Fred: Do any of you know how to play the trumpet?🎺
Me: No, and why?
Gorge: We wanna wander around the dungeons and annoy the Slytherins.
Harry: Technically you don't need to know how to play to do that.
The twins: * Grain at each other. *
Me: I can join you with my fiddle and Bunny with her guitar!
Harry: You play the fiddle?
Me: I'm learning too and I'm not that bad.
Bunny: Yeah!
Draco: God help me.
James: Fun! Can I join?
Sirius: Me too!
Remus and Lily: No!
James and Sirius: Awwwww.
Bunny: * Whispers to James and Sirius. * You can join. Don't listen to the fun haters.
Remus: I heard that!
Bunny: Damm werewolf hearing!
Lily: I swear I don't know why I even became friends with you two.
James: Because love us?
Lily: No that's not it.
Remus: I'm lucky. I didn't marry into the crazy.
James and Sirius: Hay!
Lily: Yeah your right. Marry Sirius and I'll call it even.
Remus: No why in hell.
Bunny: I love this place best Vacation ever!
Sirius: Hurtful.
Remus: 🙄
Lily: Fine then you have to deal with both of them for a week.
Remus: What do think I used to do every day well going here?
Lily: Looks like we both got the short end of the sick.
Harry: What the hell is going on?
Me: Mom and Remus are agreeing that they should have made friends with other people.
Adam: And it just gets wired the longer I have to be here.
Me: Yep!
Sharptoth: * FLys in and drops a letter for me. *
Me: *Picks it up and opens it. * Thanks boy. Have a treat. * Pulls a small fish out of my pocket and tosses it to him. *
Sharpttoth: * Eats it and flies off. *
Ron: You carry dead fish in your pockets?
Me: Yeah, so?
Harry: That explains the small.
Me: Oh piss off. * Reads the letter. *
Bunny: Sooo who is going to get tortured today?
Me: Remus.
Remus: Damm it.
Tonks: Stop whineing.
Me: I wouldn't be getting sassy if I was you.
Tonks: * Death glares me. *
Sirius and James: * Burst out laughing. *
Remus and Tonks: Zip it! * Slap Sirius and James upaide the head. *
Me: So if you didn't guess the ship is Tomus.
Sirius and James: * Still laughing. *
Me: Thoughts?
Harry: Isn't there a 13-year age difference?
Me: Yeah, but I can't judge since there my aunt and uncle have a 14-year age gap.
Harry: It's kind of weird.
Me: We have seen worse ships.
Harry: Name one?
Me: You and Draco
Harry: Good point. I'm going to have to sink this one.
Ron: Same with Harry.
Hermione: 5/10.
Luna Ginny and Neville: We don't know them so sink.
Cho and Pansy: Don't care!
Dobby and Armina: Ship.
Remus: 🤦
Martial and Theodore: Sink.
The twins: Ship!
James and Sirius: Ship!
Bunny: Ship!
Tonks: My cousin is an idiot.
Remus: You have no idea.
Snape: Sink. I don't care.
Lily: Ship.
Remus: Lily!
Lily: So sue me!
Tonks: 🤦♀️
Voldemort and Bellatrix: Sink. Can we leave yet?!
Me: Piss off!
Adam: Ship I guess.
Cedric: Same.
Me: So that is I'm guessing 7 and a half ships and 12 sinks. This ship sinks. And heres the pituer.
( Picture of them kissing. )
Remus: I swear you kids get a kick out of torturing me.
Sirius and James: * Burst out laughing. *
Tonks: * Facepalms. * I'm surrounded by idiots!
Lily: Join the club sister.
Tonks: If that means I have to marry one of those idiots then you're on your own.
Lily: Touché.
Bunny: * Coughs. * Wilber. * Coughs. *
Me: Please excuse my sister, she is an idiot.
Bunny: Hay!
Neville: I have a question.
Me: Speak.
Bunny: You got these boys wrapped around your finger don't you?
Me: Yeah.
Neville: * Rolls eyes. * How do you get these ships sent here?
Me: Oh, that. Well, you see I used the coins that we used to communicate with the other DA members and told them what I was doing here. So then wight me a letter with an idea for a ship, I do it.
Luna: And the pictuers?
Me: They drew them up and sent them to me.
Harry: But then how do people know what we are doing?
Me: Simple. After they send us a ship we react to it then I write it down and publish it online.
Hermione: How?! Muggle tech doesn't work around Hogwarts!
Me: We are in the room of requirements. I require internet to have this work. So it works here and a few other places in the school.
Hermione: * Shocked. *
Me: Yeah, us Rasvenclaws be crazy.
Draco: You go through a lot of work to torment us.
Bunny: Ferret's don't talk. So shut up stupid.
Me: Burn!
Hermione: But how does the internet work in different parts of the castle outside this room?! It's impossible!
Me: There's no such thing as im-POSSIBLE, Hermione, only im-PROBABLE. The only thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination.
Bunny: Nerd.
Hermione: Dammit. She's got a point.
Me: So now on to the other part of this.
Remus: Nope. * Trying to leave the room. *
Me: 3 2 1.
Remus: * Falls back into the room. * Ow.
Lily: You think being the smartest of the three stooges would give you an advantage.
Remus: * Gets up. * Ha ha ha. Very funny Lily.
Me: Now I see how I take after my mom.
Tonks: let's make this quick.
Remus: Agreed. * Kisses Tonks. *
Tonks: * Puls away busling. *😳
Remus: * Blushing. * 😳
Sirius and James: * Laughing. *
Remus and Tonks: Zip it!
Harry: * Whispers to me. * Can I change my vote?
Me: * Whispers. * No sorry.
Sirius and James: * Still laughing. *
Remus: Go to hell. * Death glare. *
Me: See ya guys! * Spins the ship wheel. *
( Later. )
James: So we agree Remus is head over heels for Tonks right?
Sirius: Yep. There's just one problem.
James: What?
Sirius: Tonks is my cousin and Remus is my best friend. So do I kick his ass or not if he upsets her?
James: Um..... I don't know.
Sirius: Not the first time.
James: Oh shut it dog breath!
Sirius: You first Bamie!
Lily from the other room: * Yelling. * Shut up the both of you!
Sirius and James: * Shut up. *
James: So are we going to try to get them together?
Sirius: Yep!
(Wilber from "Meet the Robinsons.")
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