Mass murder boy(Fliqpy x Author-kun)
Nobody's POV
(A/N:Author's name) was watching happy tree friends double whammy she was fascinated about how much gore that was there(DON'T WATCH IT) she was young almost same age of kapow fliqpy(kapow fliqpy:16//Me:14)
She changes the DVD to happy tree friends kapow war Jornuel she was seeing and had a flashback again she pauses the show and goes drink some water "I need to stop having this flashbacks" She hears a laugh like fliqpy's 'oh no' she goes around the house to see if he was there cause she liked him she goes to her room and see fliqpy reading her fan fiction books of him and her "geeze didn't knew a young girl like you had a crush on a mass murder like me" He says in a deep tone (A/N) was frozen she didn't knew he would appear "so. (A/N) tell me more about this." He says giving her a book she made of them as a couple (A/N) blushes deep red like the bear's eyes he laughs "well a shy girl we have here?" (A/N) didn't know how to react since she had a crush on him he looks deep on her eyes and see a shine through them he pins her on the wall like a animal to he's prey "f-fliqpy wait! I can see it's all a misunderstanding!" Fliqpy smiles and kisses (A/N) she melts into it feeling a knife on her back they break the kiss as (A/N) takes a breath the bear giggles a bit at her "out of all girls you are the prettiest" (A/N) blushes harder cause she was never called pretty only fatty and other slurs. She hugs him as a result of love but he needs to go they go down stairs as fliqpy puts her on the sofa "you promise that you'll come to visit me fliqpy?" "Yes my dear" He says kissing (A/N)'s lips than her hand and enters the tv show again ending the tiger general and looking at (A/N) with a huge smile. (A/N) turns the tv off and goes pick a cup and a bottle of water like she always do and sees a fliqpy plush saying 'for my dear princess a plush of me to you if you hug it I'll feel it don't worry about kissing you can kiss it too with love:fliqpy' (A/N) picks the plush and carries to her room with the bottle and the cup she knew he would come back for sex or more kisses she knows him... A lot....
Author-kun:oml I'm so sorry but he was my first crush I needed to do this ;;;;----;;;;)
Fliqpy:it's nice to see you loved me
Author-kun:y-yeah I did.
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