S1/E2: Dragon Eye of the Beholder (Part 2)
We start off from last time after Dagur fired a boulder at The Reaper, the same ship you and the Riders were on which began to sink. You all cried out for Hiccup as you tried to free the Riders from the Dragon cage.
Dagur: "Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends? Or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?"
Hiccup huffs a breath and steers Toothless back to The Reaper to save you and his friends. Dagur slumps his shoulders.
Dagur: "Hmm. Disappointing." *chuckles* "But oh-oh typically Hiccup."
HTTYD: Race to the Edge
Dagur laughs as Hiccup flies back to the ship and lands to see you using your daggers fo try to pry the cage door open. However, it was useless. Then you spot the future chief.
Y/n: "Oh, yeah. Just stand and watch. Really helpful!"
Hiccup rolls his eyes and runs up to the cage.
Riders: "Get us outta here, Hiccup!"
Hiccup: "Everyone, stand back!"
You and the Riders listen and Hiccup orders Toothless to fire a plasma blast at the lock. However, the steal only absorbs the blast which fascinates Fishlegs.
Fishlegs: "Dragonproof bars?! Fascinating..."
Hiccup: "Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing."
The ship suddenly rocks to the side, throwing you off of your feet and slamming into the ground. Snotlout got slammed into Fishlegs as well. Then the ship rocks to the other side, making you roll across the ship as Fishlegs is then slammed into Snotlout.
Snotlout: "Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!"
Hiccup has Toothless fire at the cage again as you finally stand back up. But like last time, the plasma blasts did nothing.
Hiccup: "We need more firepower. Guys, Dragon calls!"
The Riders begin to call out for their Dragons as you and Hiccup continue to force to the cage open. However, instead of Dragons flying in to save the day, it was the giant screaming eels from earlier that arrive.
Snotlout: "Why'd it have to be EELS?!"
Hiccup cries out in frustration and tries to get the cage open with you, but an eel slithers up to him and grabs his prosthetic leg. He screams, only for Y/n to stab his dagger into its head and Toothless blasts it away.
Hiccup: "Thanks, guys."
Y/n: "Don't mention it!"
Hiccup nods and goes back to the cage as Toothless fires at eel after eel to keep them back. Then Hiccup gets an idea and pulls off his metal leg to use it as a lever to pry the cage open as you do the same with your daggers. As the two of you do this, the rest of the Dragon Riders call for their Dragons.
Snotlout: "Uhh, Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!"
Astrid: "Stormfly!"
Ruffnut: "Barf, Belch! Get your butts over here!"
The ship suddenly tilts to the side and begins to sink. You and Hiccup hold on to the cage for dear life as your feet dangle from beneath the two of you.
Hiccup: "Toothless!"
Toothless snarls at the approaching eels and goes to fire at them again, only to realize he was all out of shots. The Night Fury growls before he roars, calling out to the other Dragons as well. Thankfully, the Riders spotted them flying above and even you became a bit relieved at the sight of them. However, the cage door suddenly creaked and flew open. The Riders trapped inside fell out, but they managed to grab yours and Hiccup's legs to stay away from the eels.
Tuffnut: "Haha! That was great!"
An eel shoots forward at him, making the twin scream before Barf and Belch arrive and fire at it. It screeches and slithers away.
Tuffnut: "Oh, so now you wanna help!"
Everyone then drops on to their Dragons while you and Hiccup drop on to Toothless' back. The eels then retreated back into the water as they realized they could no longer get their prey.
Once you all gathered back together, Astrid looked at Hiccup.
Astrid: "What's the move, Hiccup?"
Hiccup: "You guys go back to Berk. I'm going after Dagur. Whatever that cylinder-looking thing is, I know one thing for sure... it shouldn't be in his hands."
Astrid nods and her, and the rest of the Riders, all fly back to where you all came from. Then Hiccup turns to you.
Hiccup: "Ready?"
You nod and Hiccup steers Toothless to Dagur's direction.
With said Berserker, he was looking at the cylinder he took from Hiccup. It had a design to similar to a Dragon.
Dagur: "Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this."
One of Dagur's men, a viking named Savage, walks up to his boss.
Savage: "Me, neither. What do you suppose it is?"
Dagur: "Don't ask ridiculous questions, Savage! Just know this... it's mine now. All mine!" *laughs and looks at the cylinder* "Now, what exactly is it that you do? Tell Dagur, now. That's it. Don't be afraid. Tell Daddy Dagur."
Savage looks up when he hears something approaching and widens his eyes when he sees you and Hiccup on Toothless.
Savage: "Uh, Dagur?"
Dagur: "Aah! What now?! Anoher stupid question?!"
Savage: "More like an observation, sir."
Toothless quickly flies by as Hiccup grabs the cylinder from Dagur's hand and you slap the back of his head.
Hiccup: "Thank you kindly."
Y/n: "Like your new haircut!"
Dagur yells in anger before throwing one of his men overboard. He glares at another who immediately jumps in. Dagur growls as he watches the fleeting form of you, Hiccup, and Toothless. He then turns to Savage.
Dagur: "See what you did? You distracted me. And now my pretty, cylindrical, mysterious object is gone." *turns to you, Hiccup, and Toothless* "Good for you, Hiccup and N/n! Good for you! But I got all the gold! You hear me? All the gold! All! The! Gold!"
The Outcast laughs maniacally as he pushes Savage to the ground. Then he returns to a more serious stature as he walks over Savage.
"You know, you can never have nice things around that Hiccup. Y/n is much better."
After the whole debacle at the graveyard, you and the Riders returned to Berk and shows Gobber the cylinder. At the moment, he was trying to pry it open.
Hiccup: "Have you ever seen anything like this Dragon Eye before?"
Tuffnut: "Dragon Eye? How do you know it's called a Dragon Eye?"
Hiccup: "Because I named it."
Snotlout: "Whoa, whoa. Aren't we supposed to vote on stuff like that?"
Hiccup: "Fine. All in favor, say "Dragon Eye"."
Riders (minus Snotlout): "Dragon Eye!"
Snotlout: "Just wanted to make sure we voted."
Everyone then turned to you. You were absentmindedly tossing your daggers into the air before catching them as they fall. Then you noticed the Riders staring at you.
Y/n: "What?"
Fishlegs: "Are you not gonna vote?"
Y/n: "Sorry, but I'm not part of your little "Dragon Lovers Club". I barely like Dragons as it is. You all know that."
Hiccup: *sadly* "Oh. Right. I forgot about that for a moment."
You could hear the sadness I Hiccup's voice. You couldn't blame him. Dragons were his life, but they weren't yours. Not anymore. All you did was tolerate them because Hiccup and Toothless found you on Berk's shores and patched you up. You were grateful enough for that, but you still despised Dragons.
Astrid turns to Gobber.
Astrid: "Can you open it, Gobber?"
Gobber: *straining but chuckles* "Can I open it?" I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook. Can I open it? Ha! I think it's going to be... Huh. Aha."
He twists something, only for a dart to fire and hit Tuffnut.
Tuffnut: "Ugh, what is that? That looks like a--"
The blonde immediately passes out and fall to the floor. Ruffnut laughs loudly at what happened to her twin as you all look on in shock.
Gobber: "Well, that was... something. Maybe if I..."
Gobber tries to open the Dragon Eye again and Hiccup tries to stop him.
Hiccup: "Gobber, maybe you shouldn't--"
Gobber: "Trust me. I'm... It's all right."
Something clicks inside the Dragon Eye and Zippleback gas starts to spray from it. You all cover your noses to protect from the awful smell as Tuffnut wakes back up.
Tuffnut: *standing* "I'm okay! I got hit by something, but now..." *inhales Zippleback gas* "No. Scratch that."
He falls to the ground as his body begins to twitch and turn in a spasm. You all look at him before everyone turns to you.
Y/n: "... yeah, we're going to Gothi's. I'm not dealing with that."
Gothi's Hut...
At Gothi's hut, Tuffnut was still spasming before the older woman shoves some medicine down his throat. The blonde begins to hack and cough before he returns to normal.
Tuffnut: "My teeth are itching. My teeth are itchy."
Well, somewhat normal.
Gothi begins to scratch something into the dirt as Tuffnut scratches his teeth. You and Gobber translate the elder's writing.
Gobber: "She says that's a good sign."
Y/n: "Means it's working. Funny as Hell, too."
Hiccup: "Thank you, Gothi. We really appreciate this."
Gobber keeps on trying to open the Dragon Eye and Gothi sees this. Then she spots the keyhole on it, making her eyes widen as she turns away, troubled. You notice this, as well as Hiccup.
Hiccup: "Gothi, are you okay? What is it?"
Gothi points to the scar on her arm before walking away. Hiccup looks at her for a moment before he realizes.
Hiccup: "Gothi... her-her scar... it matches the keyhole!"
Fishlegs: "Yeah, and it looks like a Dragon bite."
Gobber: "Oh, it is. But she doesn't like to talk about it."
Y/n: "And don't look at me. She hasn't talked to me about the scar."
Fishlegs: "She seems to not want to talk about anything."
Tuffnut: "Oh, that's why she writes in the dirt with her stick. I thought that was just, like, her thing."
Ruffnut: "Yeah, like Snotlout being a woman repellent."
Y/n laughs loudly at this, making the others snicker at this.
Tuffnut: "Heheh. Maybe we could use the stick to itch the teeth."
Tuffnut suggests as he continues to scratch his teeth. Gobber then notices that Hiccup was leaving.
Gobber: "Where are you going?"
Hiccup: "After her. We have to find out what kind of dragon made that scar. It could be the key to opening the Dragon Eye."
Gobber: "Hold on. I have ways of making her talk." *chuckles* "Well... scribble, anyway."
He turns to you and you smile as big as the viking. Then, at nighttime, Gobber slams a pot down in front of Gothi and opens it to reveal some soup.
Gobber: "It's the old bat's weakness, isn't it? Come on. You know you can't resist Gobber's home-made yak noodle soup."
Y/n: "She'll do anything for it."
Gothi looks to Gobber, to the soup, to you, and then back to the soup. She then grabs the pot and downs the soup in one go.
Fishlegs: "She downed that like a yak in a heat wave. That makes sense, right?"
Hiccup: "Now, tell me about this bite mark."
He motions to the scar on Gothi's arm and she seems reluctant to do so. Then she looked at you. You just shrugged your shoulders, but you honestly wanted to know how she got her scar, too.
Gothi then she stands up and grabs her stick to write in the dirt. Gobber began to translate.
Gobber: "When I was a turkey neck..." *gets hit by Gothi* "Ow! Teenager. Sorry. I had a longing to climb Glacier Island to find pure glacial water known for its healing properties. So, I went with two vegetables." *gets hit by Gothi* Ow! Vikings. Sorry." *chuckles* "I'm a bit rusty."
You then began translated with Gobber.
Y/n: "We had only been at the summit for a few hours when we were hit by a terrible snowstorm. That's when it attacked. It was vicious. Relentless. And impossible to see in the white-out. The Snow Wraith."
A shiver went down your spine. You suddenly felt cold, but for no reason. Gobber spoke next.
Gobber: "I'll never know why it didn't finish me off that day. I left knowing only one thing... that I never wanted to smooch that dragon again. Smooch?" *gets hit by Gothi* "Ow! See! Never wanted to see it again. You know, your drawing ain't what it used to be, old woman." *Gothi prepares to hit him* "But your swing, strong as ever!"
You chuckle a bit as Hiccup steps forward.
Hiccup: "Gothi, a tooth from the Snow Wraith is the key to unlocking the Dragon Eye. You have to help us find it."
Gothi frowns before she scribbles into the dirt again. Gobber reads it, but gasps.
Gobber: "I can't say that! He's the chief's son!"
Y/n: "You can't, but I can!"
You go to say what Gothi wrote, but Gobber smacks and glares at you. You slump your shoulders in defeat as Gothi erases what she wrote and scribbles again. You translate it.
Y/n: "She says, "No way she's ever going back. And besides, Berk needs her and Y/n". It's true. She's the best healer you've got. And I still have a lot to learn from her."
Hiccup: *to Gothi* "Well, we still need Y/n, so Gobber can cover for you."
Gobber: "Oh, well, uh, of course, I can. I've watched Gothi work so many times, I know this place like the back of my hand."
He raises his hook, but he realizes his mistake and lowers it in place of his actual hand. Then you raised a brow as you cross your arms.
Y/n: "Why are you including me in this?"
Hiccup: "You started this with us, right? Only fitting you finish it the same way."
You sigh and uncross your arms.
Y/n: "Fine."
Hiccup: *to Gothi* "You remember the viciousness of the Snow Wraith. I get that. But you also remember how it was to be my age. To want to explore. To need to see what else is out there. To get answers to questions you haven't even asked yet. This will help me do all of that. But only... only if you help me unlock it."
Hiccup takes the Dragon Eye from Gobber and shows it to Gothi. She looks at it before smiling.
Glacier Island...
Like the trip to the ship graveyard, you were on the back of Toothless with Hiccup as you and the Riders fly to your location. That location being Glacier Island.
Hiccup: "Look at the size of that island."
Fishlegs: "Oh! The Book of Dragons mentions the Snow Wraith but doesn't have any information on it. Can you believe this? A brand-new dragon. It's been so long, I've forgotten what this feeling is."
The wide viking notices your perplexed look and chuckles awkwardly.
Fishlegs: "Sorry. Excited about the new Dragon."
Astrid: "You mean the dragon that single-handedly wiped out Gothi's entire search party?"
Fishlegs: "That would be correct. So worth the long flight!"
Snotlout: "Speak for yourself! Your neck hair's not covered in old lady drool!"
He motions to the sleeping Gothi sitting behind him. You just glare at him.
Y/n: "Oi! Respect her! She heals everyone on Berk! And she's like a mother to me, so shut it!"
Snotlout rolls his eyes and focuses back at the approaching island. Soon you all arrive and land as you get off the Dragons. Snotlout offers to help Gothi off of Hookfang, only for his hand to "slip".
Snotlout: "Oops! Yak hands! My bad."
Gothi uses her stick to make Snotlout fall on the snow, making him groan and you laugh.
Astrid: "You know, I think we should bring you two along more often."
You smirk and go to help Gothi to her feet. Once she stands, she walks forward and inspects the surrounding area. Then she turns to you all... and shrugs.
Snotlout: "Great, just great! She's got nothin'. Someone else is wearing that bag of bones home. She's all knees and elbows."
You turn to glare at Snotlout, only for the wind to suddenly pick up and howl loudly.
Snotlout: "Can we please do something? My mouth is starting to freeze shut."
Astrid: "Don't get our hopes up."
Y/n: "It would be best for all of us if that were to happen."
Hiccup: "Well, we should work fast to find this Snow Wraith. Because we're not leaving until we do."
You sarcastically cheer as Astrid suggests to split up. Snotlout tries to get to Hookfang before Gothi, but realizes she's already on the saddle.
Snotlout: "Oh, hi. We were just talking about you."
He gets on Hookfang and flies off just as the rest of you, with you and Hiccup on Toothless. However, you failed to notice the blue eyes watching you in the storm.
Timeskip brought to you by Gobber messing up on medicine...
After some searching around the island, you all gathered back together.
Hiccup: "Anybody find anything?"
Ruffnut: "All we found was some scattered yak bones."
Fishlegs: "I-I didn't see anything, but I had this weird feeling that something was watching me."
Snotlout: "Oh, I had a weird feeling, too. Like this old lady was stuck on my back."
Gothi pokes her head over Snotlout's shoulder, making Tuffnut scream.
Tuffnut: "Aah! Two heads!"
Barf and Belch whimper, making Tuffnut comfort them.
Tuffnut: "Oh, sorry, guys. I mean, on you two, it works. I've seen it before. I'm used to it."
A storm similar to the one from before starts to brew.
Astrid: "Hiccup, maybe we should get out of here. That looks like a huge storm."
Hiccup: "No. We should dig in here and wait for the Snow Wraith to show itself. Remember, it likes to attack when you can't see it."
Y/n: "You serious?"
Hiccup: "Dead."
You groan.
Timeskip brought to you by Gobber nearly cutting someone's foot off...
Later, the storm has only gotten worse as you all had put up tents. However, you could see something moving in the snow. Something fast.
Hiccup: "Use your dragons as extra protection from the wind!"
Something dashes behind Fishlegs, making him scream in terror as he runs to his tent.
Fishlegs: "It's the Snow Wraith!"
He whispers to himself that everything will be okay, only for something to grab his tent and dash off with it. Fishlegs screams in terror as Hiccup tells everyone to open fire, but no one knew what to fire at. So Hiccup instead told everyone to find something to take cover with.
Snotlout goes to run, but gets hit by something and is flung into a pile of snow. You all turn when you hear a roar and see something big and white land in front of Snotlout, almost blending into the area around you all.
Hiccup: "Whoa."
Y/n: "The Snow Wraith."
You take out your daggers as the Snow Wraith roars once again. However, instead of attacking, it only sniffs Snotlout.
Hiccup: "Toothless, warning shot."
Y/n: "What? No! Kill it!"
Toothless obeys Hiccup and fires a warning shot at the snow-white Dragon. It roars and takes off into the air as everyone else's Dragons open fire as well. However, it seemingly dissappears into the storm and Hiccup calls a cease fire. However, the Snow Wraith is far from finished and fires a blast at Astrid which knocks her off of her feet and she goes flying off a cliff. Thankfully, she grabs a rock to hold her up, but she wouldn't last forever.
Astrid: "Stormfly!"
The bird-like Dragon immediately rushes to her rider and stands on the edge of the cliff. She uses her tails spikes as a makeshift ladder for the braided blonde. Astrid climbs up her Dragon and back on the solid ground. Hiccup gets a bit angry and turns to his Night Fury.
Hiccup: "Alright, I've had enough of this Dragon. Do your thing, bud."
Toothless nods and uses his echolocation to search for the Snow Wraith. He finds it and Hiccup orders his best friend to fire at it, but the snow-white Dragon evades and dissappears into the snow storm.
Hiccup: "I think it's gone. Everybody okay? Everybody here?"
Ruffnut: "What do you mean by "here"?"
Snotlout: "I have a question, Hiccup. What exactly is your plan to get a Snow Wraith tooth? Take it out of one of our dead bodies?"
Tuffnut: "If all goes well, it'll be Ruffnut's dead body. And the Wraith tooth."
Hiccup sees Gothi scribbling something into the snow.
Hiccup: "Hold on. Everyone be quiet. Gothi wants to tell us something."
Fishlegs walks up to the message and translates it.
Fishlegs: "She says "We should've left when we had the chance"."
Fishlegs looks at all of you and a roar catches your attention. Then you turn to glare at Hiccup.
Y/n: "Warning shot"? A warning shot? What is wrong with you?!"
Hiccup: "What?'
You march up to the future chief of Berk.
Y/n: "You should've fired at it, not given it a warning! It was going to kill Snotlout!"
Hiccup: "Are you saying we should've killed it?"
Y/n: "Yes! Or hurt it to the point where it can't hurt us and take the tooth!"
Hiccup: "We don't kill Dragons! Let alone hurt them like that."
Y/n: "That thing wouldn't think twice of doing just that! It's a threat!"
Hiccup: "We can tame it! We don't need to kill it!"
Y/n: "And what if that's not an option?"
Hiccup: "We protect Dragons, not hurt them. When you're with us, you will follow our rules. Understand?"
You glared at Hiccup, and he glared back. Everyone around the two of you could feel the heat between the two of you, even through the cold. They all knew your dislike of Dragons, which made you basically the opposite of Hiccup. He loves and wants to protects Dragons, and you hate them and wouldn't care if you watched one got turned into some boots and a belt.
However, Snotlout speaks up to break the tension.
"So... that thing was gnarly."
Hiccup tore his gaze from you and to Snotlout. He softens his eyes and walks up to Astrid.
Hiccup: "Astrid, are you okay?"
Astrid: *shivering* "Yep. Barely..."
Fishlegs: "Hiccup, you know I want a shot at this as badly as you, but maybe we should get out of here. We're just sitting ducks in this storm."
You growl as you cross your arms, but Hiccup ignores it as he gets an idea.
Hiccup: "Fishlegs, what did you just say?"
Snotlout: "He said we're sitting ducks. And for once, I agree with him."
Hiccup: "Sitting ducks... Yes, yes! Yes, that's exactly what we need to be."
Astrid: "Excuse me."
Y/n: *sarcastically* "Yay! We already split up and searched for clues. What next? A trap?"
Hiccup: "Kinda. What if we could make the Snow Wraith think it sees us when we're not here?"
Tuffnut: "You can make yourself invisible? Why does he get to do all the cool stuff? I just have to sit here with you as a sister."
He turns to Ruffnut who glares at her twin.
Snotlout: "Will you two be quiet for ten seconds?!"
Hiccup: "Tuff's not that far off. Look, the Snow Wraith didn't have any trouble seeing us until Snotlout got buried in the snow. And Gothi said it couldn't find her when she fell into a snow bank. I think that's because it sees body heat in the same way Toothless can find things with sound. We'll use this to our advantage to confuse it. Then, while it's distracted, we'll net it and get that tooth."
Y/n: "I still think--"
You cross your arms and grumble to yourself as Astrid turns to Hiccup.
Astrid: "And you're sure it will work?"
Hiccup: "Uhh..."
Astrid: "Of course not."
Snotlout: "I hate you. You know that?"
Hiccup: "Yes, I am aware of that. Alright, gang, let's get to work."
At that, all of you began to make dummy versions of yourselves. Once you were finished, you all stood them up in the snow and Hiccup looked at them.
Hiccup: "Pretty good. Now, if I'm right, when we light these on fire, the Snow Wraith will think they're us and attack. Then we'll have the drop on it."
Snotlout: "Wait, wait, wait! Look at how realistically gorgeous my statue is. I can't in good conscience send that into flames."
You throw one of your daggers at Snotlout's statue and its head falls off. The stout viking looked at you with a bewildered and horrified look. You just shrug your shoulders.
Y/n: "There. Now you don't have to worry."
Fishlegs: "I think he's scarier than Astrid."
Fishlegs whispers to the twins and they nod in agreement. Then Hiccup tells Toothless to light to statues on fire with his plasma blasts. Snotlout looks sadly at his headless statue and takes his helmet off.
Snotlout: "Somewhere in the world, a silent tear was just cried."
You roll your eyes and just watch the fires burn in the distance.
Fishlegs: "Hiccup, I don't know of this--"
Something dashes through the air nearby, cutting Fishlegs off as Hiccup points at where he saw the Snow Wraith.
Hiccup: "Look! Next time it comes in, we go."
The Snow Wraith whizzes by and destroys Snotlout's statue, angering said Dragon Rider.
Snotlout: "Oh, no, you did not!"
Hookfang lights himself on fire, heating up the cave you and the Riders were in. You catch the sound of ice cracking and look up to the cave shaking. Toothless notices this as well and tackles Hiccup out of the cave. You run out after the two just as the cave fall into itself, blocking off the entrance and separating you and the others.
Y/n: "Well, that's just great!"
Hiccup: "Y/n, look out!"
You look up and duck just in time as the Snow Wraith swoops down at him. It then flies back into the storm as you stand back up and brandish your other dagger.
Y/n: "There's no way it could've seen in this kind of storm. It has to have some kind of heat vision of some sort."
Hiccup: "If it can see our body heat, the we are way too easy a target out here."
You and Hiccup look at each other and, even though you two were opposites, you had the same idea. You two and Toothless ran into the middle of the burning statues and you went up to grab you other dagger. Once you picked it up, you slowly backed up to be with Toothless and Hiccup again.
Hiccup: "This should even the odds a little. It won't be able to make us out within the heat of these fires." *to Toothless* "Do your thing, bud."
The Night Fury nods and begins to let out blast after blast of echolocation. However, he picks up nothing which made you put your guard up even more. Where could the Dragon be?
However, Toothless kept on firing off off echolocation while you just squinted your eyes at the storm. Something wasn't right. And that's when the Snow Wraith landed in front of you.
Y/n: "Hiccup!"
Said scrawny viking and his Dragon turn to see the Snow Wraith standing in front of you. You went to charge, only for Gothi to appear and run ahead of you first. Both you and Hiccup call out for her to stop. However, she doesn't listen and whacks the Dragon with her staff. You just growl and grip your daggers before charging with a yell and you jump over Gothi and on to the Snow Wraith.
You stab your daggers into its scales, making the Dragon scream in pain before it tries to buck you off as it throws Gothi aside.
Hiccup: "Toothless, plasma blast! And careful not to hit the crazy teen with a distaste for Dragons!"
Toothless obeys and fires at the Snow Wraith. He hits it right in the face and it roars in pain just before it finally bucks you off of it. You crash into the snow and roll across it as Gothi checks up on you. Then a fireball hits the Snow Wraith from another angle.
You all turn to see the rest of the Riders run toward you all as their Dragons surround the Snow Wraith.
Snotlout: "Oh, yeah, that's right. Snotlout got us out of the snow."
Astrid: "Yeah, and you're also the one that got us buried in it, too."
Snotlout: "Ah, details."
They all run back over to Hiccup as you and Gothi join them. Hiccup tells you all to get the tooth they need, only for the Snow Wraith to roar and then take off into the air.
Hiccup: "No! We lost him!"
Tuffnut: "Actually, he lost us."
Astrid: "Hiccup, we should get out of here while we can."
Hiccup: "Not yet. This isn't over."
Gothi taps on Hiccup's arm, but he brushes her off.
Hiccup: "Gang, we came here for a Snow Wraith and..." *Gothi taps him again* "I-I said wait a minute, Gothi!"
Gothi just raises her staff to show Hiccup the tooth lodged inside of it.
Hiccup: "Oh. Oh, a tooth. A tooth!"
Back on Berk, you and the Riders are at Gobber's blacksmith shop. He was asked about how it was to be Gothi for a day, which he said that it was nice, but he wasn't able to hit anyone with a staff. He got hit by Gothi because of that. Then Hiccup was given the Snow Wraith tooth and used it to unlock the Dragon Eye... only for nothing to happen.
Snotlout: "We almost died... for that?! No, there's gotta be more to it than this."
Hiccup: "This doesn't make any sense."
Tuffnut: "Trust me, nothing makes sense when you've got itchy teeth."
The blonde scratches his teeth again, making you shake your head in amusement. Then you pat Hiccup on the shoulder.
Y/n: "Better luck next time."
You walk off as Hiccup sighs and keeps on trying to figure out the Dragon Eye. He does this for hours, all the way to nighttime as he's seen in his room with Toothless.
Hiccup: "Alright." *yawns* "That's it, I'm calling it a night. Maybe tomorrow. Fresh eyes."
He sets the Dragon Eye on a stool and heads to bed as Toothless gets ready for bed. He heats up the stone slab he sleeps on, and as Hiccup nears his bed, he notices a purple glow coming from the Dragon Eye. He walks up to it and picks it up just as Toothless ceases his sleeping ritual and the glow fades from the Eye.
Hiccup: "Toothless, come here."
The dark scaled Dragon listens as he stands back on his feet and walks up to his rider.
Hiccup: "Do that again, bud. Give me a low flame."
He offers the Dragon Eye to Toothless who opens his jaws and ignites a fire inside his mouth. Hiccup gapes in awe as he sees everything projected on to his wall.
"This... changes... everything."
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