the Thunderdrum, runs up to the two dragons.
Hiccup: "Don't worry! I got your back!"
Hiccup aimed his shield at the Deathsong and fired a three-weighted bolas at it. The blast wraps around the dragon's jaws and shuts it tight, making the deadly dragon fall onto its back as it tried to get its jaw free.
Hiccup: "That's not gonna hold it for long." *to Thunderdrum, nervously* "Okay, you might not like what I'm about to do, but trust me, it's gonna work out for the both of us."
Hiccup jumped onto the Thunderdrum's back, making it immediately take off into the air just as the Deathsong gets the bolas off of its jaws and shrieks in anger. Hiccup, meanwhile, tries to hold on for dear life as the Thunderdrum tries to throw him off its back.
Hiccup: "I thought we've been over this! I said I'm trying to help both of us! Don't you listen? Of course you don't listen, you're a Thunderdrum, and Thundedrums are hard of hearing."
The Thunderdrum, once high enough in the air, immediately begins plummeting down towards the ground. It slams itself down onto the ground, sending Hiccup flying off its back as he crashes into the ground. He groans in pain as he sits up, holding his head before standing up. He looks around, and sighs in relief as he turns to the Thunderdrum.
Hiccup: "At least we lost the Deathsong."
Hiccup then sighs as he realizes the situation he was in.
Hiccup: "Oh, no, I can't believe this is actually happening. I should've left all those guys back on Berk. Now they're cocooned in that crazy rock stuff, I'm being chased by an angry Deathsong, and I'm stuck here with a wild Thunderdrum who can't hear a word I'm saying."
Hiccup says as he throws his hands down, only to realize something as he turns to the Thunderdrum.
Hiccup: "Wait a second. If you guys can hardly hear a thing, then you probably can't hear the Deathsong's call. And if you can't hear the Deathsong, then it can't lure you in! No wonder you haven't been caught and you're all alone."
The Thunderdrum roars at Hiccup, who only begins to approach the dragon as he holds his hand out to it.
Hiccup: "You know what, Mr. Thunderdrum? You're gonna help me get my friends back. And I'm gonna make sure that dragon never bothers you again. What do you say?"
The Thunderdrum snarls at Hiccup and growls at him, making him pull his hand back a bit. However, the young Dragon Rider doesn't give up as he holds his hand out once more to the Thunderdrum. He looks away just in case as he placed his hand on the dragon's snout, but instead of his hand behind bitten off the Thunderdrum accepts it as it begins to purr. This makes Hiccup smile as he turns to face it.
No later did Hiccup get on the Thunderdrum's back and took off into the sky to rescue his friends. Said friends were still alive, and still encased in their amber prisons.
Snotlout: *struggling* "Where's Hiccup? I knew he'd leave us! I have to pee."
Astrid: "He didn't leave us. He'll be back."
Y/n: "Yeah, he's better than that, Snotlout. And I hate to admit it, but he'll probably come back with some crazy plan involving some dragon he met."
Astrid: "If I can just reach my knife!"
Fishlegs: "It wouldn't matter, Astrid. Whatever this is, it's really strong. Uhhh! I don't think we can cut through it."
Fishlegs says as he struggles to escape his own amber cocoon.
Snotlout: "If we can't cut it, then how do we get out of here?"
Tuffnut: "Yeah, you can't tell me that my last breath is gonna be inhaling my sister's stinky fish hair."
Tuffnut said as he and his twin's cocoon were on its side, with Ruffnut's hair in her brother's face.
Ruffnut: "Oh, how original! You know what? I hope it eats you first. Then I'd have something cool to watch before I die!"
Tuffnut: "You just stay on your side of the cocoon, missy."
Something suddenly hits the twins' cocoon, sending them flying as it knocks them over onto their back.
Ruffnt & Tuffnut: "Whoa!"
Tuffnut: "What's going on? Do it again!"
Hiccup: "Okay, so that's a negative on Plan A: Ramming the cocoon open."
Hiccup said as it reveals to be him and the Thunderdrum he had just tamed to be the culprits of knocking the twins around. You just sighed as you shook your head.
Y/n: "I knew it. At least tell us you got a Plan B."
Fishlegs: "If it involves cutting, ripping, or ramming, you might as well forget it, Hiccup. Once it cools down, this stuff is as hard as any rock I've ever seen."
Hiccup: "Cools down?"
Fishlegs: "And hardens."
Hiccup hummed in thought as he slowly formed an idea.
Hiccup: "Nobody move."
Tuffnut: "Oh, yeah, that's funny. A real comedian."
Quickly, Hiccup searched for Snotlout's bag that he miraculously dropped before getting cocooned and grabbed it off the floor. He then pulled out the jar of Monstrous Nightmare gel that was in it and began pouring it across the amber cocoons his friends were in.
Snotlout: "What are you doing, Hiccup?"
Snotlout asked as Hiccup rubbed the gel all over his cocoon.
Hiccup: "Just trust me, Snotlout."
Snotlout: "Says the man who's about to set me on fire?"
Hiccup: "Oh, you said it only stings a little."
Snotlout: "I was lying. You know I'm a liar!"
Hiccup: "It'll be okay, Snotlout. I promise."
Hiccup said before running off as Snotlout shakes his head and sighs. Then the Deathsong returned, letting out its terrible shriek and Snotlout pretended to be dead. The dragon landed next to Fishlegs and Meatlug, eyeing them before grabbing another nearby Gronkel and taking off into the air to feed.
Fishlegs: "Aah! Hurry up, Hiccup! He just took the appetizer! I think I'm the main course."
Right after he said this, Fishlegs' cocoon broke off from Meatlug's and he fell to the ground with a grunt.
Fishlegs: "Oh, Thor!"
Astrid: "Fishlegs, relax. It could take hours for him to eat that dragon."
As if by some cruel joke by the universe, the Deathsong quickly returned and zeroed in on Fishlegs and Meatlug.
Fishlegs: "Or minutes! HELP!"
The Deathsong landed in front of Fishlegs, who scoots his body around to properly face the dragon as it follows him by turning its neck around.
Fishlegs: "Hi... sir."
The Deathsong corrected its neck and shrieked at Fishlegs, only for its attention to be taken by a much louder roar. It turns to see Hiccup and the Thunderdrum flying in to the save the day.
Hiccup: "Hey! Remember us?"
The Deathsong shrieked at the human-dragon duo and took off to chase them as they turned to fly away. The dragon shot amber at the Thunderdrum to immobilize it, but misses as the wide purple dragon evades the shot. Then the Thunderdrum and Hiccup turn around and rockets right towards the Deathsong, only to soar right underneath it and fly back towards his friends who were covered in Monstrous Nightmare gel. Hiccup leaps off of the dragon's back and skids across the ground with his shield, creating sparks upon impact that light the gel and heats up the amber cocoons it was spread across. Almost immediately did each dragon and rider break free from their amber prisons, including you with a victorious shout.
Y/n: "Woohoo!"
Astrid: "Yes! It's working!"
The blonde declares right before Toothless breaks free from his cocoon as well. Hookfang tears his rider from his cocoon as Toothless runs up to Hiccup, who embraces his best friend.
Hiccup: "It's good to see you, too, bud."
A shriek and roar is heard above and everyone looks up to see the Thunderdrum staring down the Deathsong. The other Riders quickly mount their dragons and get into the air to fly away, but Hiccup stays with Toothless and you.
Y/n: "I know that face."
Hiccup: "Know what I'm thinking?"
Y/n: "I'd say killing it, but you probably want to trap it somewhere, don't you?"
Hiccup: "Yep."
You groaned before hopping onto the back of Toothless.
Y/n: "Come on, then. No time to waste!"
Hiccup smiled at this before hopping onto Toothless' back as well in front of you. Toothless snarls as he goes to take off into the air, but the sound of a baby dragon takes all three's attention. They turn to see a baby Thunderdrum trapped in its own amber cocoon, and Hiccup realizes why the adult one was so hostile earlier.
Hiccup: "It's an adolescent Thunderdrum. No wonder he stuck around." *to Snotlout* "Snotlout, you get the Thunderdrum. We'll handle the Deathsong."
At that, Toothless sprung into the air as the adult Thunderdrum and the Deathsong were battling. The Thunderdrum fired blasts of pure sound at it as the Deathsong avoided each attack and chased after the purple dragon. However, Toothless passed by it just as you had one of your daggers out and slices it in the face to get its attention. The Deatsong immediately roared in pain and took chase after you, Hiccup, and Toothless.
Hiccup: "Good job getting his attention, Y/n. Now let's relocate him. Permanently."
Y/n: "Let's go!"
Toothless flew through the air as the Deathsong chased after him, eventually coming up to a hole in a mountainside. This gave Hiccup an idea.
Hiccup: "Found it. Only, Mr. Deathsong, welcome to your new home!"
Y/n: "Hiccup! Don't tell me you're gonna--!"
Hiccup: "Hang on!"
Was all Hiccup said before Toothless does a barrel roll, making you scream in fear as you all flew into a crevice in the mountainside. The Deathsong follows after you and into the cave inside as Toothless expertly maneuvers around the stalagmites and stalagtites while the Deathsong was too big to avoid them. So it just hit them head-on which slowed it down.
Hiccup: *to Toothless* "Okay, bud, get us outta here."
Toothless roars before firing a soundwave and following it with his echolocation. He then quickly finds the way you three came back in and flew out of it fast as the Thunderdrum glared at the entrance. Then it fired a blast of sound at some rocks above it and Toothless hits it as well, making the rocks fall over and block the entrance, trapping the Deathsong inside.
Hiccup: "Alright! Nice going, big guy!"
Y/n: "No one's gonna be hearing its call in there."
Later, back near the forest on the island, you spot the Riders flying up to you, Hiccup, Toothless, and the Thunderdrum. With them was the blue baby Thunderdrum, which happily roared as does the adult dragon who flies up to the baby. They nuzzle each other affectionately, glad to be able to embrace each other after so long.
Hiccup: "If I were you two, I'd maybe find another island. I don't know how long that's gonna hold."
Tuffnut: "Uh, you know they can't hear you, right?"
You chuckled at this, making Hiccup roll his eyes.
Hiccup: "Yes, Tuff, I know. Let's just get outta here."
With that, you and the Riders flew off, as far as you could from the island to make distance from the Deathsong. In the air, Hiccup found himself feeling guilty and started apologizing to you and the other Riders.
Hiccup: "Hey, gang, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting you all into this. If you want to turn back--"
Astrid: "Are you kidding?"
Ruffnut: "No way."
Snotlout: "This is the most fun we've had in years."
Y/n: "If you wanna call nearly dying from a Deathsong fun, sure. But yeah, no way in Hel I'm going back to Berk after this."
Hiccup couldn't help but smile at this. He knew you had a hard shell to break, tougher than most he knew, so it was nice to see you being honest and enjoying yourself.
Astrid: "There is one thing we need to do, though."
Hiccup: "I'm all ears."
Astrid: "We need an island. Our own island."
Fishlegs: "Astrid's right, Hiccup. We're way too far out to travel back and forth to Berk."
Hiccup: "What we need is a base of operations."
Fishlegs: "Exactly."
Y/n: "How about we don't let the flying lizards pick this time, yeah?"
Toothless snarls playfully at you, and you only smirked.
Y/n: "Oh, shut it, dragon."
Hiccup: "Alright, Snotlout, you're the man of the hour for bringing the Monstrous Nightmare gel. You choose."
Snotlout was caught off-guard by this.
Snotlout: "Seriously?"
Y/n: "Seriously?"
Hiccup: "Yeah, seriously."
Snotlout: "Alright! What do you say, Fangster?"
Hookfang roared, making his rider laugh in agreement.
Snotlout: "Couldn't agree more. Into the great beyond!"
Snotlout declared as Hookfang took the lead, and the others shout out as well. However, Hiccup turned to you with a smirk. You look at him before sighing.
Y/n: "Alright. One time."
Hiccup's smile grew as both of you shouted out together:
"Into the great beyond!"
And with that, you all flew off to your next adventure.
There ya have it, folks. Imperfect Harmony is now done! Whoo! It feels nice after being away for so long. And don't worry, I'm keeping my promise and having a double upload that will be made tomorrow.
I know Y/n didn't have quite a big roll in this chapter, but you gotta start small, y'know? He'll get more important as time goes on. And who knows? Maybe you'll get a dragon of your own.
Toodles, readers!
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