[SECTION: Enamor + Kim Yejin]
"No you're not doing that right, okay wait let me do it-"
"Mei, please if you correct me one more time I will throw this freshly made batch of cookies into the garbage can right now," Kina said with a small frown as she got her frosting piper taken away by the younger girl who quickly made work at correcting the already put on frosting.
"You can't just throw out the cookies Kina, they're for the trainees." Yewon walked into the kitchen, crossing her arms with a small frown, her twin sister Yejin walking beside her. "If you did that, we'll look like liars because we promised-"
"I'm not actually going to throw them away twinnie, Anastasia will have my head if we don't bring these cookies out."
"So will like majority of the trainees, we were promised Mei and Kina's famous chocolate chip cookies, we're all expecting those cookies." Yejin adds with a small shrug as she lets a hand wrap after her sister's shoulders.
"I want to add that I never promised anything, this is on you Ki- I don't know why I'm doing the work here-"
"You took the frosting away from me Mei!"
"Okay why do I hear yelling from in here?" A voice entered the kitchen grabbing the attention of the four girls who all turned their heads.
Kina pouted, putting on her best 'sad puppy' eyes as she walked over and took the oldest member into an embrace.
"Mei is being mean to me and not letting me help with the cookies," Kina told the Enamor leader who only chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully. "Yell at her!"
"I'm not going to yell at Mei-"
"Yah! Then what's the point of a leader?" Kina said pushing the leader away gently in order to cross her arms in frustrating.
"To remind you that we have practice in an hour so hurry up with your baking so we can all go to the building together. Oh Yejin you're here?" Jihyo said patting the pouting girl's head who only shook her head and went towards to help Mei Na with the frosting.
"Yeah, I slept in Yewon's bed because Iseul keeps sleep talking and I just couldn't handle it." Yejin said with a frown putting her head on her sister's shoulder with a small whine.
"Can't you just put like earbuds on or something?" Kina asked with a raised eyebrow looking back at the twins.
"I could but then I would miss Mei yelling at you for messing up breakfast in the morning." Yejin responded back right away making Kina pout and squint her eyes towards Mei who only drags a finger of icing onto Kina's nose which said girl tries and licks off.
Jihyo only laughed softly as she rolled her eyes, walking over to the refrigerator and taking out a container of sliced fruits, opening the top and eating a kiwi she picked out.
"Okay well you two have 20 minutes to finish up, get ready and we're leaving to the building because I'll rather not be yelled at for going into practice late." Jihyo says walking out of the kitchen with the fruit, both twins taking a piece of fruit as the leader walked past them.
[SECTION: Yang Haeun, Kobayashi Hiroya, Park Haru, Park Sunmi, Lee Miyoung, An Xuân Lan, Shén Yuèxīn]
"Haeun please? Please? I swear I will never ask you for anything else in the world if you do this one thing for me-"
"I'm not doing that Hiroya," the girl says flat out as she frowns and shakes her head, opening the door to the practice room where some of the youngest trainees sit, making her way over to them. "And that's that."
"I never get anything around here," the Japanese boy frowns saying in his native tongue and sits down next to a few of the trainees who just finished a practice session and were all either drinking water and trying to catch their breath.
"Haru, what did he say? Is he talking about me?" Haeun asked the youngest male trainee who widened his eyes as he sighed after drinking from his water.
"No he's complaining," Haru said with a small shrug of his shoulder making Haeun roll her eyes and glare at the Japanese boy who was still sulking.
"You two act more like siblings then the actual siblings in this company." Sunmi butts into the conversation as she bends her upper body down in order to stretch.
Haeun groans as she lets her hand grab onto the Japanese's boys hair and pull on it, not hard enough to hurt but that didn't stop Hiroya from whining.
"Ow ow ow! Haru stop her please-"
"Haru if you stop me this will be your faith too!"
Haru frowned as he sat in his spot looking between the two then turning to the girls around him who only shook their heads as if to signal the boy not to get involved.
"As fun as it is watching Haeun almost rip your hair out Hiroya, I'll help you out." Miyoung says as he finally gets up from her seat and towards the pair to pull away the girl's hand from the boy's hair. "But leave Haeun alone before I get Hikari-unni in here!"
"You wouldn't dare!-"
"Uh huh I will, I love chaos and you know that." Miyoung says with a smug look and shrugging her shoulders as Haeun gets up with Sunmi and Hiroya stays frowning rubbing his sore head and laying it on Haru's shoulder who can only pay the boy's back to comfort him. "Plus she already knows about that little cru-"
"I'm going to tell Jongsu that you were the one who stole that sweater he's been going crazy trying to find if you finish that sentence!" Hiroya hurriedly says to cut the girl off as all the trainees in the room turn to them.
"Oh you mean about your crush on Hikari-unni-"
"JONGSU-HYUNG-" the Japanese boy yells as he rushes to get up quickly and run out of the room, Miyoung whining as he screams and chases after the boy.
"You think Jongsu will be upset when he realizes that she also lost it after she stole it?" Sunmi asks as her and Haeun stand in front of Haru who only looks up at the two and shrugs his shoulder.
"I need more friends.." Haru mumbles in Japanese as he finally gets up and towards the practice room's speakers.
"Haru, can you put the song we've been working on?" Xuân Lan asks with a tilted head as she stands with Yuèxīn and Sunmi. The boy nods as he connects his phone and turns the song on.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[LEFT TO RIGHT: Shén Yuèxīn, An Xuân Lan, Park Sunmi]
"Can you teach me that actually?" Haru asked in awe after he finished his round of applause making the girls who just finished dancing laugh and nod their heads.
"I thought you were learning a dance with Wenjie?" Sunmi asked as Haru only nodded and switched the music, repeating the song and Xuân Lan practicing it again, this time solo.
"I was but he got sick so he's currently in his dorm with Hyeon-hyung looking after him and by looking after him, I mean hyung is making him soup and then playing video games and ignoring him." Haru said with a small shrug.
"Aw poor Wenjie, we should go up there and make him like tea or something," Sunmi smiles as Haru nods. "Okay come on, we'll be back guys!" The girl exclaims as she holds onto the younger boy's hand and drags him out of the practice room.
"The fact Haru is the youngest trainee so he's stuck with like all girls when we divide by ages is still so funny to me," Haeun comments with a laugh making the remaining girls laugh along.
[SECTION: Enamor + Kim Yejin, Anastasia Petrova, Kim Dahyeon, Yamaguchi Hikari, Lee Miyoung, Kobayashi Hiroya, and Lee Jongsu]
"Rather around you little rascals," Kina announces as she walks into the practice room with a large plate of cookies and her other 5 members, alongside Yejin, grabbing everyone's attention who turn their heads. "Come get the best cookies in Korea!"
"If that smell is not catfishing, I am going to be one very very happy girl," Anastasia says happily as she gets up and quickly rushes along with the other trainees to grab a cookie, biting into it and dramatically spinning in her spot. "Ah please! I'm in heaven."
As the others trainee start to take their own bites, the room filling with a joyful aura as many of them are having their first food of the day early into the afternoon.
"Please, I feel like I'm eating a warm hug," Dahyeon says smiling as she finishes up the cookie in her hand and turns to look at Kina and Mei. "We need to know the recipe-"
"Nope! A baker shall never reveal their secrets to anyone-"
"I'll write it down for you," Mei cuts off Kina who frowns and whips her head to the younger girl who only laughs and shakes her head as she takes the now empty tray from Kina's hands.
"Reina-ah, did you hear the new song yet?" Hikari asked as she walked over to the girl and handed her the cookie in her hand that Reina happily ate and shook her head. "Really? It was Zyran and Anastasia's. HQ Station staff just released like recently."
"I haven't- I've been working on a few things with my members so I haven't really gotten around to Station releases. If Zyran is on it though- I'm not surprised it'll turn out good." Reina says with a small shrug.
"Oh what are you worki-"
"Jongsu-hyung!" An exclamation was heard and the door was rushed opened as two figures entered the room looking for a particular boy. Hiroya rushes as he finally catches Jongsu near the back of the room. "Hyung!-"
Miyoung rushes right behind him, grabbing onto the boy's hair like Haeun did earlier and pulling it making him whine as he looked at the girl's older brother.
"Yah Miyoung you're hurting him," Jongsu says frowning as he gets up from leaning on the wall and takes his younger sister's hand away from the boy's hair. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"You remember that sweater-"
"Hiroya is totally crushing on Hikari-"
"Miyoung was the one who took it! And she even lost it!" Hiroya says louder covering Miyoung's mouth with his hand and looking around the room, turning a crimson red as he spotted the older Japanese girl.
"Wait Miyoung- I've been looking for that sweater for months!" Jongsu said with a frown as the girl removed the hand from her mouth and hugged her brother.
"If it makes you feel better, now we're both looking for it!"
"Miyoung." The older male says firmly making the younger girl only frown more and tighten her grip on her brother as he pats her head.
"Did you know about that?" Reina asked leaning towards Hikari as the conversation was loud enough for the two to hear.
"I knew, but I think it's adorable. He's too young for me, but I like to think about it like I'm his first 'idol' crush." Hikari says with a small laugh as she walks over to Hiroya who is avoiding looking at her. "Hiroya come on, you wanna go for some sushi? I have plans with the other Japanese trainees." Hikari asked in Japanese, the boy nodding his head as he turned to look at Miyoung hugging her brother still before the both of them left.
"Am I forgiven?" Miyoung asked as she looks up at Jongsu and pulls away, he only sighs and nods his head. "Listen I was going to ret-"
"Nope, don't talk about it and buy me lunch instead. Come on, I know about the money mom sends you weekly so you can't even say you have no money on you." Jongsu says with a small chuckle as he guides the girl out of the room who only whines about spending her own money.
[SECTION: Han Bitgaram, Zyran Alterium, Choi Jaewoo, and Lee Soojin]
"So HQ Spotlight?" Soojin asked with a raised eyebrow as she leaned back on her chair and spun it to turn to the three boys in the room who all nodded their heads.
"One of the trainees had came up with it and from what I know, requested it to CEO-nim himself and he thought it was a great idea." Jaewoo explained as he moved around a few sounds nodding his head as he clipped on begin and the beats filled the room. "What are we thinking?"
"It's nice, put more bass on it though," Bitgaram added as he leaned towards the button himself, turning it and nodding along as the melody kept playing and the others nodding at it. "See, sounds better. Actually if we go with this one I might have someone in mind we can use for vocals-"
"Me? You're talking about me?" Soojin asked jokingly as Bitgaram rolled his eyes and smiled towards her.
"As amazing as your vocals are Soojin-"
"Oh so we're lying now?" Zyran added jokingly making Jaewoo laugh and forced Soojin to throw the notebook she was holding at him only making Zyran laugh and hand the book back to her.
"I was thinking like Yehyeon or Heejin- oh Heejin would actually work so well on this track." Bitgaram said as he hummed to the beat and wrote down a few things on his own notebook.
"Okay but going back to the whole HQ Spotlight thing, from what I gathered CEO-nim is choosing a trainee or idol himself as kind of like an 'artist of the month' type of thing and they'll preform and get uploaded or something along those lines." Jaewoo explained as he lowered the volume of the song playing in the studio but getting a nudge from Bitgaram to turn it back as the boy wrote down some lyrics.
"That's actually kind of cool," Soojin said nodding her head and crossing her arms. "Do we know or have any guesses as to who?"
"My money is on an Enamor girl, I mean wouldn't it make sense since they're the only current idols so they have more material they're working out and producing." Zyran said as he laid down on the couch in the studio covering his eyes with his forearm trying to relax. "I bet 5 bucks it's Harin. I mean that girl's voice."
"I bet you those 5 that it's Jihyo." Jaewoo added turning to the boy who uncovered his eyes to look at him.
"If we're betting money, I'm going with Reina." Bitgaram says with a small shrug not looking up from his lyrics on the page, mumbling as he comes up with more.
"You guys are all going to owe me money because it's going to be Mei Na obviously." Soojin shrugs as she spins softly on the chair she's in. "Okay but if we're all wrong and it's like Zyran or something," she says stopping her spins to look at Zyran as the other two boys look at him as well.
The room falls quiet for a second before laughing loudly making Zyran roll his eyes and fall back on the couch covering his eyes.
"Sometimes you are funny Soojin," Jaewoo says still recovering from his laughing but letting out a soft groan as he fells a notebook connect with the top of his head in a loud smack. "Ow! That was a compliment-"
a little shorter than my usual chapters but I just want to show some cute little moments between the trainees/idols!
favorite part??
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