Me and Harry: * Dueling. *
Me: * Ducks. * For the love of god! Aim! Stupefy!
Harry: * Barly misses the spell. * I am!
Sirius: Your kid isn't that good at this is he?
James: He is!
Harry: Thank you! And I am!
Ginny: If you want to win this thing try and fight. Amelia isn't going to go easy on you because you are her brother so don't go easy on her.
Harry: I don't want to hurt her.
Me: Weak. Locomotor Wibbly!
Harry: * Falls and drops his wand. *
Me: * Points wand at him. *
James: She fights like her mom.
Remus: Not true. Lily used to hit you.
Harry: * Going to reach for his wand. *
Me: I know what you're thinking. You've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?
Harry: What?
Me: What? Do you not know what movie that's from?
Harry: No. Should I?
Me: * Sighs and truns around. * Come on. We are going to watch a movie.
Harry: OK. * About to get up. *
Me: * Points wand over shoulder. * Flipendo!
Harry: * Goes flying into the wall. * Ow! What the hall was that for?!
Me: * Slowly truns around. * I said that line and you expected me not to shoot?
Hermione: You boys really need to watch some muggle movies before you get yourselves killed.
James: My kid fights dirty.
Me: Oh, god, he's making dad jokes. 🙄
Sirius: Not cool Prongs. I make the jokes you make the puns and Remus rolls his eyes at us.
( After the movie. )
Neville: I didn't understand half of it.
Me: That's because you are innocent. Never change.
Neville: I am not that innocent.
Me: Raise your hand here if you think Neville is innocent.
Everyone but Neville: * Raises hand. *
Neville: Oh, come on.
Luna: * Raises Nevilles hand for him. *
Me: That's that you are innocent.
Sharptooth: * Flys in wearing a pink glittery coat. *
Me: Oh, poor thing! Who did this to you?! * Takes the coat off of him. * Hay! This is the coat I made you! Who ruined it?!
Neville: Why was he wearing a coat in the first place?
Me: He gets cold having to fly everywhere.
Ron: He's a dragon! He should be used to flying everywhere!
Sharptooth: * Hiss at Ron gives me the letter and flies over to his dog bed. *
Ron: That explains it. You spoil him!
Me: I do not! * Sets the letter down. * Now if you don't mind I have to go make Sharptooth a new coat. * Leaves the room. *
Ron: How the fuck does she not see it?
Adam: She's an animal lover mate. She gets that little dragon better gifts at random than she gets for me on Christmas.
Bunny: * Sarcasm. * Don't cry.
Harry: Let's just see what ship it is today. * Opens the letter and reads it. * Oh, Amelia isn't going to like this.
Luna: She better not be getting ship with anyone again. She hates that.
Ginny: Yeah. She hexed Bunny for that last one.
Bunny: Fuck off carrot top.
Ginny: You want to go fangs?!
Cdeirc: Oh god. 🤦
Harry: No it's not her.
Me: * Walks back in with the brown coat. *
Ron: That dragon is spoiled rotten I tell you.
Hermonie: You're just mad that Sharptooth is more of chickmagont than you.
Harry: Burn!
Ron: Hay! Oh, come on! You guys too!
James Sirius and Remus: * Laughing. *
Tonks: * Giggleing. *
Lily: * Smiling. *
Snape: Five pointe to Griffendor Miss Granger.
Hermonie: Thank you proffer.
Ron: 😧
Me: So Harry what's the ship?
Harry: It's from one Miss Enid who says she a fan and has a ship for us.
Bunny: Enid!? That explains the cote! Now give me that! * Takes it. *
Bunny: * Smirks. * Amelia x Hermione!!!
Luna: I thought you said it wasn't her this time?
Harry: I lied, so what?
Me: You know that old muggle saying about liars?
Harry: Yeah.
Me: * Makes a fireball. * Run.
Harry: Oh shit! * Runs off. *
Me: * Runs after him. * Get back here Potter! I swear I will kill you!
James: And to think you were scared both of them would end up like me. But nope! Amelia acts like you alright!
Lily: Shut up right now Potter.
James: * Sighs and shuts up. *
Sirius: Should we stop them?
Remus: Yes.
Sirius: How?
Remus: How did we stop Lily from chasing James?
James: You didn't.
Remus: Oh. . . Well, then I have no idea.
Ginny: You two know what to do.
Neville: On it. * Walks off. *
Luna: Amelia!
Me: * Stops for a second. * What?!
Neville: * Walks over and dumps water over me. *
Me: * Spits out some of the water. * Thank you. * Throws a fireball at Harry anyway. *
Harry: * Yelps and jumps out of the way. *
Draco: * Smiles. *
Me: So today's ship Herlia. Yippee. * Havey scarem. *
Hermione: Sink and burn this one.
Me: Yeah. If this ship was a person I would feed it to a wendigo.
Cedric: I doubt you could find one around here.
Me: * Mutters. * Well this is stupid.
Cedric: What?
Me: * Shapeshifts into a wendigo*
Harry: Holy shit! * Falls back from shock. * That's what those things look like?!
Everyone but Bunny: * Slightly scared. *
Bunny: * Used to this shit. * Sis could you turn back? Seeing a ribcage and organs is making me a little hungry.
Me: * Nods and truns back. * Ow!
Harry: * Still shocked. * Are you ok? * Slowly waking towards me. *
Me: God Harry I'm not going to bite. I'm not a real Wendigo. Besides, even if I was getting bitten by a wendigo wouldn'tturn me into one.
Harry: So are you ok?
Me: * Rolls eyes and truns to Remus. * It must really suck being a werewolf you people look at you like that.
Remus: * Nods. *
Harry: I wasn't scared!
Me: And my skin is blue. But yes I am fine. Just haven't practiced turning into something that big in a while. So sick or ship?!
Harry: Sink.
Ron: SINK!
Luna Ginny and Neville: Sink.
Dobby and Armina: Sink ms Amelia.
Martial and Theodore: Sink.
Adam: I'm sinking this one. You both are the smartest witches of your age I have ever met. But you have too many conflicting beliefs to be more than friends. Besides Amelia couldn't fall in love if her life depended on it.
Me: Say that again see what happens. * Glares. *
Adma: I'm not falling for that. * Shuts up. *
Cedric: Same as what Adam said.
Me: * Starts humming take me to church. *
Cedric: * Lightly slaps me upside the head. * * Mutters. * Shut up.
Me: * Snickers. *
Bellatrix and Voldemort: Can we leave?!
Me: You two are as pleasant as the bubonic plague. ☠️🐀
Bunny: That's rude to say about the plague.
Me: * Nods. *
Cho and Pansy: Don't care!
Me: * Truns to Bellatrix and Voldemort. * Take them with you on your way out after this is over.
Voldemort: Do I look like a babysitter to you?!
Me: Not a fun one.
Bellatrix: * Trying to stifle a laugh. *
Sirius: Holy carp it is human.
Bellatrix: 🖕
Bunny: You don't have to take them, I can suck their blood and leave them out back. * Joke. *
Sirius: God I missed this.
James: Same.
Lily: I'm going to sink this one.
Tonks: Same.
Me: So it's a sink! Thank god!
Bunny: I am shipping it to piss everyone else off.
Me: I hate you.
Bunny: Love you too.😘
Fred and George: Same as Bunny.
Me: God I hate you two some days.
Fred and George: No you don't.
Me: 🙄
( Pictuer of Luna and Hermonie )
Hermonie: That's the same pic you used for me and Luna.
Me: What? We don't have any pictures.
Hermonie: True. * Nods. *
Me: So that's it for today! Bye! * Walks out of the room. *
Everyone but me: 😐
Bunny: * Heavey sighs. * Amelia get back here! * Flys out of the room. *
Me from the other room: Catch me bitch! * Truns into a cheetah and runs off. *
Bunny from the other room: Game on motherfucker! * Flays after me. *
Harry: Offf! 😣
Ron: The bloody hell was that?!
Me from the other room: Sorry professor!
Hermonie: The sound of lost house points.
Bunny: * Dragging me in by my hair. * Stop being a baby!
Me: Let go your blood-sucking caveman!!! I have rights!
Bunny: It's cute you think that. * Let's go. *
Me: I'm going to put silver in your bed when you are sleeping.
Bunny: Save it for the court.
Me: * Huffs. *
Hermonie: * Sighs. *
Me: * Kisses her cheek. * Done! I'm out! * Spins the wheel and walks off. *
Neville: Well today was wired. And that's saying something. Bye, folks!
Bunny: * Screams and scares Neville. Laughing. *
Me: * Throws a cup at Bunny hitting her in the head. *
Bunny: Ow! That was silver you bitch!
Me: Don't scare him!
Bunny: Fuck off! It's either I scare people or eat them.
Me: * Facepalms. * Bye guys. * Havey sigh. *
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